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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby LegBarnes » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:51 pm

OneHotRed wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I want Torres babies! :) :bowdown  :buttrock

Your woodgate looked a pile of today thank you don't run the club.  :sleepy:

Woodgate from Boro? He was their man of the match - Voted in the game and on the TV  :Oo:

Are you for real he was shocking just seen the match he was absent on all goals shocking.
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Postby LegBarnes » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:54 pm

OneHotRed wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I want Torres babies! :) :bowdown  :buttrock

Your woodgate looked a pile of today thank you don't run the club.  :sleepy:

Woodgate from Boro? He was their man of the match - Voted in the game and on the TV  :Oo:

No woodgate from spurs you muppet !  :blush:
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Postby Ace Ventura » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:54 pm

OneHotRed wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:
OneHotRed wrote:
rafa09 wrote:WE WON 3 PTS. Some of you on this forum are never happy.I don,t care how we play as long as we win. How many times have mange and chavski done that? Do you hear them moaning when they win? If you don,t back LFC in these dark times, :censored: OFF and go and support someone else.

See here in lies the problem - We all KNOW we won, but sometimes for some people it would be nice to see a performance to go along with a result, thats all thats been said here, we didnt deserve anything today.

If it was a one off thing maybe, but the warning signs of this have been here all through the pre-season and Liege game.

we ALL back LFC here (99% the odd WUM) and if you have the attitude of "not caring how we play" you go go :censored: yourself right back - Thats not Liverpool, play with pride and heart, i think your confusing us with Chelsea as the way your wanting us to play is very much Mourinho, which game in the finals of the CHamps lge  did you switch to LFC? after the Garcia goal?

I dont think for one moment this lad/girl is like that,they have probably supported the club for years.

What they might not understand about people being disappointed (despite a win) is that we are worried about how performances as well as results breed confidence.
We look awful, hopefully that is temporary but it doesnt look great so far.
Lets hope this was a case of we dug ourselves out of a poor performance and nicked the 3 points but i am not so sure.

Sorry ace i just dont like being told to go and support someone else after

1.  My team had played so bad the last few games im anxious about the coming season (having the league again is my dream)

2. He's been registered since July

Thats a fair point but on a forum you will hear it time and again mate, its like a stick to beat you with, as if it makes you less of a supporter to be concerned after a win.

I am worried at the moment despite the win, but will like most recent seasons sit here with baited breath hoping that we surprise us all.

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Postby OneHotRed » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:56 pm

LegBarnes wrote:
OneHotRed wrote:
LegBarnes wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I want Torres babies! :) :bowdown  :buttrock

Your woodgate looked a pile of today thank you don't run the club.  :sleepy:

Woodgate from Boro? He was their man of the match - Voted in the game and on the TV  :Oo:

Are you for real he was shocking just seen the match he was absent on all goals shocking.

Yea he was voted MoM - Thing is though look what hes playing with as backup - so many times he had to cover left and rigt backs and dawson aswell when he kept falling over while trying to kick it etc
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:00 am

Good result for LFC. Performance, especially first half wasnt great but lets look at things for how they are. Pre season matches have mostly been played with reserve team players in order for us to see who is ready and who isnt. We havent played a consistent team to get the "togetherness" that was needed. Although we have done poorly in the two games we havent conceded a goal and whatever the performance today 1 game - 1 win. We'll pick up momentum. Im happy we won, roll on Middlesborough.
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Postby red37 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:06 am

Early days and far too premature to be seriously worried. Yet.

But today the words 'abject' and 'underwhelming' fortunately resulted in 3 very useful points. On another day however...

I havn't seen such a lack of cohesion and endevour, especially first half since - well, since last Wednesday. The introduction of Alonso and the removal of Keane were instrumental in this most welcome, yet uninspiring victory. Albeit a fairly tough fixture in some fairness you cannot have expected the maximum haul based on the proceedings witnessed in truth. Torres clearly had ideas of his own - as i was settling for a dour stalemate a while before the lad saved the bacon.

In essence much room for improvement all round. Of which there will of course be plenty. There'll have to be.

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Postby tonyeh » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:32 am

Well, thank god for that (or Fernando Torres as he's better known). Strange game though. Sunderland were by far the better team in the first half and they look much better than they did last season. By contrast, Liverpool look weaker than last season (yep, I know it's early). Second half, Liverpool seemed to get into a better attacking form, but the goal really came from nowhere.

All in all...a valuable first 3 points on the board, but there's a lot of gelling to be done.

Alonso was class (as has been mentioned) and it's a worry that he's up for sale. Benny and Kuyt were very weak tonight. Kuyt could have fired one in at one stage but faffed about and then decide to pass it to Gerrard. I think that lad is scared of the goalmouth now. Keane was very poor too.

Anyway...happy with the win as are the team I'd imagine.

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Postby Number 9 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:14 am

red37 wrote:Early days and far too premature to be seriously worried. Yet.

But today the words 'abject' and 'underwhelming' fortunately resulted in 3 very useful points. On another day however...

I havn't seen such a lack of cohesion and endevour, especially first half since - well, since last Wednesday. The introduction of Alonso and the removal of Keane were instrumental in this most welcome, yet uninspiring victory. Albeit a fairly tough fixture in some fairness you cannot have expected the maximum haul based on the proceedings witnessed in truth. Torres clearly had ideas of his own - as i was settling for a dour stalemate a while before the lad saved the bacon.

In essence much room for improvement all round. Of which there will of course be plenty. There'll have to be.

Hopefully im right and "cohesion" in your post means the team playing together as a unit....If I am well there was none of it!
If "endavour" represents effort yet again I agree!
Im fu'king fed up with players pulling on that precious shirt and disgracing it...Things need sorted out!
No more from Rafa"We willl train and work hard"
Personally I dont give a flying fuk how hard they it on the pitch,thats where it matters Rafa..not in Mellwood!
Next up M'boro at Anfield...No excuse for anything  other than a categoric win will do!
Train hard win hard beat them hard!! :buttrock
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Postby Simari » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:20 am

Finally, an away win to start the season  :D

Just need to keep digging out wins like these from what would surely have been a dreaded draw.

2nd half was much better. Alonso reminded us of his class from the first 2 years. I just hope he can continue in this vein. This is the sort of performance we've missed from him.

Hopefully that is the last time Keane gets in Torres' way also :)

I'm just glad that we secured a win after that dire, dire performance at Liege.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:40 am

A win is a win.

Yeah, Sunderland put up a fight, but it's only the first game.

In a few weeks, Sunderland will realise that they are Sunderland and will further realise that they are shyte.

We caught them on a day where they were excited.

After all, it's a time of the season where Bolton can lead the Premiership.
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Postby skatesy » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:51 am

I really don't think Keane was poor. Truthfully he just did not have much action however when he did have the ball he did do something with it, most notably when he volleyed the ball down and had a shot on net. Sure there was the bump into Torres but I do not think that you can blame one person over the other as it was a miscommunication between BOTH of them.
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:01 am

skatesy wrote:I really don't think Keane was poor. Truthfully he just did not have much action however when he did have the ball he did do something with it, most notably when he volleyed the ball down and had a shot on net. Sure there was the bump into Torres but I do not think that you can blame one person over the other as it was a miscommunication between BOTH of them.

All I begrudge about Keane is the amount we paid for him. He will come good, and he will prove to be a good signing when you compare him to the partnerships we have had previously. Once that first Anfield game is out of the way and he experiences the supporters at home, his character and quality will show through. However, for me at least, he will have a few "off" games, the price we paid for him isnt down to the player, its down to the manager, come the end of the season we will be happy with Keane, but still questioning the price rafa paid.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:06 am

Firstly  :buttrock  Crucial win, had Torres not produced the unexpected it would've been a massive blow to our confidence, because frankly, the performance was very poor.

First half with the crowd buoyant; they were compact, organised, and pressed very well. We were simply trying to get a foothold in the game, but we couldn't. I thought Dossena was poor again, he failed to block yet another cross, and he failed to do anything to stop Diouf (IIRC) get a head on the ball. It's worrying that he seems to be inept in the air, and generally seems to lack most defensive attributes, although it's very early days and with games and confidence he may show significantly more. I thought a combination of their pressing, and our deficiencies in the wide areas - again - especially in respect of Kuyt and Benayoun, led to play breaking down, and hence an inability to control the game. Plessis lacked any presence in midfield and seems to need to improve a lot in respect of when to press, when to track, and when to move forward. He couldn't establish himself in the game. Gerrard couldn't influence the game as he had no-one behind him controlling the tempo of the game, and no-one to either side of him capable of utilising possession. This led to square passing and long balls. Keane and Torres had no service and little space to operate in. Keane attempted to drop back and hold the ball up with a view to playing someone in, but i) It was far too congested in the middle to expect him to succeed in doing so, and ii) Holding the ball up isn't his greatest strength. He'd have needed immense touch and control to operate in those kinds of areas, under that kind of pressure. So, first half especially, very much a continuation of the Liege game in respect of having no successful outlets on the flanks, leading to a breakdown of our play, and resorting to long balls, or square balls in order to simply try and retain possession.

Second half, Alonso's introduction steadied us a bit and we began to control the midfield a bit more. Sunderland eased off a bit too, they didn't press as well as the first half, and the crowd lost their buzz - because it was a f*cking boring game. So, we managed to improve slightly, though we still suffered from the same type of problems we had in the first half - except we had a little more space to exploit because Sunderland eased off, and the crowd lost their buzz. We actually managed to find a bit of space near the 18yd box, and Kuyt's tame but deflected effort, managed to put in Torres, only for Keane to step on his toes. It was a good half chance, no more. Anyway, eventually the Sunderland midfield got caught out, with Murphy I think moving forward to challenge someone, Torres found himself in a bit of space, their defence backed off, and backed off, and he did the business - again. They were crazy to back off against the best striker in the league. Because they hadn't been as compact as the first half, and because they backed off Torres when he was setting himself for the shot, we were afforded and managed to seize the opportunity to win the game.

In summary, it was a pretty woeful performance and there's absolutely no way this can continue if we're to realise our aspirations of challenging for the title. We need to improve drastically, and a great goal and a salvaged three points shouldn't detract from that.
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Postby LegBarnes » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:15 am

Come on Paula Radcliffe.

Opps wrong forum !  :D
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:16 am

LFC2007 wrote:Firstly  :buttrock  Crucial win, had Torres not produced the unexpected it would've been a massive blow to our confidence, because frankly, the performance was very poor.

First half with the crowd buoyant; they were compact, organised, and pressed very well. We were simply trying to get a foothold in the game, but we couldn't. I thought Dossena was poor again, he failed to block yet another cross, and he failed to do anything to stop Diouf (IIRC) get a head on the ball. It's worrying that he seems to be inept in the air, and generally seems to lack most defensive attributes, although it's very early days and with games and confidence he may show significantly more. I thought a combination of their pressing, and our deficiencies in the wide areas - again - especially in respect of Kuyt and Benayoun, led to play breaking down, and hence an inability to control the game. Plessis lacked any presence in midfield and seems to need to improve a lot in respect of when to press, when to track, and when to move forward. He couldn't establish himself in the game. Gerrard couldn't influence the game as he had no-one behind him controlling the tempo of the game, and no-one to either side of him capable of utilising possession. This led to square passing and long balls. Keane and Torres had no service and little space to operate in. Keane attempted to drop back and hold the ball up with a view to playing someone in, but i) It was far too congested in the middle to expect him to succeed in doing so, and ii) Holding the ball up isn't his greatest strength. He'd have needed immense touch and control to operate in those kinds of areas, under that kind of pressure. So, first half especially, very much a continuation of the Liege game in respect of having no successful outlets on the flanks, leading to a breakdown of our play, and resorting to long balls, or square balls in order to simply try and retain possession.

Second half, Alonso's introduction steadied us a bit and we began to control the midfield a bit more. Sunderland eased off a bit too, they didn't press as well as the first half, and the crowd lost their buzz - because it was a f*cking boring game. So, we managed to improve slightly, though we still suffered from the same type of problems we had in the first half - except we had a little more space to exploit because Sunderland eased off, and the crowd lost their buzz. We actually managed to find a bit of space near the 18yd box, and Kuyt's tame but deflected effort, managed to put in Torres, only for Keane to step on his toes. It was a good half chance, no more. Anyway, eventually the Sunderland midfield got caught out, with Murphy I think moving forward to challenge someone, Torres found himself in a bit of space, their defence backed off, and backed off, and he did the business - again. They were crazy to back off against the best striker in the league. Because they hadn't been as compact as the first half, and because they backed off Torres when he was setting himself for the shot, we were afforded and managed to seize the opportunity to win the game.

In summary, it was a pretty woeful performance and there's absolutely no way this can continue if we're to realise our aspirations of challenging for the title. We need to improve drastically, and a great goal and a salvaged three points shouldn't detract from that.

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