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Postby Fo Dne » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:19 pm

LFC2007 wrote:On Richards, he's a player who will at some stage move to one of the top four, it's virtually guaranteed I feel. He's top quality and I'd have him any day, but I reckon the cost would be near £20m, and that - at least for the present - rules him out as a potential signing.

Why? We're paying that for Barry supposedly...

Who'd be the bigger improvement?

Richards over Arbeloa or Barry over Alonso?

I like Barry, I want him here. He's an excellent player but if Rafa turned round an said he wanted Richards instead, I wouldn't complain.

We have to sign him next season if not this.= before someone else does.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:29 pm

I'm assuming that we'll sign Barry and wouldn't have enough left over.

Personally, I wouldn't sign Barry - I'd get a proper winger, and try and clear as many fringe players as possible. If that left enough to bid for Richards, then I'd probably make a bid.

He's absolutely nailed on quality, and only 20.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:55 pm

I still think Woodgate is prone to too many mistakes, and his injuries are too mucha  concern for me. Richards would of course be the best for the job, but I'm happy with what we have at the back. Where we are most vulnerable, as always, is in width in midfield... but I can't see that ever changnig. Barry will be good for us, but he is overpriced now.
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Postby Fo Dne » Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:58 am

dawson99 wrote:I still think Woodgate is prone to too many mistakes, and his injuries are too mucha  concern for me. Richards would of course be the best for the job, but I'm happy with what we have at the back. Where we are most vulnerable, as always, is in width in midfield... but I can't see that ever changnig. Barry will be good for us, but he is overpriced now.

Woodgate makes to many mistakes?

You don't half chat :censored: at times Dawson.

Some of the things you say lad are completely stupid. If anything thats one thing thats world class about him, his concentration is immense as is his reading of the game.

Next you'll be saying you don't like Torres because he lacks pace or you don't like Reina because he's to slow off his line...


The injury front 2 years ago aswell you'd have had an arguement, the lads had two solid seasons behind him since then...
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Postby Scottbot » Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:42 am

Weak Links

- I'm more worried about Full-back than any other spot now. I'm concerned the manager will play Carra at RB to accommodate Skrtel and Agger at CB and while it's really is ridiculous to judge Dossena so early I've not been blown away with what i've seen. He doesn't look like the most fluid of players to me but lets see in a couple of weeks when the season starts proper. Arbeloa is a decent player to have around but he's a 25-30 game a season player for me. We need someone in the Evra mould but i don't think that's what we're gonna get this season.

Odds on Barry spending a good bit of time at LB if and when we finally buy him?

Also, another thought. If you were happy with Carra and Skrtel playing at CB would you be happier playing Danny Agger at LB ahead of Arbeloa/Dossena? I would. I actually really like the look of Insua, was really impressed with him the couple of games he played the back end of the season. He looked strong in the tackle, was quick enough, passed the ball well and was keen to get forward in support. I don't think he'll get a fair crack of the whip though.

I'm also pretty happy with our forward players now. Keane is an excellent signing who will improve the team no end. He's mobile, clever, skillful and brings a lot intelligence and savvy with him. consumate team player who already looks like a leader out there. Kuyt (to be fair to the lad) isn't a bad back-up player to have and Ngog already looks like he has more to offer (but then so have I!!!) than Voronin. At 6'3 with a lot of pace he's quite different to anything else we have in the side.

As for the winger question it does seem that the manager is a lot less bothered than the rest of us. I can only assume that 1) he has a lot more faith in Babel than some of us might do or 2) He plans to play a lot of 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3 this coming season. I think it's probably a mixture of the two. He has already indicated that Gerrard will play all over the shop this season so expect to see him share time at CM (4-4-2 & 4-3-3) , RM & 2nd Striker (both in the 4-2-3-1). No-one is exactly sure what Barry's role will be either. I expect he will be used in a similar way to Essien at Chelsea, primarily as a CM but he will see some time at LM if Rafa wants to play a more compact 4-4-2 and if Alonso stays I expect to see him play at LB so that the manager can accommodate ALL of his best players in some of the bigger games.
Last edited by Scottbot on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LegBarnes » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:20 am

banana wrote:I understand your concern about defensive and attacking set pieces.

We are one of the weaker sides in the premiership in the air. No real threath and a real danger on defensive set pieces.

Apart from being weak in the air our centre backs are very strong. I rate Carra and Skrtl as first choice with Agger as back up.

Our fullbacks is better than last year. Dossena is better than Riise and Arbeloa has improved greatly. He is better than Finnan although Degen hasn't convinced me yet.

I would also like to see Gerrard back on right midfield if Alonso stays. If not I would like to se Benayoun getting picked Ahead of Kuyt.

Left midfield is screaming for a new signing. Barry could work but I agree with you. Robben is a class act and should be considered if available. I am hoping for a breakthrough this year for Babel. I do however think he could make his break as a striker, not as a winger.

Strikers. Well I'm worried. Torres is it. But he can't play 50 + games. And what if he is injured. Bring on Kuyt? If Torres is injured we are no longer a title contender. Ngog has talent. Keane is average. Voronin is average. Ideally wa need a new striker. But I think the we have no money.

you know now you said we weak in air torres score 10 with his head this season.  :D

For me wings simple we need wing power mabye we get sponser from red bull ?
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Postby bigmick » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:07 am

Well the two new full backs I can't offer any insight into as I haven't seen either play yet. That said I've always liked Aurelio when he's fit, and Arbeoa is OK too so provided at least one of the nbew blokes turns out to be a good player (and by all accounts it looks more likely to Dossena), we should be alright.

At centre half, although I rate Agger very highly, it is a pre-requisite of any top team that they have an aerially dominant central defender and I would accept that him and/or Skyrtel have got some improving to do. I actually think Agger can get there, he's not going to be John Terry by any menas but he wouldn't be the first centre half we've had who gets by in the air but more than makes up for it with abilityon the deck. Between him, Carragher and the coaching staff I'm backing us to tighten back up from set-pieces and get a bit meaner. Given the fact we have four blokes there already, even though some don't rate some of them I think the chances of us buying another centre half now are almost zero so we'll all just have to get used to the whole idea of who we've got I think.

The one obvious missing link which i think Saint alluded to is the absense of a real fantasy player. FWIW I can live without "wingers", wide midfielders would do just fine for me particularly as we haven't really got anybody who can head a cross (anybody in doubt should ask Pennant). We might though at some stage need a fella who can change the course of a game with a shrug of the shoulders, a little piece of genius to unlock a tight defence, away at one of the top four when 1-0 down with fifteen minutes left maybe. You'd need a bloke who was contented to sit out a lot of matches, who you could carry and then unleash when needed. If you were going to go that way, perhaps someone who's been there and done it, who in his prime was out of the very top drawer but who would accept his role of being an "option" or a "possibility". Maybe you would even go for someone who knows the way the manager operates, who trusts him. Someone like Juan Pablo Aimar could do the job I suppose.
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Postby LegBarnes » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:07 am

bigmick wrote:Well the two new full backs I can't offer any insight into as I haven't seen either play yet. That said I've always liked Aurelio when he's fit, and Arbeoa is OK too so provided at least one of the nbew blokes turns out to be a good player (and by all accounts it looks more likely to Dossena), we should be alright.

At centre half, although I rate Agger very highly, it is a pre-requisite of any top team that they have an aerially dominant central defender and I would accept that him and/or Skyrtel have got some improving to do. I actually think Agger can get there, he's not going to be John Terry by any menas but he wouldn't be the first centre half we've had who gets by in the air but more than makes up for it with abilityon the deck. Between him, Carragher and the coaching staff I'm backing us to tighten back up from set-pieces and get a bit meaner. Given the fact we have four blokes there already, even though some don't rate some of them I think the chances of us buying another centre half now are almost zero so we'll all just have to get used to the whole idea of who we've got I think.

The one obvious missing link which i think Saint alluded to is the absense of a real fantasy player. FWIW I can live without "wingers", wide midfielders would do just fine for me particularly as we haven't really got anybody who can head a cross (anybody in doubt should ask Pennant). We might though at some stage need a fella who can change the course of a game with a shrug of the shoulders, a little piece of genius to unlock a tight defence, away at one of the top four when 1-0 down with fifteen minutes left maybe. You'd need a bloke who was contented to sit out a lot of matches, who you could carry and then unleash when needed. If you were going to go that way, perhaps someone who's been there and done it, who in his prime was out of the very top drawer but who would accept his role of being an "option" or a "possibility". Maybe you would even go for someone who knows the way the manager operates, who trusts him. Someone like Juan Pablo Aimar could do the job I suppose.

This is true mick but a winger isnt just for crosses , he is to run the wing to pull the full backs out so the center half has to cover the space and this opens up gaps for strikers and attacking midfielders.

Say this is back 4

  *  *  *  *

nice and tight

with a winger attack down flank

* *  *  *w

The defence has to move across

* *  *  *w
      A  A

2 (As) are spaces now to attack into so a cross isnt needed just a ball cut back or mabye a cute 1 . 2.

This is even more effective of course on counter attack and main reason man u have wont he prem so many times , because moden football you need to be able to open up an defence.

Of course i like us to hire a good coach who can train wide players better as i dont think who ever is doing that job is doing it very well.

I think some of players we have could do better if they was getting coached better in those areas.

But barry can play that role as a left sided midfielder but he is not a winger and i feel we are really missing a trick if we dont get one this season.
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Postby LegBarnes » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:11 am

Fo Dne wrote:
dawson99 wrote:I still think Woodgate is prone to too many mistakes, and his injuries are too mucha  concern for me. Richards would of course be the best for the job, but I'm happy with what we have at the back. Where we are most vulnerable, as always, is in width in midfield... but I can't see that ever changnig. Barry will be good for us, but he is overpriced now.

Woodgate makes to many mistakes?

You don't half chat :censored: at times Dawson.

Some of the things you say lad are completely stupid. If anything thats one thing thats world class about him, his concentration is immense as is his reading of the game.

Next you'll be saying you don't like Torres because he lacks pace or you don't like Reina because he's to slow off his line...


The injury front 2 years ago aswell you'd have had an arguement, the lads had two solid seasons behind him since then...

I have to agree woodgate is nice player and all of above but we dont need him be nice but we have areas need to be filled this season and defence isnt one of them.

Mabye next season when sami is on way out.
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Postby Number 9 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:39 am

Well firstly I am delighted that we have signed Robbie Keane.I really cant say in words how right i feel he will be for LFC.Last year too many times we had silly draws with teams we should have been beating easily.We dominated matches but fell short when it came to creation and lacked the little bit of genius that can turn domination into killing teams off.There is no doubt in my mind Rafa has bought a player in Keane that will change this...I cant wait to see the difference he makes.Robbie Keane only has one thing on his mind when he plays football and that is to damage teams.He will pull defences every shape and is one of the most intelligent players we could have signed with proven EPL pedigree.Torres will have a field day play off him.Some have said on here that the fee was dear,some have doubted the impact he will have....one lunatic even said he will be "average" for us...Average my @rse,this player is the missing link we have been crying out for.

On the subject of who I would realistically want to sign,i dont agree with the arguement that our defence is weak.It was uncharecteristically out of sorts last season on too many occasions.I was NEVER comfortable when we conceeded a free kick or corner.In my opinion this was no reflection on the players we have.It was to do with Aggers injury and the lack of understanding as a result,i've said before the defence was chopped and changed more than it would have been if he stayed fit.There is no doubt in my mind that the backline suffered and lacked understanding with eachother as a result of this.If we can keep all players fit I don't feel we will have a problem at the back,although i cant emphasise enough how important I feel that Rafa resists making unforced changes to the back four.

The player I would love to see at LFC is Joe Cole although i dont think it will ever happen.I cant get my head round why Rafa seems to have a problem with out and out attacking wingers that are born to play there.The only reason i can see is that they lack discipline and leave a hole when they go forward,he seems to have a phobia about being exposed in wide areas,he needs to get over it!Our left has been weak for as long as i can remember,it just functions..we really need an impact player there that can do damage,Cole would be excellent if Chelsea could ever be persuaded to part with him.

Woodgate would be a good addition to any defence but the fact he is injury prone rules him out for me.Yeah he has got through a season unscathed but I always get the feeling with him that an injury is just around the corner.

Im happy with what we have though and am delighted that Rafa has shopped at home buying Keane,I hope we get Barry too,hes another proven player that will do well and is a safe bet to play well consistantly.As for all the people wanting Villa,Silva etc......I dont agree,much better buying proven players IMO that have the ability to play in a very unique League!
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Postby andy_g » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:46 am

i don't actually want to see anyone else new and i don't think we really need it. the alonso 'swap' for barry is another debate and i think we'll do equally wel with either of them. what i do want to see though is a massive improvement from ryan babel and that dossena shows that he is worth 8 million as an attacking and defensive full back. if the talent we are led to believe babel has, and that we have seen glimpses of, comes to the fore then the attacking options we will have from wide and through the middle will be an enormous improvement on last season. torres was phenomenal last season but everyone pretty much knew where we were going to attack from. a fluidity of play from torres, keane and a performing babel would bring a new dimension to our football.

i'm not too fussed about bringing in out and out wingers either. apart from the terminally blinkered we have all seen that kuyt can do the job wide right and that his defensive work allows gerrard more freedom to get forward. wide left we can use barry if/when he comes in or the new ryan babel i'm hoping for. keane is also happy to come out wide to build movements even if he starts in a more central position.

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Postby GYBS » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:47 am

weak link is attacking left side .
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Postby lakes10 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:08 am

for me its all about the left winger, we need to do better.
we need more pace down there but we also need a player that can keep hold of the ball.

Robin van Persie would have done great with us.

on top of that i will hold fire on our back 4, we do thend to get that sorted when the real football starts.

as i keep saying we had the team last year that should have won the pream, we did not need to beat any of the top 3 last year to win the pream, if we had just won the rest of our other games.
we only need to have eyes for the prem this year and we will win it.

there are a few things Rafa needs to do.

Dont rest top players just before a CL game as you you think its a small team andits going to be a easy game.

when we play bottom teams only take our top players off once its 2-0 70 mins left

if you see a player that is in form dont rest him.

I do fear that rafa has to teams in mind, one for the prem big games and CL and one for the fa cup the other cup and the games just before the CL.
Last edited by lakes10 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:16 am

Number 9 wrote:Well firstly I am delighted that we have signed Robbie Keane.I really cant say in words how right i feel he will be for LFC.Last year too many times we had silly draws with teams we should have been beating easily.We dominated matches but fell short when it came to creation and lacked the little bit of genius that can turn domination into killing teams off.There is no doubt in my mind Rafa has bought a player in Keane that will change this...I cant wait to see the difference he makes.Robbie Keane only has one thing on his mind when he plays football and that is to damage teams.He will pull defences every shape and is one of the most intelligent players we could have signed with proven EPL pedigree.Torres will have a field day play off him.Some have said on here that the fee was dear,some have doubted the impact he will have....one lunatic even said he will be "average" for us...Average my @rse,this player is the missing link we have been crying out for.

On the subject of who I would realistically want to sign,i dont agree with the arguement that our defence is weak.It was uncharecteristically out of sorts last season on too many occasions.I was NEVER comfortable when we conceeded a free kick or corner.In my opinion this was no reflection on the players we have.It was to do with Aggers injury and the lack of understanding as a result,i've said before the defence was chopped and changed more than it would have been if he stayed fit.There is no doubt in my mind that the backline suffered and lacked understanding with eachother as a result of this.If we can keep all players fit I don't feel we will have a problem at the back,although i cant emphasise enough how important I feel that Rafa resists making unforced changes to the back four.

The player I would love to see at LFC is Joe Cole although i dont think it will ever happen.I cant get my head round why Rafa seems to have a problem with out and out attacking wingers that are born to play there.The only reason i can see is that they lack discipline and leave a hole when they go forward,he seems to have a phobia about being exposed in wide areas,he needs to get over it!Our left has been weak for as long as i can remember,it just functions..we really need an impact player there that can do damage,Cole would be excellent if Chelsea could ever be persuaded to part with him.

Woodgate would be a good addition to any defence but the fact he is injury prone rules him out for me.Yeah he has got through a season unscathed but I always get the feeling with him that an injury is just around the corner.

Im happy with what we have though and am delighted that Rafa has shopped at home buying Keane,I hope we get Barry too,hes another proven player that will do well and is a safe bet to play well consistantly.As for all the people wanting Villa,Silva etc......I dont agree,much better buying proven players IMO that have the ability to play in a very unique League!

Good post Barry.

Joe Cole would be a good signing too. Although Finnan is knocking on and could be offered in a part-exchange for Barry as reports would have you believe. If he does stick around I think we'll be okay this upcoming season for a RB, especially if Arbeloa stays to. If they both go which is possible then obviously RB will be a "weak link".

I'm not concerened about our CB's they can stay as they are as far as I'm concerned.

LB isnt so cut and dry, I'm not sure on Aurelio still I dont think hes good enough defensively. And Dossena will need a bit more time to bed in. I've heard a few gripes about his games for us this season, but after watching the Rangers game he didnt look that bad. Like I said he may just need to bed in and with Insuia and Aurelio as back up I cant really see that as a weak-link. But it could become a problem area if the Italian doesnt settle in quickly.

CM we're fine.

LW is a "weak link" still and has been for a number of years, Silva or even as Barry suggested J.Cole, who isnt an authordox LW but is one of those "fantasy" players as Mick so eloquently put it. J.Cole may not provide natural width but imagine him linking up with Gerrard, Torres and Keane  :grinning:  thats a mouth watering prospect, one I'm Rafa would never entertain the idea of. If not Silva or Cole then I think Barry would suffice with Dossena bombing on as Pineapple man Igor said.

RW, again not weak, but not fantastic either. I'll give Kuyt the benefit of the doubt. He's the pick of the bunch out of Benayoun and Pennant, but if need be I'm sure Gerrard would be able to slot in there at some point, another creative player or the wing would surely be asking too much.

Upfront, Torres and Keane, with Babel and Ngog as back-up and if we got really desperate Nemeth.

So although we're not world class in every position I wouldnt really say we have a weak link at the mo. Possibly LB if Dossena doesnt produce or RB if Finnan leaves. But IMO you dont need to have a world class player in every position, its just as important to have a good team ethic and a winning mentality amongst your players.
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby lakes10 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:27 am

oh sorry the big weak link is Voronin .

He sounds  and looks like something out of Lord of the Rings and and they way he wonders off during games also fits in.

the sad thing is i think there is a great player in him but i dont think we will ever see it at Liverpool
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