Left backs

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Paul C » Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:49 am

So we've basically signed Andrea Dossena (awaiting paperwork) so we now have him Aurellio and Insua, I honestly think this is the strongest set of left backs we've had for years, obviously we have to see how Dossena fits in but from what I've seen and heard he looks like a competent player, I'm not sure if he or Aurellio will get the first team spot but with Insua ready for back up if we get injuries I'm really happy cos when Insua has played he's looked very promissing.

Our defence is looking very solid now, especially seeing that we have Danny Agger back cos I really think we missed him last year.

I expect us to be sold at the back next season which will be good as last season our rock solid defence leaked a little.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:11 am

I agree Paul, the only worry I have at the back is whether Arbeloa, Degan, and Finnan are up to the job at Rb . Arbeloa looked better as a man marker than a full back, Finnan had a poor season and Degan? I think we may even see Skrtel and Agger at CB with Carra at Rb regularly at some stage this season.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:38 am

Good topic.

Firstly on the RB's (going off topic) I actually think Arbeloa looks a better full back than a man marker myself. I've been happy with his displays both at LB and RB, he gets forward more than Finnan IMO down the flank and is pretty consistent in his defensive duties. I think he is slightly underated around here, and thats a surprise amongst Newkit goers.

Honestly I dont want to see Carra shifted out wide just so Skertel and Agger get playing time together. For me Carra is key at the back in his central position, he is a born leader and does a better job there, fixing something thats fine is just folly. He looks much more at home at the Center than he does fullback so for me its Finnan and Arbeloa to battle it out for RB. Although the Irishman didnt have his best season last year and is knocking on a bit, I think he'll find that high level of consistency again, just wish he'd attack a bit more like Arbeloa.

LB, we dont know anything about Dossena so cant possibly comment, Aurelio though I think isnt the best LB we've ever had. I'm not so sure about him defensively and TBH is one of those players that worries me, in the fact that he seems the most likely to make a mistake defensively and be a liability. Whether to be switched on and step up to play offside with the back line, or being exploited by a nifty winger, I'm not totally convinced. The young Argie looks a good prospect though.

Postby Number 9 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:54 am

I think if we are to be serious contenders this year a settled defence is absolutely crucial.Its blatently obvious our defence suffered as a result of Aggers long term injury last year in the League.
Rafa was forced to swap players about a hell of a lot more than he would have liked to at the back,im sure of that.

I would love to see the same back four start every game possible in the League.I think its the only way to get our defence back to the ways it has been famous for.And the team as a unit will be a lot more solid for it!
It raises the question as touched on by Saint...What should we do with Carra?
Some on here towards the end of last season were giving Carra flack saying he was past it and other equally ridiculous things..I found that to be laughable.Yes a few times last year Carra was uncharacteristically slightly off his best on a FEW occasions but he is still a world class player and one of the most important we have.
Its obvious to me that Carra along with the rest of the defence suffered a little in consistency due to unfamiliar everchanging partnerships at the back due again to Aggers injury!

As for the back four next year..We can almost say that Dossena is nailed on to be 1st choice left back!
Would people be happy if Carra was put out to right back?
The thinking being that Skrtel and Agger in my opinion are both to good to be in and out of the team.Would Carra's best attributes be robbed by putting him out there and would the team suffer because of this?
Would Skrtel and Agger be good enough together in the middle or would Carras leadership and excellence in no nonsense defending be missed?
I really dont know what Raffa will do and TBH i dont know what id do if i was him.:D
Its a gamble to put Carra out there but in doing so he could then accomodate all his best defenders.
I suppose at the end of the day Skrtel and Agger were always gonna be first choice CBs some time,Carra cant last forever unfortunately.
Maybe now is the time to throw them in at the deep end and take a chance!
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Postby Owzat » Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:59 am

Number 9 wrote:Its blatently obvious our defence suffered as a result of Aggers long term injury last year in the League.

Ballacks, we had more than adequate cover and it was draws which cost us dearly (13 in the Premiership), none of which were 3-3 or worse and most were 1-1 or 0-0
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:04 pm

Despite the obvious issues with defenders individually missing and out of form at times, the defence was not our problem last year, it was more to do with not putting it away up the other end.

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Postby stmichael » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:09 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Good topic.

Firstly on the RB's (going off topic) I actually think Arbeloa looks a better full back than a man marker myself. I've been happy with his displays both at LB and RB, he gets forward more than Finnan IMO down the flank and is pretty consistent in his defensive duties. I think he is slightly underated around here, and thats a surprise amongst Newkit goers.

Honestly I dont want to see Carra shifted out wide just so Skertel and Agger get playing time together. For me Carra is key at the back in his central position, he is a born leader and does a better job there, fixing something thats fine is just folly. He looks much more at home at the Center than he does fullback so for me its Finnan and Arbeloa to battle it out for RB. Although the Irishman didnt have his best season last year and is knocking on a bit, I think he'll find that high level of consistency again, just wish he'd attack a bit more like Arbeloa.

LB, we dont know anything about Dossena so cant possibly comment, Aurelio though I think isnt the best LB we've ever had. I'm not so sure about him defensively and TBH is one of those players that worries me, in the fact that he seems the most likely to make a mistake defensively and be a liability. Whether to be switched on and step up to play offside with the back line, or being exploited by a nifty winger, I'm not totally convinced. The young Argie looks a good prospect though.

I think Carra showed last season in the times that he played out right back that although he doesnt like playing there he is very good when played there. As you say, he is rock solid no matter where he plays along the defence and when he got forward he has delivered some very good crosses.

Although i would prefer to see Carragher in the centre i certainly would not be too upset if he was moved out to the right for the odd game but I wouldnt have him out there permanently by any means.
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Postby Number 9 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:10 pm

Owzat wrote:
Number 9 wrote:Its blatently obvious our defence suffered as a result of Aggers long term injury last year in the League.

Ballacks, we had more than adequate cover and it was draws which cost us dearly (13 in the Premiership), none of which were 3-3 or worse and most were 1-1 or 0-0

So our defence was as good as ever then?
Open your eyes,Raffa changed it about way more than he would have liked because of aggers injury.
Skrtel was bought as a result of this and was too fresh to be thrown in at the deep end.Hyypia was too old to start every game.
the defence was chopped and changed way to much because of this and their form suffered!
We let in more goals from set pieces than we would have as well also because of this!

Im waiting now on some mind numbing stats that prove absolutely fu'ck all as usual! :D

If we had a settled back four last season we would have done better!Also you mention draws,you get one point for a draw,you get NONE for a defeat!
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Postby Owzat » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:19 pm

Number 9 wrote:So our defence was as good as ever then?
Open your eyes,Raffa changed it about way more than he would have liked because of aggers injury.

Or I could stick my head in the sand like you and blame an injury for us not challenging for the title when it's far from "obvious" that was the reason. Plenty on here think Hyypia had a decent season and Skrtel was immense. The bulk of evidence points towards Liverpool having title winning form in the last third of the season with these same defenders you claim weren't up to it, funny how the only change from the first two thirds of the season was the change of formation.

Number 9 wrote:Im waiting now on some mind numbing stats that prove absolutely fu'ck all as usual! :D

As opposed to your hot air nonsense that means absolutely fu'ck all as usual. You're entitled to your opinion, however it has little foundation as usual. The only evidence you provide, as usual, is your own opinions. Opinions backed up by opinions proves nothing

Number 9 wrote:If we had a settled back four last season we would have done better!Also you mention draws,you get one point for a draw,you get NONE for a defeat!

Losing games wasn't out problem, drawing them was and as I said we didn't draw very many 2-2. But since we're not using stats, me because I can't be bothered and you because you can't full stop, then it's disagree time. By the way, do you have to be standing up when you speak so your words aren't muffled as you talk out of your @rse?
Last edited by Owzat on Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Toffeehater » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:20 pm

Firstly is agger back?

Secondly , yes we do have a  good set of left backs in the squad now , TBH , i have always preferred riise to aurelio because , riise has not been that injury prone and ahas always played wherever when asked . Insua , is a very young and decent left back for cover , good to have for backup and i think he will slowly be eased into starting 11 more next season. Dossena , can;t say much about him but from what i have heard , he's a very good left back , very consistent and also one of the best in italy , just because he did not get into the italian squad , does not mean he is porr or mediocre , look at clichy  and sagna , amazing seasons for their clubs but not called up for their countires .

Our problems last season was also the defense as we conceded too many stupid goals , quite a fair bit from set pieces which could have been avoided . If agger returns , we would have 3 solid centre backs fighting for 2 slot in the 11 , good healthy competition
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Postby Toffeehater » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:23 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Good topic.

Firstly on the RB's (going off topic) I actually think Arbeloa looks a better full back than a man marker myself. I've been happy with his displays both at LB and RB, he gets forward more than Finnan IMO down the flank and is pretty consistent in his defensive duties. I think he is slightly underated around here, and thats a surprise amongst Newkit goers.

Sorry to go off topic , but i totally disagree with this , arbeloa is at most a cover for the right back position not one who should be in the 11 for a club as big as LFC . Arbeloa , yes he's excellent when going forward but he is at best average in defending , gets pushed off the ball easily , gets beaten by his man far too often , if money was available , we need a decent right back if not we should push carragher out to right back and ageer and skrtel in the middle , carragher is deffo better than arbeloa at right back and skrtel has started to show some promise last season after a shaky first two games .
Last edited by Toffeehater on Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:38 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:Despite the obvious issues with defenders individually missing and out of form at times, the defence was not our problem last year, it was more to do with not putting it away up the other end.

So you think Rafa was wrong then Leon !!! :O  :suspect:  :help

Jimmy Rice 03 July 2008 
  The loss of Daniel Agger cost Liverpool a shot at the Premier League title last season, according to Rafa Benitez. 
The manager's words came as his Danish defender returned to pre-season training at Melwood having missed most of 2007-08 with a metatarsal break.
Benitez said: "I think it cost us early in the season. We conceded goals at the end of games which finished as draws because Sami Hyypia and Jamie Carragher were playing too many games in a row.
"We were using Jack Hobbs in some games and Alvaro Arbeloa as a centre-back; clearly we missed Daniel Agger.
"He is a centre-back but good on the ball and a threat for the other team too. We missed Agger."
Benitez tried to sign Gabriel Heinze from Manchester United last summer as cover but the move proved impossible.
Instead Liverpool had to wait until January for top-class reinforcements by the name of Martin Skrtel
The Slovak made an impressive start to his Anfield career and will ensure that competition is fierce for central defensive places this season.
Benitez added: "We knew this player when he was 18. It was funny because some people were going to see Everton against Zenit and were saying this player really has ability. But we already had four or five videos of him which we liked. We had already sent our people over there and we knew he was the player for us.
"It can be difficult to settle down in this country but Martin has been really good.
"We know the players we want whenever the window opens and we try to sign the players at the right price."
Last edited by account deleted by request on Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:40 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:Good topic.

Firstly on the RB's (going off topic) I actually think Arbeloa looks a better full back than a man marker myself. I've been happy with his displays both at LB and RB, he gets forward more than Finnan IMO down the flank and is pretty consistent in his defensive duties. I think he is slightly underated around here, and thats a surprise amongst Newkit goers.

Sorry to go off topic , but i totally disagree with this , arbeloa is at most a cover for the right back position not one who should be in the 11 for a club as big as LFC . Arbeloa , yes he's excellent when going forward but he is at best average in defending , gets pushed off the ball easily , gets beaten by his man far too often , if money was available , we need a decent right back if not we should push carragher out to right back and ageer and skrtel in the middle , carragher is deffo better than arbeloa at right back and skrtel has started to show some promise last season after a shaky first two games .

Spot on mate
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Postby Number 9 » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:41 pm

Owzat wrote:
Number 9 wrote:So our defence was as good as ever then?
Open your eyes,Raffa changed it about way more than he would have liked because of aggers injury.

Or I could stick my head in the sand like you and blame an injury for us not challenging for the title when it's far from "obvious" that was the reason. Plenty on here think Hyypia had a decent season and Skrtel was immense. The bulk of evidence points towards Liverpool having title winning form in the last third of the season with these same defenders you claim weren't up to it, funny how the only change from the first two thirds of the season was the change of formation.

Number 9 wrote:Im waiting now on some mind numbing stats that prove absolutely fu'ck all as usual! :D

As opposed to your hot air nonsense that means absolutely fu'ck all as usual. You're entitled to your opinion, however it has little foundation as usual. The only evidence you provide, as usual, is your own opinions. Opinions backed up by opinions proves nothing

Number 9 wrote:If we had a settled back four last season we would have done better!Also you mention draws,you get one point for a draw,you get NONE for a defeat!

Losing games wasn't out problem, drawing them was and as I said we didn't draw very many 2-2. But since we're not using stats, me because I can't be bothered and you because you can't full stop, then it's disagree time. By the way, do you have to be standing up when you speak so your words aren't muffled as you talk out of your @rse?

:laugh:  :laugh:
No im sitting on a chair!

The point im making is that our defence was chopped and changed last season more than it should have been due to Aggers injury!
That is a fact.
And in my opinion if Agger had not got injured Rafa would have changed things a lot less and our defence would have been a lot more solid for it.
If this is not the case In your opinion why were we a lot poorer at defending set pieces than usual?

And im sorry to insult your stats..lol
You also say that my opinions are backed up by nothing which is very true!That is what opinions are mate.Its what you think whether right or wrong.
Anyone and their granny can go on a website copy a lot of numbers and paste them on here!
At the end of the day though a forum is not about stats,its about opinions and if we all had the same ones it would'nt exist!
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Postby stmichael » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:45 pm

Arbeloa is underrated imo.

I saw him linked with Seville for 8m Euros which is a joke really. United wouldn't sell someone like O'Shea for that price and he does almost exactly the same job for them as Arbeloa does for us but just not as well.
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