This owen saga - Gerrard's the real loser

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby stmichael » Thu Aug 12, 2004 12:00 pm

so this morning michael owen's proposed move to real madrid has supposedly hit a last minute hitch. the move could still happen and would possibly allow owen to relaunch a career that has fallen flat over the past few years. for me, the deal has advantages for everyone, apart from steven gerrard that is. he must feel now that having been convinced to stay at liverpool, the club intended to cash in on owen all along.

think about it. we keep our best player, silence the outrage that would have followed if gerrard left, and leave us fans with the argument that the owen argument makes sense after what happened with steve mcmanaman. nobody, including owen himself, wanted to leave on a bosman and play out his last season at walking pace as mcmanaman did.

also, gerard houllier's £120m spending spree that almost brought the club to it's knees should be considered when he brought poor players at inflated prices on absurd wages. it is that bad that by the time we ship players out on loan who are considered surplus to requirements such as cheyrou, diouf, le tallec, vignal etc, we will be subsidising their wages to the tune of £80,000 a week. :(

then throw in the £2.5m a year hiring of benitez and his staff, the £2m pay off to houllier, the £500,000 to phil thompson and even more wedge to pay up emile heskey, on whom we lost 5m. not to mention finding £120m to finance a new stadium.

by selling owen, we could get two good spanish players in return, including the likely arrival of xabi alonso. it will also allow cisse and baros to shine, whilst allowing benitez to scrap the stereotypical counter attacking that totally relied on owen's ability to escape a defence. owen would also get a new lease of life at the most successful club in european history.
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Postby LFC #1 » Thu Aug 12, 2004 12:14 pm

stmichael wrote:so this morning michael owen's proposed move to real madrid has supposedly hit a last minute hitch. the move could still happen and would possibly allow owen to relaunch a career that has fallen flat over the past few years. for me, the deal has advantages for everyone, apart from steven gerrard that is. he must feel now that having been convinced to stay at liverpool, the club intended to cash in on owen all along.

think about it. we keep our best player, silence the outrage that would have followed if gerrard left, and leave us fans with the argument that the owen argument makes sense after what happened with steve mcmanaman. nobody, including owen himself, wanted to leave on a bosman and play out his last season at walking pace as mcmanaman did.

also, gerard houllier's £120m spending spree that almost brought the club to it's knees should be considered when he brought poor players at inflated prices on absurd wages. it is that bad that by the time we ship players out on loan who are considered surplus to requirements such as cheyrou, diouf, le tallec, vignal etc, we will be subsidising their wages to the tune of £80,000 a week. :(

then throw in the £2.5m a year hiring of benitez and his staff, the £2m pay off to houllier, the £500,000 to phil thompson and even more wedge to pay up emile heskey, on whom we lost 5m. not to mention finding £120m to finance a new stadium.

by selling owen, we could get two good spanish players in return, including the likely arrival of xabi alonso. it will also allow cisse and baros to shine, whilst allowing benitez to scrap the stereotypical counter attacking that totally relied on owen's ability to escape a defence. owen would also get a new lease of life at the most successful club in european history.

good post as usual st mick  :) .
Gerrard would be disappointed if Owen left, he is a quality player. If Owen doesl eave hopefully the money will strengthen the sqaud further.

don't see another McManaman happening, hopefully Owen has more respect than that for the club, and if he wants to leave he leaves now, so we get a good fee for him.

money is a precious commodity, and our imminent CL qualification should help us a lot, and pay for the players coming in.

If Owen does go, we will need another striker, for a team playing 38 league games, Cl and cup competitons, not to mention training, we need 4 strikers in case of injuries and what have you.

Owen may want to leave and he may believe this will further his career, if he leaves in the next week or so, then I wish him all the best, he has been ad a great player for us, and been part of some of our happiest memories as fans. It will be sad to see him go, but the club will move on into a new era without Owen and with Beni at the helm. hoepfully bringing back success to Anfield.  :)
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Postby jordantoh » Thu Aug 12, 2004 12:49 pm

i feel the same way too stmichael....

Owen's career has fallen flat the past 2 seasons... it isn't a bad thing for him to leave the club now and restart... Many will feel we will have no firepower left with his departure... but i feel it is a good thing for the club... Baros and Pongo will have more first team chances and shine... they are quality strikers and not just subs for Owen... and with Cisse, we have a player who can also bring us 20+goals a season or more...

And the cash from the sale will certainly be wisely use by RAfa... I am sure he knows the weak points of the team... and he will raid good players whom can make a contribution immediately... Like Xabi Alonso, Luis Gracia and mayb SWP :D

But all the best wishes for OWen... he has brought us tons of important goals... and his contribution to the club will never be forgotten... and no one will blame him on leaving... BEST WISHES TO U MICHAEL~
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Postby supersub » Thu Aug 12, 2004 12:52 pm

I can't see why Gerrard's the loser if Owen leaves and we perform better as a team.
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Postby Rafa » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:02 pm

I haven't a clue wat is goin on at Anfield but I think Benitez has just said to Owen and asked him does he want to play for the club, Owen prob said no or hesitated. I trust Benitez, he only wants players to play for Liverpool that want to play for the club. No 1 is bigger than LFC, if Owen wants to go he can, im not worried.

Houiller let Gerrard & Owen run his management, Benitez will not, u do not argue wiv the boss, look at Ferguson he takes no ******, that is what Benitez is doin and im glad to see it. He is taking control and showing who is boss.

Just think it is cheeky that Real have only offered £4m plus a player. I'd settle for £10m and Juanfran, who is bein linked with us now.

Morientes played last nite and banged in 2 goals in the champions league and the real manager said he aint goin nowhere so that is that 1 ****** up.

Needs sortin out b4 it gets too late. Houiller should have just got rid 18 months a go wen contract talks started.

If u love the club it doesn't take 18/19 months to sign a contract Houiller should have seen this 4 months into contract talks and got rid. If Owen does a McManaman I will hate him 4ever.
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Postby whitehouse » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:08 pm

how did this go on for so long anyway i thought liverpool (GH) had a policy about players that had less than 2 years left on there contract would be shown the door unless they signed a new contract and showed that they were commited to the club obviosley owen is not commited or he would have signed last year when contract talks started
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Postby anfieldadorer » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:21 pm

I can be wrong, but I’ve got feeling that Rafa also takes part in the whole saga. Owen's staying is a hope of every fan in the world, even of Rafa himself. But the new manager's most important mission is to shift the whole club to the correct way toward the too-long-left-out glory. And there are always choices in life which are not necessarily make us happy to resolve.

To be realistic, we desperately need money to smooth out our way to the glory. Selling Owen could be a win-win solution for himself and the club. I have a firm believe that if we have plenty of money now, this saga will never exist.

Rafa sees the situation in half-full-glass response. He might have thought "I will only have a super class striker or some other class player plus some cash” (which none of the choices is bad).

While for Owen, this is a more emotional situation despite having been trying to have the same response. He might have thought "I only have two good choices, the first one is to stay REDS, and the other is to fork out huge of cash plus a 'better' opportunity to win trophies. But believe me he's still reds to the bones. Rafa and Owen and the whole club are only trying to do the possible best.

Owen is definitely not less wanted by Rafa than Stevie. In fact, we have some approximately “Owens” in Cisse and Baros already. While there is only one Steven Gerrard in Liverpool, if not in England.
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Postby parchpea » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:35 pm

It seems to me that the big time players at Liverpool want to pick and choose who they work with. They are paid huge salaries, and should knuckle down and train hard and get on with it. Gerrard would love to have all his best mates at the club Im sure, but hes not in charge, and neither is Owen.
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Postby BringBackTiti » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:36 pm

''I talk about the table. We need a leg, so I have bought a leg.'' Rafa Benitez
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Postby jymbojetset » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:38 pm


He hasn't left yet!
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Postby stmichael » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:38 pm

my main point was that gerrard was convinced to stay due to reinforcements that owen would sign a new contract and that two or three top quality players would be coming in to strengthen the squad. well now he has committed we've had players going out left right and centre and the club has apparently "offered" owen to real madrid. surely gerrard would feel that the club planned to sell owen all along as long as he stayed. :(
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Postby A.B. » Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:14 pm

*sigh* English papers are now worse then the papers here in the US.
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Postby jim_morrison_supported_liverpool » Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:22 pm

its 10 million for owen and thats it, no players, no extra cash.

real know we need to sell him to stop the bosman rule.that means we'll accept the measly 10 mil.  real have been pure sly, selling eto'o and playing morientes.they know they can get owen without having to try, as he wants to go and we have to sell cos we're paranoid about the bosman.

we'll be forced to accept what they offer, cos no other club wants him by the looks of it, so there's gonna be no bidding war.

all this has been caused by a combination of bad management on the boards behalf, but mainly Owen himself.

i listened to him saying "everything's ok, the contract talks are going fine, i dont understand why the media are havin a go and stirrin up trouble, i want to play for liverpool"  and i believed him all along. this situation just takes the ****** tho. some people are saying "Liverpool offered him to real though".
even if thats the case, he has stalled and stalled on the contract for so long that it has resulted in this.

can anyone answer this:   why couldnt owen have just signed a basic package with decent wages (which we all know has been on the table) ages ago. this would do us a favour by stopping the bosman rule, and if he ever did want to listen to an offer, which by the way, i think is perfectly acceptable for a player of his quality, we would get our money.

Ste Gerrard signed the contract, it didnt stop the possibility of a move for him. even if he'd have gone we'd have got the right money. you dont have to f***  around the club by not signing, even if in the back of your mind you want to go. you can sign the contract and still listen to offers, it happens all the time.

Owen can go now as far as i'm concerned. the whole thing just pisses me off beyond belief.
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Postby Boocity » Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:28 pm

Have to agree with that. He could have ended all this by just signing a 1 year extension to his contract.
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Postby The_Rock » Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:14 pm

If Owen had signed a contract with us, he would have gotten less signing-on fee. The less real pay us, the more that he will get.......

Still think $10 million for Owen is not enough. But it will be understandable if the board accepts this bid.
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