How highly do you rate sami hyypia?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Seano Kop » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:38 pm

Don't see why we can't win the league next year.

Though we say that every year.
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Postby NiftyNeil » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:16 pm

Sami's delivered for us time after time and I'm with StMick in saying he's one of our top three central defenders ever. I'm so pleased he's staying on another year, he an absolute legend.
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Postby KennyisGod....still » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:41 pm

The fact he's been at the top of his game so long (except maybe his pace, but give the guy a break he's gettin on :D ) Sami has been outstandin. I'm sure I werent the first to think he was due a free as a thank you for his service, but to make it to a testimonial year jus shows how invaluable the man has been. I guess if he was asked he'd agree that he had no thoughts of playin quite so much this season, but he's rarely let any1 down and scored some valuable goals in his time. Jeez, I'll even forgive the derby goal at Goodison!!

One of the best defenders I've seen for usin his head rather than jus his brute force, his positionin has made up for his lack of pace over the seasons. I find it hard to judge him against Carra as they're 2 very different players, but I'm happy to say I don't fear for the team when Sami's playin.
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Postby HacksawJimDuggin » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:52 pm

I'll sum him up in 2 words....


Been called upon this year (following Agger's injury) when many thought he was finished and too slow for the EPL. The guy has been immense and last night he was fantastic again. I am delighted he has signed a new contract as the likes of Skrtel, Agger, Hobbs and co will learn lots from him. 

He has to still form a serious part of Rafa's plans for next year and deserves all the credit he gets.

Not a fan of the MULLET though I have to admit :laugh:
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Postby Seano Kop » Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:59 pm

NiftyNeil wrote:Sami's delivered for us time after time and I'm with StMick in saying he's one of our top three central defenders ever. I'm so pleased he's staying on another year, he an absolute legend.

dont mean to be off topic here, but you're going to have to change ur banner soon, NiftyNeill!!
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Postby NiftyNeil » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:56 pm

Seano Kop wrote:
NiftyNeil wrote:Sami's delivered for us time after time and I'm with StMick in saying he's one of our top three central defenders ever. I'm so pleased he's staying on another year, he an absolute legend.

dont mean to be off topic here, but you're going to have to change ur banner soon, NiftyNeill!!

I hope so.
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Postby PhiLFC » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:41 pm

I would consider Sami to be one of the greatest signings we've ever made... in my lifetime anyway.  You can go through the whole list of greats... the ones who definitely made an impact

Ray K
the second coming of Rush
Craig Johnson

jeeeez they were the days weren't they?


Gary Mac - I wished we would've got macca earlier in his career he was a total professional... absolutely loved him

you can't possibly miss out Sami from the list and I think Torres is one of the greats already.
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Postby Sabre » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:45 pm

It's not only he's been here for ages. Have you seen him complaining when he's used less? not a word. He's a legend, and he's a great professional, he deserves all the praise he gets.

It's not luck he was there in that corner, he's one of our players that make me feel full of hope every time we get a corner, because he's always close to head the ball.
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Postby JC_81 » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:38 pm

At age 26 now, I was probably too young to appreciate Hansen at his best (I'd have been under 10).  So I'd have to say Hyypia is the best centre half we have had since I became a fan.  Hyypia in his prime around the time when we did the treble, was one of the top few centre halves in european football imo.  When we signed him it had been years since we had a centre back who was decent in the air, and Sami wasn't just decent, he was the most aerially dominant centre half in the Premiership.  Such a good signing.

He has not been first choice for a few years now and has always stayed loyal and not gone hunting first team football, even after losing his place to the even older Pellegrino a few years back (which was a ludicrous decision by Rafa by the way).  Definitely a club legend and will deserve his testimonial in a year's time. :bowdown
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Postby Reg » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:56 pm

Some real rose tinted glasses out tonight lads, its quite emotional.

Liverpool have never been short of superb centre halves, Lawro and Hansen were poetry in motion, their mental telepathy was surreal, Thommo lifted the european cup, as did Emlyn. Before him it was Big Ron Yates.

Sami has been a cornerstone during our period of despair, the comeback false start under Ged and now ensuring Rafa had a solid back line to depend on whilst he focused his attention in midfield and attack. And with it has come deserved success and glory.

I cannot say he is better than the other fantastic servants of the club mentioned above though but my g.od he joins their hallowed ranks.
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Postby 7_Kewell » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:04 pm

FA cup, League Cup, Charity Shield, UEFFA Cup, Champions league and the European Super Cup.....can't be many central defenders who have done all that at one club.  LFC Legend  :bowdown

I look forward ot his testimonial next summer  :D
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Postby The Ace1983 » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:13 pm

Sami Hyypia is arguably the most important defender to be transfered into the premiership ever. People might suggest Stam, Gallas or some of the others but along with Henchoz, Hyypia turned the worst defence in the league into the best and has developed continuously. Now perhaps lacking in pace, he has adapted by becoming one of the best readers of opposition attacks in the game. He is a rock. End of.

I rate Sami Hyypia very highly and though he is now in the twilight years of his career I still feel he has a big part to play in our future. If he keeps his fitness up he can last another 5 years at a stretch. Look at Maldini or Nesta. And if Agger and Skrtyl (damn that guy has a hard name to spell! Can't we just call him Skelator? They look pretty similar!) can learn from him, and combine their natural talent with his experience, they could be truly amazing. He is certainly a legend and I think he might just make my top 3 as well. Good shout St. Mike.
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Postby Kharhaz » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:25 pm

Never ever doubted they guy. His attitude when he lost the captaincy was excellent. Never complained, never went in a strop, just said "ok, fair enough" and got on with it. People mention his pace but he never had a lot to start with did he? In a way hes like teddy sheringham, not great pace but with the intelligence these guys have, who needs it?

Be great to see him captain the side for a cup final or indeed the last league game before he leaves.....if of course he does leave !
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:33 pm

Deffo a Leg-end and im glad the club have given him a contract to see him into his tenth year, the guy deserves a testimonial, not for the money because im sure that would go to charity but for the fans to show there appreciation.
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:35 pm

Hyypia is another of our great players who goes about his buisness without reconigtion from so called "experts" It was always how good Stam, Keown, Gallas, Steve Bould were then it moved onto Ferdinand, Terry, Ledley :censored: King but never a word for Sami. I can't recall him winning player of the month or even making the final 11 for the Premiership elite, when truth be told he has been as good as anyone during his time in England.

Unfortunately he isn't the best to play in his position in the premeirship, Pallister, Bruce, Adams for me were better defenders (slightly) but he certainly is the best imported central defender England has ever seen (not just premiership). Same for Liverpool, there has been better centre halves for this club than Sami, but not by much. Hansen, Hughes, Thompson, Smith, Carra but again Sami is the best imported centre half we've ever had and I include Danny Agger in that.

But when you consider what we had before Sami arrived and what he had to work with, it just proves how good he is. Phil Babb, Steve Staunton, Steve Harkness, McAteer, Scales, Ruddock and Mark Wright (who was a really good defender) Now I know most (if not all) left before Hyypia arrived, but that's the kinda level we were at before Sami, now we're one of the meanest defences in the world and I personally think Hyypia has brought the best out of Carra these last couple of years.

Gerard Houllier deserves as much credit as anyone for finding Sami, because I'd never heard of him before he came here. But also credit to the man himself, 10 years at one club isn't achieved very often in the modern game especially for lads from abroad, so well done fella. Legend.
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