It's incredible really, - The lack of reaction on here.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:31 am

LFC2007 wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
john craig wrote:We have no time to start with another manager with a 5 year plan and we've got no time to wait for Benitez to realise that his methods won't win us the league.  We need a manager who can put these players' confidence back together and get them enjoying their football again.  We need someone who knows what it takes to win the Premiership and is a proven winner, and I don't care how pretty the football is.  We need someone who understands that rotation doesn't win Premiership titles and we need someone who can turn the club around quickly.  For me there is one stand-out candidate.

Jose Mourinho..............Jose Mourinho...............  :D

You are a c* are a c*nt.........

If I agree, will a certain someone run off to the Mods with a freshly-spunked complaint?

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Postby Rush Job » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:10 am

Notice how its mourinho now not moureen or still my favourite- c×nt face. Seems like some on er would sell their soul and their kids for that matter if it ment a PL title. Wasnt that long ago that man was hated on here. Tut tut.
Dont judge a book by the cover, unless you cover just another, because blind exceptance is a sign,
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:15 am

Rush Job wrote:Notice how its mourinho now not moureen or still my favourite- c×nt face. Seems like some on er would sell their soul and their kids for that matter if it ment a PL title. Wasnt that long ago that man was hated on here. Tut tut.

Personally, Manhattan has never called him Maureen.

Except for this post, which does not count.

The best Maureen is Maureen Lipman.

But she wouldn't make a good LFC manageress.
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Postby bigmick » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:29 am

Leonmc0708 wrote:
bigmick wrote:Amazing really when you think about it isn't it? We lose at Home in the fifth round of the FA Cup to Barnsley, and there is barely a wimper on the forum aside from the bleatings of a few wind-up merchants.

Had it been in the third round while we were going all out for the title and had just fielded a team of reserves, it might have been kind of OK. Had the draw still been full of Premiership teams, waiting to ambush us at the next stage it would have been slightly more bearable. But here we were, in one of the two competitions we could possibly win and in the one out of the two in which gave us easily the biggest opportunity, and we lost, at home, to Barnsley.

So why the under-reaction? Well there are a number of reasons. I guess the main one is that most of the arguments have been done to death already. I must say I can hardly be bothered coming on here and debating when you know that regardless of what has happened, irrespective of how low we have stumbled there is a faction on the forum who will stick to their guns on Rafa no matter what. It'll be our lack of funds, the fact we approached Klinnsman in November, the Americans, the players who aren't trying, the injuries, the refs, the strikers and a thousand other things but whatever it is, it won't be the mananger that's for sure. Give him more time, four more years, knee-jerkers, Ooters, disloyal and all that comes pouring out every time. Then there is "so who is the alternative?" argument, blurted out at every turn. Quite why people think that a manager who has presided over a shambolic campaign in the league, an FA Cup exit at Home to Barnsley, an early exit in the Carling Cup and a scrape through the group stages in the Champions League despite being in a p!ss easy group would be a hugely difficult act to follow right now is beyond me but they throw the question out there with gay abandon anyhow. It's a bit like the poster who asked (in all seriousness) a couple of months back, who on Earth would be a better bet than Dirk Kuyt? Once I started I couldn't stop. I think I got to Cameron Jerome at Birmingham and started getting blisters on my fingers.

"Let him finish what he's started". I ask you, in all seriousness where will we be once he's finished what he's started? We went behind to Luton and needed an equaliser to take them to a replay where we won through. We went behind to Havent and waterlooville twice, at Home, before we eventually prevailed. We got dumped out, at home, to Barnsley in the next round.

If (as I think we will) we get knocked out by Inter Milan in this next round of the Champions League, what will it take before the fan club finally, eventually accept that maybe, perhaps, Rafa's methods aren't working? Is there any point in the future, ever, where people will think, "you know what, I think it might be time for a change". I ask, because quite simply the debate is over. We are getting worse and worse, more and more embarassing and it's even get to the point where we can lose at Home to Barnsly in the fifth round of the FA Cup and to be absolutely truthful, none of us are even surprised. Surely that's the clearest indicator of all.

You are turning into a moaning tw@t.

People dont come on and flame the manager so you come on and bemoan the lack of threads and posts giving the manager stick, and for good measure you try and take a poke at members who see the bigger picture, or who are behind Rafa just to provoke a response.

Get a fuc.king hobby lad.

Another post Leon which goes for abuse rather than any attempt to debate. I note this time unlike last you didn't try and highlight a segment which you had incorrectly taken an inference from.

A "moaning tw@t? Hmmmm. It would be so much better if  some people didn't moan when the team got knocked out in the FA Cup fifth round at home to Barnsley, and if some of them weren't tw@ts but alas life is never that simple. Sorry for both the moaning and for in your eyes being a tw@t, but there you go, I suspect neither of us will lose any sleep over it.

It's nice to see some people can "see the bigger picture" as well. We are blessed to be in the presence of people with such insight, who are immune to knee jerking and have consistently called it right over the years. Thank God for them all.
Last edited by bigmick on Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:42 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
We are getting worse and worse, more and more embarassing and it's even get to the point where we can lose at Home to Barnsly in the fifth round of the FA Cup and to be absolutely truthful, none of us are even surprised. Surely that's the clearest indicator of all.

So true.

What amazes me is that the usual fans that defend Rafa up until the sheer point of stupidity hide or dont even post on here after such a humiliation. They'll tell us "its posters like you who usually come out with the same old cr.ap, with your knives sharpened towards Rafa after a defeat"

Well I come out just as much after a win and praise and credit the lads, of course I'd love to talk about how great we are playing and wha a team we look. But as it stands I cant, havent done for at least a season now.

Tuseday will come, and by God by some miracle we keep a clean sheet and beat Inter, all the usual suspects will come out and say ..... ' Where are all those miserable Kunts who want to see rafa fail now ?'

My reply will be 'I'm here right with ya, celebrating' of course though that makes me fickle, to see my team lose and moan about it, then next game we win and I celebrtate it. If that is fickle, that would suggest the likes of Lando, LFC2007, Redtrader 74 and Sabre are equally happy when we lose. I just do not understand their argument. Amongst all that I will STILL mantain Rafa needs to go, Alonso and Kuyt are not good enough even if we did win the CL, but then again there is more chance of the Pope becoming a devil worshipper than there is of us winning the CL.

As a club due to the Yanks we've become an embarrisment
As a team where heading that way too.
Sorry Rafa, time has ticked out you.

Yeah - that's right - we don't have lives outside of this forum. We spend all day waiting for an opportunity to defend Rafa...  :Oo:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every club has a bad season - why should we be any different?

You want reasons, so we give them to you:

Injuries, bad officials, the owners being gimps, players under-performing.

But no. Thi sis never enough for the vulturous vermin out there.

It HAS to be Rafa.

Well f*ck the lot of you. That team and the tactics were more than good enough to turn Barnsley over. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a prat.

OK? That alright, Bamaga? Can I get back to my life outside this forum now, your f*cking honour?  :bowdown


Officials  :laugh:  OMG, injuries  ???

Not Rafa of course though, you desperate turnip.

Why don't you just get yourself down to Anfield and start a "Rafa Out" demo?

The following have been injured this season:

Torres, Gerrard, Alonso, Carragher, Hyypia, Agger, Voronin, Finnan, Arbeloa, Aurelio, Riise, Pennant, and probably a few more I've forgotten about.

But hey - that doesn't count, right? Just like losing Scholes didn't f*ck the mancs up the other year? Just like Henry being out last season didn't affect Arsenal and their fantastic 4th-placed finish?

No - only RAFA can f*ck things up...

You grasping chimp.

They are the lamest excuses you could of defended the bloke with. " Bad officials" f.ucking hell why the f.uck am I debating with you, you should of stayed banned you dont half make yourself out to be a prized t.w@t.

If I drove into work most mornings late, and said hey boss bad traffic. Would that be okay, of course it f.ucking wouldnt be , I'd eventually get the sack.

If I continuosly buy the wrong fittings to the the job, and waste the boss's money on the wrong fittings, aswell as not getting the job done BECAUSE I'VE GOT THE WRONG FITTINGS, I'd eventually been shown the door.

Same f.ucking princable, Injuries: Every team gets them, F.UCK Drogba has been in Africa for the last two months or whatever so have some Arsenal players, neither Chelsea nor Arsenal have struggled in the league since have they ??

You really are a brick wall, a Liverpool supporter trying to make excuses for Man U and becasue Schoiles was out injuried, every team gets injuries, Rafa "Apparently" has built a big enough squad to cope with all that, thats where he's spent the best part of 150 million pounds, but lets forget that hey?

I'll try and steer clear from your s.*i*e excuses and posts, you simply are  a f.cuki9ng tool.
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby The_Rock » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:47 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
john craig wrote:We have no time to start with another manager with a 5 year plan and we've got no time to wait for Benitez to realise that his methods won't win us the league.  We need a manager who can put these players' confidence back together and get them enjoying their football again.  We need someone who knows what it takes to win the Premiership and is a proven winner, and I don't care how pretty the football is.  We need someone who understands that rotation doesn't win Premiership titles and we need someone who can turn the club around quickly.  For me there is one stand-out candidate.

Jose Mourinho..............Jose Mourinho...............  :D

You are a c* are a c*nt.........

If I agree, will a certain someone run off to the Mods with a freshly-spunked complaint?

The rafa "brown-nosed" guides have to resort to insults when they are out of excuses... so petty... just like a "HO" :p

anyway lando......i have never complained about u to the can ask any of them. I prefer to do my own fighting...... you know...that what real men like to do...fight with facts. :cool:

Not just b1tch behind a PC...... sunshine.....

And once again.... In Mourinho i trust.............  :eyebrow
Last edited by The_Rock on Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:48 am



Postby Leonmc0708 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:08 pm

bigmick wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
bigmick wrote:Amazing really when you think about it isn't it? We lose at Home in the fifth round of the FA Cup to Barnsley, and there is barely a wimper on the forum aside from the bleatings of a few wind-up merchants.

Had it been in the third round while we were going all out for the title and had just fielded a team of reserves, it might have been kind of OK. Had the draw still been full of Premiership teams, waiting to ambush us at the next stage it would have been slightly more bearable. But here we were, in one of the two competitions we could possibly win and in the one out of the two in which gave us easily the biggest opportunity, and we lost, at home, to Barnsley.

So why the under-reaction? Well there are a number of reasons. I guess the main one is that most of the arguments have been done to death already. I must say I can hardly be bothered coming on here and debating when you know that regardless of what has happened, irrespective of how low we have stumbled there is a faction on the forum who will stick to their guns on Rafa no matter what. It'll be our lack of funds, the fact we approached Klinnsman in November, the Americans, the players who aren't trying, the injuries, the refs, the strikers and a thousand other things but whatever it is, it won't be the mananger that's for sure. Give him more time, four more years, knee-jerkers, Ooters, disloyal and all that comes pouring out every time. Then there is "so who is the alternative?" argument, blurted out at every turn. Quite why people think that a manager who has presided over a shambolic campaign in the league, an FA Cup exit at Home to Barnsley, an early exit in the Carling Cup and a scrape through the group stages in the Champions League despite being in a p!ss easy group would be a hugely difficult act to follow right now is beyond me but they throw the question out there with gay abandon anyhow. It's a bit like the poster who asked (in all seriousness) a couple of months back, who on Earth would be a better bet than Dirk Kuyt? Once I started I couldn't stop. I think I got to Cameron Jerome at Birmingham and started getting blisters on my fingers.

"Let him finish what he's started". I ask you, in all seriousness where will we be once he's finished what he's started? We went behind to Luton and needed an equaliser to take them to a replay where we won through. We went behind to Havent and waterlooville twice, at Home, before we eventually prevailed. We got dumped out, at home, to Barnsley in the next round.

If (as I think we will) we get knocked out by Inter Milan in this next round of the Champions League, what will it take before the fan club finally, eventually accept that maybe, perhaps, Rafa's methods aren't working? Is there any point in the future, ever, where people will think, "you know what, I think it might be time for a change". I ask, because quite simply the debate is over. We are getting worse and worse, more and more embarassing and it's even get to the point where we can lose at Home to Barnsly in the fifth round of the FA Cup and to be absolutely truthful, none of us are even surprised. Surely that's the clearest indicator of all.

You are turning into a moaning tw@t.

People dont come on and flame the manager so you come on and bemoan the lack of threads and posts giving the manager stick, and for good measure you try and take a poke at members who see the bigger picture, or who are behind Rafa just to provoke a response.

Get a fuc.king hobby lad.

Another post Leon which goes for abuse rather than any attempt to debate. I note this time unlike last you didn't try and highlight a segment which you had incorrectly taken an inference from.

A "moaning tw@t? Hmmmm. It would be so much better if  some people didn't moan when the team got knocked out in the FA Cup fifth round at home to Barnsley, and if some of them weren't tw@ts but alas life is never that simple. Sorry for both the moaning and for in your eyes being a tw@t, but there you go, I suspect neither of us will lose any sleep over it.

It's nice to see some people can "see the bigger picture" as well. We are blessed to be in the presence of people with such insight, who are immune to knee jerking and have consistently called it right over the years. Thank God for them all.

I said moaning :censored: tounge in cheek Michael, you should know me by now.

However I see that its obviously getting to you too, so I will apologise for any offence.

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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:00 pm

I said moaning  tounge in cheek Michael, you should know me by now.

However I see that its obviously getting to you too, so I will apologise for any offence.

Its Tongue not tounge. (If you reply please note TWIT is spelled with an "I" not with an "A" :D  )

Seriously...... well said Leon
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:12 am

Yet again, another debate that's gone off topic and diverted into petty little arguements.

Looks ladies and gents, whether we like Benitez or not, he's the manager of OUR club, yes OUR club (that includes those who want him as manager and those who don't) so lets these silly name calling and sarcastic responses, let's simplely discuss where we differ. Liverpool is not a club that responds to those levels, we don't turn on each other for the sake of it.

So lets try and get this back onto Mick's point at the start of the topic. I think his point was "where will we be when Rafa has finished what he's started." Well Mick nobody can answer that, because nobody knows when he'll be finished. Also nobody will know until about 10 o'clock in the evening of the 11th of March 2008 whether the fans of Benitez will have decided that his ways aren't working. Maybe it will take a season of complete failure and disaster to open a few eyes, it's certainly opened the eyes of some people. I think some of those who've really been hurtful towards Benitez are the ones who last year were saying "give him one more year" Their eyes are open to what some of us have been noticing for the last four years. Now I never wanted a spaniard in charge of this club, just like I never wanted a frenchman managing us. I don't want yanks in charge and I don't want Arabs running the club either, you can call me nationalistic or whatever, I just want Liverpool run by British people, like we were when we were successful. So I was never a huge fan of Benitez but I've still backed him all the way as he's our manager.

But back to the point again, where will be when Benitez has finished what he's started. Well given the time he may have us as the greatest football side in the world, on the other hand given the time he could have us a mickey mouse mid table side at best. I think the risk is to big to give him any longer than the end of this season, but if he's here next year and for another 50 years after that, he'll get my support to bring success to the club that we ALL love.
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:21 am

Looks ladies and gents, whether we like Benitez or not, he's the manager of OUR club, yes OUR club (that includes those who want him as manager and those who don't) so lets these silly name calling and sarcastic responses, let's simplely discuss where we differ. Liverpool is not a club that responds to those levels, we don't turn on each other for the sake of it.

So lets try and get this back onto Mick's point at the start of the topic. I think his point was "where will we be when Rafa has finished what he's started." Well Mick nobody can answer that, because nobody knows when he'll be finished. Also nobody will know until about 10 o'clock in the evening of the 11th of March 2008 whether the fans of Benitez will have decided that his ways aren't working.

hahahahahaha made me laugh. Thats like your kids saying all year, dad I want a xbox dad dad dad I want an xbox dad I want an xbox DAD I WANT AN XBOX I want halo 3 for for the xbox halo 3 dad xbox dad xbox dad halo 3 xbox dad !

And for xmas they get mario galaxy and a nintendo wii !

Not all dads are as ignorant to what there kids want just as not all supporters are as ignorant as to what they want.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:59 am

Bamaga man wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
We are getting worse and worse, more and more embarassing and it's even get to the point where we can lose at Home to Barnsly in the fifth round of the FA Cup and to be absolutely truthful, none of us are even surprised. Surely that's the clearest indicator of all.

So true.

What amazes me is that the usual fans that defend Rafa up until the sheer point of stupidity hide or dont even post on here after such a humiliation. They'll tell us "its posters like you who usually come out with the same old cr.ap, with your knives sharpened towards Rafa after a defeat"

Well I come out just as much after a win and praise and credit the lads, of course I'd love to talk about how great we are playing and wha a team we look. But as it stands I cant, havent done for at least a season now.

Tuseday will come, and by God by some miracle we keep a clean sheet and beat Inter, all the usual suspects will come out and say ..... ' Where are all those miserable Kunts who want to see rafa fail now ?'

My reply will be 'I'm here right with ya, celebrating' of course though that makes me fickle, to see my team lose and moan about it, then next game we win and I celebrtate it. If that is fickle, that would suggest the likes of Lando, LFC2007, Redtrader 74 and Sabre are equally happy when we lose. I just do not understand their argument. Amongst all that I will STILL mantain Rafa needs to go, Alonso and Kuyt are not good enough even if we did win the CL, but then again there is more chance of the Pope becoming a devil worshipper than there is of us winning the CL.

As a club due to the Yanks we've become an embarrisment
As a team where heading that way too.
Sorry Rafa, time has ticked out you.

Yeah - that's right - we don't have lives outside of this forum. We spend all day waiting for an opportunity to defend Rafa...  :Oo:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every club has a bad season - why should we be any different?

You want reasons, so we give them to you:

Injuries, bad officials, the owners being gimps, players under-performing.

But no. Thi sis never enough for the vulturous vermin out there.

It HAS to be Rafa.

Well f*ck the lot of you. That team and the tactics were more than good enough to turn Barnsley over. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a prat.

OK? That alright, Bamaga? Can I get back to my life outside this forum now, your f*cking honour?  :bowdown


Officials  :laugh:  OMG, injuries  ???

Not Rafa of course though, you desperate turnip.

Why don't you just get yourself down to Anfield and start a "Rafa Out" demo?

The following have been injured this season:

Torres, Gerrard, Alonso, Carragher, Hyypia, Agger, Voronin, Finnan, Arbeloa, Aurelio, Riise, Pennant, and probably a few more I've forgotten about.

But hey - that doesn't count, right? Just like losing Scholes didn't f*ck the mancs up the other year? Just like Henry being out last season didn't affect Arsenal and their fantastic 4th-placed finish?

No - only RAFA can f*ck things up...

You grasping chimp.

They are the lamest excuses you could of defended the bloke with. " Bad officials" f.ucking hell why the f.uck am I debating with you, you should of stayed banned you dont half make yourself out to be a prized t.w@t.

If I drove into work most mornings late, and said hey boss bad traffic. Would that be okay, of course it f.ucking wouldnt be , I'd eventually get the sack.

If I continuosly buy the wrong fittings to the the job, and waste the boss's money on the wrong fittings, aswell as not getting the job done BECAUSE I'VE GOT THE WRONG FITTINGS, I'd eventually been shown the door.

Same f.ucking princable, Injuries: Every team gets them, F.UCK Drogba has been in Africa for the last two months or whatever so have some Arsenal players, neither Chelsea nor Arsenal have struggled in the league since have they ??

You really are a brick wall, a Liverpool supporter trying to make excuses for Man U and becasue Schoiles was out injuried, every team gets injuries, Rafa "Apparently" has built a big enough squad to cope with all that, thats where he's spent the best part of 150 million pounds, but lets forget that hey?

I'll try and steer clear from your s.*i*e excuses and posts, you simply are  a f.cuki9ng tool.

It's a waste of time debating with a knucklehead such as yourself.

Go and dribble.
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:00 am

The_Rock wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
john craig wrote:We have no time to start with another manager with a 5 year plan and we've got no time to wait for Benitez to realise that his methods won't win us the league.  We need a manager who can put these players' confidence back together and get them enjoying their football again.  We need someone who knows what it takes to win the Premiership and is a proven winner, and I don't care how pretty the football is.  We need someone who understands that rotation doesn't win Premiership titles and we need someone who can turn the club around quickly.  For me there is one stand-out candidate.

Jose Mourinho..............Jose Mourinho...............  :D

You are a c* are a c*nt.........

If I agree, will a certain someone run off to the Mods with a freshly-spunked complaint?

The rafa "brown-nosed" guides have to resort to insults when they are out of excuses... so petty... just like a "HO" :p

anyway lando......i have never complained about u to the can ask any of them. I prefer to do my own fighting...... you know...that what real men like to do...fight with facts. :cool:

Not just b1tch behind a PC...... sunshine.....

And once again.... In Mourinho i trust.............  :eyebrow

So when exactly was it you said all this to my face then, imbecile?

Oh, and I must remember that no-one ever insults me - I'm the only one ever to throw an insult at anyone...

Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kharhaz » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:07 am

Dont lower yourself lando is the only advice I can give. Let them express there opinions, they have no given facts to back them self up, they can only point back to shankly and paisley and houllier. Let them have there moment, for thats all it is, a moment.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:10 am

Kharhaz wrote:Dont lower yourself lando is the only advice I can give. Let them express there opinions, they have no given facts to back them self up, they can only point back to shankly and paisley and houllier. Let them have there moment, for thats all it is, a moment.

Well there is a bright side - they'll be dead one day. :D
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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