Simple question. - Are we good enough?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby RedBlood » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:28 am

we are good enough but so are manu chelsea and arsenal

i think its a matter of whoever shows there best form throughout the season will win

the fact is manu and chelsea have been spending big for years this year alone man u spent double what we did, and arsenal have been a 10? year project

so give rafa a few years to build a squad and a squad behind the squad, his ivals have had that and then some, so its only fair he gets the same chance
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Postby Toffeehater » Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:34 am

banana wrote:England has the same problem as Liverpool. There is no midfield. No pressure. No playmaker. Lampard. Barry. Gerrard. Pathetic.

where do u get ur weed from mate , seems liked u smoked way too mich of it and it has intoxicated ur brains , england and liverpool are off too different standards and also managers. If u are trying to say that rafa is about the same standard as mccalren then u need to get ur brain checked .
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Postby Toffeehater » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:00 am

Torres: We'll be champs
By David Maddock 22/11/2007

Liverpool fear no one in their title quest according to Kop striker Fernando Torres.

The Spaniard will make his first start in six weeks at Newcastle on Saturday following a groin injury.

Torres, who has already hit eight goals for Liverpool since his record £21million move from Atletico Madrid, revealed the belief at Anfield that they can be champions.

"There is a winning mentality at Liverpool.
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I look around in the dressing room before a game and in the face of every player and every coach you see the winning expectation," he said.

"They do not go out on to the pitch either hoping or praying they will win.

They expect it. They have such a belief in their ability that another outcome is just not something they consider.

"From what I've seen so far we don't have anything to fear from any of our opponents for the title. They're all great teams but so are we."

Well the good news is that the players have started to believe that we are capable of winning the title and that shows the desire and hunger which they have for it .
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Postby Red Dotty » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:18 am

Simple answer

YES :Oo:
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Postby Toffeehater » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:24 am

some explanation pls dotty??
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:49 am

Dave, do you take offence in being called a Yid ?

Check out general chat, thread titled ... What the f.uck is this country come to, pc in football now

Check it out I'd be interested in hereing your views on it.

Postby Sabre » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:39 pm

bigmick wrote:
maguskwt wrote:maybe one of the regulars on here will do it... :D

OK then I'll give it a go. Robert Green would be in goal because he's the second best in the country behind David James but a lot younger. Defence would be Gary Neville, Ferdinand, Terry and Ashley Cole.

In midfield Wright Phillips would play on the right, Gerrard and Lampard in the centre with Gareth Barry on the left. Up top I'd go with Rooney and Owen.

No surprises then on the line-up really, but the major change I would make is that I'd encourage Ferdinand to play as a forward centre-half (bit of a newish position this one, like a frward lying sweeper), sitting in front of Terry and the bloke he is marking. That way we'd solve the conundrum of which one out of Gerrard and Lampard bomb on, I'd ask them both to bomb on. Ferdinand could sit in the whole and stop teams breaking onto us, while also bringing the ball out. The idea would be to avoid opur tendency to play in lines and to allow Gerrard and Lampard the freedom to do what they do best.  If they could replicate the number of goals they score for their clubs, we'd win the World Cup.

I'd ask Wright Phillips and Barry to have half an eye to dropping in when the ball is on the opposite flank to give even more freedom to the central midfeild two, and I'd give Rooney the license of the park. Owen I'd be looking to be himself, playing on the shoulder and looking for balls to be whipped in behind the last defender from either flank.

I'd be very attacking, and look for us to play at an exceptionally high-tempo by International standards. We'd concede a couple, but we'd score a few as well. I reckon we'd be forcing teams into playing an English style end to end game, and I think we'd prosper.

There, all they've got to do is drop me a line and I'll be on the plane back from NZ quicker than you can say clueless, ginger, Manc, tw@t.

I'd like to test that against Spain in a friendly.

Your approach would be countered with a pressure on the play starter, an advanced defence, and with a single striker.

My hunch is that way England would struggle to be provided service and Gerrard forced to go deep to even smell the ball, far from where he's really dangerous.

I wouldn't be too worried for the high tempo. I'd plan to have most of the possesion anyway with Cesc, Iniesta and Alonso as holding midfielder, behind the little midfielders.

Of course this post is tongue in cheek, but it made me smile how you solved all the English squad problems in one post, it was a pleasure to read!!  :)
Last edited by Sabre on Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ConnO'var » Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:00 pm

Sabre wrote:
bigmick wrote:
maguskwt wrote:maybe one of the regulars on here will do it... :D

OK then I'll give it a go. Robert Green would be in goal because he's the second best in the country behind David James but a lot younger. Defence would be Gary Neville, Ferdinand, Terry and Ashley Cole.

In midfield Wright Phillips would play on the right, Gerrard and Lampard in the centre with Gareth Barry on the left. Up top I'd go with Rooney and Owen.

No surprises then on the line-up really, but the major change I would make is that I'd encourage Ferdinand to play as a forward centre-half (bit of a newish position this one, like a frward lying sweeper), sitting in front of Terry and the bloke he is marking. That way we'd solve the conundrum of which one out of Gerrard and Lampard bomb on, I'd ask them both to bomb on. Ferdinand could sit in the whole and stop teams breaking onto us, while also bringing the ball out. The idea would be to avoid opur tendency to play in lines and to allow Gerrard and Lampard the freedom to do what they do best.  If they could replicate the number of goals they score for their clubs, we'd win the World Cup.

I'd ask Wright Phillips and Barry to have half an eye to dropping in when the ball is on the opposite flank to give even more freedom to the central midfeild two, and I'd give Rooney the license of the park. Owen I'd be looking to be himself, playing on the shoulder and looking for balls to be whipped in behind the last defender from either flank.

I'd be very attacking, and look for us to play at an exceptionally high-tempo by International standards. We'd concede a couple, but we'd score a few as well. I reckon we'd be forcing teams into playing an English style end to end game, and I think we'd prosper.

There, all they've got to do is drop me a line and I'll be on the plane back from NZ quicker than you can say clueless, ginger, Manc, tw@t.

I'd like to test that against Spain in a friendly.

Your approach would be countered with a pressure on the play starter, an advanced defence, and with a single striker.

My hunch is that way England would struggle to be provided service and Gerrard forced to go deep to even smell the ball, far from where he's really dangerous.

I wouldn't be too worried for the high tempo. I'd plan to have most of the possesion anyway with Cesc, Iniesta and Alonso as holding midfielder, behind the little midfielders.

Of course this post is tongue in cheek, but it made me smile how you solved all the English squad problems in one post, it was a pleasure to read!!  :)

With that formation Sabre, Spain would stifle the English midfield..... Sorry Bigmick.... but Lampard and Gerrard together in the centre? Wouldn't work I feel.... Fant Frank doesn't know how to defend or play the classic CM role. Gerrard would be swamped and the Fabregas/Iniesta combo would run rings around our midfield.

However, with both Ferdinand and Terry to guard Villa, Spain would need a lot of impetus down the wings and even then the aerial threat would be relatively easy to repel.

Rooney and Owen would be starved of the ball as Sabre's Spanish line-up would have the lion's share of possession. Still, Spain's defense would struggle with our 2 forwards and may be caught out with the good old English long ball on occassion... :D

To be more effective, we'd need a Carrick/Barry to partner Gerrard to be more effective. As always, we'd need a left sided midfielder..... as usual.

With that line-up?
1-0 to Spain methinks

:D  :D
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Postby bigmick » Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:40 pm

All nonsense of course, under my considered stewardship we'd sweep Spain aside with a goal either side of half-time form the midfield duo. My time scale to actually take the job is in about five years time. 'Course by then, Rafa will be Spains manager and they will have no fluency, cohesion and rhythm as they will have been rotated to state of dizzyness. :D My team of course, despite two players in the past couple of years taking the field with broken legs, will be coming into ther match on the back of a three year, 31 game run of unchanged line ups. We will have more fluency that prune packer and will be wiping the floor with all and sundry  :p

Anyhow enough nonsense it's a good thread this (even if I do say so myself) and back on subject. Am I right in saying that Newcastle Away is a game we really could be doing with winning, but that a draw wouldn't necessarily be a mortal blow to our title aspirations? It almost goes without saying that were we to lose and our rivals win, then the Matterhorn we are currently looking at becomes an Everest.

I don't think it'll happen though. Good teams go there and win, and we are a good team. I think we'll win the game 3-0. My hunch is as well, that despite the fact that both Crouch and Gerrard will be knackered after Wednesdays efforts and emotions, neither will be "rested" nor "rotated". Like I've said a few times recently, the time for fecking about is long gone now, even Rafa knows it.
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Postby JBG » Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:02 am

As to the original post's question: I still don't think we are good enough to win the league but I think we are good enough to put together a title challenge. We have a decent squad but it still lacks quality in certain areas (essentially we still suffer from a fundamental problem that existed as far back as 1998 and 2004 when Gerard Houllier and Rafa Benitez respectively took over: we lack quality on the flanks). I've done some hard thinking over the past couple of months over Benitez's reign and after much thought and after recently reading Guillem Balague's book I think I can make out now the overall picture of where Benitez wants to take us but fundamentally we are probably short of three top quality players where we can say that we are strong enough to go out and win the thing. There is no doubt in my mind that Benitez is thinking along the same lines and has made this abundantly clear to the owners and the question now is whether the owners will put their hands deeper into their pockets to take us to the next level.

I have faith in Benitez's methods and I think that if he is allowed time and is given full backing he will deliver but this season is crucial in that respect and I genuinely hope that all is well behind the scenes between Benitez and the owners and that the owners will allow Rafa to follow through with his plans.

Some of the results this season have been dissapointing but we are almost into December and are still unbeaten in the league and I certainly wouldn't wager money on us not progressing in Europe. I still have a lot of hope for this season but realistically I accept that in order for us to win the league we will need to see greater consistency in our own game and also UTD and Arsenal not having absurdly good seasons where they get 88+ points. Benitez was in a similar-ish situation with Valencia in 2004 where his side were a long way behind in January/February before finally getting their consistency right. I don't think that will happen to us this year (I see UTD winning it at a canter in the end) but I am confident we will do well.
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Postby metalhead » Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:59 am

JBG wrote:As to the original post's question: I still don't think we are good enough to win the league but I think we are good enough to put together a title challenge. We have a decent squad but it still lacks quality in certain areas (essentially we still suffer from a fundamental problem that existed as far back as 1998 and 2004 when Gerard Houllier and Rafa Benitez respectively took over: we lack quality on the flanks). I've done some hard thinking over the past couple of months over Benitez's reign and after much thought and after recently reading Guillem Balague's book I think I can make out now the overall picture of where Benitez wants to take us but fundamentally we are probably short of three top quality players where we can say that we are strong enough to go out and win the thing. There is no doubt in my mind that Benitez is thinking along the same lines and has made this abundantly clear to the owners and the question now is whether the owners will put their hands deeper into their pockets to take us to the next level.

I have faith in Benitez's methods and I think that if he is allowed time and is given full backing he will deliver but this season is crucial in that respect and I genuinely hope that all is well behind the scenes between Benitez and the owners and that the owners will allow Rafa to follow through with his plans.

Some of the results this season have been dissapointing but we are almost into December and are still unbeaten in the league and I certainly wouldn't wager money on us not progressing in Europe. I still have a lot of hope for this season but realistically I accept that in order for us to win the league we will need to see greater consistency in our own game and also UTD and Arsenal not having absurdly good seasons where they get 88+ points. Benitez was in a similar-ish situation with Valencia in 2004 where his side were a long way behind in January/February before finally getting their consistency right. I don't think that will happen to us this year (I see UTD winning it at a canter in the end) but I am confident we will do well.

My sentiments exactly mate.
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Postby Perry Digweed » Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:05 pm

Individually good enough, certainly. Good enough as a team at our best, without doubt. Good enough consitently and with injuries-probably not.
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Postby yezooz » Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:20 am

Are you mad about Liverpool ? Join world's first Supporters League and by predicting match scores take your team to the first place of the competition. :)
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