Had enough of - Anti liverpool

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Emerald Red » Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:15 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:24 pm

peewee wrote:listen, whatever happens tonight, even if we go out and bang 10 goals in, that can not and will not disguise the fact that the last 5 weeks have been very poor, just as last season was very poor. even if we go on to win the league this season it will still not disguise the fact that the last five weeks and last season have been poor.

yes i agree some people have gone overboard with their comments, but they are entitled to their opinion and as long as they express that opinion without resorting to immature abuse or not being prepared to see anothers view then there is no problem.

but dotty, the fact is it has all gone wrong, and the results since paco left have been poor, this is cause for discussion, also mate if someone asks for rafa to go, that doesn't make them any less a supporter than you, they are still a supporter and the fact they can have such feelings on the subject shows that they must have feelings about the club, in fact i would question the peoples loyalty who do not seem to care, and there are some on here who cant even see there are problems and would have you believe the last 5 weeks have all been part of some tactical masterplan from rafa.

so just chill out mate, enjoy the ride and what will be will be, it can only go one or two ways, we start winning again and winning with some consistency, or we carry on as we are and just be a top four club that wins a a couple of trophies.

i know rafa did well in his fist season, it was beyond our wildest dreams, second season we won the FA cup, but lets not forget we were added time away from losing against a team with not even half the resources we have and a team that went down the following season, in istanbul we were getting hammered until finnans injury forced change at half time, and in athens rafa got it dreadfully wrong.

see mate, it can be dressed up however we want to dress it up. but until rafa starts performing consistently in the league he will get stick, mainly from us older fans i might add, the 'been there, seen it, done it, and wore the t-shirt' fans that were around when your dad was a nipper, we know what it takes to win the league, personally i saw many titles won since my first game in 1973, and i have seen how not to do it, and rafa is showing how not to do it mate, this is the sad fact and the facts do speak for themselves. if you are happy with 21 points last season and tonight is could be nine points before we even enter november, and virtually out the CL, then if you can smile through that and accept it then i will question your loyalty.

anyway chin up, read peoples thoughts, even the rafa out posts, they are valid to the poster and just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong, sadly of rafa doesn't get his finger out very quickly these people might be saying 'told you so'. i have said for a couple of years now that rafa won't bring us the league, i was hoping this season would be different, i was hoping he would have learned from his errors, i am now hoping even more that he has learned from the last 5 weeks that his policy doesn't work. i know people will point to injuries, but the fact we had had players out with injury and struggled shows that we do not have the squad to be rotated successfully.

the stats don't lie mate

Good post, Peewee. (I never realized there were 3 pages before the post above)

Thing is, though, I think to topic starter was just hinting at some of the outright negative and often purely rotten and defeatist attitudes of some that seem to troll on the forum after we lose a game. They don't even come to discuss the game or anything else, just leave a daft negative comment and split. It can often incite others to reply, in which a regular will see, thus kick starting a whole new flame war between the regulars that are mostly always here regardless of a win or draw. I just don't know what it is, but they seem to just come out of the woodwork on bad days. They're c*nts, like!
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:51 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

every fan will be hard done if we lose , obviously , we as fans of this great club will be upset if we lose , but really can't see that happening and i doubt if we lose and any fan who predicted we lose will say yes i was right , that person is not a true fan then eh  :Oo:
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Postby Red @ Heart » Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:59 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

And for what its worth, its not the coward way of thinking, its reality and ive woken up to it, Under Rafa and going on recent games and the tinkering we wont win a thing. simple AS THAT
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:00 pm

Toffeehater wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

every fan will be hard done if we lose , obviously , we as fans of this great club will be upset if we lose , but really can't see that happening and i doubt if we lose and any fan who predicted we lose will say yes i was right , that person is not a true fan then eh  :Oo:

No, but it's still the wrong attitude to take. It's like going into the Kop thinking we're going to get hammered. What would be the point of being there? Fact is, we are not some tiny little club with dirt players who are nowhere near capable of beating a side like Arsenal. We CAN beat them and this is a fact. We're capable and that's the difference. Why have a defeatist attitude about it? It's somewhat contradictory as a supporter to do so.
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Postby Bad Bob » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:03 pm

Red wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

I was certain that Barcelona were going to play us off the park last February and look what happened.  Never count our lads out.  :buttrock
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Postby Red @ Heart » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:08 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

I was certain that Barcelona were going to play us off the park last February and look what happened.  Never count our lads out.  :buttrock

LOLS LOLS LOLS LOLS, were liverpool in a bad as this so called dip you keep going on about then, um noooooooo, when we played barcelona last year i was confident of liverpool beating them, put barcelona infront of liverpool now :P
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Postby Bad Bob » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:14 pm

Red wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

I was certain that Barcelona were going to play us off the park last February and look what happened.  Never count our lads out.  :buttrock

LOLS LOLS LOLS LOLS, were liverpool in a bad as this so called dip you keep going on about then, um noooooooo, when we played barcelona last year i was confident of liverpool beating them, put barcelona infront of liverpool now :P

Well, let's see.  The month before Arsenal had knocked us out of both domestic cups.  The two matches prior to going to the Camp Nou we had drawn 0-0 with the Bitters at Anfield and lost to Newcastle at St. James' Park in one of our poorer performances of the season.  So, if I go back and look at the threads last February I'm pretty confident I'll find much the same doom and gloom going into that match that we see here.  Hell, I might even find a comment or two from you to suggest we might get our a.rses handed to us.  :p
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:17 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

I was certain that Barcelona were going to play us off the park last February and look what happened.  Never count our lads out.  :buttrock

LOLS LOLS LOLS LOLS, were liverpool in a bad as this so called dip you keep going on about then, um noooooooo, when we played barcelona last year i was confident of liverpool beating them, put barcelona infront of liverpool now :P

Well, let's see.  The month before Arsenal had knocked us out of both domestic cups.  The two matches prior to going to the Camp Nou we had drawn 0-0 with the Bitters at Anfield and lost to Newcastle at St. James' Park in one of our poorer performances of the season.  So, if I go back and look at the threads last February I'm pretty confident I'll find much the same doom and gloom going into that match that we see here.  Hell, I might even find a comment or two from you to suggest we might get our a.rses handed to us.  :p

hah bob u just raised my mood for this match .. thx , u're the only optimistic 1 i have seen here today
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Postby tubby » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:17 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

I was certain that Barcelona were going to play us off the park last February and look what happened.  Never count our lads out.  :buttrock

Good shout BadBob!

I know ive sounded like a right defeatest recently but its just been so fustrating. I really thought that with all our new signings that we would be pushing up there but injuries and some bad tactics have put a stain on an otherwise good start.

Still though. We have 2 games in hand and could be 2nd if results go our way in the next 2 weeks.
My new blog for my upcoming holiday.

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Postby Red @ Heart » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:18 pm

Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:
Red wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

Exactly. How ironic.

I've had people come up to me, including one who is an avid Celtic supporter, and he keeps asking me what the score's gonna be, in which I just reply "we'll do them up!". And I'm confident of it too. I don't understand the defeatist attitude at all. Is it so the disappointment of losing, if we do lose, will be less? Cowards way of thinking that.

like i said on page 1, when i say we will get hammered, i mean c,mon on recent performances and the way arsenal has been playing what would you predict, be absoloutly honest with yourself, my heart will always say liverpool, but my brain say no, liverpool could lose 1 nil and still get hammered and played off the field sorry but thats a fact,

But who knows liverpool could win today realise that they have found their form and get to grips with the league, i can only wish for that.  :down:

I was certain that Barcelona were going to play us off the park last February and look what happened.  Never count our lads out.  :buttrock

LOLS LOLS LOLS LOLS, were liverpool in a bad as this so called dip you keep going on about then, um noooooooo, when we played barcelona last year i was confident of liverpool beating them, put barcelona infront of liverpool now :P

Well, let's see.  The month before Arsenal had knocked us out of both domestic cups.  The two matches prior to going to the Camp Nou we had drawn 0-0 with the Bitters at Anfield and lost to Newcastle at St. James' Park in one of our poorer performances of the season.  So, if I go back and look at the threads last February I'm pretty confident I'll find much the same doom and gloom going into that match that we see here.  Hell, I might even find a comment or two from you to suggest we might get our a.rses handed to us.  :p

well if you recall all that so good, youd remember that liverpool were excellent in the CL and were doing bad in the EPL, dig up the posts, i dont care if you find anything i typed that time :P  :Oo:
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:22 pm

come on man , bob is just trying to raise our mood up , stop derailing and demoralizing us again
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Postby ConnO'var » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:24 pm

peewee wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
peewee wrote:listen, whatever happens tonight, even if we go out and bang 10 goals in, that can not and will not disguise the fact that the last 5 weeks have been very poor, just as last season was very poor. even if we go on to win the league this season it will still not disguise the fact that the last five weeks and last season have been poor.

yes i agree some people have gone overboard with their comments, but they are entitled to their opinion and as long as they express that opinion without resorting to immature abuse or not being prepared to see anothers view then there is no problem.

but dotty, the fact is it has all gone wrong, and the results since paco left have been poor, this is cause for discussion, also mate if someone asks for rafa to go, that doesn't make them any less a supporter than you, they are still a supporter and the fact they can have such feelings on the subject shows that they must have feelings about the club, in fact i would question the peoples loyalty who do not seem to care, and there are some on here who cant even see there are problems and would have you believe the last 5 weeks have all been part of some tactical masterplan from rafa.

so just chill out mate, enjoy the ride and what will be will be, it can only go one or two ways, we start winning again and winning with some consistency, or we carry on as we are and just be a top four club that wins a a couple of trophies.

i know rafa did well in his fist season, it was beyond our wildest dreams, second season we won the FA cup, but lets not forget we were added time away from losing against a team with not even half the resources we have and a team that went down the following season, in istanbul we were getting hammered until finnans injury forced change at half time, and in athens rafa got it dreadfully wrong.

see mate, it can be dressed up however we want to dress it up. but until rafa starts performing consistently in the league he will get stick, mainly from us older fans i might add, the 'been there, seen it, done it, and wore the t-shirt' fans that were around when your dad was a nipper, we know what it takes to win the league, personally i saw many titles won since my first game in 1973, and i have seen how not to do it, and rafa is showing how not to do it mate, this is the sad fact and the facts do speak for themselves. if you are happy with 21 points last season and tonight is could be nine points before we even enter november, and virtually out the CL, then if you can smile through that and accept it then i will question your loyalty.

anyway chin up, read peoples thoughts, even the rafa out posts, they are valid to the poster and just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong, sadly of rafa doesn't get his finger out very quickly these people might be saying 'told you so'. i have said for a couple of years now that rafa won't bring us the league, i was hoping this season would be different, i was hoping he would have learned from his errors, i am now hoping even more that he has learned from the last 5 weeks that his policy doesn't work. i know people will point to injuries, but the fact we had had players out with injury and struggled shows that we do not have the squad to be rotated successfully.

the stats don't lie mate

Good post Peewee.

thanks lover    :hearts


Get a room boys.....  :D  :D

Make sure you get all  :hearts  done before the kick-off though!

:p  :D
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Postby Bad Bob » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:28 pm

Red wrote:well if you recall all that so good, youd remember that liverpool were excellent in the CL and were doing bad in the EPL, dig up the posts, i dont care if you find anything i typed that time :P  :Oo:

We hadn't played a CL match since early December at that point and we were in poor form in the league.  Plus, we had the whole "puttergate" incident with Bellamy and Riise during the build up.  Trust me, people were not optimistic.

Having said that, I'm not saying we're going to win today.  All I'm saying is that, on a number of occasions in recent years, we've managed to raise our game for the big occasion and get a result.  We may do it today or we may not but it is by no means beyond the realm of possibility to think we might just beat Arsenal on our own patch.  Others can choose to think we'll get slaughtered--I choose to believe.  And you can LOL that all you want--I really don't give a t0ss, TBH.  :;):
Last edited by Bad Bob on Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Red @ Heart » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:28 pm

lol i hope you do find some comments on me saying wed get beat by barca, i love being proved wrong when it comes to liverpool,

look by what ive typed today i can see why some people would think im a knób by saying liverpool will lose, but deep down i dont want them too, i love liverpool and wants them to win everything and anyone they play, im a little down on the fact that we had an awesome start to the season just to fade away and yes i understand the fact we ARE unbeaten in the league, but the perfomances have been píss poor and the rafas tinkering has really fúcked me off, If he could just knock that :censored: on the head and just pick a strong 1st team we would get stability in the team, the players would get to know each other again and play good fluent liverpool football, like we all want to see, there confidence would go through the roof and then we can challenge for the title, but untill this happens we have no chance, im not a defeatist im a realist.
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