Had enough of - Anti liverpool

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby oakton » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:16 am

this is a :censored: forum FFS!!!  people are allowed to have opinions, there's nothing wrong with healthy debates/discussions.  We are not going so well lately that's why are we talking about it.  Most people here, except for a few trollers, wanted us to win, don't give me those anti-liverpool rubbish.
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Postby Red @ Heart » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:41 am

Igor Zidane wrote:
Red wrote:
But of late i have got myself so wound up reading some of the quotes from SO CALLED FELLOW SUPPORTERS of the team i have followed all my life that i have not been logging on. I am not on about the posters with constructive and sensible points of view more the ones that start threads such as

Raffa should GO
Where's it all gone wrong
Bring back Paco

so im not allowed an oppinion?  if i think and we know already liverpool are not up to standards i will voice my oppinion whether you like it or not, i want liverpool to succeed.

I am not saying that there are not issues at the club that might have an effect on FORM but we are liverpool, things are in a whole looking good and we might just do it this or next year.

other than the win against Everton last week and the draw against chelsea, what have liverpool got to shout for? we are unbeaten in the league yes, but drawing every game is not gonna win us the league, we will get hammered today, i know it, if not and we win like i said in other posts ill run the dtreets naked  :eyebrow  ,  but seriuosly i can not see us winning no league this year./

You see it's posts like this that are not warranted.
"WE WILL GET HAMMERED TODAY I KNOW IT" . Nice one , very positive i must say. So if we do get beat today ,will you be sitting in your armchair ,very happy with yourself.So you can say i told you so or sack fecking rafa, or will you be fecking gutted like the rest of us.  :angry:

when i say hammered i mean not like lose 6 nil, i meant played off the park, be honest with your self, in recent weeks and how liverpool have played, can you honestly say liverpool will win in the fashion they have been playing, of course i want liverpool to win, im not anti liverpool im anti Rafa, hes got it wrong when will soem of you realise this?  :idea,
to answer your question, i will be gutted yes but in the same breath i wouldnt be surprised if we did lose (going on recent perfomances)
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:47 am

oakton wrote:this is a :censored: forum FFS!!!  people are allowed to have opinions, there's nothing wrong with healthy debates/discussions.  We are not going so well lately that's why are we talking about it.  Most people here, except for a few trollers, wanted us to win, don't give me those anti-liverpool rubbish.

spot on mate , which LFC don't want us to win
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:48 am

LFC fan i mean **
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:50 am

As a match going fan for 40 years i just have to say this

I witnessed the glory days and yes ive waited 19 years to win the league again, ive argued opinions down the years with the best of them but the way some reds fans are carrying on today is an absolute joke. We are Liverpoll football club FFS.  We are the :censored: special ones and we should never forget that

When we were invincable dont forget our great managers were promoted from within they new the :censored: club and what the fans had for breakfast inside out.
In the time Rafa has been here weve been to 2 champions league finals and won the F.a CUP.
Now as a kopite he excedded my expectations. Rafa will win us the league or i will run naked round Anfield. And that you wouldnt want to :censored: see.

You only have to look at the drunk down the M62 how long did they wait and it :censored: chokes me to say it but look what they have achieved since.

It wouldnt be football without other peoples opinions but as we are fans like no other in the world and have never aired our negative opinions of the manager or the team in public lets keep it that way .

If ive waited 19 years im sure then that some of the younger fans on here can wait aswell

Im waffling on now so id better shut up
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:53 am

Bamaga man wrote:
what will the optimists clutch at if we do lose?

IF we lose and I f.ucking hope not, I'd love to hear what the likes of Lando, Sabre, Igor and Leon say

Sack Rafa .  :laugh:
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:55 am

listen, whatever happens tonight, even if we go out and bang 10 goals in, that can not and will not disguise the fact that the last 5 weeks have been very poor, just as last season was very poor. even if we go on to win the league this season it will still not disguise the fact that the last five weeks and last season have been poor.

yes i agree some people have gone overboard with their comments, but they are entitled to their opinion and as long as they express that opinion without resorting to immature abuse or not being prepared to see anothers view then there is no problem.

but dotty, the fact is it has all gone wrong, and the results since paco left have been poor, this is cause for discussion, also mate if someone asks for rafa to go, that doesn't make them any less a supporter than you, they are still a supporter and the fact they can have such feelings on the subject shows that they must have feelings about the club, in fact i would question the peoples loyalty who do not seem to care, and there are some on here who cant even see there are problems and would have you believe the last 5 weeks have all been part of some tactical masterplan from rafa.

so just chill out mate, enjoy the ride and what will be will be, it can only go one or two ways, we start winning again and winning with some consistency, or we carry on as we are and just be a top four club that wins a a couple of trophies.

i know rafa did well in his fist season, it was beyond our wildest dreams, second season we won the FA cup, but lets not forget we were added time away from losing against a team with not even half the resources we have and a team that went down the following season, in istanbul we were getting hammered until finnans injury forced change at half time, and in athens rafa got it dreadfully wrong.

see mate, it can be dressed up however we want to dress it up. but until rafa starts performing consistently in the league he will get stick, mainly from us older fans i might add, the 'been there, seen it, done it, and wore the t-shirt' fans that were around when your dad was a nipper, we know what it takes to win the league, personally i saw many titles won since my first game in 1973, and i have seen how not to do it, and rafa is showing how not to do it mate, this is the sad fact and the facts do speak for themselves. if you are happy with 21 points last season and tonight is could be nine points before we even enter november, and virtually out the CL, then if you can smile through that and accept it then i will question your loyalty.

anyway chin up, read peoples thoughts, even the rafa out posts, they are valid to the poster and just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong, sadly of rafa doesn't get his finger out very quickly these people might be saying 'told you so'. i have said for a couple of years now that rafa won't bring us the league, i was hoping this season would be different, i was hoping he would have learned from his errors, i am now hoping even more that he has learned from the last 5 weeks that his policy doesn't work. i know people will point to injuries, but the fact we had had players out with injury and struggled shows that we do not have the squad to be rotated successfully.

the stats don't lie mate

Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:58 am

NANNY RED wrote:We are Liverpoll football club FFS.  We are the :censored: special ones and we should never forget that

then its about time the club started living up to that, like you i have seen the glory days, but unlike you i will not gloss over mediocrity and make out its something special. different opinions thats all.

Postby Red @ Heart » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:58 am

peewee wrote:listen, whatever happens tonight, even if we go out and bang 10 goals in, that can not and will not disguise the fact that the last 5 weeks have been very poor, just as last season was very poor. even if we go on to win the league this season it will still not disguise the fact that the last five weeks and last season have been poor.

yes i agree some people have gone overboard with their comments, but they are entitled to their opinion and as long as they express that opinion without resorting to immature abuse or not being prepared to see anothers view then there is no problem.

but dotty, the fact is it has all gone wrong, and the results since paco left have been poor, this is cause for discussion, also mate if someone asks for rafa to go, that doesn't make them any less a supporter than you, they are still a supporter and the fact they can have such feelings on the subject shows that they must have feelings about the club, in fact i would question the peoples loyalty who do not seem to care, and there are some on here who cant even see there are problems and would have you believe the last 5 weeks have all been part of some tactical masterplan from rafa.

so just chill out mate, enjoy the ride and what will be will be, it can only go one or two ways, we start winning again and winning with some consistency, or we carry on as we are and just be a top four club that wins a a couple of trophies.

i know rafa did well in his fist season, it was beyond our wildest dreams, second season we won the FA cup, but lets not forget we were added time away from losing against a team with not even half the resources we have and a team that went down the following season, in istanbul we were getting hammered until finnans injury forced change at half time, and in athens rafa got it dreadfully wrong.

see mate, it can be dressed up however we want to dress it up. but until rafa starts performing consistently in the league he will get stick, mainly from us older fans i might add, the 'been there, seen it, done it, and wore the t-shirt' fans that were around when your dad was a nipper, we know what it takes to win the league, personally i saw many titles won since my first game in 1973, and i have seen how not to do it, and rafa is showing how not to do it mate, this is the sad fact and the facts do speak for themselves. if you are happy with 21 points last season and tonight is could be nine points before we even enter november, and virtually out the CL, then if you can smile through that and accept it then i will question your loyalty.

anyway chin up, read peoples thoughts, even the rafa out posts, they are valid to the poster and just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong, sadly of rafa doesn't get his finger out very quickly these people might be saying 'told you so'. i have said for a couple of years now that rafa won't bring us the league, i was hoping this season would be different, i was hoping he would have learned from his errors, i am now hoping even more that he has learned from the last 5 weeks that his policy doesn't work. i know people will point to injuries, but the fact we had had players out with injury and struggled shows that we do not have the squad to be rotated successfully.

the stats don't lie mate

is that really peewees post?   :D   very good is that, well done.  :bowdown
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:00 pm

Red wrote:is that really peewees post?   :D   very good is that, well done.  :bowdown

cheeky sod    :D

Postby Owzat » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:08 pm

I blame the first international break, everything was ok up to that point and when we came back it wasn't

Before : P6 W5 D1 L0 F16 A2 (4 clean sheets)
Since : P9 W3 D4 L2 F11 A9 (3 clean sheets)

Some might suggest McClueless' decision to play Gerrard may have cost us as his form hasn't been great and Rafa had 'rested' him for three weeks with his injury problem. Maybe we should sue the FA a la Owen/Newcastle/FA farce (where the FA paid part of his wages)

Of course the games before that break were relatively easy overall, but there's not been a truly difficult game since and the only game we lost that we shouldn't have was home to Marseille so it's draws that are costing too much.
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:09 pm

peewee wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:We are Liverpoll football club FFS.  We are the :censored: special ones and we should never forget that

then its about time the club started living up to that, like you i have seen the glory days, but unlike you i will not gloss over mediocrity and make out its something special. different opinions thats all.

Maybe the expectations are too high and maybe the club isn’t as a large in stature as it once was? One could argue that the club is under achieving, but I feel it’s a mixture of this mixed with a mixture of not being a mammoth club that the club once was.

Maybe I am off the boil here, but I can’t help but look thorough the archives and look at the club today and notice a gulf in terms of success, stature and quality in the side.

I’m just rolling out possible thoughts here (please don’t kill me).
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:10 pm

NANNY RED wrote:As a match going fan for 40 years i just have to say this

I witnessed the glory days and yes ive waited 19 years to win the league again, ive argued opinions down the years with the best of them but the way some reds fans are carrying on today is an absolute joke. We are Liverpoll football club FFS.  We are the :censored: special ones and we should never forget that

When we were invincable dont forget our great managers were promoted from within they new the :censored: club and what the fans had for breakfast inside out.
In the time Rafa has been here weve been to 2 champions league finals and won the F.a CUP.
Now as a kopite he excedded my expectations. Rafa will win us the league or i will run naked round Anfield. And that you wouldnt want to :censored: see.

You only have to look at the drunk down the M62 how long did they wait and it :censored: chokes me to say it but look what they have achieved since.

It wouldnt be football without other peoples opinions but as we are fans like no other in the world and have never aired our negative opinions of the manager or the team in public lets keep it that way .

If ive waited 19 years im sure then that some of the younger fans on here can wait aswell

Im waffling on now so id better shut up

great post and i totally agree with u except on the running naked part  :D
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:11 pm

peewee wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:We are Liverpoll football club FFS.  We are the :censored: special ones and we should never forget that

then its about time the club started living up to that, like you i have seen the glory days, but unlike you i will not gloss over mediocrity and make out its something special. different opinions thats all.

I understand what your saying Peewee and yes i do sometimes were rose tinted specks were we are concerned but its not our way to go about slagging our manager or the team in public. In my opinion i think Rafa will win us the league and maybe im going to sound a bit of a cretin in saying this but i dont honestly think we would have achievied what we have in the last 3 years with some one else as our manager .
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Postby Toffeehater » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:17 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
peewee wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:We are Liverpoll football club FFS.  We are the :censored: special ones and we should never forget that

then its about time the club started living up to that, like you i have seen the glory days, but unlike you i will not gloss over mediocrity and make out its something special. different opinions thats all.

I understand what your saying Peewee and yes i do sometimes were rose tinted specks were we are concerned but its not our way to go about slagging our manager or the team in public. In my opinion i think Rafa will win us the league and maybe im going to sound a bit of a cretin in saying this but i dont honestly think we would have achievied what we have in the last 3 years with some one else as our manager .

you're probably right, Rafa king of europe , even with that much money jose could not even take them to 1 final yet alone 2 which rafa has done for us . Ferguson has only won the cahmpions league once since his appointment and that was nearly what 20 years ago? Other then that , he has never made it past the quarter finals. Arsenal have made it to a final under wenger but did not win .. Rafa in 4 or so season 2 champions league finals with 1 victory , how many managers can brag abt that? All that is missing from the trophy cabinet is the long awaited premier league title which is bond to come sooner or later , if we have faith in rafa and back him 100%
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