Going back home?

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Postby AB's Red Army » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:30 am

Usually I don't talk much about my personal life and I don't intend to bother you lot with it that much. I'm sure the lot of you have your own problems to deal with.

Anyways, I've been in the states for almost ten years. This particular year has been extreme stressful for my family here in the states [my parents and my younger sibling]. It just seems that prices keep going up and the paycheck keeps getting lower and lower with tax cuts. So much so to the point where you ask yourself, ''Where the fock am I going with this?"

While I'm sure the picture has been painted of America being the land where dreams come true, it certainly doesn't apply to everyone.

Especially if you're a foreigner and a blue collar lower middle class family. You can create feck all when the vast majority of your money goes either to the government or your bills.

What has made things even more so difficult is that all of my other family lives in Europe, 3,000 miles away. I'm sure when you lot have your own problems, the presence and support of your family members makes things a bit better.

And I guess after all these years here, nostalgia and the stress has kicked in and you can't go much any longer.

So to make things short, I'm moving back to my hometown [which happens to be in Bosnia] and I probably won't have the same luxury of posting here or following the mighty reds as much as I have done over the last couple of years.

There is a vast number of great people here that I respect and admire, and it's been a pleasure knowing you lot somewhat and discussing and supporting the greatest football club in the world.

Despite all the differences I may have with certain individuals, there are no grudges held by me and I respect most Liverpool fans immensely. By far the most passionate set of people I've come across, Scousers and OOTER's in general who support this fine club.

So If I disappear once more, those who give a feck know why an d I certainly hope that I'll be able to stop by at least once or twice in the coming months.

I expect that I will leave within 2 or 3 weeks.

One thing that I've just realized even more so is that You'll Never Walk Alone is a great morale booster and can be helpful in real life.


Bamaga, mate, if you would, please pass this message to the lads at TALKLFC. I have some account trouble there, as you know I'm LFCRed over there and since you have an account there, I would greatly appreciate it if you would do this.

Good luck to all of you and your endeavors.

Take care lads.
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Postby bigmick » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:56 am

Fair play AB and good luck with the relocation. As you've said it's never easy and I'm sure going back home won't be either but hopefully it'll work out for you. At least you should be able to land yourself a sh!t hot job as an interpreter if all else fails. I reckon you and your family are doing the right thing though, if you ain't happy give it a bash somewhere else. We only passthis way but once and all that old b0ll0cks (but its also kind of true if you know what I mean).
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Postby AB's Red Army » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:02 am

bigmick wrote:Fair play AB and good luck with the relocation. As you've said it's never easy and I'm sure going back home won't be either but hopefully it'll work out for you. At least you should be able to land yourself a sh!t hot job as an interpreter if all else fails. I reckon you and your family are doing the right thing though, if you ain't happy give it a bash somewhere else. We only passthis way but once and all that old b0ll0cks (but its also kind of true if you know what I mean).

Thanks for your wishes Mick. Hopefully it does turn out alright but all I can say that it's in God's hands.

I guess we all need a fresh start once in a while in our lives. A bit like a PC needing to reboot it self if you will. Can't keep plugging away if you got shitloads of programs clustering your PC.

Lame comparison, I know.

But as you say, we only live once. We're just visitors here at the end of the day when you look at it.
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Postby Bad Bob » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:22 am

Best of luck with the move, mate.  Returning to familiar stomping grounds has it's plusses and minuses but being close to family and old friends is always a move that pays off.  Hopefully you'll land on your feet and be back on here posting before too long. :cool:
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Postby ConnO'var » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:49 am

Good Luck with the move back, mate.
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:09 am

good luck AB. :)
im sure life will be fair and treat you well.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:20 am

AB i always have the philosophy about emigrating or living in another country, "if you don't try it then you will never know".

even if things go wrong for you then you have the chance to take a wealth of experience elsewhere with you, you know have this experience and I hope you can utilise it when you get 'home'.

I don't know much about modern day bosnia or where you will live there, but I am sure there will be internet access so you can keep in touch, i know it had problems in the past but i think thats all finished now an bosnia has moved on.

good luck mate, keep your chin up

Postby woof woof ! » Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:22 am

Good luck AB ,hope all goes well for you. Once your settled in keep in touch if you can, even if it's only via the odd visit to an internet cafe .

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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:56 am

Good luck and best wishes for the future A.B. I hope you will find some way to keep in touch as you will certainly be missed.  I really hope everything works out for the best mate, and just think of all the birds you will pull with your American accent.
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Postby Ciggy » Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:44 am

Awww, good luck our kid.

I can imagine parts of America to be really sh.itty and with medical insurance and what not some people need 3 jobs just to keep a roof over their heads.

But youve been there seen it wore the T-Shirt and all that jazz.

Living in another country is hard adapting to their traditions and way of life.

It will be strange when you go home but after a while it will feel like home again no doubt.

I miss my family terribly and I am only an hour away on a plane from England and my life is totally different here compared to Liverpool a big city where evryone speaks to you, here I am a bit away from the town no pubs :D no shops and surrounded by the most selfish kunts you would ever wish to meet :D
To make things worst Ive just got a flat tire on my bike taking Aaron to school and no fecker to fix it :D

Totally alienated because I am english.
But I have to give my son a better life than the way he might have gone in Liverpool.

Dont get me wrong the kids are no angels here but there is no yob culture not yet anyway.

Good luck mate and stay in touch.

Last edited by Ciggy on Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Woollyback » Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:14 am

sorry to hear that America's B0llox dude. america is indeed meant to be the land of the free and the land of opportunity but maybe that only applies if you went to harvard or yale and daddy knows all the right people. i'm a great believer that everyone has their shelf-life in any particular place or job etc and when it's time to go, it's time to go. remember nothing in this life is permanent, you do with it what you wish. you're a young bloke and have plenty of time to work out your own direction, to make your mistakes and learn from them, then move on.

michael palin is currently doing a series on the bbc where he's travelled through the balkans and, for what it's worth, bosnia looks like a beautiful country to me. not like i'd ever have imagined, only having seen tv footage of it being a war-torn country 10/15 years ago. it also looked like there was some top-drawer flange in sarajevo  :D it will also be a damn sight cheaper to live there than in america as well. whatever you do though, don't be tempted to ever move to the uk. no, not because of roberts or stu, but because if you thought america is an expensive place to live then feck me you'd have a feckin heart attack if you ever came here.

anyway stick around f*ckface, i'm sure they've got the internet in bosnia.

and one more thing before you go......

are you really called  Anne Bancroft? :D
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:32 am

Good riddance

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Postby 66-1112520797 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:40 am

Aw f.uck

We've only just got you back A.B and the forum has been better for it.

I'm sorry to hear about the changes in your life, and sorry to hear you might not be able to post as much. But some things are much more important in life than football or forums.

Try and get back on though fella :D

BTW I'll post your post right now on talk sport.

Walk on ..... :)

Postby The Ace1983 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:54 am

Best Wishes A.B.
Hope all goes well with the move and that you're back on here sometime soon.
Having your family on the other side of the planet can be a b1tch sometimes, especially when everything isn't coming up roses. I hope you find Bosnia well, and good luck dude.
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Postby red37 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:29 am

All the best A.B - got to follow your heart. Im sure you will find a way.

Take care

(Oh yeah! this Key Moments thread that you hijacked!) Abstaining Benevolently  ???    :D

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