Maddy mccann - Little girl missing

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Postby neil » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:25 pm

nobody could bring up a little angel like that, then after  accidentally killing her attempt to 'dispose' of her carcass. get a grip people.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:31 pm

Phones & emails tapped.
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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:35 pm

neil wrote:nobody could bring up a little angel like that, then after  accidentally killing her attempt to 'dispose' of her carcass. get a grip people.

Thats why I have never really gone with the "accidental death" bit. If they have been responsible for hiding her body I think one of them must have lost their temper and killed her. (Maybe thats still classed as accidental?) If it was just a case of overdosing her with sedatives I think they would have just admitted to it.

Worst possible nightmare if they are innocent though. Losing your daughter and then being falsely accused.
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Postby destro » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:41 pm

neil wrote:nobody could bring up a little angel like that, then after  accidentally killing her attempt to 'dispose' of her carcass. get a grip people.

I really want to believe that but in the world we live in today and considering how much they have to lose, it can never be ruled out altogether, at the moment all of the evidence points towards the fact they did and time will tell one way or another.

I still don't give up hope that she will be found alive and well and I will continue to do so until it is proved beyond any doubt otherwise. But you cant just dismiss peoples opinions and speculations on it because she was a lovely little girl with parents who, it would seem loved her, as a parent I can 100 % say that I would NEVER do what they are being accused of but like everyone else I can only speak for myself.

My grip is that in todays society, the chance they did it can never be ruled out until they find her alive. And I for one will be keeping my fingers crossed that they do.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:41 pm

neil wrote:nobody could bring up a little angel like that,

No Neil but you dont go on holiday and leave 3 toddlers in a room on their own every night whilst you go on the lash either.

See if this had happened to me you couldnt even pull me out of the bed, infact Id probably have died of a broken heart or head my head in a bottle of vodka every day.
I would not travel all around the world meeting the FBI, go to the Vatican for an audience with the Pope.
I would not go to Germany, Amsterdam, Morrocco, Spain, and where ever else they have been.

I would be hunting round Portugal with a shovel ask everyone to help me, knock on every door have you seen my child.

I certainly wouldnt be going jogging every bloody day, and wouldnt be writting on weblogs every night with no mention of my missing child, just what we had to eat, or went the hairdressers, or went shopping.

I certainly would not let my other two children go to the creche in the same hotel my daughter had just been abducted from with a load of strangers and certainly not the next day.

My other two kids would be at my side 24/7 I would not let them out of my sight never mind shipping them off to creches.

They harp on about it being a family holiday the poor kids where dumped in the creche at 9 every morning, took back for a nap then shoved back in the creche till 6 every night.
Straight to bed then on the lash what a lovely holiday for the kids hey?

Whole thing stinks to high heaven I have never seen either of them cry since that gorgeus little thing has dissapeared if this had happened to me, it would have been scouse scally went on the lash whilst child vanished I wouldnt have had a media entourage or a fund set up.

Id have been hung drawn and quartered for leaving my kids just because they are middle class have good jobs big house they are treated like royalty.

Maybe they did kill maddy maybe they didnt but they did go out every night on that holiday and leave them 3 lovely babies on their own.

One must not forget that or forgive it either.
Last edited by Ciggy on Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Woollyback » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:45 pm

both of them would've been struck off the medical register if they had been found guilty of accidentally killing their child with drugs. i've really no idea whether they're involved or not but it wouldn't be a huge surprise if they were; there's some bizarre people out there and i would question the morals of anyone who goes out on the p*ss leaving a 3 year old and 2 babies at home alone. poor little girl.
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Postby Woollyback » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:49 pm

Ciggy wrote:if this had happened to me, it would have been scouse scally went on the lash whilst child vanished I wouldnt have had a media entourage or a fund set up.

Id have been hung drawn and quartered for leaving my kids just because they are middle class have good jobs big house they are treated like royalty.

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Postby Ciggy » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:49 pm

Woollyback wrote:i would question the morals of anyone who goes out on the p*ss leaving a 3 year old and 2 babies at home alone. poor little girl.

I wouldnt mind the money that theyve got never even had a baby phone aaron was 5 and I still used his when he was in bed upstairs.
And what makes it worst Maddy was the oldest kid on that holiday their other DR friends left a 9 month old baby on her own who kept vomiting did they stay in the room with her?
Did they feck they went back to the quiz in the Tapas bar and left that baby on her own she could have vomited and died.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:58 pm

Can I also add The we will leave no stone unturned in our search for Madeleine really Gerry? I didnt see you look any where for your daughter,
and Kate I am not leaving here with out Madeleine Im not even thinking about going back.

Thursday & Friday the police haul them in for questioning make them suspects then 4 flight where booked as quick as you could say Im a celebrity get me out of here on the internet with Easyjet and they scarped.

If I was innocent I would have stayed and fought to clear my name and look for my child.

Tommorrows Telegraph.
Last edited by Ciggy on Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kharhaz » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:00 pm

No word of a lie this happened to us tonight:

My oldest started his new school today, all decked out in his suit/uniform looked well smart. Now some friends down the road have a daughter who also goes to his new school and her dad said that with daniel (my oldest) he'll pick him up and drop him off seeing as how we live close by. However today wasnt possible because he was doing overtime. He said this in the morning when my missus went with dan in the morning. Come home time my missus came back about 3:30 (they finish at 3:00), "is he here?" she yelled, when she realised he wasnt she started panicking grabbed her bike then legged it. 20 mins later she came back is he back yet? Then the panic set in, now my kids aint exactly street wise they like reading books and playing on comps. I said take daz (our youngest) and see if hes gone down the road to his mates house while I grabbed my bike and went looking for him down possible routes he could come back from school. In the end it turns out that he forgot he wasnt getting a lift and waited by the school for someone to pick him up, not knowing what to do. A teacher saw him and gave him a lift home. In this case a lucky ending.
My point being he was only missing 30 or so minutes and we all went nuts doing everything to look for him.
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Postby Kharhaz » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:02 pm

p.s I say 30 mins because I gave him about 20 mins in case he walked home with new friends he made from our area while he was there.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:23 pm

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Postby Mikz » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:43 pm

Ciggy wrote:
neil wrote:nobody could bring up a little angel like that,

No Neil but you dont go on holiday and leave 3 toddlers in a room on their own every night whilst you go on the lash either.

See if this had happened to me you couldnt even pull me out of the bed, infact Id probably have died of a broken heart or head my head in a bottle of vodka every day.
I would not travel all around the world meeting the FBI, go to the Vatican for an audience with the Pope.
I would not go to Germany, Amsterdam, Morrocco, Spain, and where ever else they have been.

I would be hunting round Portugal with a shovel ask everyone to help me, knock on every door have you seen my child.

I certainly wouldnt be going jogging every bloody day, and wouldnt be writting on weblogs every night with no mention of my missing child, just what we had to eat, or went the hairdressers, or went shopping.

I certainly would not let my other two children go to the creche in the same hotel my daughter had just been abducted from with a load of strangers and certainly not the next day.

My other two kids would be at my side 24/7 I would not let them out of my sight never mind shipping them off to creches.

They harp on about it being a family holiday the poor kids where dumped in the creche at 9 every morning, took back for a nap then shoved back in the creche till 6 every night.
Straight to bed then on the lash what a lovely holiday for the kids hey?

Whole thing stinks to high heaven I have never seen either of them cry since that gorgeus little thing has dissapeared if this had happened to me, it would have been scouse scally went on the lash whilst child vanished I wouldnt have had a media entourage or a fund set up.

Id have been hung drawn and quartered for leaving my kids just because they are middle class have good jobs big house they are treated like royalty.

Maybe they did kill maddy maybe they didnt but they did go out every night on that holiday and leave them 3 lovely babies on their own.

One must not forget that or forgive it either.

:oh: Didnt know any of this stuff. I know i havent paid much attention to this case until now...

Idve been broken hearted too..I know everyones different and doctors especially but when its your own baby, and you think theyve cried for ya , and you werent there for them - F.Cuk!

The more I see them -the more evil they become... :lookaround  but maybe thats just me.
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Postby Ciggy » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:12 am

Mikz wrote:The more I see them -the more evil they become... :lookaround  but maybe thats just me.

Read his blog on the Maddy website.

He's come out with some rubbish the last few months I can only find these but since May he's been writting this type of rubbish, not once has he said he or she personally went out looking for Maddy.

Sean and Amelie certainly enjoyed their auntie’s dinner- sometimes it is hard to beat mince and ‘tatties’!
This evening we were invited to a friend’s house with the children for dinner. The twins had a good time with the other kids in the paddling pool and especially enjoyed the banana splits with extra child friendly toppings!
Kate and I went for a run along the coast at lunchtime. It was pretty windy but still warm enough. Later in the afternoon we went to visit a friend of Kate’s who is on holiday in a nearby village with her family.
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:39 am

New forensic results from British scientists were said to be due in Portugal within days amid claims that toxicology tests suggest Madeleine was accidentally poisoned by some sort of overdose.

It was claimed that she routinely put Madeleine and the two-year-old twins to bed in the family's holiday apartment "while Gerry played tennis and lay by the pool".
The reports also quoted witnesses who have given statements to police.
Pamela Fenn, who was in an apartment above the family on May 3 - the night Madeleine disappeared - is quoted as saying she believed Mrs McCann sometimes became violent and "out of control" in the room below.

She claimed that "the little girl's screams calling for her daddy were very audible".

Another witness is quoted as saying that Mrs McCann "seemed to have moments of aggressiveness towards her children" and that her husband, "though more absent, had more emotional control".

Mrs McCann is said to have strongly denied both these allegations in police interviews.
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