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Postby kunilson » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:29 am

scousers vs OOT's ? bah rubbish, its one big happy family :;):  you can feel the love.

an idiot is an idiot. scousers have them, OOT's have them....they shouldnt be allowed in public.
and i live daaaaaaaarn saaaaaaaaaaaarf and the water tastes fine. i dunno maybe im lucky  :D  but yeah agree with what bamaga said.

But if you support this club, respect to the city is due. no two ways about it really...
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Postby The Ace1983 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:36 am

Bamaga man wrote:
The Ace1983 wrote:I live down south and the water sucks. Everyone knows that the best water is in Scotland anyway. As for the rest of this drivel, i get it at work all day from chelsea fans. Whenever I come back from Liverpool they always make stupid jokes like "still got all ya hubcaps?" and sh1t like that. I was born in London, and i do love the city, but the people these days suck. It's not like it was back in the day unless you go east to places like West Ham where you get the funniest, most genuine geezers in the world. Whenever I go up to Liverpool I get no stick, i have a great time and then its back to the smoke for insults and scumbags. You definately get better parties up north.

Down here, the houses are overpriced, grass is grass, jobs are jobs, getting on a train is like joining in on a really bad orgy (no-one looks good, too much sweat and nowhere to sit down), as for the shops: see Harry and Paul's "We saw you coming" sketches and everyone from Swindon to Kent pretends to be a cockney (we call it  mockney) so they can't talk (literally or figuratively).

I'm not going to say the north is better than the south or visa versa, but I know where I'd rather be. Liverpool. The only problem with the north is Newcastle, but then at least you guys don't have to deal with Essex. I say we all gang up on the west country and east anglia. Bunch of bloody farmers... :D

Firstly mate dont knock the water its not as bad as some places (feck me a water topic), secondly just because you live in London and support Liverpool it doesnt mean you need to be negative about the place.

London is my favourite city, out of all the ones I've been to, abroad an all.

If you read it again, i do confess my love for London. I am a cockney, and i know what makes someone a cockney and it's  got nothing to do with Chaz and flippin' Dave. There is probably no city on earth more interesting than London. The place is unique. But when you live here... I dunno. I guess when you live somewhere, things are different. When I look at Liverpool, i rely on my memories, all of which are good, so it seems good. But when I want to think about London, I just have to think about my day, and if it's been a bad day, London sucks. If it's been a good day, London's the greatest city in the world! It's just that recently there's been more bad days than good. Take last monday. Some guy in King's Cross tried to mug me... twice. And having survived him both times, I dropped my wallet on the third rail at paddington and had to stand around for an hour before someone could get it for me. If you'd have asked me that day, London would have really sucked.

My post was also addressing the one-sided bullsh1t of the original quote in the first post. And you don't know my water. You think it tastes bad when it tastes of mud. Some days I pray for mud!   :D  Right now, mine tastes like... diesel fumes and cat food. I have been assured several times that it's clean, it just tastes cr@p.

I'm glad you like London, (the good press sells t-shirts) but living here is something different. All i was doing was bringing some perspective to the original comments from a position where I am able to do so. London's your lady? fine. But to some of us, on some days, she's a giant green devil whore with tuna breath and pmt. I'm sure Liverpool seems like that to some people some days, but I wouldn't know...
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:42 am

I'm glad you like London, (the good press sells t-shirts) but living here is something different.

I know mate, I used to live there, for 27 years infact.

Postby Ciggy » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:42 am

Been to London loads of time and most of the people (not the ones I was staying with) have no time for you they are like robots, on the train, tube, bus, street rush, rush, maybe because Im from Liverpool and most people have time for each other and strangers speak to strangers.
In London I have never come across it.
But saying that Ive never been to any place where the people are as friendly as in Liverpool and its not just bias from me, a lot of people Ive spoken to on holiday etc have said scousers are the most friendly out of everyone.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:44 am

Ciggy wrote:Been to London loads of time and most of the people (not the ones I was staying with) have no time for you they are like robots, on the train, tube, bus, street rush, rush, maybe because Im from Liverpool and most people have time for each other and strangers speak to strangers.
In London I have never come across it.
But saying that Ive never been to any place where the people are as friendly as in Liverpool and its not just bias from me, a lot of people Ive spoken to on holiday etc have said scousers are the most friendly out of everyone.

That is true about London indeed.

And what you said about Scousers to is pretty well known aswell, Scousers aswell I very much liked fot their humour and wit.

Postby Paul C » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:03 pm

Ciggy wrote:Been to London loads of time and most of the people (not the ones I was staying with) have no time for you they are like robots, on the train, tube, bus, street rush, rush, maybe because Im from Liverpool and most people have time for each other and strangers speak to strangers.
In London I have never come across it.
But saying that Ive never been to any place where the people are as friendly as in Liverpool and its not just bias from me, a lot of people Ive spoken to on holiday etc have said scousers are the most friendly out of everyone.

Agreed Ciggs, Liverpool is a rare place, the people are really friendly, in Liverpool you can talk to the guy having a p1ss next to you in the toilets where if you did that in London you'd probably get a punch and called a 'homo'.

For me Liverpool and New York are two of the best cities in the world, New York is my third home (been there 5 times) and Liverpool is my second, I feel more scouse than wool to be honest, I get called a scouser all the time even though me and my sis are the only non scousers in the family.

Regards to ooters comments, well I'd have to say you guys talk sh.ite, I agree that you get knobs at Anfield who are ooters but if you expect the ground to be 100% scousers then you need a head check, we have one of the biggest fan bases in the world and anyone has the right to go to the game........ scousers or not.

I'm a 'woolyback' and I've been going to the games since I was 3 years old, does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to watch my beloved reds grace the green grass?  ???
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:15 pm

I live in the southern quarter of England and I have to say I have noticed a fair amount of hostility towards me in my several trips to Anfield. I have a southern accent and when I go to Anfield, it’s quite noticeable; therefore I get some rather evil looks from people standing next me.

It makes me feel as though I do not belong at Anfield and I should not support the team. I even had one Liverpool fan who told me to clear off and support West Ham or another southern club.

As for the comments from the person on the official forum, I’d take no notice, I quite enjoy going to Liverpool despite a few bad experiences at football matches. Liverpool is quite an interesting city, full of culture and history.

I watched the small segment about Pier Head with Jamie Redknapp on Britain’s finest view and I learnt quite a bit about Liverpool and it was enjoyable viewing.

I don’t believe I will ever feel part of the Liverpool Football community, because I wasn’t born and raised in Liverpool, therefore I am not a Scouser and therefore I do not belong at Anfield and some will be of the opinion, I should not support the club.
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Postby Paul C » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:36 pm

Wilhelmsson wrote:I live in the southern quarter of England and I have to say I have noticed a fair amount of hostility towards me in my several trips to Anfield. I have a southern accent and when I go to Anfield, it’s quite noticeable; therefore I get some rather evil looks from people standing next me.

It makes me feel as though I do not belong at Anfield and I should not support the team. I even had one Liverpool fan who told me to clear off and support West Ham or another southern club.

As for the comments from the person on the official forum, I’d take no notice, I quite enjoy going to Liverpool despite a few bad experiences in football matches. Liverpool is quite an interesting city, full of culture and history.

I watched the small segment about Pier Head with Jamie Redknapp on Britain’s finest view and I learnt quite a bit about Liverpool and it was enjoyable viewing.

I don’t believe I will ever feel part of the Liverpool Football community, because I wasn’t born and raised in Liverpool, therefore I am not a Scouser and therefore I do not belong at Anfield and some will be of the opinion, I should not support the club.

Damn, thats a bit harsh, take no notice fella, those were just the select few kn0bs you get anywhere  :no
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Postby redtrader74 » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:50 pm

Wilhelmsson wrote:I live in the southern quarter of England and I have to say I have noticed a fair amount of hostility towards me in my several trips to Anfield. I have a southern accent and when I go to Anfield, it’s quite noticeable; therefore I get some rather evil looks from people standing next me.

It makes me feel as though I do not belong at Anfield and I should not support the team. I even had one Liverpool fan who told me to clear off and support West Ham or another southern club.

As for the comments from the person on the official forum, I’d take no notice, I quite enjoy going to Liverpool despite a few bad experiences at football matches. Liverpool is quite an interesting city, full of culture and history.

I watched the small segment about Pier Head with Jamie Redknapp on Britain’s finest view and I learnt quite a bit about Liverpool and it was enjoyable viewing.

I don’t believe I will ever feel part of the Liverpool Football community, because I wasn’t born and raised in Liverpool, therefore I am not a Scouser and therefore I do not belong at Anfield and some will be of the opinion, I should not support the club.

Well to the people who give you that at Anfield, i say reply with a clear and concise [B]FUC[B]K Off. Anyone who thinks that our Club should only have local Scouse support is a fool.

The facts are that there are more non Scouse LFC fans than there are Scouse fans. As i understand it the population of Liverpool is around 500,000 of which no doubt there are a fair few bitters and non football fans (although many would argue that is the same thing), so you could ask them how they hope to sustain a Club like Liverpool with 250,000 fans?

I really don't understand the point of this ooter, woolly rubbish that regularly crops up on the forum. Lets get one thing right, it isn't as easy being one, especially the overseas guys, they haven't got the Club on their doorstep, they can't pop down on match day and hope to get a ticket form a tout, the non scouse fans love the Club as much.

Also this thing about removing ooter/woollys from the KOP, another load of rubbish, get out those that don't join in or know the songs, where they come from is irrelevant. When i've gone to Anfield i've sat next to Scousers that weren't singing. The goal should be get all supporters at the ground to be involved.

Don't get me wrong, having a Scouse heartbeat is integral to the Club, and its the Scouse characteristics of humour, friendliness, wit etc. that have probably endeared the Club to so many, but those who think the support should not come from outside of Liverpool are living in their own world.
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Postby hello_red » Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:44 am

Although I dont live in Liverpool I do have a Liverpool post code wierdly enough. Now I have spent alot of time in manc and used to liove down south and I must say I prefer the water round here. As for the lfc.tv forum that will naturally be full of :censored: due to it being the official Liverpool FC web site and the easiest site to access.
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Postby Lucky » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:36 am

redtrader74 wrote:I really don't understand the point of this ooter, woolly rubbish that regularly crops up on the forum. Lets get one thing right, it isn't as easy being one, especially the overseas guys, they haven't got the Club on their doorstep, they can't pop down on match day and hope to get a ticket form a tout, the non scouse fans love the Club as much.

Also this thing about removing ooter/woollys from the KOP, another load of rubbish, get out those that don't join in or know the songs, where they come from is irrelevant. When i've gone to Anfield i've sat next to Scousers that weren't singing. The goal should be get all supporters at the ground to be involved.

Don't get me wrong, having a Scouse heartbeat is integral to the Club, and its the Scouse characteristics of humour, friendliness, wit etc. that have probably endeared the Club to so many, but those who think the support should not come from outside of Liverpool are living in their own world.

Living in a time zone which is 8 hours (7 hours in the summer) earlier than England, I have to watch many LFC league games at 22:00, 23:00 or 24:00 our local time, which are our usual bed time, and wake up at 2 or 3 in the early morning for the CL games, even in workdays. An LFC win always brightens me up for days or even weeks and a lost would depress me very much. Maybe our love and passion for the club cannot compare with scousers, but we, non scouse fans, do love the club as much indeed. And I always dreamed that someday I'd go to Anfield to see my beloved team playing and sing YNWA with the whole ground, but some posts here just made me feel embarrassed and kind of worried. Should we be deprived of the right to support LFC just because we are not scousers?  :down:
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:26 am

redtrader74 wrote:
Wilhelmsson wrote:I live in the southern quarter of England and I have to say I have noticed a fair amount of hostility towards me in my several trips to Anfield. I have a southern accent and when I go to Anfield, it’s quite noticeable; therefore I get some rather evil looks from people standing next me.

It makes me feel as though I do not belong at Anfield and I should not support the team. I even had one Liverpool fan who told me to clear off and support West Ham or another southern club.

As for the comments from the person on the official forum, I’d take no notice, I quite enjoy going to Liverpool despite a few bad experiences at football matches. Liverpool is quite an interesting city, full of culture and history.

I watched the small segment about Pier Head with Jamie Redknapp on Britain’s finest view and I learnt quite a bit about Liverpool and it was enjoyable viewing.

I don’t believe I will ever feel part of the Liverpool Football community, because I wasn’t born and raised in Liverpool, therefore I am not a Scouser and therefore I do not belong at Anfield and some will be of the opinion, I should not support the club.

Well to the people who give you that at Anfield, i say reply with a clear and concise [B]FUC[B]K Off. Anyone who thinks that our Club should only have local Scouse support is a fool.

The facts are that there are more non Scouse LFC fans than there are Scouse fans. As i understand it the population of Liverpool is around 500,000 of which no doubt there are a fair few bitters and non football fans (although many would argue that is the same thing), so you could ask them how they hope to sustain a Club like Liverpool with 250,000 fans?

I really don't understand the point of this ooter, woolly rubbish that regularly crops up on the forum. Lets get one thing right, it isn't as easy being one, especially the overseas guys, they haven't got the Club on their doorstep, they can't pop down on match day and hope to get a ticket form a tout, the non scouse fans love the Club as much.

Also this thing about removing ooter/woollys from the KOP, another load of rubbish, get out those that don't join in or know the songs, where they come from is irrelevant. When i've gone to Anfield i've sat next to Scousers that weren't singing. The goal should be get all supporters at the ground to be involved.

Don't get me wrong, having a Scouse heartbeat is integral to the Club, and its the Scouse characteristics of humour, friendliness, wit etc. that have probably endeared the Club to so many, but those who think the support should not come from outside of Liverpool are living in their own world.

Agreed, good post mate.  :)   :nod


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