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Postby Ciggy » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:03 pm

Just read this on RAOTL this was posted by a so-called Liverpool fan unbelievable.

Topic: What's the problem Liverpool people have with the rest of England?

Bacon double whopper wrote:
i think it's jealousy really, not just from scousers but the whole of the north of england - south of england is where the money is, decent jobs, nicer houses, smart expensive shops, nicer grass, water tastes better, ability to pronounce words properly, better train system, home of the capital city, more job opportunities. basically the north have an inferiority complex and turning their back on the south makes them feel better about the whole thing

Nicer grass :laugh: Water tastes better :laugh: Cant pronounce our words properly :D
What a tool I want to know why he chooses to support a club that in his eyes has an inferiority complex with the South.
Id love 5 minutes in a room with this fella I seriously would.

Bad beauts on that forum and people complain about here.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:08 pm

full of whoppers and beauts. All dead against the RTK aswell.

I got called a 'theiving scouse bastard once by an Irish Liverpool fan for standing up an applauding as a sub was taking place. I just turned round to hi  and said, "What are you doing here? Honestly?"

nothing suprises me with our support these days
Last edited by adamnbarrett on Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:11 pm

adamnbarrett wrote:full of whoppers and beauts. All dead against the RTK aswell.

I got called a 'theiving scouse b@stard once by an Irish Liverpool fan for standing up an applauding as a sub was taking place. I just turned round to hi  and said, "What are you doing here? Honestly?"

nothing suprises me with our support these days

Should have smacked him one lad cheeky b@stard.

Cant believe that Jester Hat topic really cant believe it.

Just been reading the Gerrard debate most of them have said England first Liverpool second, Gerrard should do as he's told tis an honour for him to even be picked.

I despair.

p.s. I Cant post on RAOTL cause theres a lock down  :D
Last edited by Ciggy on Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby red37 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:12 pm

I preferred the old 'Mushroom Swiss' meself - they were great.

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Postby Paul C » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:19 pm

You get some b3ll3nds on that forum, I never go on there anymore cos people haven't got a clue, regards the people at the match I find you get more ooters at Anfield who try and put a scouse accent on, it makes me p1ss so much cos you can spot them a mile away  :D
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Postby daxy1 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:22 pm

Paul C wrote:You get some b3ll3nds on that forum, I never go on there anymore cos people haven't got a clue, regards the people at the match I find you get more ooters at Anfield who try and put a scouse accent on, it makes me p1ss so much cos you can spot them a mile away  :D

the rarest thing at anfield on matchday is a scouser

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Postby adamnbarrett » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:27 pm

did you read about that guy who sat in the 1892 block (where everyone stands up of course) and told them to sit down. He got put in his place and is just bite about it.

If you want to sit down, why sit in that part of the ground? Why even leave your armchair?

Jester hats are a complete sign of a daytripper. I don't get why they are so special for matches aswell, people look like twats in them. Do people like to make a fool out of themselves?

I don't mind kids wearing them but anyone over the age of 12 shouldn't really be wearing one.

It says it all when you've got people posting on there with names like "HyppHyppHurray"  :Oo:

"they've been peeing alot of fans off, including a little 10 year old lad who wore a hat which was claimed not suitable for the game,"

That quote somehow urns into abusing a young disabled girl.

I despair, I really do.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:33 pm

adamnbarrett wrote:"they've been peeing alot of fans off, including a little 10 year old lad who wore a hat which was claimed not suitable for the game,"

That quote somehow urns into abusing a young disabled girl.

I despair, I really do.

Yes I read that shocking the story got twisted into Dem scousers, RTK gave a kid with down syndrome abuse, really bad to be telling porkies like that.

And one of them said no more of this Keep Flags Scouse rubbish I am writting to the club to ask them to give us plastic ones like Chelsea have done for their fans  :no  :D
Last edited by Ciggy on Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:46 pm

Ciggy wrote:Just read this on RAOTL this was posted by a so-called Liverpool fan unbelievable.

Topic: What's the problem Liverpool people have with the rest of England?

Bacon double whopper wrote:
i think it's jealousy really, not just from scousers but the whole of the north of england - south of england is where the money is, decent jobs, nicer houses, smart expensive shops, nicer grass, water tastes better, ability to pronounce words properly, better train system, home of the capital city, more job opportunities. basically the north have an inferiority complex and turning their back on the south makes them feel better about the whole thing

Nicer grass :laugh: Water tastes better :laugh: Cant pronounce our words properly :D
What a tool I want to know why he chooses to support a club that in his eyes has an inferiority complex with the South.
Id love 5 minutes in a room with this fella I seriously would.

Bad beauts on that forum and people complain about here.

I have no time for idiots like that.

I live down south (obviously) and have supported Liverpool since I was little, mainly because my Grandad (who was Irish) first moved from Ireland to Liverpool, and supported the reds, before moving down south. I cringe when I hear fans at Anfield who obviously aren't from Liverpool put on accents, etc.

The truth is I see the majority of Liverpool games from a pub or my couch but I do venture up to Liverpool 5/6 games a years, which ain't bad considering its a 550 mile round trip from my house.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:55 pm

SouthCoastShankly wrote:I live down south

So Shanks mate is your water better than ours then or what :D
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Postby adamnbarrett » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:58 pm

Ciggy wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:I live down south

So Shanks mate is your water better than ours then or what :D

obviously it is. Otherwise they wouldn't have hosepipe bans  :D

although because of this I doubt the grass is better.......
Last edited by adamnbarrett on Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby red37 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:02 pm

The water down south is full of Lime and when you get out the bath, your skins all wrinkly and white...why the all wear that poncey hand cream stuff.

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Postby Sabre » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:14 pm

Since when a water can taste better? the water is tasteless, and if it tastes it must be chlorine or something!!

Quite shocking to read that, he seems a WUM. I come from a country in which we have a wide spread language and lots of accents, and we don't dare to say which one is more spanish or better. It's just different. FWIW, Liverpool is the most respected club of England abroad, and that's that.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:31 pm

Sabre wrote:Since when a water can taste better? the water is tasteless, and if it tastes it must be chlorine or something!!

Quite shocking to read that, he seems a WUM. I come from a country in which we have a wide spread language and lots of accents, and we don't dare to say which one is more spanish or better. It's just different. FWIW, Liverpool is the most respected club of England abroad, and that's that.

No the water is much worse where I live, everyone has to have water filters fitted due to the chalk in the water. Once its filtered its fine but straight out of the tap is 50/50 whether you get a good glass or not. :D What has the world come to when you discuss water quality! :D
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Postby The Ace1983 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:31 pm

I live down south and the water sucks. Everyone knows that the best water is in Scotland anyway. As for the rest of this drivel, i get it at work all day from chelsea fans. Whenever I come back from Liverpool they always make stupid jokes like "still got all ya hubcaps?" and sh1t like that. I was born in London, and i do love the city, but the people these days suck. It's not like it was back in the day unless you go east to places like West Ham where you get the funniest, most genuine geezers in the world. Whenever I go up to Liverpool I get no stick, i have a great time and then its back to the smoke for insults and scumbags. You definately get better parties up north.

Down here, the houses are overpriced, grass is grass, jobs are jobs, getting on a train is like joining in on a really bad orgy (no-one looks good, too much sweat and nowhere to sit down), as for the shops: see Harry and Paul's "We saw you coming" sketches and everyone from Swindon to Kent pretends to be a cockney (we call it  mockney) so they can't talk (literally or figuratively).

I'm not going to say the north is better than the south or visa versa, but I know where I'd rather be. Liverpool. The only problem with the north is Newcastle, but then at least you guys don't have to deal with Essex. I say we all gang up on the west country and east anglia. Bunch of bloody farmers... :D
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