Yesterday was a great day

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Rafa D » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:10 pm

Yes I know we was robbed by a terrible penalty decision that cost us the 3 points and it was sickening. However something much more important than a win against Chelsea was shown to me yesterday.

The team was actually fighting for each other, I mean REALLY fighting for each other.

Rewind to a couple of years ago at Stamford Bridge when Reina sliced Robben down and the whole Chelsea team went for Reina and hardly any of our team tried to stop them or protect (As if he needs it) Reina from Terry and Co seething with the challenge. That really really grated with me that the team wouldn't fight it out when it got rough.

Fast forward to yesterday and Torres slapping the face of Terry when he was screaming in his face, Torres going head to head with Ben Haim, Gerrard slamming into Mikel, Pennant flying into players, Xabi Alonso going for Frank, Riise barging Essien all over the field, yesterday we more than matched them in the aggressive stakes and took the piss out on the park.

Some would argue we were losing our heads, we werent we were protecting our own and not letting Chelsea take the I noticed it first in pre-season when Gerrard slapped that PSV defender and I pointed out to the lads that at least team spirit must be sky high when players are fighting for each other, its nice to see its been transferred to the Premiership.

Its this type of aggressive attitude that wins leagues.
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Postby metalhead » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:15 pm

Rafa-Dodd wrote:Rewind to a couple of years ago at Stamford Bridge when Reina sliced Robben down and the whole Chelsea team went for Reina and hardly any of our team tried to stop them or protect (As if he needs it) Reina from Terry and Co seething with the challenge. That really really grated with me that the team wouldn't fight it out when it got rough.

I don't think reina needs any help when he is in a fight. :D

Yeh, good to see the lads fighting for each other.
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Postby heimdall » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:33 pm

Yepp totally agree although they need to be a bit careful, thee was very nearly a couple of reds yesterday especially with that clown of a referee.
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:57 pm

yes it was very nice to see it and i hope we maintain this type of attitude for the rest of the season. it was a very united and no-nonsense stance adopted by the Reds.
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Postby stevemck » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:02 pm


Although in the end I think a draw was a fair result.

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Sorry, I get annoyed!

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Postby username » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:10 pm

heimdall wrote:Yepp totally agree although they need to be a bit careful, thee was very nearly a couple of reds yesterday especially with that clown of a referee.

It was only the pointless yellows he gave that almost got our players sent off
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Postby Dundalk » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:11 pm

Well that said a lot of people especially  in the phone in on 606 were giving out that Chelsea were to aggressive and as a team were giving out to the ref to much.

They seem to be sticking together true thick and thin and I agree with Rafa Dodd that we need to that do that more. Obviously it works as seen yesterday.

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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:33 pm

yeah i agree, its good to see that because it shows they are not just work associates but mates as well.
torres showed against one of the tougher centre halves in the league that he wont be intimidated and pennant seems to be rubbing heads with someone almost every week now!
all the best sides have this `us against the world` mentality and its good to see it coming into our team.

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Postby red37 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:37 pm

Ive already said in the Torres thread, its great to see it and more of the same i hope.

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Postby Dalglish » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:39 pm

Good post Doddy.

What was equally encouraging yesterday was the performance of the team as a whole and the fact we more than matched a full strength Chelsea side intent on spoiling tactics and haranguing the Referee at every opportunity. Terry in particular seems to believe he is Captain Controversy and feels the need to remind the ref whenever something doesn't go in his teams favour.

The penalty debacle has overshadowed what was a fine performance by the Reds who have had to integrate some new faces into the team at very short notice. Torres was utter class yesterday and you can see already that he is going to be a valuable asset to the team. Babel is a beast of a man and especially at Villa last week showed why he is so highly rated.

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Postby redtrader74 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:49 pm

Good podt Rafa Dodd, i've been saying much the same myself for a while, teams that back each other up always have a better chance of winning because they are more likely to dig deep and pull each other out of a hole.
There were a few on here moaning about SG when he let a right slap go, but i was more impressed that he went over to give Agger a hand, the mentality of 'one in all in' has been missing for years.
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Postby LFC2007 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:17 pm

Now silly season is almost *pray to god* over and the meaningful matches have begun it seems apt to post again.

Here goes....

In spite of the final outcome in yesterday's match against Chelsea, there were many many positives, no?  :D

In terms of team selection, Mick and the anti-overrotationist gang will be appeased for at least one more week. However, with only two games played I think the most we can deduce on the selection front is that Rafa is open to 'Big Mick' thinking - i.e. still rotate but just slightly less - especially in the league - UCL is a different kettle of fish.

Rafa has already indicated that he wants Gerrard to play through the middle in most games, and given that Pennant is more settled and we have re-inforced with Benayoun and Babel I cannot foresee too many occasions where he will play on the right.

The matches against Villa and Chelsea emphasise how influential Gerrard is playing down the middle, he runs the show it's as simple as that. I think the arrival of Torres co-incides nicely with Rafa deciding to re-instate Gerrard to his most effective position. I think Torres coming is one of the main reasons for this decision - we have not had a player of Torres' type since Owen left. The goal and link up play between Gerrard and Torres yesterday was typical of the type of Owen - Gerrard link up play reminiscent of when Owen was still here.

Kuyt has his detractors, but in my view against Villa and Chelsea he was superb. His link up play, match awareness and general all round play is great. Of all our forwards, he is the one who can adapt to play with any other one the most IMO, and his attitude and character is something you need if you are to win titles.

The back four have been relatively steady, Riise gets exposed a lot and is not a strong left back - hence the Heinze interest. Nonetheless Arbeloa has done a meritorious job so far. I still think we need to be more firm in taking decisions at the back, esp at set pieces, 'if in doubt hoof it out'. I am hoping we will be more decisive at the back as the season moves on.

The midfield has looked balanced and settled, Alonso played very well in both games and got forward a bit more esp. vs Chelsea. Pennant has looked decent, if a little temperamental at times - needs a clip round the ear from Lando!  :D

Riise on the left side is a great outlet IMO, especially for the searching ball from Gerrard or Alonso. I often think its a game of concentration for Riise if he wants to hit good consistent form.

Kewell - feck knows what happened to him.

Babel - he's looked lively, and pacey. He has a hell of shot, just needs a time before he is real class IMO. Against some of the smaller teams he would be ideal IMO this season, pace and quality at the back is something the lesser EPL sides don't really have.

Torres - looks a gem, the quality of run and touch yesterday for the goal was something I haven't seen since Owen left. There's been no sign of the lack of intelligent runs that Sabre mentioned, and no sign of the big ego others mentioned - just hard work and quality. Imagine Cisse in the scenario vs Cheslea - one poor touch and a blast into oblivion in all likelihood.

In terms of our pattern of play, the best way of describing it is in terms of balance and it looks far more balanced. An orthodox right winger who has settled, a solid central partnership, a great strong pacey outlet on the left with Riise and Torres/Kuyt up front are the main reasons for this better balance.

I was slightly surprised not to see Benayoun on the bench yesterday, the period after they equalized they sat back and defended deep. It's very difficult to break a decent EPL team when they do this, let alone Cheslea. It usually takes a jinky ball through or a reverse pass to penetrate the back line in this scenario, Benayoun is our best option for this role. Babel has pace, but when teams defend deep and they have pace at the back themselves, then pace for the attacking team is not as effective - you need cunning and movement.

That is my only criticism of yesterday's performance, there's nothing we can do about Styles' c0ck up, it happens - he fecked it big time and he'll know about it that's for sure.

The match against Sunderland is a big test IMO, this is the type of match where we have gone t!ts up in seasons past. It's hard to tell if Rafa will rotate for the Sunderland game, but I think he will - just not as much as he might have done last season. Maybe Mascherano and Babel in and that's it.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:40 am

stevemck wrote:Aaaaaaaaargh:

Although in the end I think a draw was a fair result.

Posted at:

Sorry, I get annoyed!


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Postby LegBarnes » Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:53 am

Gerrard always haves the edge over lampard in the midfield goes back to when he play lamps in the youth team england setup he kicked ten tons of out of all the england midfield cos they didnt pick him for the training camp in his auto...
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:59 am

Its this type of aggressive attitude that wins leagues.

Absolutely. No messing around. No nice guy stuff.

During the match, someone should have walked up to Terry and said "I FAKKED YOUR WIFE!!!!" and he'd be provoked and would get sent off because he's a hothead and a disgrace to the legacy of Bobby Moore.

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