Uefa liverpool fans the worst

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Postby BOODIDDY » Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:33 pm

its unbelievable. we get awards for our supporters. uefa thought we were magical in 2001 in dortmunt and then in istanbul . conducted ourselves impecabbly against juve at home and in the face of antagonistic banners and urine being thrown in turin (platini's beloved). Make opposing fans feel very welcome in liverpool. Olympiakos saluted us for our compassion shown to their tragedy.

We behaved great in Athens, apart from what i mentioned a small minority of idiots , who, if the game had been staged in germany, france or britain wouldn't have got any where near the stadium. We have our faults, we agree, but ours are very small compared to most clubs in europe.

I was upset last week, but now when i reflect on the day. Uefa are to blame. They should thank us for making an atmosphere. For making the farce of the ataturk into the greatest event they have ever held. Was there any trouble there? No.

Uefa want the cake when all is good but wash their hands of the bad. I believe us as fans will sort out the dicks at this club. Uefa will always cause controversy for many years to come.  What happened about the french with the mancs? Or in Rome? (20 years on from our battering at the hands of those fascist :censored:)

English teams are an easy target, because our government is weak, and won't back our clubs up. We just take the knocks.

Platini, go and :censored: your diseased ridden garlic smelling french whore. you piece of adopted pizza loving latin :censored:. Go and :censored: your're cockeril.
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Postby Sabre » Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:39 pm

English teams are an easy target, because our government is weak, and won't back our clubs up. We just take the knocks.

No, from an outer perspective I can't blame the english government being weak.

The troll that is an Everton and Madrid fan (he has them all the bástard) says it all. Real Madrid ultra fans have done HAVOC in Europe, in small groups of 200. Meaning, hotels destroyed, shops robbed, whatever criminal acts you want to imagine, they've done it. And those ultras were paid the trips by Madrid as a club in the past. Because they were a handy "force" when internal criticism arised in Bernabeu -- the violents were "loyal" to the board.

But the UEFA and this troll refuse to see those facts. Refuse to see Liverpool and English football in general have done a lot of work to finnish with violence, racism and other things.

It's easy to blame the old English-hooligan cliche. And a good french man won't hesitate to do so.

In his own country Marseille or PSG fans have done FAR WORSE things, but, he refuses to acknowledge it.

If I was a scouser, I'd be absolutelly out of my mind if I heard those Platini words. I'm angry now not being one!
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Postby BOODIDDY » Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:48 pm

Sabre cheers. But i ain't calling our government. its just that they don't attack back at uefa. Uefa are out order for saying this. Look at what leon posted and you'll see that they are complete liars.

Gallard last year praised us for being fantastic fans and for turning our negative problems of the 70',80's, (which wasn't just us, it was british and europe but we was successful and beared the brunt of a delapidated stadium. I have the video and i'm still shocked to see italian fans with weapons covering their faces. Some had guns. buts that for another debate) into  a positive in our show of love for this great club. We have the biggest following in europe at this moment in time. The mancs have a big one too, but due to success we have had more fans travelling over europe lately. Yet, it was only in athens were we had some trouble. It wasn't due to beating opposing fans up, it wa sdue to the fact that uefa only give 17000 tickets to a club that they knew would sell 100000 if it was given them. Yet they still did nothing to stop those without tickets from entering an athletics stadium.
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:53 pm

LFCFAN2 wrote:I support Everton and Real Madrid

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Postby Aaron » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:15 pm

LFCFAN2 wrote:Well you cant blame Platini considering you lot pushed a wall on them, then you almost have another hillsborough inside the stadium and now you are crying foul play, I see self pitty city is back in order. Get your house in order before you start pointing the finger, uefa didnt make you push a wall over and uefa didnt make you force your way into the stadium, you're just a bunch of kopite :censored:.

Ciggy - :censored: your mum.

:censored: off ya sheepshaggin :censored:!!!
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:48 pm

LFCFAN2 wrote:Here we go internet gangsterism is on the agenda, face it, i know hillsborough wasn't your fault that was the police, but you lot with your selfish behaviour put your own supporters lives in danger and you acted like morons yet you expect everyone to respect you and fight for justice when you act like animals.

face it you cannot handle the truth, you deserve to be banned from europe for all the problems you cause. jumping barriers, robbing your fans of cup final tickets and beating ac milan fans up, its sickening and whats more sickening is these :censored: are allowed to get away with it.

football doesnt need anymore disasters, theres been enough, which is liverpool need to be bought under swift control along with roma and feyenoord.

Why don't you go take your face for a shyte and do one, you fu.ckin clown! Don't be jealous now. Jog on, son!
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Postby Bubba » Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:51 pm

If this :censored: that Platini is saying is true then how is he president of UEFA? Are we any worse than Man United? Or Real Madrid? And dont even get me started on Italy. If it came from NOTW then its likely a load of bollocks but these comments are an absolute joke and a disgrace.

We've been told many times by other clubs we have the greatest supporters in the world, through good or bad times. In 2001 against Alaves and 2005 and 2007 against Milan to name a few we completely took over the stadiums. In the Community Shield at the start of the season we sold all our tickets out. In the FA cup semi final last season we made more noise than Man United do every home game! Even when we got thumped 6-3 by Arsenal our fans sung until the end.

Get lost Platini you haven't got a clue :angry:
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:03 pm

LFCFAN2 wrote:I support Everton

Cause your never feckin in Europe gobsh1te.
Happy Als crew are all angels like arnt they?

Just feckin do one you shower of obssessed bitter of kunts.
Last edited by Ciggy on Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:20 pm

Ciggy wrote:
LFCFAN2 wrote:I support Everton

Just feckin do one you shower of obssessed bitter of kunts.

just say how it is ciggy  :D
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Postby Bubba » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:31 pm

Cause your never feckin in Europe gobsh1te.
Happy Als crew are all angels like arnt they?

Just feckin do one you shower of obssessed bitter of kunts.

:bowdown i like it :D
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:34 pm

So it's official then, Liverpool fans are the worst in all of Europe.
Worse than the Italian fans who left the wife of a police officer widowed.
Worse than the French fans who held an anti-semitic rally which turned violent and resulted in the death of an officer from the Gendarmerie.
Worse than the Inter Milan fans who on one occasion launched a scooter from an upper tier of the San Siro and on another caused a Champions League quarter final match to be abandoned by hurling flares on to the pitch.

Worse than the Man United fans who clashed with riot police in Rome.
That's right, in the past four years Liverpool fans have been on the rampage across Europe and have caused more death and destruction than any of these incidents.
Except, of course, they haven't. Only in UEFA's (and the News of the World's) eyes has their behaviour been the worst in the whole continent.
Now what would make UEFA contradict everything we know to be true to come out with such an outlandish and unfounded slur?
Let me think........
Could it perhaps me that they're trying desperately to whitewash what really happened in Athens prior to the European Cup final and their own shambolic organisation?
Far be it from me to suggest it but that is what it seems like.
Apparently, they have a dossier of "25 incidents" over the last four years to prove their point but unless they can come up with incidents where the behaviour of Liverpool supporters is anywhere near as bad as those listed above then I'm afraid their dossier will be shown up to be exactly what it is - a desperately cheap shot in their increasingly nasty smear campaign.
And when their best examples of this apparently disgraceful behaviour come down to a few flags being nicked from the Olympic stadium and tickets being snatched from kids then we really are into the realms of the ridiculous.
Those who snatched tickets before the final have been condemned on this blog and by the majority of Liverpool fans. But are those who did it really worse than those who killed a police officer in Italy? Do me a favour.
What worries me most is if the roles had been reversed and Liverpool fans (or any other English fans for that matter) had killed an officer of the law then we would now be banned from Europe.
That's the way UEFA have operated for years. English fans cause trouble and they're condemned and hit with the most severe sanctions. Italian or Turkish fans cause trouble - and over a long period of time - and they're hit with petty fines.
My second big worry is while UEFA are rewriting history, no-one from Liverpool Football Club has spoken out on favour of the fans.
Now I know it's the closed season and I know everyone's entitled to a holiday but in the age of the internet and mobile phones surely it's not beyond the call of duty for some high ranking LFC official to come out in our defence.
Even from a corporate point of view - and we all know that's the one that matters most in the modern game - the Liverpool "brand" is taking a hiding.
In the absence of anything from the club, every news operation in the country is dining out on UEFA's smears. Sky Sports News - a close relative of the News of the World - keeps on running that same 15 second snatch of footage from Athens which shows about three lads bunking in as if it provides concrete evidence of what UEFA is claiming.
If Liverpool say nothing then UEFA's version of history will become the accepted version of events and it will be used against the club and its fans for evermore. Surely that provides enough motivation to provoke a response. If not, then are we to believe that Liverpool share UEFA's views of the fans?
The ironic thing is, or maybe it's not ironic when you inhabit UEFA's world of double standards, just two years ago we were being praised as Europe's finest fans in the world during the post-Istanbul glow.
That was despite the fact that this damning dossier was by then two years old and we were, as it transpires, well on our way to being named as Europe's worst.
Another irony is that just before the final our friend William Galliard was telling anyone who would listen that there would be no trouble in Athens because there was no recent history of problems involving fans of either Liverpool or Milan.
Now he's got us down as the biggest gang of rapists and pillagers since the Vikings took Europe by storm.
Could it possibly be that now he's rewriting history to cover his own :censored:?
All these 25 incidents that have got the Liverpool fans marked down as Europe's worst happened before the final in Athens.
So if they are so bad why wasn't this reflected in the organisation and the security for the game.
If you were told that there'd been 25 burglaries in your street then would you leave the front door wide open and turn the alarm off?
And if you did would your insurance company not laugh in your face when you told them you'd been broken into?
UEFA are having it all ways. They're now saying Liverpool fans are the worst in Europe but nothing they said or did in the lead up to the final suggested they believed this then.
The only thing that's changed since is their organisation has been shown up to be a sham and they want the spotlight pointed in another direction.
It's no surprise that they've pointed it at us because they see us as their get out of jail free card and unless someone from Liverpool FC comes out in defence of their fans then they will succeed in getting away with it.


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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:37 pm

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Postby BOODIDDY » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:59 pm

Leon, send your message to .tv i tried to paste it but there having a problem on web page. Does any one have the email addresses of any one important at Anfield. We need that murdoch propaganda tarnishing quickly.

Its getting us all angry, and we know the truth. Outsiders will start to believe them.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:21 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:So it's official then, Liverpool fans are the worst in all of Europe.
Worse than the Italian fans who left the wife of a police officer widowed.
Worse than the French fans who held an anti-semitic rally which turned violent and resulted in the death of an officer from the Gendarmerie.
Worse than the Inter Milan fans who on one occasion launched a scooter from an upper tier of the San Siro and on another caused a Champions League quarter final match to be abandoned by hurling flares on to the pitch.

Worse than the Man United fans who clashed with riot police in Rome.
That's right, in the past four years Liverpool fans have been on the rampage across Europe and have caused more death and destruction than any of these incidents.
Except, of course, they haven't. Only in UEFA's (and the News of the World's) eyes has their behaviour been the worst in the whole continent.
Now what would make UEFA contradict everything we know to be true to come out with such an outlandish and unfounded slur?
Let me think........
Could it perhaps me that they're trying desperately to whitewash what really happened in Athens prior to the European Cup final and their own shambolic organisation?
Far be it from me to suggest it but that is what it seems like.
Apparently, they have a dossier of "25 incidents" over the last four years to prove their point but unless they can come up with incidents where the behaviour of Liverpool supporters is anywhere near as bad as those listed above then I'm afraid their dossier will be shown up to be exactly what it is - a desperately cheap shot in their increasingly nasty smear campaign.
And when their best examples of this apparently disgraceful behaviour come down to a few flags being nicked from the Olympic stadium and tickets being snatched from kids then we really are into the realms of the ridiculous.
Those who snatched tickets before the final have been condemned on this blog and by the majority of Liverpool fans. But are those who did it really worse than those who killed a police officer in Italy? Do me a favour.
What worries me most is if the roles had been reversed and Liverpool fans (or any other English fans for that matter) had killed an officer of the law then we would now be banned from Europe.
That's the way UEFA have operated for years. English fans cause trouble and they're condemned and hit with the most severe sanctions. Italian or Turkish fans cause trouble - and over a long period of time - and they're hit with petty fines.
My second big worry is while UEFA are rewriting history, no-one from Liverpool Football Club has spoken out on favour of the fans.
Now I know it's the closed season and I know everyone's entitled to a holiday but in the age of the internet and mobile phones surely it's not beyond the call of duty for some high ranking LFC official to come out in our defence.
Even from a corporate point of view - and we all know that's the one that matters most in the modern game - the Liverpool "brand" is taking a hiding.
In the absence of anything from the club, every news operation in the country is dining out on UEFA's smears. Sky Sports News - a close relative of the News of the World - keeps on running that same 15 second snatch of footage from Athens which shows about three lads bunking in as if it provides concrete evidence of what UEFA is claiming.
If Liverpool say nothing then UEFA's version of history will become the accepted version of events and it will be used against the club and its fans for evermore. Surely that provides enough motivation to provoke a response. If not, then are we to believe that Liverpool share UEFA's views of the fans?
The ironic thing is, or maybe it's not ironic when you inhabit UEFA's world of double standards, just two years ago we were being praised as Europe's finest fans in the world during the post-Istanbul glow.
That was despite the fact that this damning dossier was by then two years old and we were, as it transpires, well on our way to being named as Europe's worst.
Another irony is that just before the final our friend William Galliard was telling anyone who would listen that there would be no trouble in Athens because there was no recent history of problems involving fans of either Liverpool or Milan.
Now he's got us down as the biggest gang of rapists and pillagers since the Vikings took Europe by storm.
Could it possibly be that now he's rewriting history to cover his own :censored:?
All these 25 incidents that have got the Liverpool fans marked down as Europe's worst happened before the final in Athens.
So if they are so bad why wasn't this reflected in the organisation and the security for the game.
If you were told that there'd been 25 burglaries in your street then would you leave the front door wide open and turn the alarm off?
And if you did would your insurance company not laugh in your face when you told them you'd been broken into?
UEFA are having it all ways. They're now saying Liverpool fans are the worst in Europe but nothing they said or did in the lead up to the final suggested they believed this then.
The only thing that's changed since is their organisation has been shown up to be a sham and they want the spotlight pointed in another direction.
It's no surprise that they've pointed it at us because they see us as their get out of jail free card and unless someone from Liverpool FC comes out in defence of their fans then they will succeed in getting away with it.


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Postby adamnbarrett » Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:37 pm

William Gaillard, 23rd May 2007
" The two groups of supporters have a tradition of good behaviour and at this point we are expecting that to continue " 


William Gaillard, 3rd June 2007

" The incidents involving Liverpool fans have been well known to us before the trouble at the Champions League final which involved Liverpool fans last week "


He's a liar and is thre for the taking, no-one can take him seriously.

I wonder what Liverpool FC will do about this?

FUCK ALL is the answer
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