Lay off wayne rooney! - He's not to blame for hillsborough!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Dalglish » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:03 am

If this thread has taught us anything it's that even though a forum affords you a certain annoyminity it does not entitle you to vent your feelings and views without first thinking of their impact on other members within the forum.

It serves as a warning to us all to carefully consider the words we type and subsequently post for others to read.

The lad's (Hustler) dropped a monumental  one and I sincerely hope he is contrite and ashamed of his misjudgement. It's not for me to issue some penalty or edict for his error of judgement.

My story is similar to so many who were there that day, a survivor by the Grace of God or the laws of physics depending on your personal viewpoint but to come away from that disaster and be told I'm a pickpocket, a urinator on Police and life savers, a Drunk and a violent thug was a terrible indictmemnt on the press at that time and the contrived lies instigated by the Police Superintendent and a local MP.

Fast forward 15 years and discover the next football "hero" has sold his life story to the paper that propoagated these lies is simply too much to take even 15 years on. Does this mean I'm hard hearted ? Does this mean i haven't forgiven those  people ? Does it mean i haven't "moved on" that most American of phrases ? The answer for me to these questions are NO !

However I do  baulk a little when people who know little about the events and circumstances of that terrible event come on here or write in their sanctimonious publications of my need to "move on" ???
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Postby adayinthelife » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:11 am

It is obvious to me rooney is as stupid as he looks. :D

If he had any sense he should have realised what the reaction in Liverpool would be like which I am sure his weasel agent knew all along.

At the same time his head is probably up in clouds and just cannot wait to play for the scum. :angry:
Smith to Shankly:My thigh is a bit sore,but I think I could play.
Shankly to Fagan:Tell him,Joe.He has got no chance of playing.
Smith to Fagan:Tell him to sod off.It is not his leg,it's mine.
Shankly to Smith:Oh no son.You are wrong,son.It is not your leg.
It is Liverpool Football Club's leg.
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Postby LFC #1 » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:13 am

agree there Dalglish, I am no expert on the matter but have read a lot about it on the hillsborough section here and The HJC website amongst other things.

Hustler's naivity/ignorance on the subject has angered most of us, and i suggest he reads more about the subject and shows a little more compassion in future before he starts talking about the issue.
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Postby Dalglish » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:23 am

Thanks Scott for your supportive words.

I know you are a similar age to the infamous (For all the wrong reasons) Hustler but you have done your research into the history of this great club.

Sadly that requires that you look into the Hillsborough disaster but it's vitaly important that fans (as difficult as it may be for many ) to be as well iinformed as they can on the subject so that when Newspapers, Politicians, other fans even and the like comment we as LFC fans are in a position to debate the issues surrounding it ...... I appreciate for some of the breaveved and others that survived this is far too difficult and I fully respect that ...

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Postby zarababe » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:31 am

Dalglish I have read your posts regarding your experience...this thread has probably affected you the most...yet your calm and rational attitude to this thread is exemplary.

I feel that when anyone loses a loved one or indeed witnesses a tragedy, it changes you forever.. I concurr with you on much of what you say.. however moving on is not about letting go of the past or indeed forgetting what hapenned rather its movng on with the memories of that person/day/event locked in your heart so it stays with you always .. people are entitled to say move on but in reality you go on... that day will be with you until you begin the journey that will lead you to the sunset of your life :)

The scum can never redeem itself, words are empty and puppets like Rooney will just have their strings cut-off.. but much more than that, the Rooney's of this world lose respect in the very communities they come from and in this case the very community that hurt the most ???
Last edited by zarababe on Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby Rafa » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:46 am

My dad was at Hillsborough, I was only four and I remember me mum cryin on the phone incase somethin mite of happened to him, i didnt understand it all, but i learned. Just like Rooney should have learned.

Lucky for me my dad climbed over the fence and on to the pitch. He was telling me earlier of the things he had seen, brought a tear to my eye. That was the last match my dad ever attended, before hand he was a great supporter he had been al the finals, and that 1 day made him not want to go any more.

I cannot understand why a tabloid newspaper can make up such lies about such a horrible day.

The 96 shall never be forgotten and The Sun stating "it is time to move on" is just a kick in the teeth to the family and friends of the ones that lost there lives.

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Postby Dalglish » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:46 am

Many thanks Zara for your encouraging words (Again :) )

On this mysterious new Americanism "moving on" i thought your "going on" term was most apt and it's exactly how i've lived my life since that day .

I spoke to an audience the other week on my experiences of that was the first time in 15 years I've spoken publicly on the issue not because i've denied it, hid the fact, self protection or anything like that just simply that no-one has ever really asked to be honest............. The audience was largely made up of teenagers many of whom were not even born on April 15th 1989..... I am not ashamed to say there wasn't a dry eye in the room, including mine ... ( I have a transcript of the talk I gave if you want it but it's not an easy read. Please PM E-Mail Address ) I agreed to do the talk mainly because the guy I was asked by wasn't loking for some sentionalised account and i truted him implicity.

One of the more positive aspects to come out of this week is perhaps that it has informed many fans of the difficult yet necessaary facts of that terrible day and the need to continue the fight for justice and compensation for the families of the victims.....

Walk on
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Postby madred » Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:04 pm

Hustler i suggest that you read up on the real facts on what happened at Hillsborough and in particular the Taylor report as mentioned by Supersub! The book called the truth is by Phil Scraton and only after you finish this might understand what friends and families of the victims have endured because of the terrible actions of the Police force! My friend lost his step-father at Hillsborough (Roy Hamilton) and i can bet if he got to read your posts he would be livid to say the least! Take note and think before you type!
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:29 am

Liten, dont wind me up, or ill say what i really think!

Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:30 am

Yes, why don't you tell us what you really think nobhead

Postby Dalglish » Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:32 am

Don't encourage him Peewee, he's said enough already to confirm many people's suspicions of him ??? But then again they do say if you give a man enough rope ......:D
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:42 am

Very true Dalglish, I think he will carry on this ****** a bit longer and tell us what he really thinks, can it really be worse than what he has already said?

Postby unhappyred » Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:05 am

HUSTLER TELL ME WAT YOU REALLY THINK Posted: July 09 2004,09:37   

All this sun thing has brought back all the memories of what happened on that terrible awful day. My mum an dad went plus 2 of my uncles, just after 3 o clock on that awful day all i heard on the tv was liverpool fans at it again fighting i switched the tv off and thought oh no then the telephone rang was my uncle he said have you heard from your mum i said no why then he told me what had happened. I rang the help line hoping to not hear my parents or uncles names as the dead by this time it was 5 o clock my family walked in at 11 o clock that night an they were just devastated beyond belief my mum and uncle were wrenched out the pen they said all the police were saying and doing was pushing everyone back in and locking more gates, the sights they seen that day are to hard to discribe i can only imagine ,the men peeing was because they were dead my mum said everything was just coming away from the dead people were checking there pockets as to find out who they were not f##king stealing. I cant believe they made that appoligy its discusting from 3 till 11 oclock that day i thought my closest family had been wiped out as i suppose many other people did when they walked in we just cryed all night as they told of the awful scenes they had seen that day. Next mornin we went to anfield at 8 o clock with flowers sky news poked cameras in my mums face i nearly killed the reporter as my mum couldnt speak she was that devastated they had no sympathy. the scenes at that football ground that day i will never forget there were fans from all over the country grown every team. an that mass of flowers scarfs tributes will always stay in my mind grown men sobbing and they wernt even liverpool fans i will never forget it then 2 days later that b@stard sun wrote them horendous headlines and printed them pictures it was just sickening. I just wonder why the appoligy was not on the headlines?? 15 years ago but better still why was that ****** ever printed? ??? Thanx to the sun me myself and i suppose every other scouser has been branded a theif since that day and still to this i have also been called murdering scum aswell im a 32 year old woman i was 17 at the time and remember it like it was yesterday so sun stick your appoligy up your ****** we dont want to hear or know about any tripe you print i could go on forever but i will stop now think ive said enough  because im very very angry and hustler your comments f_ckin stink aswell:angry:   may the hillsborough 96 R.I.P. god bless yous  your memory will live on in our lives and souls.
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Postby JBG » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:46 pm

I don't think that anyone that supported Liverpool at the time of Hillsboro could possibly write The Hustler's words. It was an awful time: even some of the players, such as John Aldridge, considered retiring from the game out of grief.

For the Sun to write what they wrote: the vilest, sickest lies imaginable, was and is completely inexcusable.

I read their attempt at an "apology": IMO it only added insult to injury, as instead of apologising unreservedly, they tried to pass the buck onto former employees of their "newspaper" and used their "apology" to have a go at their competitors, the Mirror.

Its one thing Hustler to insult members here over a football issue (which you have done many times in the past), but your post is quite possibly the most insensitive and muttonheaded opinion I have read on this forum yet.
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:58 pm

madred wrote:Hustler i suggest that you read up on the real facts on what happened at Hillsborough and in particular the Taylor report as mentioned by Supersub! The book called the truth is by Phil Scraton and only after you finish this might understand what friends and families of the victims have endured because of the terrible actions of the Police force! My friend lost his step-father at Hillsborough (Roy Hamilton) and i can bet if he got to read your posts he would be livid to say the least! Take note and think before you type!

I couldn't finish that book. 

I still have it in my possession.  It will never go away, but I simply could not finish that book.

I've just read this entire thread from page 1 to 6, and no Hustler, you don't know what you are talking about fella.

You have made a serious error of judgment by posting that first post, i'll never take you seriously or even bother reading any of your posts again. 

That's really all I can do to demonstrate my feelings towards you and your topic, and I hope others on this forum follow my example.
Last edited by jonnymac1979 on Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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