Spectator banned from anfield - Racism

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Postby Sabre » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:48 am

Really interesting thread. It has drifted at some point to general chat comments but I won't move it just in case other mates want to give their say.

It was interesting because it deals with political correctness.

In Spain, we've been without inmigration for a lot of years, since in good part of XX century, XIX and XVIII century we've been in decay. 500 years ago, we expelled all the muslims and jews of the peninsula (although we "kindly", "offered" them to convert to Christianism).

Thus, there was not racism in Spain, because it's been us, mostly. Being racist in Spain is something very few would accept. It's seen as something bad. Only the 0.5% of the population would be racist.

Political correctness is useful for this kind of people, and don't tolerate their words.

But. There are others, and they're not few, that they're racist and they do not know it. I remember a mate of the uni that had the chance to go out with a sound black girl. She was hot. Absolutely hot. And he kept asking us about what we thought about her, he wasn't sure what to do. He was absolutely politically correct, and was using formulas thas has been imported to Spain RECENTLY to describe the good black race:

* "Black Skinned". Which is stupidly redundant
* "Coloured Skinned". Which is stupid anyway, because the only difference between skins is the amount of melanine (sp?) which we all have to protect from the sun.

And things like that. So what it has never been insulting, nor a bad thing "black", now despite not being bad, it's not politically correct. And that's new in Spain.

So a racist like that mate, who had prejudices to go out with a black girl just because their friends or they dad might think, only had to use those stupid politically correct expression to disguise his racism. And if you ask him if he's racist, he'll say a big NO NO.

My point, I don't know there but political correctness can be a double blade sword. It's useful against the most racist and aggressive, but it doesn't help in order "mild racist" realise they are. Words are important, but not that much.

Sorry for the off topic bit, but some things I've read here are very interesting and I wanted to say that.
Last edited by Sabre on Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:00 am

Stu.Murph wrote:
SJD wrote:
Effes wrote:A fella I work with last year called Cahill an Auzzy c*nt at Anfield.
I dont think that is essentially racist.
He got dragged in to the office by the police and nearly got arrested.

Perfect example of the police and racism in recent years.

No, perfect example of political correctness in recent years mate. Massive difference.

I could tell you stories from 8 months in the police and things that have happened to my dad that are simply sickening but I've been warned about my conduct on here many a time so I'll either wait for this thread to get the go ahead to be a propper discussion or I'll keep them to myself.

By the way I'm not one to sit on the fence. I just think this thread should be locked as I'm sitting here biting my lip and not allowed to talk about my views because they won't appear to be politically correct.

People like SouthCoastSilverSpoonInMyMouthShankly amougnst others will start making issues were there are not any.

Its something I'm more than happy to talk about with anyone on MSN but definately not on a public forum where the evil snipping goody goodies can twist things.

The problem with threads like this is they can't stay civil without turning into some sort of pathetic farce by one overly PC bellend.

I'll only make an issue if you offend me. I don't know what your views are on racism, as far as i'm concerned until you say otherwise you have normal views on equality just like the majority of normal people.

One thing I have to ask -

The problem with threads like this is they can't stay civil without turning into some sort of pathetic farce by one

Was that a reference to yourself?
Last edited by SouthCoastShankly on Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby puroresu » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:44 am

Sabre wrote:Really interesting thread. It has drifted at some point to general chat comments but I won't move it just in case other mates want to give their say.

It was interesting because it deals with political correctness.

In Spain, we've been without inmigration for a lot of years, since in good part of XX century, XIX and XVIII century we've been in decay. 500 years ago, we expelled all the muslims and jews of the peninsula (although we "kindly", "offered" them to convert to Christianism).

Thus, there was not racism in Spain, because it's been us, mostly. Being racist in Spain is something very few would accept. It's seen as something bad. Only the 0.5% of the population would be racist.

Political correctness is useful for this kind of people, and don't tolerate their words.

But. There are others, and they're not few, that they're racist and they do not know it. I remember a mate of the uni that had the chance to go out with a sound black girl. She was hot. Absolutely hot. And he kept asking us about what we thought about her, he wasn't sure what to do. He was absolutely politically correct, and was using formulas thas has been imported to Spain RECENTLY to describe the good black race:

* "Black Skinned". Which is stupidly redundant
* "Coloured Skinned". Which is stupid anyway, because the only difference between skins is the amount of melanine (sp?) which we all have to protect from the sun.

And things like that. So what it has never been insulting, nor a bad thing "black", now despite not being bad, it's not politically correct. And that's new in Spain.

So a racist like that mate, who had prejudices to go out with a black girl just because their friends or they dad might think, only had to use those stupid politically correct expression to disguise his racism. And if you ask him if he's racist, he'll say a big NO NO.

My point, I don't know there but political correctness can be a double blade sword. It's useful against the most racist and aggressive, but it doesn't help in order "mild racist" realise they are. Words are important, but not that much.

Sorry for the off topic bit, but some things I've read here are very interesting and I wanted to say that.

Does the history of 'Moor's in Spain effect the midset of people?

Anyone who makes reference to a players skin colour in an offensive manner should be banned.  First game I went to away to Wimbledon I was 11 and someone behind me shouted "come on Walters you Black B****rd".  Now the guy probably aint racist but it aint nice standing there and hearing that.

My Brother was at Cardiff last year and a guy in front of him was calling Cisse "Black this and Black that".  This cant be justified at all.  Just like if someone shouted "Crouch you white c**t" couldnt be justified.  You have to have strict punishments or people will still do it.
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Postby Sabre » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:55 am

Well, it depends on how educated you are.

Some idiots think of the Moors were invaders, and that we did well to reconquer the whole thing, sly them all, and offered to be Jesus Christ followers "kindly" (by kindly I mean with the sword in the throat, irony, just the opposite Jesus says) Not that Moors didn't kill Christians neither, it was a war, and in wars people die, but we can't say the Moors are not part of our history.

But others Christians like me, realise that Moors' 6 centuries in the southern peninsula and even upper, cannot be considered exactly an invasion, and consider the Moor's legacy such La Alhambra in Granada, the maths taught, the chess imported, and the words imported, as part of the Spanish culture legacy.

Unfortunately, not everybody bothers to know about his own country's history Puroresu :(

As for the insults comment, I can't argue, I guess it's just language difference... for me black is descriptive and not a bad thing. Bástard is an insult and not nice to hear, but it's as annoying as fát bástard thin bástard, black bástard, or big headed bástard. But as I've said, that's in my language, and your is different...

P.S. Puroresu, Are you Spanish? I now realise!!  :D

P.S.2. Too much off topic Puroresu, better ask in general chat, but, Senna was Ok for the 99% of people.
Last edited by Sabre on Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby puroresu » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:01 am

Sabre wrote:Well, it depends on how educated you are.

Some idiots think of the Moors were invaders, and that we did well to reconquer the whole thing, sly them all, and offered to be Jesus Christ followers "kindly" (by kindly I mean with the sword in the throat, irony, just the opposite Jesus says)

But others Christians like me, realise that Moors' 6 centuries in the southern peninsula and even upper, cannot be considered exactly an invasion, and consider the Moor's legacy such La Alhambra in Granada, the maths taught, the chess imported, and the words imported, as part of the Spanish culture legacy.

Unfortunately, not everybody bothers to know about his own country's history Purosesu :(

I agree.

I remember in school and the history of Spain started at the inquisition.  We were never told about the previous 700 years.

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Postby metalhead » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:36 am

s@int wrote:The whole racist thing is getting completly out of hand now eg Two jokes one is considered harmless the other offensive  :-

Q.what do you call a pakistani with a pig on his head

A. Amhed (Ham head)

Joke 2

Q. what do you call a pakistani with two pigs on his head

A. Mohamhed (more ham head, geddit)

The second joke is considered offensive the first mildy amusing.

:no  I'm telling Bin Ladin

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Postby Stu.Murph » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:16 am

puroresu wrote:
Sabre wrote:Really interesting thread. It has drifted at some point to general chat comments but I won't move it just in case other mates want to give their say.

It was interesting because it deals with political correctness.

In Spain, we've been without inmigration for a lot of years, since in good part of XX century, XIX and XVIII century we've been in decay. 500 years ago, we expelled all the muslims and jews of the peninsula (although we "kindly", "offered" them to convert to Christianism).

Thus, there was not racism in Spain, because it's been us, mostly. Being racist in Spain is something very few would accept. It's seen as something bad. Only the 0.5% of the population would be racist.

Political correctness is useful for this kind of people, and don't tolerate their words.

But. There are others, and they're not few, that they're racist and they do not know it. I remember a mate of the uni that had the chance to go out with a sound black girl. She was hot. Absolutely hot. And he kept asking us about what we thought about her, he wasn't sure what to do. He was absolutely politically correct, and was using formulas thas has been imported to Spain RECENTLY to describe the good black race:

* "Black Skinned". Which is stupidly redundant
* "Coloured Skinned". Which is stupid anyway, because the only difference between skins is the amount of melanine (sp?) which we all have to protect from the sun.

And things like that. So what it has never been insulting, nor a bad thing "black", now despite not being bad, it's not politically correct. And that's new in Spain.

So a racist like that mate, who had prejudices to go out with a black girl just because their friends or they dad might think, only had to use those stupid politically correct expression to disguise his racism. And if you ask him if he's racist, he'll say a big NO NO.

My point, I don't know there but political correctness can be a double blade sword. It's useful against the most racist and aggressive, but it doesn't help in order "mild racist" realise they are. Words are important, but not that much.

Sorry for the off topic bit, but some things I've read here are very interesting and I wanted to say that.

Does the history of 'Moor's in Spain effect the midset of people?

Anyone who makes reference to a players skin colour in an offensive manner should be banned.  First game I went to away to Wimbledon I was 11 and someone behind me shouted "come on Walters you Black B****rd".  Now the guy probably aint racist but it aint nice standing there and hearing that.

My Brother was at Cardiff last year and a guy in front of him was calling Cisse "Black this and Black that".  This cant be justified at all.  Just like if someone shouted "Crouch you white c**t" couldnt be justified.  You have to have strict punishments or people will still do it.

But its ok for them to say he's a lanky cunt?

As Peewee said earlier in the thread, using the word black is simply an adjective. Nothing more. He's not saying all black people are cunts. He's saying that Cisse "who happens to be black" is a cunt.

Just as if he called Crouch a lanky cunt. Crouch "who happens to be lanky" is a cunt or Riise "who happens to be a ginger" is one.

How is saying someone is a black cunt, different to being called a scouse cunt or a ginger cunt?

The fact is, if some black fella behind you called Riise a ginger :censored: you'll laugh and brush it off. Black people don't have ginger hair correct me if I'm wrong, so therefore he's discriminating against Riise's race.

I think you all need to get off your high horses and stop dragging this country even further down than it is already. Absoloute joke.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:31 am

Let it o stu ,just let it go :D
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Postby Sabre » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:43 am

My english is shíte, but noun and adjectives have the same function in my language, and Peewee and Stu have a point. (IMHO)

For me, there's a lot of things to do to combat racism, at least in my country

* Some crowds imitate the sound of monkeys when black players get the ball ----------> THAT's RACISM. Not calling black idiot (although it's insulting).

* In my country, people from Ecuador work without papers, and are abused in their jobs ----> that's racism. And we must sort it out.

* In my country, when there's a man stabbed, some people hurry to say that "probably the assasin is a Moor" ---> That's racism. Assuming that all Moors are people who causes problems without proof.

In a nutshell, In my country some idiots are stressing much about the language, when they're not experts in language, and what's worse, there's A LOT of aspects of racism to combat first.
Last edited by Sabre on Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dundalk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:48 am

Sometimes i get abuse for my freakishly large penis   :oh:
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Postby Rafa D » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:29 pm

Dundalk wrote:Sometimes i get abuse for my freakishly large penis   :oh:

On the top of your head.

Making you a   di.ck head!  :D
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Postby stmichael » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:32 pm

Dundalk wrote:Sometimes i get abuse for my freakishly large penis   :oh:

a bit like jeremy beadle then?

apparently jeremy beadle has a small :censored: but on the other hand it's actually quite large. :D
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Postby Stu.Murph » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:34 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:Let it o stu ,just let it go :D

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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:35 pm

Stu.Murph wrote:
puroresu wrote:
Sabre wrote:Really interesting thread. It has drifted at some point to general chat comments but I won't move it just in case other mates want to give their say.

It was interesting because it deals with political correctness.

In Spain, we've been without inmigration for a lot of years, since in good part of XX century, XIX and XVIII century we've been in decay. 500 years ago, we expelled all the muslims and jews of the peninsula (although we "kindly", "offered" them to convert to Christianism).

Thus, there was not racism in Spain, because it's been us, mostly. Being racist in Spain is something very few would accept. It's seen as something bad. Only the 0.5% of the population would be racist.

Political correctness is useful for this kind of people, and don't tolerate their words.

But. There are others, and they're not few, that they're racist and they do not know it. I remember a mate of the uni that had the chance to go out with a sound black girl. She was hot. Absolutely hot. And he kept asking us about what we thought about her, he wasn't sure what to do. He was absolutely politically correct, and was using formulas thas has been imported to Spain RECENTLY to describe the good black race:

* "Black Skinned". Which is stupidly redundant
* "Coloured Skinned". Which is stupid anyway, because the only difference between skins is the amount of melanine (sp?) which we all have to protect from the sun.

And things like that. So what it has never been insulting, nor a bad thing "black", now despite not being bad, it's not politically correct. And that's new in Spain.

So a racist like that mate, who had prejudices to go out with a black girl just because their friends or they dad might think, only had to use those stupid politically correct expression to disguise his racism. And if you ask him if he's racist, he'll say a big NO NO.

My point, I don't know there but political correctness can be a double blade sword. It's useful against the most racist and aggressive, but it doesn't help in order "mild racist" realise they are. Words are important, but not that much.

Sorry for the off topic bit, but some things I've read here are very interesting and I wanted to say that.

Does the history of 'Moor's in Spain effect the midset of people?

Anyone who makes reference to a players skin colour in an offensive manner should be banned.  First game I went to away to Wimbledon I was 11 and someone behind me shouted "come on Walters you Black B****rd".  Now the guy probably aint racist but it aint nice standing there and hearing that.

My Brother was at Cardiff last year and a guy in front of him was calling Cisse "Black this and Black that".  This cant be justified at all.  Just like if someone shouted "Crouch you white c**t" couldnt be justified.  You have to have strict punishments or people will still do it.

But its ok for them to say he's a lanky cunt?

As Peewee said earlier in the thread, using the word black is simply an adjective. Nothing more. He's not saying all black people are cunts. He's saying that Cisse "who happens to be black" is a cunt.

Just as if he called Crouch a lanky cunt. Crouch "who happens to be lanky" is a cunt or Riise "who happens to be a ginger" is one.

How is saying someone is a black cunt, different to being called a scouse cunt or a ginger cunt?

The fact is, if some black fella behind you called Riise a ginger :censored: you'll laugh and brush it off. Black people don't have ginger hair correct me if I'm wrong, so therefore he's discriminating against Riise's race.

I think you all need to get off your high horses and stop dragging this country even further down than it is already. Absoloute joke.

Black people don't have ginger hair correct me if I'm wrong, so therefore he's discriminating against Riise's race.

Wes Brown.

The fact of the matter Stu is that generally people who use the word cunt don't precede it with the colour of their skin. If you don't call your white mates a "white cunt" but call your black mates "black cunts" then your highlighting their race in a derogatory fashion. Why does the 'black' element have to come into it?
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Postby Dundalk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:40 pm

Rafa-Dodd wrote:
Dundalk wrote:Sometimes i get abuse for my freakishly large penis   :oh:

On the top of your head.

Making you a   di.ck head!  :D

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