Kewell back against wigan

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Years Of Decay » Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:07 am

Yay now lets get this fukker back on that pitch, might be too late for kewell at liverpool now, lets see if he can show last seasons form though
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Postby Elchris » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:09 am

Fantastic news...!!! Cant wait to see him back..wished he could come back sooner :(

A straight impact on the team would be great....missing him big time on the left
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Postby bigmick » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:50 am

It is my profound belief that as soon as he gets anywhere near fit, Kewell will very quickly display the best form he has ever shown in  Liverpool shirt. There will be no dawdling around on the left-wing looking disinterested, he'll be fired up like we've never seen before. Watch out for the "being out for so long gave me time to re-evaluate my game and I'm itching to get going again. I just can't wait to get playing and repay the faith the boss has shown in me."
He's a smashing player on his day is Harry and my prediction is that his day is about to come. Why? because like he'll say he's been missing playing and he's had chance to re-evaluate his game. No doubt he'll want to repay the undoubted faith rafa has shown in his ability. There might just be a tinsy wincy part of him that fancies getting a big new contract as well. If not at Liverpool, somewhere else who'll dig deep to sign him. Call me a cynic but etc etc. Check out Darren Anderton's appearance record in the last years of each contract in comparison to the rest of his career.
Mark my words, watch Harry go!
Last edited by bigmick on Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sabre » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:08 am

Harry Kewell?

He's technically gifted, he has good dribling, he has almost everything to be a succesful player. What I don't like of him is his decissions, I have seen often him doing a last dribling instead a cross, or trying to beat a man that is well covered when he should have passed back. Somehow I have the feeling that he has been too good for his country and his previous clubs and didn't realise that in this team he's not meant to have more weight than others.

It's a strange thing to blame him of, and just Sabre especulation, but so far he lacked a couple of decissions so that I become a fan of his game. Hope his re-evaluation will bear in mind some of this, because if you analyse him separately he's a very gifted player.

Another one of my concerns is that the last time he was injured for a long time, he reappeared in a bad shape, almost overweighted, then recovered full fitness in about 3 weeks. Don't get me wrong, I like the player, it's just that he lacks that something playing for a team in order I become an unconditional fan.
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Postby JBG » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:10 am

Tsk, this is Kewell for Christ's sake. It always seems to take him 10 games to get match fit and he's just as likely to get injured again anyway when he comes back.
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Postby Ciggy » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:24 am

He is playing tonight for the ressies.
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Postby Blind_Ref » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:12 am

Ciggy wrote:He is playing tonight for the ressies.

Looking at the team sheet, seems he didn't play.  ???

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Postby Paul C » Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:05 am

In case anyone has forgotten who this Harry Kewell person is that CIGGY is taking about, he's a left sided midfielder who we signned from Leeds about 3 years ago (pictured below)

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Postby KRobbo10 » Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:20 am

Harry has got potential to be a great player but IMO but is very lazy and doesn't work hard enough when he is on the pitch.

Yes he does have the odd good game but that isn't good enough IMO.

I think we should sell him if anyone offers.
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Postby Ace Ventura » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:03 am

Looks like he never played  :( it doesnt mention anything in the Daily Post website as to why which is strange.

My opinion is, it would be a MAJOR boost if we had a fit Harry Kewell for the remainder of the season. Especially now Aurellio is out for the season, and with Gonzalez looking worse each game.
But Harry's previous condition coming back from injury doesnt instill me with much confidence, like Sabre and Badbob have said he will probably take at least a few full games to get anywhere near fitness, and thats something that we dont really have.
He may surprise us and be in better physical shape than he has been after returning from previous injuries, but i doubt it.
Lets hope i am wrong as a fit Kewell could transform our side.

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Postby Paul C » Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:27 pm

Ace Ventura wrote:Looks like he never played  :( it doesnt mention anything in the Daily Post website as to why which is strange.

My opinion is, it would be a MAJOR boost if we had a fit Harry Kewell for the remainder of the season. Especially now Aurellio is out for the season, and with Gonzalez looking worse each game.
But Harry's previous condition coming back from injury doesnt instill me with much confidence, like Sabre and Badbob have said he will probably take at least a few full games to get anywhere near fitness, and thats something that we dont really have.
He may surprise us and be in better physical shape than he has been after returning from previous injuries, but i doubt it.
Lets hope i am wrong as a fit Kewell could transform our side.

Thing is Ace, when do you say enough is enough and cut your losses?

He's played 121 games for Liverpool since Houllier signed him and only scored 15 goals, I'd love to know out of those 121 games how many minutes we was on the field.

It's a pitty Kewell had the injuries over the last 4/5 years while at Anfield but I think it's time to get rid  :(
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Postby redmikey » Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:46 pm

i reckon he will be back at top fitness just in time to put gary evil into the stands in athens :D
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:54 pm

I wouldn't play him at all this season. Get a full pre-season under his belt and hopefully he will be firing on all cylinders come the start of the 07/08 season.
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Postby Ace Ventura » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:50 pm

Paul C wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:Looks like he never played  :( it doesnt mention anything in the Daily Post website as to why which is strange.

My opinion is, it would be a MAJOR boost if we had a fit Harry Kewell for the remainder of the season. Especially now Aurellio is out for the season, and with Gonzalez looking worse each game.
But Harry's previous condition coming back from injury doesnt instill me with much confidence, like Sabre and Badbob have said he will probably take at least a few full games to get anywhere near fitness, and thats something that we dont really have.
He may surprise us and be in better physical shape than he has been after returning from previous injuries, but i doubt it.
Lets hope i am wrong as a fit Kewell could transform our side.

Thing is Ace, when do you say enough is enough and cut your losses?

He's played 121 games for Liverpool since Houllier signed him and only scored 15 goals, I'd love to know out of those 121 games how many minutes we was on the field.

It's a pitty Kewell had the injuries over the last 4/5 years while at Anfield but I think it's time to get rid  :(

At the moment how do we or can we cut or losses ?

I have been as frustrated as any fan by his injuries and have criticised him in the past.
But if we could get him fit for the end of this season (something i cant see btw) with Aurellio being out then he would be a massive asset and boost our attacking options a great deal.
Its an awkward situation with Harry because his wages are high, so someone signing him with his injury record is inlikely, unless he takes a massive cut, so at this minute we are stuck with him, lets hope he can get back fit.

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Postby grayghost » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:53 pm

Suposerdly he has been playing injured for most of his liverpool carrer in some way our anouther you never now when he comes back it could be as the kewell from leeds that returns.
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