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Postby El Nino_#9 » Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:43 am

i thought the idea of bringing in new mods was meant to put a bit of control and order into this forum, apparently its had the opposite effect? ???
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Postby babu » Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:01 am

Dear Years of Decay,

I have thought from the moment you joined you are an alter ego of a banned WUM. Now i am sure.
Just feck off.

Sabre - you should not have banned peewee IMO. I thought you said that you would only mod the WUM and porn merchants. In fact you only accepted the position (by your own explanation) if you were allowed not to mod squabbles between members, becuase as you said, your english may not be able to cope.

So does banning peewee make you a liar? I think so.

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Postby red_guy » Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:08 am

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:08 am

Personally speaking, this is a load of old sweaty b*llocks.

Time for some Lando truth:

Peewee - you've been acting like a tw*t for days, and IMHO deserved a ban. Not a permanent one - just temporary, returning on the condition that you avoid this topic thereafter.
I sympathise with you over the initial treatment, and agree they did it all wrong. But it's gone, and your subsequent actions have, I'm afraid to say, justified their decision.

Sabre - IMVHO you've done very little wrong, save for stick up for yourself in the face of constant abuse. It wasn't wise that you yourself banned Peewee, (It should have been one of the others) but as I have already said - he DID deserve it for the way he's been abusing you and LFC. It's a bannable offence, no matter how you look at it.

Your timing was p*ss poor, though. I have to say that, and you've acted petulantly at times.

All this PM cr*p is ridiculous, too. A Private Message is just that - Private. It is for the recipient's eyes only, and broadcasting it to the whole forum stinks of p*ss to me.

I know Sabre posted it, but it was after various threats by Peewee to post it "after 24 hours" if there was no "confession". It's b*llocks, and you should be ashamed of yourself Pee.

Now. I get on equally well with both Sabre and Peewee. I have nothing against either of them, and am simply stating the wrongs as I see them.

It's entirely up to them if they want to see this as me "siding with the enemy", or "stabbing them in the back", blah, blah, blah. The fact of the matter is - I'll tell you the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. And if you can't handle that - it's your problem, not mine.
I have never subscribed to the "Kiss A*se Monthly" magazine, nor do I intend to start. I just hope you're both big enough to accept that I'm right, you're wrong, you're both acting like a pair of spazzes, and you should both drop this before you're both f*cked off the site for good.
It needed saying, and from what I can see, there's been a lot of umming and ahhing, and not much f*cking honesty:

Peewee - stop acting like a dog on a bone, let it go, and move the f*ck on. Sabre is patently innocent of conspiring against you.

Sabre -  Just get back to being the Sabre we all know and love. Stop allowing yourself to get dragged into these things, and stop making petulent decisions.

LFC - I for one think your explaination was enough, and I understand why you refuse to disclose the names of the members who complained about Peewee's appointment. I do, however, think your handling of the situation was ill judged. That's about it, though. An apology to Peewee wouldn't go amiss IMO.

So there it is. That's my tuppence worth, and if you don't like it, you can kiss my fat hairy a*sehole.

BTW - I haven't PM'd anyone about this, save for Peewee right at the start saying I didn't believe Sabre would do such a thing.

There - see? Total honesty.

Like it or lump it, f*ckers. :p

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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:52 am

supersub wrote:just to let you know,peewee's ban will be lifted tomorrow.Hopefully this ridiculous state of affairs will have come to an end and we can get on with the rest of our lives.

I doubt it, Banning him was the wrong move and he's going to come back on more :censored: off than ever. TBH he probably has reason to.

that being said, if this was the pm peewee was talking about (see below), he has really overeacted to it IMO and basically put his own spin on it. 

"I was very quiet about all this XXXXXXXX (name of a user). You're the only one with whom I was truly honest about Peewee and I trusted you completely (besides you're not LFC nor a mod so the accusation was false anyway).

His friends did PM me, but I was utterly diplomatic and defending the point that he shouldn't have been dropped once appointed him as a mod -- I was doing my job as a mod, and besides I knew whatever bad thing I said it would reach to peewee.

So it must have been very frustrating to gather evidence, since there wasn't any!

Cheers mate, I send you this as a joke, the get a clue lad was something I wanted to tell him *lol*"

What does Sabre really say there which is so sinister and deceitful? I'm sure peewee will tell me when he is reinstated -as he should be.
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:43 am

Sabre wrote:Saints says.

A bit of common sense at last   

I'm glad you find reasonable that Saint. I picked the 24 hours ban. He's a regular member and this ban isn't to kill anybody. This is a ban so that this nightmare has a break and hopefully comes to an end.

What you're doing is noble, you're defending a friend, and I can't blame you for that. But I have to see the whole picture. If some members are rightly banned for their abuse (it happened recently),  and others are not, somebody might feel there's a double standard. And as a moderator I cannot allow that. For me, everybody is important.

On the contrary, if we all know that nobody is above a ban, and we must have a minimum respect, nobody can say that. I understand you're angry, he's your friend. But I have that criteria, and I've applied it for more than 10 years, way before I met Peewee for the first time. It's not personal, and I hope he comes back willing to post good stuff.

If any of you want further explanation, PM me. I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The reason you banned him is because you were egged on to do so, so your trying to take the moral high ground over this is in my opinion pathetic. You talk of double standards and this ban not being personal ,THAT IS A DOWN RIGHT LIE MATE you know it I know it and the whole site knows it.
       The proof is there for anyone who cares to read it. Some sort of deal was agreed between you and peewee, after which peewee's last few posts are totally innocuous. THEN YOU BAN HIM?
        I was hoping that this stupid argument would have ended by now, but for you to come back on and lie to everyone like this Sabre is only going to fan the flames. I have lost any last respect I had for you with this post.  :no
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Postby Years Of Decay » Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:11 am

babu wrote:Dear Years of Decay,

I have thought from the moment you joined you are an alter ego of a banned WUM. Now i am sure.
Just feck off.

Got that half right, i am an alter ego  :D  Done nothing to deserve to be talked to like that though, find some manners sir, good day to you
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Postby flombs » Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:08 am

Like sands through the hour are the days of our lives. :p
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Postby Ciggy » Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:35 am

Bit of perspective needed here, Ive just read the first page of the Peter Crouch topic and Phil had posted in that.
Lifes to short for these feckin arguements its not worth it, theres wars going on this topic should not have been aloud to go on it should have been locked and things sorted out by pm.
Everythings wrong in this situation everything.
We have just beat arsenal 4-1 we have one of our most important games of the season tonight, we are all here for LFC not to make friends even though I have quite a few good mates here.
Please end this dissaster now all parties involved its no good for anyone its not good for the forum.
This topic needs deleting and no more started, it hasnt got anything to do with us really it needs to end now.

Look at that first page in the Peter Crouch topic and Phils picture of his wife and kids and realise to yourselves that this is nothing, be glad your alive and well and can still spend time with your partners and kids if you have any and wonder whats the point in all of this lifes to short people.
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Postby NiftyNeil » Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:59 am

Well said Ciggy.

It is not good to see prolific posters at each others throats. It makes a mockery of the whole forum. It's like a civil war.

Get over it guys.

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Postby Paul C » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:43 am

Ciggy wrote:Bit of perspective needed here, Ive just read the first page of the Peter Crouch topic and Phil had posted in that.
Lifes to short for these feckin arguements its not worth it, theres wars going on this topic should not have been aloud to go on it should have been locked and things sorted out by pm.
Everythings wrong in this situation everything.
We have just beat arsenal 4-1 we have one of our most important games of the season tonight, we are all here for LFC not to make friends even though I have quite a few good mates here.
Please end this dissaster now all parties involved its no good for anyone its not good for the forum.
This topic needs deleting and no more started, it hasnt got anything to do with us really it needs to end now.

Look at that first page in the Peter Crouch topic and Phils picture of his wife and kids and realise to yourselves that this is nothing, be glad your alive and well and can still spend time with your partners and kids if you have any and wonder whats the point in all of this lifes to short people.

Amen to that, this has gone too far, hopefully we can all get back to the football now rather than these kiddish squables!  :;):
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Postby jkop » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:48 am

kazza 1 wrote:
jkop wrote:
s@int wrote:
jkop wrote:All i can say is that was interesting, i have no problems with Peewee or Sabre, but im glad Peewee will be back tomorrow. (Hopefully with all his teddy bears back in his pram) :D

Only joking mate. :D

Just watch it jkop or I will start asking why you have an ex- manc in your avitor!

Only joking mate  :D

I cant find the Northern Ireland badge avaitor and that one was the next best one. But im still looking. :suspect:

Now you've got me paranoid. :sniffle

Jkop, theres a Northern Ireland badge uploaded there. It will probably take you ages to find it, so heres what its under



Cheers Kazza1. :D
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Postby bigmick » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:52 am

I can't really add anything to the excellent posts of both Lynds and particularly Lando. For my part, my only regret is that I didn't ban Peewee for a day myself rather than poncing around trying to get him and Sabre to shake hands on another thread. Because I have a lot of time for him as a poster I was guilty of giving him too many chances. Had I have had more balls, Sabre wouldn't have had to administer the ban himself and would have been spared the wrath of people coming into the argument at the end.

The worst bit about all of it is that nobody comes out with a lot of credit. Peewee I think let himself down with his relentless and unfounded accusations in Sabres direction. Sabre I think lost some of the moral high ground with his resorting to name calling under admittedly extreme provocation, while I don't look back on my contribution or lack thereof with even a hint of pride either. It really is a sorry episode from start to finish and I would appeal to those who haven't already put the boot into one or other of the parties to refrain from doing so and keep their opinions on the whole episode to a nice, civil level. The list of people who will in time I'm sure feel shame about their contribution is already long enough so there's no point in adding to it.
It's not a nice list to be on, believe me I know.
Last edited by bigmick on Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby supersub » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:18 am

Nail on the head for Lando's post,however the use of the word spazzes is deemed politically incorrect and quite offensive nowadays,but being the tolerant guy that I am,I won't be handing you a warning;perhaps just a rap on the knuckles with a hard stick....can't do that;it's classed as a severe beating.....well don't do it again or it's a season ticket to Everton for you my lad    :rasp
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Postby Sabre » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:31 am

Sabre I think lost some of the moral high ground with his resorting to name calling under admittedly extreme provocation

I agree. I'm human and thus I make mistakes.  Sometimes it's just better to turn off the computer, have a walk in the beach, and then come back with fresh air in the lungs. I apologise for it.

I've also taken under consideration the criticism that has been done with the proper respect, like the one Dalglish did.
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