Oppo - Barcelona (a)

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Rafa D » Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:43 pm



League Position   -   1st in La Liga

Current  Form   -   W D D D W


Top Scorers   -     Ronaldinho (15)
                                     Gudjohnsen (5)
                                     Saviola (5)

Interesting Facts
*Liverpool have three ex-Barça players; Boudewijn Zenden, Luis Garcia and Pepe Reina, and five others with La Liga experience.

Club Honours

La Liga Champions: 18
1929, 1945, 1948, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1959, 1960, 1974, 1985, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2005, 2006

Copa del Rey: 24
1910, 1912, 1913, 1920, 1922, 1925, 1926, 1928, 1942, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1988, 1990, 1997, 1998

Supercopa de España: 7
1983, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2005, 2006

UEFA Champions League: 2
1992, 2006

UEFA Cup Winners' Cup: 4
1979, 1982, 1989, 1997

European Super Cup: 2
1992, 1997

Inter-Cities Fairs Cup: 3
1958, 1960, 1966

Copa Latina: 2
1949, 1952

Copa de Oro Argentina/Copa Eva Duarte
1945, 1949, 1952, 1953

And now thanks to the senors and senoritas at


As soon as the draw came out, everyone was raving about this game, How do you see the first leg going?

MAZAMMIT: Originally I thought it would be a Barcelona win for certain. That was when I thought Messi and Eto'o would both return. However at the moment we are all unsure about Eto'o's role at the club, and whether he will make an appearance against Liverpool. Barcelona has to go for the win at the Camp Nou, simply because Liverpool are extremely strong at home. Liverpool will keep things tight, and the midfield battle of Deco/Iniesta vs Alonso/Sissoko or whoever u play in central midfield will be a great spectacle.

SEXYBARCA: No doubt playing the first leg at home is always more difficult, I believe. The pressure will be on Barça to attack and tale the game to Liverpool, allowing Liverpool to simply play on the counter, which is how they won the CL in 2005. However, the Camp nou is a special place, and with 100,000 Culés making noise, and with the recent tension with Eto'o and Messi now coming back, Ronaldinho back on song, I seriously expect Liverpool to struggle and Barcelona not to walk it, but get two goals to take to Anfield, this is our time to shine, and although we have looked ordinary at times this season, when the pressure was on, like against Werder Bremen, the players pulled it out the bag. Both teams seem to struggle one week and excel the next, so its just as difficult to know which Barça team will turn up as it is to know which Liverpool side will turn up. But i think all the signs are there for a Barcelona victory.

PUJOL5: I don't think that your counter attacks will hurt us, nor Crouch's ability in the air in addition with some problems we are facing in this section. I worry though but when that happens we do well in crossings, so I don't worry cause I worry. I can't tell, but for sure I'll watch the game all alone in my room cause it brings good luck, so don't expect much.

POOR SUNYOL:Liverpool was the team that I did not want to draw simply because I know that we would be playing our fist leg at home and Anfield is a massive advantage for you in the second leg. I also know that Rafa will play very defensively at Camp Nou and with our problems with Ego'o at the moment you might be able to come out of there with a draw.

Deco, Ronaldinho, Eto'o, Messi, Xabi.... You have got a team full of superstars, who is your most important player over the 2 legs and why?

MAZAMMIT: Xavi, not Xabi  I think our most important player is between Deco and Eto'o. Deco has an amazing understanding of the game, and puts in so much work for the team. Lately he has been blowing hot and cold, however there are glimpses of him coming back to his best, and I hope that against Liverpool we will see an on-form Deco, as thats something all football fans should watch just to see how the game should be played. As for Eto'o, he puts in work all over the pitch and defends from the front. He often tracks back and covers for fullbacks, or starts moves from midfield. His goal scoring record in the CL is outstanding. Something like 12 goals in 20 games I think. If Eto'o doesnt play, I wouldnt put much money on Gudjohnsen and Saviola doing the business against Carragher and Hyypia (or Agger).

SEXYBARCA: Victor Valdés. He's been the player of our season so far. A much under-rated goalkeeper, young, improving all the time and wears his heart on his sleeve. You mentioned the superstars though, and Deco is still finding his form, though looked good in his last outing, as did Ronaldinho; who just to show he is an all round player scored his 3rd goal of the season with his head on Sunday, as many as he has scored from freek kicks. Messi has just come back from injury and he looked full of running and no doubt test and challenge whoever plays in your left-back position a la del Horno last year against Chelsea. Another player to watch out for is Iniesta, he did it against England (as I called) and is yet an unknown, though I am sure that Benítez will know exactly who he is and for me Iniesta is the man who will cause damage and play the killer balls, rather than Xavi (Xabi is your player :-p) or Deco.

PUJOL5: In Camp Nou the most important person(s) will be Ronnie along with Deco. Deco is the mind of the team and if he has one of his best games then I cannot see you escape from a 65% ball possession in our side. Ronnie can do the unbelievable and score a goal out of nothing. In Anfield the most important player will be Eto'o IMO if he is much fit cause he can give us an easy away goal when Saviola and Guddy cannot do that. Plus Marquez cause he'll be responsible to keep our back four concentrated every minute. He is in a poor condition but I hope he'll follow the recent team's momentum.

POOR SUNYOL:Deco is our most influencial midfielder, but Ronaldinho is the one that can turn the game on it's head in an instance and we might have to be looking to him for inspiration. However, I firmly believe that our most important player will be whoever is called to play at the DM role. Whether it be Marquez, Motta or Edmilson. This game will be one in the midfield and if we find the right anchor we will be fine, if not....

Eto has been in the news recently in a little spat with your boss, Rikkard, will he play and what do you make of the situation? 

MAZAMMIT: Really annoyed with Eto'o, and just like he spoke about there being divisions in the club, there's also divisions amongst the fans about what should happen to Eto'o. Lots of Cules are saying he should never play for the club again, others are saying he owes an apology since he was in the wrong, but that he needs to return to the team. I fall in the latter category.

SEXYBARCA: Eto'o will certainly play, he will start in that game, imo. The spat has happened, it will do nothing but spur him on to prove that he is for the team. It will start with him coming off the bench against Valencia this weekend like a man on a mission, and infront of adoring fans at the Camp nou, he'll be like two players, the crowd will rise up when ever he touches the ball. I make different reading of all of this, I dont see it as a big story, but rather Eto'o speaking his mind, as he has done since day one and defending himself.

PUJOL5: Nobody knows till now I think. It seems that the matter is resolved. In Camp Nou he'll probably play for the second half and in Anfield he'll be a starter. Personally, I'm :censored: with him but if both sides talked and found the solution, no problem.

POOR SUNYOL:We will have to wait and see. I don't think he is fit enough, so I doubt he will start

We have had a few Barca fans on our website, expecting the matches to be a walk in the park for Barca, do you feel the same? Are you taking us seriously enough?

MAZAMMIT: I dont think the home leg will be a walk in the park, but I predict a Barcelona win as I said before. I understand some Cules dont give Liverpool the respect they deserve, but thats because Chelsea and United are stealing the headlines in the epl, and Liverpool got knocked out by Benfica last season, and perhaps weren't the better team in the final against Milan. However me personally I think although there are no weak teams in the final 16, there's a few teams such as PSV, Porto etc who probably would have been preferable to play against. Liverpool is no way in that category.

SEXYBARCA: As I said in the first question, its very easy to watch the premiership once every 2 weeks and see that Liverpool are struggling, what we miss is the alternate weeks when they look awesome (Chelsea anyone), so for some Barça fans to say it will be a walkover is a bit far fetched. I think some Barça fans are barely out of nappies in supporter terms and need a dose of reality. while the supporters may be like this though, I am sure that no-one inside the Barça camp are taking Liverpool lightly, the whole Liverpool squad is known to us. We know what Benítez can do, what he did at Valencia, how he won the CL with Liverpool. Your players that are spanish or used to play in la Liga; Xabi, Pepe Reina, Momo Sosoko, Aurelio et al. The big blow for you is Luís García, an ex-Barcelona player, a Catalan, and on his day a player that can cause real trouble. A lot of Culés here, me included, would have liked to have seen him stay with us.

PUJOL5: It can't be more serious. From the teams we could have been drawn it was yours that I didn't want. I preferred Bayern. It will be very very difficult

POOR SUNYOL:They sound like prepubescent children, this will be a very even affair over two legs because of Rafa's negative tactics.

You may be full of stars, but we have a few too, who do you fear could cause the most damage to your team?

MAZAMMIT: Either Kuyt or Sissoko. I think Sissoko has matured a lot since his Valencia days, and is an integral part in Benítez's team. He may not have the best passing ability, but thats what his partner is for. Sissoko breaks up the game, which is something direct players like Iniesta may find it hard to play against. As for Kuyt, I have so much for respect for him and think he is a fantastic player. I am not looking forward to his movement in the final third, and expect him to score at least once

SEXYBARCA: Our defence isnt as fomidable as last season and I expect Bellamy, Kuyt and Crouch, whichever partnership gets the nod, to cause problems at the back. I think Rijkaard will persist with Puyol and Márquez, and while the former is a rock and the best defender in Europe, the latter is a shadow of his former self, when last season he was our best player (imo).

PUJOL5: A cracker from Gerrard is what I fear most

POOR SUNYOL:Gerrard is the obvious answer. However, we are always at our weakest at setpeices and defending corners etc so Xabi Alonso will be a threat as will Crouch (although Puyol and co will make it very difficult for him as they will make sure the ref is always blowing up for Crouch using his hands on their shoulders... 

Benitez is known for his tactical nous in Europe, what are your thoughts on the great man?

MAZAMMIT: I like him but I think he is a bit stupid some times. Then again you cant argue with his CV, and I know he will have the Liverpool players raring to go.

SEXYBARCA: He's a good coach and rarely gets it wrong in the CL. I think he has more of an idea what's required in the CL than in the Premiership at times, and over two-legs with the second being played at Anfield, he wont panic into doing anything stupid knowing that the Kop can inspire the team to almost anything. I expect him to be defensive and play on the break, maybe even in the second leg because Barça will dominate possesion

PUJOL5: I like Rafa, mainly cause he has humiliated Mourinho in certain finals and KO ties. He's not media friendly as the other and that's why he doesn't get much of the credit due to his titles.

POOR SUNYOL:Madrista de mierda. Defensive boring :censored: but knows how to win trophies. I suppose it depends whether you like attacking football or functional football if you want to know whether you like or displike Rafa. Can't argue against his record though.

Camp Nou is a world famous ground, what can our travelling army expect from your city and stadium?

MAZAMMIT: To be drowned out by the Cules! However I know that Cules and Liverpool fans have respect for each other, and that there will be a lot of friendly banter between the two sets of fans. Im not sure what your seating allocation is at the Camp Nou, but unfortunately Im sure you will be heavily outnumbered by Barcelona fans!

SEXYBARCA: Expect the real capital of culture mate! From the city expect a culture that seems a little outthere, seems slightly familar on one corner, but on the other is like no other. Its hard to describe, but if your boys can avoid the tourist trap of la Rambla, although great, and get into other parts of the city, they will never forget the beauty that they witness. From the stadium, expect an erruption, when the hymn strikes up and 100,000 people start singing, expect the hair on the back of your neck to stand up, shivers to run through your body. Its unforgettable. I expect them to get very drunk, and I hope they dont touch the San Miguel, but rather go for the local Catalan Beer Estrella Damm.

POOR SUNYOL:Liverpool was just voted the rudest city in the UK. So I expect a raise in stolen cars and hubcaps.

Champions League 2005 Final - The Best Ever? Your views

MAZAMMIT: Our views on what? Whether it was the best ever??? No way. The last final was the best!! However, in terms of a spectacle, yea 2005 was probably the best Ive seen. Although of course the night in Paris was memorable for all Cules, and you wont find a Cule who says they preferred the 2005 final over the 2006 one!

SEXYBARCA: Quite simply, from a neutrals point of view, the best CL final ever! 2006 obviously has special meaning to all of us here because Barça ended years of hurt with that victory and were rightly crowned the kings of Europe. But I dont think I'll ever forget that 2005 final. I was sat between an AC Milan and Liverpool fan. The former went to get her drum and half-time and called it the 'drum of victory'...she regretted that by the end.

PUJOL5: I'm suffering from Barcelonitis, which means that when Barca plays fantastic football as we did the last years I cannot stand watching any other team. I didn't watch that final, apart from the last 10-15 minutes. Everyone I've heard since then says it was the best ever. I don't know, maybe cause in Greece we have a lot of Liverpool fans.

POOR SUNYOL:Difficult to argue against that. Our game against Arsenal was a damp squid in the end thanks to Arsenal's tactics.

We all know that Barcelona are a very classy club, but Real Sociedad are the classiest club in Spain, isn't it a shame they might be going down?

MAZAMMIT: Its a shame they might be going down, but they're not the classiest club. That goes to Barcelona haha. But in honesty, yes I like Sociedad. I dont like Athletic Bilbao and I hope they go down, but I want Sociedad to stay up. They were coached for some of the season by Jose Marí Bakero who is an ex Barcelona player. Unfortunately he didnt do the best of jobs, and they're in a very awkward position in the league. Good luck to them, I hope they make it out

SEXYBARCA: The classiest club in Spain, La Real? You have to quantify that statement young man. No doubt though, they're on their way down and its the same old story of complacency and mismanagement. I think its a shame when anyone goes down, but i dont feel any special sadness because its Sociedad...I felt more when Atléti went down and if Bilbao get suckd back into it again and they go down, that would be a bigger loss to la Liga, imo.

PUJOL5: Not the classiest. It's a shame and I don't want this to happen even though I don't see it being avoided. I have a deep respect to the Basque's clubs. But what can you expect when you lose your weapons the one after the other (Alonso, Nihat etc).

POOR SUNYOL:Why do you think Sociedad are the classiest in Spain?

Finally, will your team and fans be ready for the 2nd leg at Anfield in full voice? We're no Stamford Bridge or Old Trafford, we're the proudest fans of the best team in the world, and we let them know it!

MAZAMMIT: Like youll be drowned out in the Camp Nou, I can foresee Barcelona fans being drowned out at Anfield. I have so much respect for Liverpool fans because they cheer on the club no matter the score. I remember going to a match once and Liverpool, playing away, went a goal down. But as soon as the home crowd cheered for the goal, the Liverpool fans actually outsung the home crowd! I couldnt believe it. It was Crystal Palace vs Liverpool FA Cup 2 seasons ago. It was great to watch. Cant wait to watch the second leg. I tried to get tickets for it but to no avail.

SEXYBARCA: We'll give you creative licence with one. I hope we'll have a good reputation of fans there, in other legs in the UK Culés have always made the effort and the club have put on good packages. A few of us from here were thinking of going, but its too expensive.

Good Luck to you too man, Liverpool was the English team I supported when I first came to England.

PUJOL5: Yeah, sure. Are you going to sing "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah"? (no offense)

POOR SUNYOL:42,000 is you capacity is that correct?



Got me looking forward to the match even more!


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Postby Rafa D » Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:43 pm


I decided to get the view of the match from Barcelona's arch enemy- Real Madrid Fan - BEAST!


As soon as the draw came out, everyone was raving about this game, How do you see the first leg going?

As a Madrid fan i was happy, Rafa is a Madrid man through & through..and he will know how to stop Barcelona. I think the first leg Rafa will deploy his 4-5-1 playing Barca on the counter attack , i think the muscle(Sissoko,Xabi,Gerrard) in the midfield is heavily in Liverpool side and that proved to be a problem for all Barca games this season (Chelsea,Valencia & Real Madrid) so I'm guessing it will be a close game..
however Pool weakness in the full backs while Barcelona strength is in the wings.. that's how Barca could win the game

Deco, Ronaldinho, Eto'o, Messi, Xabi.... Barca have got a team full of superstars, who is their most important player over the 2 legs and why?

i think there most important player is Dinho & Deco.. on form they can destroy any team..but they are stoppable both Eto'o & Messi are coming from long injuries

Eto'o has been in the news recently in a little spat with the boss, Rikkard, will he play and what do you make of the situation?

Problems been buried for a while & now its time to come to the surface, it will effect the team in the first leg

We have had a few Barca fans on our website, expecting the matches to be a walk in the park for Barca, do you feel the same? Are they taking us seriously enough?

anyone who think Liverpool is a walk in the park especially with Rafa long Spanish & European experience is a fool

Barca may be full of stars, but we have a few too, who do you think could cause the most damage to their team?

Gerrard & Xabi Alonso shots
Crouch will be a problem with Barcelona lack of Aerial ability if you use him correctly as a Target man

Rafa Benitez is known for his tactical nous in Europe, what are your thoughts on the great man?

Rafa is very smart & great coach , his tactics may not be as entertaining as some would like them to be .. but when it comes to managing a football team he is one of the great managers & his record speak for him

The Camp Nou is a world famous ground, what can our travelling army expect?

As a Madrid fan , i went there once (last season) excellent City & great atmosphere in Camp Nou , but they easily get up & down like all Spanish fans (emotional ) one minute they are cheering their team.. the second the result go wrong whistles will be heard against their players

Champions League 2005 Final - The Best Ever? Your views

never ask a Madrid fan that question  .. 9 CL's to chose from however its one of the best & i would pick our CL 2002 final ahead of it
but no doubt the biggest comeback in the history of Finals

Real Sociedad are the classiest club in Spain, isn't it a shame they might be going down?

who said Sociedad are the Classiest club?? as some said & i will repeat it.. i would love Bilbao to go down with their stupid fans then Sociedad

Finally, will Barcelona and their fans be ready for the 2nd leg at Anfield in full voice? We're no Stamford Bridge or Old Trafford, we're the proudest fans of the best team in the world, and we let them know it!

you will never walk alone, Anfield is a great stadium & Liverpool is a great club , good luck mate
Last edited by Rafa D on Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dward » Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:53 pm

This is the 9000th topic in LFC - General Discussion
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Postby EddieC » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:02 pm

Good read, nice one RD.

Good to see not all Barca fans are like the one's coming on here. They actually made some good points & gave us a bit of credit where due.
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Postby Larsson » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:02 pm

Real Sociedad are the classiest club in Spain, isn't it a shame they might be going down?

who said Sociedad are the Classiest club?? as some said & i will repeat it.. i would love Bilbao to go down with their stupid fans then Sociedad

:D :D i would love madrid to go down with their stupid fans

1899 neix el club que porto al cor, Blaugrana son els colors, FUTBOL CLUB BARCELONA!!!
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Postby Sabre » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:22 pm

who said Sociedad are the Classiest club?? as some said & i will repeat it.. i would love Bilbao to go down with their stupid fans then Sociedad

Dear bandwagon Real Madrid fan.

I understand you had to support a team with lots of titles. I do. I respect you have known the Spanish Liga for a couple of years and think you're entitled to talk like a Real Madrid fan. In fact, you do boast about your 9 CL cups as the common moron reader of Marca does.

I respect that.

But anyone who pretends to know something about Spanish football wouldn't call Real Sociedad just sociedad. If you are older than 20 and watched Real Madrid games regularly you should know naming the classic teams of Spain, and would know we're "La Real" just as you are "El Real". Foreigners and people who watch Madrid on the tv do call Sociedad to my team, so I'm surprised a hard core Real Madrid supporter calls us Sociedad.

I don't know if we are the classiest. We are a football club. Our player do not make advertisements disguised as a prince, nor do marry ex succesful crappy music band girls. We play football around here, we produce players, we make them playing in the first team. So was Madrid once, not any more. Where are the home made team spines like the "Quinta del Buitre"? you don't have own players any more because you buy them all. You're an excuse for a football club.

Rafa I want the link of that forum to insult them personally :D
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Postby stmichael » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:26 pm

One week before the Reds take on Barcelona in the first leg of their Champions League clash in the Nou Camp, manager Rafael Benitez talks to Liverpoolfc.tv.

Liverpoolfc.tv: Rafa, the big Liverpool v Barcelona clash in the Nou Camp is drawing ever closer, how much are you looking forward to it?
Rafael Benitez: It's a difficult stadium to play in but we have confidence. We know it will be a difficult game because Barcelona is a difficult team. We know about them but we will try and I have confidence we can do a good job.
Since the draw was made in December has it been difficult diverting your players' attention away from the prospect of playing in the Nou Camp?
I have watched some of their games on the TV but I have been focused on our form in the Premiership. I said to my players that we don't think about Barcelona and focus on the Premier. Now we can look ahead to Barcelona.
Does this tie have an extra edge for you personally, given your background with Real Madrid?
No. The rivalry between Real Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia in Spain is really high but for me the idea is to win against a top side. It's not just because it's Barcelona and it would be the same if we were playing Valencia or Real Madrid.
Do you think Liverpool will have all the backing of the Real Madrid and Valencia fans when you play Barcelona?
I think so. We have a lot of supporters in Spain now. The rivalry is similar to Liverpool playing Everton so I think we will have a lot of supporters for this game.
Having been a rival of Barcelona in Spain what reception do you expect in the Nou Camp?
The people of Barcelona are very polite and they know their football. They are good supporters.
What's your record like against Barcelona?
I don't know exactly but with Valencia we won some games at the Nou Camp. We scored four goals once when Fabio Aurelio scored a very good goal. It's not easy but our results were good.
From the contacts you have in Spain have you been told about the atmosphere in Catalonia ahead of the match?
Everyone, including the press, is very excited about this game. They have been talking about it almost every day for the last two months.
How highly do you rate this Barcelona team?
The team is really good and when the draw was made people were saying Barcelona are the best team in the world. After two months we are a lot better and they have had some problems. They need Eto'o fit, and Messi, because they haven't been scoring a lot of goals.
Both Eto'o and Messi recently stepped up their comeback by coming off the bench to play for Barca in La Liga, this must give them a big boost...
Yes but I think they have been trying to push these players back quickly for this game.
Do you think they are still as strong as when they won the Champions League in May?
Yes they are really strong and they have good players. They are not playing at the same level but if they have Eto'o, Messi and Ronaldinho then I think they have very good players.
Do you know any of the Barcelona players personally from your time in Spain?
They have some foreign players and I know Messi. I also know Eto'o as he was in the Academy at Real Madrid when I was there, so I have good relations with them.
Liverpool go into the game as underdogs. Do you think that will benefit you?
It could do. I think that it's important for us as we won't have big pressure so that will be important for us.
Obviously the Nou Camp is one of the greatest stadiums in world football and playing there can be quite a daunting experience for some. Do you think it can also work the other way and inspire your players?
I hope so because always we want to win against the top sides in the big stadiums. It's important if you have a very good mentality and our players have experience and a good mentality.
Would you say this is one of the biggest and toughest games you have had as manager of Liverpool?
In the Premiership you can play against very difficult teams and in Europe we have played in the Champions League against Juventus, Chelsea, AC Milan, all very difficult teams. I think that Barcelona is the same level.
What would you view as a good result in the Nou Camp.
You never know but it could be good for us to score. Always for us to play the second leg at Anfield is important and we need to score if it's possible.

Liverpool have never lost at the Nou Camp and they have played three times. Are you confident that good record will continue?Liverpool have never lost at the Nou Camp and they have played three times. Are you confident that good record will continue?
I would like to keep this record. 


Last edited by stmichael on Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Poor_Sunyol™ » Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:59 pm

Anybody fancy sticking their necks out and making a prediction?
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Postby EddieC » Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:04 pm

Poor_Sunyol™ wrote:Anybody fancy sticking their necks out and making a prediction?

Try here
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Postby Poor_Sunyol™ » Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:10 pm

Por Culo Con Madrid!
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:14 pm

Good work again Raffa D! :)

Postby metalhead » Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:10 pm

Great post Rafa.. loved reading barca's point of view.

good to hear they are giving us some credit.

I also heard Ronaldthetw@tihno had also a fight with Eto'o..
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Postby Beast » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:49 pm

Sabre wrote:
who said Sociedad are the Classiest club?? as some said & i will repeat it.. i would love Bilbao to go down with their stupid fans then Sociedad

Dear bandwagon Real Madrid fan.

I understand you had to support a team with lots of titles. I do. I respect you have known the Spanish Liga for a couple of years and think you're entitled to talk like a Real Madrid fan. In fact, you do boast about your 9 CL cups as the common moron reader of Marca does.

I respect that.

But anyone who pretends to know something about Spanish football wouldn't call Real Sociedad just sociedad. If you are older than 20 and watched Real Madrid games regularly you should know naming the classic teams of Spain, and would know we're "La Real" just as you are "El Real". Foreigners and people who watch Madrid on the tv do call Sociedad to my team, so I'm surprised a hard core Real Madrid supporter calls us Sociedad.

I don't know if we are the classiest. We are a football club. Our player do not make advertisements disguised as a prince, nor do marry ex succesful crappy music band girls. We play football around here, we produce players, we make them playing in the first team. So was Madrid once, not any more. Where are the home made team spines like the "Quinta del Buitre"? you don't have own players any more because you buy them all. You're an excuse for a football club.

Rafa I want the link of that forum to insult them personally :D

Dear Sociedad fan who try to be a liverpool fan

in reply to your false statement Above, which clearly shows why people like yourself should wait for 10 years till he can debate with me so you can have some knowledge of what he is talking about

La Real or El Real wouldn't make such a difference cause
1- this is an English speaking forum not a Spanish nor Basque speaking forum
2- i don't call Real Madrid "Real" i call us Madrid and by default Real Sociedad is Sociedad

Sociedad was formed by a group of workers & students (so nothing classy about it) and was formed some 20 years later after Real and was given the "Royal " title just because it was a Summer resort for the king.. a bit like the Cabana boy of the Spanish clubs and maybe your founder was doing favors for the the king's to get this (sexual king) , i hope you don't follow his lead

you can't brag about Trophies , cause you couldn't get a decent record , a club biggest signing was a Certain John Aldridge should think twice even before showing himself

your were always the inferior to your neighbor club so i don't know from where this "Classy" part came from except a self proclaimed title to cover up the historical incompetence with Bilbao
in a " he is banging my wife , but i get to watch " fashion, good for you

i accept a Club fan from Bilbao to lecture me about Club ethics but when you took a left turn and abandoned the non-Basque signing rule in the 80's to keep you afloat but i guess you were still breast fed or maybe not born yet (judging from your knowledge)

so i guess a Sociedad fan is indeed the last one to talk producing.. while the fact & history say you tried to get players from outside but failed miserably so i would advise you to go read a little instead of making a complete idiot out of yourself again

and how funny it is when you have 7 foreigners in Sociedad & over 8 players brought from outside your youth academy but lets face it.. so what breed are you talking about?
the only reason you show your miserable youth is you can only get washed out players & still bottom of the league but i guess your just an excuse of a football club

Dear cabana boy , i hope this history lesson taught you when to speak & when to shut up
i hope its a valuable lesson, make sure you prepare for the test end of season & study well before you reply

oh wait you will be in division two.. but i guess that's a place Sociedad always called it home


Good luck Reds make us proud next week
Last edited by Beast on Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sabre » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:57 am

in reply to your false statement Above, which clearly shows why people like yourself should wait for 10 years till he can debate with me so you can have some knowledge of what he is talking about

:D I think you're valiant to come here, so I'll skip that part. You're welcome. As for I pretending to be a Liverpool fan, I don't care what you might think to be honest.

La Real or El Real wouldn't make such a difference cause
1- this is an English speaking forum not a Spanish nor Basque speaking forum
2- i don't call Real Madrid "Real" i call us Madrid and by default Real Sociedad is Sociedad

Sociedad was formed by a group of workers & students (so nothing classy about it) and was formed some 20 years later after Real and was given the "Royal " title just because it was a Summer resort for the king.. a bit like the Cabana boy of the Spanish clubs and maybe your founder was doing favors for the the king's to get this (sexual king) , i hope you don't follow his lead

Curiously enough I work in the palace in which the monarchy spent their summer so you can't teach me really anything about it. It's true that the Madrid citizens that could afford it came here in summer, all the sexual thingies you comment are probably due to you still considering your sexual orientation and you have an interest on it. None of my business though.

As for the classy comment, not that I have said here nor anywhere that Real Sociedad is more classy than anyone. If the question of Rafa-Dodd made you think so, then you assumed it wrongly.

you can't brag about Trophies , cause you couldn't get a decent record , a club biggest signing was a Certain John Aldridge should think twice even before showing himself

We have won the league twice, with 11 youth system men, and we're a town of 185.000 inhabitants. I'm bloody proud of our record. We won it fairly and for the joy of every Non-Madridist Spaniard, who was sick due to the well known robberies the refs practiced to benefit your dirty team. "The Team of The Government. The Shame of the Country" is not a catchy phrase I've made up or an eyaculation of arrogance like the one you've wrote, but a well known phrase by any Spaniard when it comes to Real Madrid.

We have produced more primera players than your bloody club, more international players, and we have done it so without money. I'm proud of being a supporter of a humble club, you idiot, our football values have nothing to do with trophies, which are the only thing that Real Madrid fans talk about, since they usually know fúck all about football and are easily ridiculised -- don't make that mistake.

your were always the inferior to your neighbor club so i don't know from where this "Classy" part came from except a self proclaimed title to cover up the historical incompetence with Bilbao
in a " he is banging my wife , but i get to watch " fashion, good for you

Boring. The classy remark is yours. As I've said, I'm bloody proud of my humble club.

i accept a Club fan from Bilbao to lecture me about Club ethics but when you took a left turn and abandoned the non-Basque signing rule in the 80's to keep you afloat but i guess you were still breast fed or maybe not born yet (judging from your knowledge)

I don't know what's the share, but you're both ignorant and idiot. John Aldridge wasn't the first foreign player in Real Sociedad. We had already Spaniards, Swedish, and English players in the past like Simonsen for instance, we just broke a tendency of some years in which we could play with our youth system and having good results.

But we had to adapt, because clubs like yours, started to sign up lots of foreigners, and the teams did not have 3 foreigners top any more.

As for the quality of the signings, we bought quality players like Karpin, Kodro, Kovacevic, Oceano (which were tracked by big clubs) and we didn't stop producing home grown internationals like Bakero, Begiristain, Xabi Alonso, De Pedro, Aranzabal in the last 20 years. Any youth system including yours and the one of Bilbao all together cannot compare to ours. Even the "stars" of Bilbao like Etxeberria were of our youth system.

so i guess a Sociedad fan is indeed the last one to talk producing.. while the fact & history say you tried to get players from outside but failed miserably so i would advise you to go read a little instead of making a complete idiot out of yourself again

Get your facts right. Fúckwit.

and how funny it is when you have 7 foreigners in Sociedad & over 8 players brought from outside your youth academy but lets face it.. so what breed are you talking about?

A breed of 15 players in two seasons. Not to mention the ones that are on loan in Segunda. We had to make extra signings because we had extremely long injury problems, I think even you can understand that, if you think about it about a half an hour.

the only reason you show your miserable youth is you can only get washed out players & still bottom of the league but i guess your just an excuse of a football club

The only reason that I mention our youth system is that we're indeed a football club. Not a Brothel, and the home of actress like Becks, or Guti, who we all know he wanted to be Becks. :D A football club as I understand it is about working with youngsters and trying to make them reach to the first team. We are the seventh best team of Spain in primera accumulative points, and we are not among the 20 most big cities in Spain. We did that without being rich, we sold you horrible players like Lasa expensive when we made them for free, and I'm bloody proud of it.

Dear cabana boy , i hope this history lesson taught you when to speak & when to shut up
i hope its a valuable lesson, make sure you prepare for the test end of season & study well before you reply

Try harder in your study. You're not only arrogant and giving lessons: you're wrong. Your facts are false. And if you insist I'll put the facts to prove you wrong, and humilliate you further.

So you have two options, sinking further in the mud, or retreating wisely. If you pick the latter you're only a half moron. If you pick the former, I admire your valour.  :nod

oh wait you will be in division two.. but i guess that's a place Sociedad always called it home

If we're relegated I won't leave my team. Liverpool fans didn't do so with LFC neither. I know that's hard to understand for a puto Madrid fan.
Last edited by Sabre on Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:18 am

Someone should create "CF Real Canary Islands"

Last edited by The Manhattan Project on Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
china syndrome 80512640 reactor meltdown fusion element
no uniquely indefinable one 5918 identification unknown 113
source transmission 421 general panic hysteria 02 outbreak
foreign mutation 001505 maximum code destruction nuclear
reflection 01044 power plutonium helix atomic energy wave
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