Jermaine pennant... - Just a few points

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Postby stmichael » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:38 pm

Me and a mate of mine were discussing this on Saturday night. Basically he was saying that after his goal on Saturday, Pennant should have been saying words to the effect of "I know I haven't been performing to the best of my abilty, but I hope this is a sign of things to come..."

Instead he came across as being incredibly self satisfied.

More worrying quotes from him included...

“I feel as though I am settled in at Anfield now.

“I feel far more comfortable, and I feel as though I am proving people wrong still.

“I’m getting more confidence and looking forward to every game. Perhaps I’ve proved a few more people wrong with this performance. But the manager has said he has always had belief in me, that’s why he signed me.”

No mate, it's not about proving people wrong, it's about producing your form, which you haven't been doing. People are justied in questioning why we laid out £7m for him, with little or no return up until Saturday morning, so people aren't wrong. He hasn't been unfairly criticised and he hasn't been wronged as he seems to think

And one swing of your right boot doesn't make a season either, so get the f#ck on with it, and start thinking about earning your money rather than feeling sorry for yourself because a few people have been on your back for half a season of mediocrity (at best)

Outside of the goal, his performance wasn't all that either on Saturday - although his work rate appeared to be up, which for me was the most pleasing aspect of everything he did on saturday, including the goal. if he wants to have a slight chance of making it with us, that kind of work rate is going to be required every week. but it's easy to work hard when you feel you're having a good day, let's see what he does if he starts badly against West Ham.

I was made up for him on Saturday as i want to see anyone who pulls on the shirt succeed. He hasnt been up to the job so far this season, but one or two performances recently have been an improvement, i still want to see more from him though, he doesn't impose himself enough on games for my liking.

It takes a certain kind of temperament to turn out regularly for a club challenging for honours, so players can handle some cant, i guess time will tell if Pennant has it or not, but judging by those comments he doesnt seem to get what it is all about yet.

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Postby puroresu » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:42 pm

Agree.  One goal like that does not make up for all the rubbish performances.  If he doesnt realise himself that he needs to improve then dont expect any different in the 2nd hald of the season
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:44 pm

stmichael wrote:“I feel as though I am settled in at Anfield now.

“I feel far more comfortable, and I feel as though I am proving people wrong still.

“I’m getting more confidence and looking forward to every game. Perhaps I’ve proved a few more people wrong with this performance. But the manager has said he has always had belief in me, that’s why he signed me.”

i think you are finding fault there where none exists

Postby azriahmad » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:52 pm

My thoughts, here goes:

“I feel as though I am settled in at Anfield now.

What is this supposed to mean? Is he saying that he had given his most settled performance to date? If this is what he thinks, I'm really worried...he has been well and trully mediocre, he has to do more and produce more, he has not earned the right to be complacent, not with what he has produced on the field to date.

“I feel far more comfortable, and I feel as though I am proving people wrong still.

Exactly who is he talking about proving wrong? The jury is still out as far as I'm concerned with regards to Pennant. Where's the ability to beat opponents on the flank CONSISTENTLY, where's the pinpoint killer crosses from the flanks (Finnan had done more this season than him, a specialist wide player)?

“I’m getting more confidence and looking forward to every game. Perhaps I’ve proved a few more people wrong with this performance. But the manager has said he has always had belief in me, that’s why he signed me.”

Confident after scoring that goal is understandable, he should build on it. Why does Kuyt have to drop deep so many times, leaving his position as a striker  and havain less chance to score, and not scoring as many as he is able to? In fact, a lot of times, Kuyt and/or bellamy had to go wide on the flanks because people like Pennant and the other ineffective wide man, Gonzalez "the best player in Chile" had not doen what's required from the flanks.

If he thinks he had arrived by that goal, I'm very worried because he has become complacent.
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Postby Elchris » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:53 pm

I think he's more settled in anfield now...he performance before the goal against chelsea was good..we saw the glimpse of pennant that was playing in birmingham..and he still has it..

I think he will continue to prove ppl n *me wrong ...i think the lad will start performing now and show that he's worth 7mp and worth putting on the liverpool jersey...
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Postby spion » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:53 pm

At the moment the other players around Pennant seem reluctant to pass to him. In fact the main player on the pitch who tries to include Pennant in the build up play is Gerrard. Pennants position on the pitch is fantastic & he is always available for passes. His main problem is pace, Pennant over ten yards is as fast as most but longer distances seems sluggish compared to players like Riise or even Stevie G himself. Pennant has an obvious tallent & could get a call up to the international squad in the next few weeks but I agree with the other comments about him needing to knuckle down.
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Postby stmichael » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:10 pm

He's still in the 'maybe' category for me in terms of longer term future at Liverpool. He can improve on the pitch, and he is showing signs that he's getting better.

I feel part of the way he comes across in interviews is down to a poor upbringing and the fact that he's apparently not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I would take anything he says with a pinch of salt and trust in only what you see on the pitch. What I see is a talented player who appeared a bit out of his depth in the first half of the season, but has given a couple of glimpses that would promise better. If that's enough for him to be here for the long haul, then so be it. Somehow I feel we will imrpve the position in the summer, especially if investment money enables us to sign a clearly superior player (Alves seems to be on most people's wish list).

As for now, Pennant is a Liverpool player, he is showing a bit more promise and he gets my support while he pulls on that red shirt.
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:31 pm

stmichael wrote:I would take anything he says with a pinch of salt and trust in only what you see on the pitch. What I see is a talented player who appeared a bit out of his depth in the first half of the season, but has given a couple of glimpses that would promise better. If that's enough for him to be here for the long haul, then so be it. Somehow I feel we will imrpve the position in the summer, especially if investment money enables us to sign a clearly superior player (Alves seems to be on most people's wish list).

I would agree with that.  I'm personally not interested in reading too much into what he, or any player, says to the press about their performances.  Show it on the pitch and I'm happy.  Take the p!ss and I'm not.  Simple really.  I was well annoyed with Pennant earlier in the season but he seems to have stepped up his game in the past month or so.  He now resembles a Liverpool player.  Whether he kicks on from here is up to him, though, and it is down to building on this confidence boost with hard work.

Like you, though, I think we will bring in a top class RM this summer if the DIC deals goes through and Pennant will become a squad player.  Frankly, I don't think he has the right mentality to wait patiently for his chance and then come into the side and make a telling contribution.  Hopefully I'm wrong about that but we shall see.
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Postby RUSHIE#9 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:59 pm

All season since he said something to the effect of - "I've got nothing to prove to anyone." Completely the wrong thing to say when arriving at any club. In my book whatever you've done before means nothing once you pull on an LFC shirt, he has everything to prove to LFC and that still counts no matter how good his goal was last week. He may be a better RW than we've had in the past few years (Gerrard excepted) but when the takeover does go through you can bet yer life we'll be able to replace him with much better quality at the drop of a hat.

He's still got my support as does every one of the 11 red shirts on the pitch but if he's gonna extend his career at LFC for many years to come he needs to put up or shut up!
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Postby 66-1169804304 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:27 pm

pennant is the most promissing winger in England. he is better than the likes of cristiano "i do a million step-overs in a second " ronaldo and lennon.

Postby A.B. » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:28 pm

Ballache wrote:pennant is the most promissing winger in England. he is better than the likes of cristiano "i do a million step-overs in a second " ronaldo and lennon.

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Postby 66-1169804304 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:29 pm

A.B. wrote:
Ballache wrote:pennant is the most promissing winger in England. he is better than the likes of cristiano "i do a million step-overs in a second " ronaldo and lennon.



Postby Rafa D » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:33 pm

Ballache - it that something to do with your name or do you have proper achy bollocks?

Everyone knows my views on Pennant. He does look like he is enjoying his football more now and long may it continue, but the skills to make that right wing position his own? In my view there lacking.

Ronaldo is the best player in the world - wings wise - at the moment.
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Postby 66-1169804304 » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:37 pm

Rafa-Dodd wrote:Ballache - it that something to do with your name or do you have proper achy bollocks?

Everyone knows my views on Pennant. He does look like he is enjoying his football more now and long may it continue, but the skills to make that right wing position his own? In my view there lacking.

Ronaldo is the best player in the world - wings wise - at the moment.

what i meant was that pennant is more effective than ronaldo and lennon is over-rated, pennant will become the best winger in England. mark my words.

Postby Rafa D » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:37 pm

This achy bollocks character is definetly on a wind up because here he is saying Pennant is better than Ronaldo where in the Momo thread, he is saying that we should sell Momo and sign Robbie Savage. :laugh:
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