Kelvin mackenzie - First class kunt

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Postby Dalglish » Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:03 pm

By the way ............... whose top of the Prediction League ? :D

Bump :P
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Postby zarababe » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:15 pm

:D :laugh:




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Postby Owzat » Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:48 am

sounds to me like some stupid worthless c unt who doesn't know the meaning of truth wants to put himself in the limelight. Anyone stupid and shameless enough to print the cr ap in the first place wouldn't think (if indeed he is capable) twice about standing by said cr ap. I think all intelligent people know it's a load of cr ap, makes you wonder who buys the sun.........
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Postby red37 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:23 pm

the ball's rolling anyway....

Thousands demand BBC knock MacKenzie off air Dec 12 2006
By Sam Lister Liverpool Daily Post Staff

LIVERPOOL FC supporters have launched a petition calling for the BBC to drop former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie from its Christmas Day schedules.

More than 4,000 people have already signed the online form, including fans from Australia and Switzerland as well as rival clubs.

It follows revelations by the Daily Post earlier this month that the columnist had told a crowd of businessmen: "I was not sorry then and I'm not sorry now" for the paper's infamous coverage of the Hillsborough disaster.

The BBC has given him a two-hour teatime slot on Radio Five Live where he will present a News Review of the Year.

But outraged fans believe he should never have been offered a show on a station funded by licence payers.

Nick Harman, a marketing officer, started the online petition. He told the Daily Post: "We have already had 4,000 signatures in a matter of days.

"We have had emails from as far as Australia and Switzerland, that's how strong the feeling is.

"We don't believe Kelvin MacKenzie should be given a show on Christmas Day paid for with our licence fees.

"I was at Hillsborough that day and saw the tragedy happen. I wasn't injured and neither was anyone in my family but it has deeply affected me and hearing his comments has really angered me.

"I cannot imagine the families who did lose someone must feel when this man pipes up again with his lies.

"That's why we started this petition."

The petition has been organised by the website, an independent LFC supporters forum with 20,000 members.

It states: "We want the BBC to remove Kelvin MacKenzie as one of the hosts to their Christmas Day broadcast of the News Review of the Year on Radio Five Live at 5pm.

"Kelvin MacKenzie is, in the views of the undersigned, a man of great dishonesty with his actions after the Hillsborough football disaster and his refusal to back down on the lies he allowed to be printed."

Liverpool FC were playing Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup semi-final at the south Yorkshire stadium in 1989. Lord Justice Taylor's official inquiry found the cause of the disaster was overcrowding and failures by the police.

The Sun apologised in July 2004 saying it was "truly sorry" and that its false allegations were "the most terrible mistake in its history."

But Mr MacKenzie told more than 100 guests at the annual lunch of Newcastle law firm Mincoffs LLP he had only apologised to the people of Liverpool during a television appearance at the time of the tragedy because the newspaper's owner Rupert Murdoch had ordered him to.

He still stands by the story insisting the newspaper had been reporting 'the truth' when it accused Liverpool fans caught in the terrace crush of urinating on the dead and stealing from bodies.

Last night a spokeswoman for the BBC said: "As a former tabloid newspaper editor, Kelvin MacKenzie has a great deal of experience in this area and is well-qualified to give his take on the news stories of the year.

"Kelvin's private comments were entirely his own and in no way endorsed by the BBC."

TO sign the petition go to 

keep signing the petition to rid this scum from the airwaves.

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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:55 pm

red37 wrote:TO sign the petition go to 

keep signing the petition to rid this scum from the airwaves.


only takes a few seconds of your time, keep signing people.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:24 pm

Sign people, don't let this tw@t anywhere near our public radio.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:28 pm

Sign it you b*stards.

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Postby matrix » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:57 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:Sign it you b*stards.


  you bet your as.s  ive signed it...


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Postby scouser 'til I die » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:46 pm

just to be sure it is a approved signature, can u show you anger within the comments section? e.g. calling him a c u n t etc, because i want my signature to be counted

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Postby red37 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:01 pm

scouser 'til I die wrote:just to be sure it is a approved signature, can u show you anger within the comments section? e.g. calling him a c u n t etc, because i want my signature to be counted

just keep it civil but concise mate. 'every' one must count eh  :;):

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Postby scouser 'til I die » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:02 pm

too right n1 red37

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Postby redhayesy » Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:20 pm

i"v just signed the petition as well as giving it to the bbc with both barrells!! if they ignore this petition,they will be as bad as all the scum kunts connected with the s*n. p.s i didn"t use any swear words although i found it rather difficult! but we need to stay within certain boundrie"s i surpose to be taken seriously. maybe an idea to post this on other clubs forums if possible so they can sign petition aswell.
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Postby RUSHIE#9 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:26 pm

It looks like the BBC are gonna stick to their guns on this one (so far). Last week I like many others sent a complaint to the BBC about this twat being given air time on what will still be a difficult day for at least 96 families. Today I received a reply
Thank you for your recent email regarding the Radio Five Live Review of the Year which is due to be broadcast on Christmas Day.

We raised your concerns with Bob Shennan, the Controller of Five Live, who has responded as follows to your concerns:

"We're sorry to hear of your objection to Kelvin MacKenzie's role as a presenter for this programme. While we fully recognise the strength of feeling that some people have against Kelvin, he has a great deal of experience in broadcasting and a keen eye for stories, which makes him well qualified to give his views on the news stories of the year.

Kelvin MacKenzie will always arouse strong feelings from our audience - that's in his nature as a broadcaster and as a person  and clearly not everyone wants to hear what he has to say, but equally there are many others who appreciate hearing his opinions even when they don't agree with them.

Many people have highlighted to us Kelvin's recent statement in which he said he wasn't sorry about the Sun newspaper's handling of the tragedy at Hillsborough, but such private comments are entirely his own and they are in no way endorsed by the BBC. We believe he is an appropriate choice as presenter for this particular programme, but your comments have been registered and will be taken into consideration."

Bob Shennan
Controller of Five Live

OK since when has making comments in front of a room full of people been considered private?? ??? Is this just another BBC form reply or is it a case of "Fuck them northern scouse bastards" again from the London based media?? Maybe I'm just getting too hot under the collar about this, I dunno.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:29 pm

RUSHIE#9 wrote:It looks like the BBC are gonna stick to their guns on this one (so far). Last week I like many others sent a complaint to the BBC about this twat being given air time on what will still be a difficult day for at least 96 families. Today I received a reply
Thank you for your recent email regarding the Radio Five Live Review of the Year which is due to be broadcast on Christmas Day.

We raised your concerns with Bob Shennan, the Controller of Five Live, who has responded as follows to your concerns:

"We're sorry to hear of your objection to Kelvin MacKenzie's role as a presenter for this programme. While we fully recognise the strength of feeling that some people have against Kelvin, he has a great deal of experience in broadcasting and a keen eye for stories, which makes him well qualified to give his views on the news stories of the year.

Kelvin MacKenzie will always arouse strong feelings from our audience - that's in his nature as a broadcaster and as a person  and clearly not everyone wants to hear what he has to say, but equally there are many others who appreciate hearing his opinions even when they don't agree with them.

Many people have highlighted to us Kelvin's recent statement in which he said he wasn't sorry about the Sun newspaper's handling of the tragedy at Hillsborough, but such private comments are entirely his own and they are in no way endorsed by the BBC. We believe he is an appropriate choice as presenter for this particular programme, but your comments have been registered and will be taken into consideration."

Bob Shennan
Controller of Five Live

OK since when has making comments in front of a room full of people been considered private?? ??? Is this just another BBC form reply or is it a case of "Fuck them northern scouse bastards" again from the London based media?? Maybe I'm just getting too hot under the collar about this, I dunno.

I got exactly the same reply. They must have sent it in bluk.

Fucking cunts  :angry:
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Postby adamnbarrett » Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:12 pm

My latest e-mail:

I would like to complain about the fact Kelvin McKenzie has been chosen to do the Christmas Review of the Year.

The main reasons being about his comments about the Hillsborough Disaster that occured on the 15th April 1989. As I'm sure you are aware, Mr McKenzie has greatly angered the people of Merseyside with these comments and has recently gone back on his apology and made astonishing claims that when was printed in the Sun newspaper the following day was 'the truth' and that he 'wasn't sorry then and not sorry now'.

Mr McKenzie has opened up old wounds on Merseyside in the recent weeks and doesn't seem to have one bit of remorse. Being a member of a family that knew losses in the Hillsborough Disaster, I find it very untasteful that Mr Mckenzie has been chosen for the review, especially at Christmas time. Christmas is a time for families, can you imagine how families will feel when they turn on the radio and hear the voice of a man who blatently lied about a disaster that constantly haunts their dreams?

Mr McKenzie may well be 'qualified' to do the show but in my opinion if he is not prepared to answer questions that need answering to the people of Merseyside, then he is not qualified to give his 'views' whatever they may be, on this year's stories. Mr McKenzie gave his 'views' regarding the Hillsborough disaster and they turned out to be false after an official report was carried out. If he continues to upset people on the subject of Hillsborough, what is stopping him from upsetting people with his 'views' regarding other stories?

I know that Radio 5 Live has a large following in Merseyside and I am a keen listener myself. I feel that that number of listeners in Merseyside will severely decrease unless Mr McKenzie is dropped from the show.
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