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Postby Mikz » Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:22 pm

s@int wrote:
Mikz wrote:There is no evidence of human descent from other species and there is no evidence that evolution has occurred among plants and animals either.

That link Saint - Evidence also indicates that Neanderthals have also lived in more recent centuries. One Neanderthal was buried in a suit of medieval chain armor.

I believe God made the world for man to experience everything he must ...if this was a perfect world then nobody would learn anything
How can one be truly good, if he doesnt understand evil?
We should just agree to disagree brother :;):

Considering the Neanderthal became extinct over 30,000 years ago at the latest estimates, this medieval Neanderthal of yours must have lived a long long time!  :D

Evolution is a scientific fact. There are people that still believe the Earth is flat ,no amount of evidence will convince them either.

As I said to Shanks I dont want to offend you ,or change your views, and I would only be arguing to win the argument ,which is stupid.

Better that I am wrong and you are right, than I am right and you are wrong anyway.

Its a pointless argument because whatever proof is put forward it is of no value because you wont believe it, and as you cant put forward any proof but only faith I wont believe you.

I agree to disagree brother because this is a definate no win argument for everyone.

Good man brother!  :D Apes have lived a very long time too
So many evolutionists , who are a lot smarter than us have seen the light, so it is a pointless argument at this level .

Peace be with thee. :;):
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Postby Effes » Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:44 pm

s@int wrote:Same as last time :D

1/ jerusalem

2/ Year 0

3/ crucifixion of Jesus (I would love to believe in god, maybe this would convince me)

Is that year 0 BC or year 0 AD?

If BC is before Christ and AD After death - what years are the ones during his life?
33 years missing somewhere

I'd like to go to 567BC and meet Buddha
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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:02 pm

Effes wrote:
s@int wrote:Same as last time :D

1/ jerusalem

2/ Year 0

3/ crucifixion of Jesus (I would love to believe in god, maybe this would convince me)

Is that year 0 BC or year 0 AD?

If BC is before Christ and AD After death - what years are the ones during his life?
33 years missing somewhere

I'd like to go to 567BC and meet Buddha

Anno Domini (Latin: "In the year of (Our) Lord[1]"), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. So there is no missing years mate.

Anyway I changed my time and destination to the time of the Dinasaurs mass extinction (I have no idea when that happened either :D  )
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Postby Effes » Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:09 pm

s@int wrote:
Effes wrote:
s@int wrote:Same as last time :D

1/ jerusalem

2/ Year 0

3/ crucifixion of Jesus (I would love to believe in god, maybe this would convince me)

Is that year 0 BC or year 0 AD?

If BC is before Christ and AD After death - what years are the ones during his life?
33 years missing somewhere

I'd like to go to 567BC and meet Buddha

Anno Domini (Latin: "In the year of (Our) Lord[1]"), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. So there is no missing years mate.

Anyway I changed my time and destination to the time of the Dinasaurs mass extinction (I have no idea when that happened either :D  )

Thta'll be me talking shite then
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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:13 pm

Effes wrote:
s@int wrote:
Effes wrote:
s@int wrote:Same as last time :D

1/ jerusalem

2/ Year 0

3/ crucifixion of Jesus (I would love to believe in god, maybe this would convince me)

Is that year 0 BC or year 0 AD?

If BC is before Christ and AD After death - what years are the ones during his life?
33 years missing somewhere

I'd like to go to 567BC and meet Buddha

Anno Domini (Latin: "In the year of (Our) Lord[1]"), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. So there is no missing years mate.

Anyway I changed my time and destination to the time of the Dinasaurs mass extinction (I have no idea when that happened either :D  )

Thta'll be me talking shite then

I think most of us have been guilty of that in this thread  :D
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Postby red37 » Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:08 pm

s@int wrote:
Effes wrote:
s@int wrote:
Effes wrote:
s@int wrote:Same as last time :D

1/ jerusalem

2/ Year 0

3/ crucifixion of Jesus (I would love to believe in god, maybe this would convince me)

Is that year 0 BC or year 0 AD?

If BC is before Christ and AD After death - what years are the ones during his life?
33 years missing somewhere

I'd like to go to 567BC and meet Buddha

Anno Domini (Latin: "In the year of (Our) Lord[1]"), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. So there is no missing years mate.

Anyway I changed my time and destination to the time of the Dinasaurs mass extinction (I have no idea when that happened either :D  )

Thta'll be me talking shite then

I think most of us have been guilty of that in this thread  :D

which in truth has ended up following along the lines of... 'Lessons from the Watchtower'  or  'Know your Good News inside out' than was the TC's original intention....(sorry if ive offended any Jehova's Witnesses there) or any blessed cheesemakers for that matter either...

the idea was for you lot to tell everyone about a point in the ' Past/Present or Future' that you'd like to witness..(yes, even including the precise conception of the universe). But not the why's and wherefores of its existance at all..or even who's right/wrong religious wise...note to self: "maintain a policy of not discussing either Religion or Politics in a public forum" .......carry on!


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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:14 pm

Actually back to the topic, I would probably go back to witness the Blitz and the rest of WWII.

The last time the country was truely united.

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Postby coddy » Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:43 pm

6th June 1944 0600hrs - English Channel, 10 miles from Normandy coast.

Just to be there to witness the greatest and awe-inspiring battle ever conflicted.

To congratulate every Man that had the courage to step on, then off the boat. Not forgetting the Para's, Air force and all Nationalities that took part in the infamous battle.

It makes my heart jump every time I see footage of the beach landings. There's no sight like it.
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Postby shanks72 » Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:49 am

s@int wrote:
I think I am right in saying that it is a medical fact today that men have one less rib than women.

Sorry Shanks but men and women have the same number of ribs (12 pairs). The man who discovered that in 1543 probably wishes he hadn't though, after the christian church had finished with him. :D

People have always worshipped gods, and used gods to explain the things they dont understand, cant control or that they fear.

The sun goes down at night, will it ever come back again.(sun god)
Once we understood the Earths orbit around the sun this god seemed to become less impressive.

We need rain or our crops will fail (Rain god)
Once irrigation became available and understood rain god bites the dust.

We are frightened of dying so lets make an afterlife.(Christian god)and just for good measure make him invisible and moody (angry)and anything we cant explain lets just say" god works in mysterious ways."

As civilization developed the moody angry god seemed a bit bossy, 10 commandments, Eye for an eye etc Lets have a god of hope and love instead (Jesus)

Lets tell all the poor, the weak, the suffering, its ok you will be rewarded next time. Saves us having to feel guilty and it gives them something to look forward to.

People go to war who dont believe in god, but pray to god to spare them. Come home safely and never pray again. Why? because it helps them feel in control, even though its an illusion. Many other pray to god just as hard, yet are killed often in the most horrendous and painfull fashion. (But not to worry god loves us)

A surgeon works for 12 hours saving someones life only to be told it was god's work. Why bother, just ask god to give you a heart transplant. Infact if your sure your going to heaven why wait, just tell the surgeon and god not to bother. The b'stard's stopping you going to a better place!

I have never heard that it has been proved that we are descended from apes as I know we are not and I would dispute any so called scientific "evidence". They have made mistakes and will do again.

scientific proof

Ok. Just want to say one more thing on this.

It would be easier for me to not believe in God, because, sometimes it's hard trying to do what the Bible says....

To go my own way, do whatever I like and hang the consequences sounds like a much more pleasant way of doing things. And I have done this. There was a time when I went my own way, even, after I had become a Christian...

But the feeling of emptiness remained and I wasn't satisfied doing this. I was drawn back to what I believed.

Like it or not (and I have found this to be true....there is a God shaped gap inside of us that only he can fill.)
It is easy to try and fill it with different things, but sometimes the feeling of emptiness remains. I have heard people say they have done this or that but they always feel there is something more 'cause nothing seems to satisfy.

I'm not frightened of dying. If there was no afterlife I'd have nothing to worry about. I have a friend who says that when you die you are just buried six feet under and that's that. That's his opinion.
I'm more concerned with going to heaven and being told I didn't quite measure up. Although I know the only requirement to get to heaven is to believe in Christ.

Anyway, I'm only human and as such still make mistakes and do things that I regret. The only thing to do is to try and learn from my mistakes.

Proof God exists is probably down to the individual. I have heard of healing among some people....but not all.
Some say it is having a personal relationship with God which makes you know He is there. This is what I know is true for me.
But I still stuff up from time to time.

You did say S@int, 'why would He want to be worshipped'. I have thought this as well, but it seems that we are made this way. It is good for us and He is worthy to be worshipped.
People need to worship and adore something.
Look at the football fans. The stadium is almost like a church, but the objects being worshipped are the teams. And some of the singing is really good..... well from the Liverpool fans that is   :) ...

Don't get me wrong, I think it is good to go to matches, just trying to illustrate my point.....Which reminds me I must get to Anfield sometime.....ashamed to say I have never been.... :down:

Some surgeons are very skilled....I have seen a christian surgeon on tv who feels he has been given a gift.

I would dispute your 'evidence' S@int, about man's evolution.
Apparently there are quite specific differences between men and apes ie. the arms are much longer and chimps walk on all fours.
When a baby is strong enough it is his instinct to get up and try and walk on two legs.
I know you will rubbish this and perhaps these aren't the best examples to give and I'm sure there are much more substantial ones as to why we didn't evolve from apes.
Any 'evidence' you find on this is not evidence as there isn't any. It is just human error, which will no doubt be realised in the future. :D

Anyways, like peewee says we have been given an intelligence,... and free will to decide just what it is that we believe. Rightly or wrongly it is our choice.

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:53 am

do sudden prayers make god jump?


Postby shanks72 » Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:59 am

peewee wrote:do sudden prayers make god jump?


Why are you thinking of trying it??.....  :D

And no... so don't be frightened....  :)
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Postby Judge » Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:01 pm

shanks72 wrote: :D

And no... so don't be frightened....  :)

one night with me baby and you'll be shouting gods name at the top of your voice.

in short, i will make you think i'm god :D
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Postby shanks72 » Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:29 pm

Judge wrote:
shanks72 wrote: :D

And no... so don't be frightened....  :)

one night with me baby and you'll be shouting gods name at the top of your voice.

in short, i will make you think i'm god :D

Erm.. yes I had heard.... :D

Careful,'re going to make Lando VERY jealous, lol.   :p
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Postby Judge » Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:24 am

lando's all tied up with anti-hero, greedo and rafa-dodd. Those lot bat for the other side. :D

You know this to be true  :;):    :p

Last edited by Judge on Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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