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Postby shanks72 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:34 pm

s@int wrote:
shanks72 wrote:
red37 wrote:read up on your Darwin/Bryson shanks....even a listen of Patrick Moore might help. 

btw Patrick Moore is a christian, so he probably doesn't believe in the theory of evolution either..   :)

Patrick Moore is a christian ,but probably believes in evolution (most christians do!)

most christians also believe "thou shalt not kill" but it doesnt stop them believing war or hanging is right, when the circumstances dictate it.

Its called rationalisation. People adapt and change things until they arrive at something that suits their personality, mood and personal philosophy. ie something in the bible doesnt work for you , change it and rationalise by saying that that part was a story not meant to be believed.(but the rest is the gospel truth ,as they say) :D

For example Gays in the bible are castigated but rationalise and its O.K. to be Gay.

An "eye for an eye" god says, but rationalise and just slap their wrist, god probably didnt mean it !

I Cor. 14:34 -- "Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the Law."

I Cor. 14:35 -- "And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in church.

Lets have women priests and vicars (god was only joking)

Forgot about this post.
BTW, even though I am a liberated woman.... :D
I don't think there should be women priests...that is my view.

A lot of the stuff men and women do is because they've gone their own way.
This doesn't mean it's God's way.
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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:35 pm

shanks72 wrote:
s@int wrote:I dont want to knock your belief that Adam and Eve where the first people Shanks but if you read the bible they had 2 sons Cain and Able. One son I think it was Cain, killed the other son and ran away ,AND JOINED ANOTHER TRIBE! ? If Adam and Eve were the first people where did this other tribe come from?

It has been proved by DNA that we are decended from apes (you can see the resemblence for yourself in some people :D  )

If you think about it logically if there was a god he wasnt very fair was he. Look after the Jews and sod everyone else! Just because they didnt worship him they had to lose their lands and have thousands killed. Everytime something bad happened it was cos' god was angry, every time something good happened it was because god helped.

Look what he did to that poor sod Job, he went through all sorts of troubles just because god had a bet. Thats not exactly a loving god is it?

What about the Dodo and all the other creatures he "created " that have become extinct ? I suppose he had no further use for them so sod em? Yet Jesus goes on about even the birds being under gods hand. Tell that to the great auk !

Sorry Shanks, I would love to have faith like you but I cant. I have actually read the Bible and its a good story but so is Lord of the Rings. I dont believe in Elves either.

Don't worry S@int, you wont knock my belief....

What you say is true but as Mikz has said God could have made other people and thought it not relevant to go into it which is quite feasible.

I have never heard that it has been proved that we are descended from apes as I know we are not and I would dispute any so called scientific "evidence". They have made mistakes and will do again.

Also an interesting fact is that God put man in a deep sleep and took one of man's ribs and made a woman...
(Genesis 2:21 & 22).

I think I am right in saying that it is a medical fact today that men have one less rib than women.

The Jews are God's chosen people. As I understand it, He had to have a nation that was His into which, one day, His saviour could be born.
It wouldn't have been much good Jesus being born to a people who didn't believe in God.

I know that God is good...
The people you mention were killed because they were evil.
Apparently terrible things went on in these nations.
Bad things happened because men were sinful and they were blessed when they weren't. During these times anyway.

Job was tested, yes, and he lost everything.
But he stayed loyal to God and after the test he was blessed with more riches etc. than he had at the beginning, so I think he was pretty pleased.

Alot of animals become extinct because of man, rather than God, I would think.
(Apart from the dinosaurs!)

You have also mentioned suffering in another post:
This is a 'fallen world' and was cursed when man first sinned.
I don't know why God allows pain, I don't have all the answers.

Pain and suffering come to christians as well as others, we are not exempt.
A christian lady that my parents know has just been diagnosed with liver cancer. The doctor told her and she said "that's fine".
He said "You do realise what I've just told you?' She replied 'Yes, I will be going to a better place than here'.
A man up the road that I knew years ago (who actually married my parents) died of liver cancer.
He was a christian. The doctor said to him "I bet that's knocked your faith" and he replied "not at all".

I don't know if I would be as brave....
but their faith has hepled them and also the knowledge that Jesus suffered while he was on this earth. I bet going to the cross wasn't a piece of cake.
But He did it to save my miserable soul, so I can at least be grateful.

I'd just like to say that there are people out there who know more about the Bible than me and I have just tried to do my best.
I don't have all the answers and it is an interesting discussion. All I know is that the Bible is true, not part of it or bits of it, but all of it.
My fav part is the old testament as I love the TRUE stories in there... :)

God knew humans would want to know where they came from that is why He wrote Genesis to tell us and what do we do?
Go round looking for answers elsewhere.
Genesis tells how the world began and the Revelation (with it's imagery) tells how it will end.

One of my fav verses is from the Revelation:
chapter 1:7: "He will come in the clouds, and every eye shall see Him.."
When I was a little girl I used to read this and although I believed it, I wondered how everyone would see Him.

But of course with the use of satellites and tvs etc. it will now be possible for 'every eye to see..'
Pictures of Christ's second coming will be beamed around the world and I bet John, who wrote the book of Revelation didn't know this, all those years ago. But God did.

I know not everyone believes this and you are all entitled to believe what you wish.
I am not a nutter... I believe God's word and this is what it tells me...

Finished at last!!! Now I have to do some ironing!!   :upside:

Be careful quoting revelations Shanks remember the curse!

ps I never thought you were a nutter
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Postby shanks72 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:37 pm

peewee wrote:shanks, you may as well just believe in a magic chipmunk, is just as likely to be true as the claptrap you have written above


Tis not claptrap Peewee, dear.... :D

And one day you will know...  :nod
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Postby account deleted by request » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:37 pm

peewee wrote:shanks, you may as well just believe in a magic chipmunk, is just as likely to be true as the claptrap you have written above


Dont dress it up peewee just tell it as it is ! :D
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Postby LFC #1 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:44 pm

I don't care what you say no one in the world knows whether god exists or not as there is no concrete proof, the scientific theories that have been mentioend have a lot more credibility and fact than any religious person can offer.

That's not to say that God doesn't exist, as I said no one knows for sure. I choose not to devote my life to something that is effectively gambling. Believing there is a better life for you after this one is a mere guess, you are only hoping it is there when you actaully have no idea until you die.
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Postby 67-1161385641 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:48 pm

Elves are real, I have Elven origins.

"I have eyes like a hawk and ears like an eagle"...."I could of shot you in the dark".  :D

Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:56 pm

shanks72 wrote:
peewee wrote:shanks, you may as well just believe in a magic chipmunk, is just as likely to be true as the claptrap you have written above


Tis not claptrap Peewee, dear.... :D

And one day you will know...  :nod

ok lets just imagine for one crazy second that i am wrong and there is a god, then it is god who give me the intelligence and ability to question things, incluing his existence, so he will have to forgive me and let me into heaven anyway.

i am in a no lose situation here, i have a life without religious hang ups and still get into heaven


Postby account deleted by request » Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:50 am

I think I am right in saying that it is a medical fact today that men have one less rib than women.

Sorry Shanks but men and women have the same number of ribs (12 pairs). The man who discovered that in 1543 probably wishes he hadn't though, after the christian church had finished with him. :D

People have always worshipped gods, and used gods to explain the things they dont understand, cant control or that they fear.

The sun goes down at night, will it ever come back again.(sun god)
Once we understood the Earths orbit around the sun this god seemed to become less impressive.

We need rain or our crops will fail (Rain god)
Once irrigation became available and understood rain god bites the dust.

We are frightened of dying so lets make an afterlife.(Christian god)and just for good measure make him invisible and moody (angry)and anything we cant explain lets just say" god works in mysterious ways."

As civilization developed the moody angry god seemed a bit bossy, 10 commandments, Eye for an eye etc Lets have a god of hope and love instead (Jesus)

Lets tell all the poor, the weak, the suffering, its ok you will be rewarded next time. Saves us having to feel guilty and it gives them something to look forward to.

People go to war who dont believe in god, but pray to god to spare them. Come home safely and never pray again. Why? because it helps them feel in control, even though its an illusion. Many other pray to god just as hard, yet are killed often in the most horrendous and painfull fashion. (But not to worry god loves us)

A surgeon works for 12 hours saving someones life only to be told it was god's work. Why bother, just ask god to give you a heart transplant. Infact if your sure your going to heaven why wait, just tell the surgeon and god not to bother. The b'stard's stopping you going to a better place!

I have never heard that it has been proved that we are descended from apes as I know we are not and I would dispute any so called scientific "evidence". They have made mistakes and will do again.

scientific proof
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:37 am

The so-called "proof" could simply be God's way of testing peoples faith.

Job's tests of faith are referred to here. His suffering was great.

So what makes you think that it's different today?

I truely want to believe in God. I don't know what I believe, to be honest.

If God does exist, I'll be a lot happier.

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Postby Mikz » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:44 am

There is no evidence of human descent from other species and there is no evidence that evolution has occurred among plants and animals either.

That link Saint - Evidence also indicates that Neanderthals have also lived in more recent centuries. One Neanderthal was buried in a suit of medieval chain armor.

I believe God made the world for man to experience everything he must ...if this was a perfect world then nobody would learn anything
How can one be truly good, if he doesnt understand evil?
We should just agree to disagree brother :;):
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Postby Woollyback » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:48 am

agree to disagree indeed brother. this is one discussion where we could be here this time next year and not one of us would've changed our minds

i'm just hoping i'm right, cos if you christians are right then come judgement day i'm fecked cos i know they'll be sending me straight DOWNstairs :blush:
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Postby ste123lfc » Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:02 pm

The place

The Date / Time
15/5/2012   16:45hrs

Liverpool have just won the title for a 5th consecutive time, Roman abramovich has just announced that he is withdrawning all his funds from Chelski leaving them 2 billion pounds in debt and Old Trafford has sunk as it was discovered to be biult on an old mine shaft. Roll on.
:D  :D  :D
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Postby red37 » Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:29 pm

ste123lfc wrote:The place

The Date / Time
15/5/2012   16:45hrs

Liverpool have just won the title for a 5th consecutive time, Roman abramovich has just announced that he is withdrawning all his funds from Chelski leaving them 2 billion pounds in debt and Old Trafford has sunk as it was discovered to be biult on an old mine shaft. Roll on.
:D  :D  :D


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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:43 pm

Mikz wrote:There is no evidence of human descent from other species and there is no evidence that evolution has occurred among plants and animals either.

That link Saint - Evidence also indicates that Neanderthals have also lived in more recent centuries. One Neanderthal was buried in a suit of medieval chain armor.

I believe God made the world for man to experience everything he must ...if this was a perfect world then nobody would learn anything
How can one be truly good, if he doesnt understand evil?
We should just agree to disagree brother :;):

Considering the Neanderthal became extinct over 30,000 years ago at the latest estimates, this medieval Neanderthal of yours must have lived a long long time!  :D

Evolution is a scientific fact. There are people that still believe the Earth is flat ,no amount of evidence will convince them either.

As I said to Shanks I dont want to offend you ,or change your views, and I would only be arguing to win the argument ,which is stupid.

Better that I am wrong and you are right, than I am right and you are wrong anyway.

Its a pointless argument because whatever proof is put forward it is of no value because you wont believe it, and as you cant put forward any proof but only faith I wont believe you.

I agree to disagree brother because this is a definate no win argument for everyone.
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Postby Judge » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:05 pm

peewee wrote:my time machine was just a watch and a bottle of gin, drink it and see where you ended up.

lando ended up at 1130 pm back at judges torture chamber


i would like to add that lando hired the room for himself and anti-hero :D

i was in the carribean
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