Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby RAGE UK » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:28 am

All out of salts.
That’s my answer to it.
Our best players don’t look remotely interested ie Steven Gerrard.
Refa has rotated so much he is dizzy.
The new players look :censored: apart from kyut.
Bellamy is still not doing it for us I have got no faith in him and to tell you the truth I never did have. He looks good on the ball he is fast but put that all together and score he can’t do it.
I think we lack some one to take the game by the balls. We always look to Gerrard to do that but he just looks well out of salts.
It is looking more and more likely that we will struggle to get a 4th spot this season and that is embarrassing.
Let’s not harp on that we have won this and that over the years.
People are fed up with hearing it because we use it as an excuse when we do not do well.
We have got to raise our game in the champ’s league.
Last season we finished very strong and looked most likely to challenge for the top spot in the prem. But we started like a bunch of losers with out heads down looking for a way out.
Rafa needs to find us a way out and he can start with giving the lads a good old bollocking.
And the lads need to lift there game and look like they want to win.
And the passing has been :censored: poor that needs working on.
O yer and put Gerraed in the middle with Alonso and let them control the game.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:42 am

stmichael wrote:The bottom line here is that Steven Gerrard is the best crosser at the club, and he can beat ANY full back in the land with his pace power and skill. WHEN HE WANTS TO.

Against the mancs, he didn't go at Evra once. Against Arsenal, he didn't go at Clichy once.

You have to ask yourself why?

My opinion is that he didn't want to do it. If he did want to, then all he had to do was stay out wide, wait for Xabi to give him the ball and then go at the full back.

Criticise Rafa for not playing Gerrard in the middle if you like, that's a legitimate complaint. Don't criticise him for Gerrard doing :censored: all out wide though, as its not like he isn't capable of doing it.

Lets be fair though, whether Gerrard is having a sulk out wide or the fact he just cant get into games out wide to have any sort of impact. Then surely its time for Rafa to move him back to the middle, after five defeats already away from home surely the alarm bells have got to start ringing sooner or later with Rafa. Its all well and good saying Gerrards the best crosser he can beat a full back etc. But he isnt doing the business out there, why persist. Most other players would be dropped, instead of that though stick him back in the middle and you'll see him come back to life. When he's out wide he goes wondering and to no effect really and leaves Finnan with no outlet or cover and doesnt offer width. To me that job should be Pennants, thats his trade. Gerrards game is all about giving and recieving the ball in the park aswell as driving the team forward creating things and being explosive. Thats more important than beating a fullback and whipping in a cross IMO especially in Gerrards case where he has so much ability he's almost being wasted out there. As I said Pennant should be capable of that. I'm starting to worry about the lad quite frankly, I can see him pi$$ing off if this continues as he isnt happy playing out there and the longer it continues his and Rafa's relationship will be almost in tatters.

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:45 am

Bamaga man wrote:surely its time for Rafa to move him (Gerrard) back to the middle, after five defeats already away from home surely the alarm bells have got to start ringing sooner or later with Rafa.......

I'm starting to worry about the lad quite frankly, I can see him pi$$ing off if this continues as he isnt happy playing out there and the longer it continues his and Rafa's relationship will be almost in tatters.

Interestingly, interviewed after last nights friendly against holland ,Gerrard said, "Iv'e spoken to Benitez (notice is not Rafa or the boss) "I've spoken to Benitez and with Sissoko out he's told me I'll be getting more time in the middle " .

Better late than never .

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Postby chiggz_likes_owen » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:59 am

Why is this so hard. Stevie can't do jack on the right. He has a power engine only made for the middle.
Last edited by chiggz_likes_owen on Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 67-1161385641 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:24 am

chiggz_likes_owen wrote:Why is this so hard. Stevie can't do jack on the right. He has a power engine only made for the middle.

Wasn't Gerrard on the right last season? I think he was, did people complain? No, not really, why has it become an issue all of a sudden? Nit-picking is what is I tell thee!

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:29 am

CharmlessMan wrote:Wasn't Gerrard on the right last season? I think he was, did people complain? No, not really, why has it become an issue all of a sudden? Nit-picking is what is I tell thee!

My stat man tells me Gerrard spent 50% of last season on the the right the rest of the time he was in his usual central position, where the majority of his goals came from .

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Postby 67-1161385641 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:41 am

woof woof ! wrote:
CharmlessMan wrote:Wasn't Gerrard on the right last season? I think he was, did people complain? No, not really, why has it become an issue all of a sudden? Nit-picking is what is I tell thee!

My stat man tells me Gerrard spent 50% of last season on the the right the rest of the time he was in his usual central position, where the majority of his goals came from .

He spent some time on the left as well last season when he was drifting about, anywhere and everywhere, so if you stick Gerrard in the centre, he'd hardly spend the 90 minutes there. I don't think it makes much of a difference where he plays in midfield as long as he is allowed to roam.

Postby account deleted by request » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:43 am

Did any one see Gerrards interview after last nights match, he had huge bags under his eyes and looked like he hadnt slept for a week.
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Postby puroresu » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:58 am

s@int wrote:Did any one see Gerrards interview after last nights match, he had huge bags under his eyes and looked like he hadnt slept for a week.

I see him on Sky Sports and he said "I'm a central Midfielder and thats where I wanna play".
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:33 pm

CharmlessMan wrote:
chiggz_likes_owen wrote:Why is this so hard. Stevie can't do jack on the right. He has a power engine only made for the middle.

Wasn't Gerrard on the right last season? I think he was, did people complain? No, not really, why has it become an issue all of a sudden? Nit-picking is what is I tell thee!

Nit Picking?

The lads well out of sorts, we havent won away from home all season and he's not playing in HIS prefered position, and this is adding to our poor form.

Nit picking ........... yeah right  :no

Postby 67-1161385641 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:57 pm

He was used on the right last season; there were no complaints, not a complaint from him or from anyone else. It might be his preferred position, but Gerrard has to learn to focus on the team and accept the managers’ decisions. I'd like to see Gerrard in the middle too, but I won't lose any sleep if he isn't. He's not the only one playing badly; most of the team are playing poorly too. We are not a one man team, Gerrard is supposedly 'the best player in the world', if that's the case he shouldn't have a problem playing on the right and it's not like he doesn't cut inside to the centre anyhoo.

Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:50 pm

CharmlessMan wrote:He was used on the right last season; there were no complaints, not a complaint from him or from anyone else. It might be his preferred position, but Gerrard has to learn to focus on the team and accept the managers’ decisions. I'd like to see Gerrard in the middle too, but I won't lose any sleep if he isn't. He's not the only one playing badly; most of the team are playing poorly too. We are not a one man team, Gerrard is supposedly 'the best player in the world', if that's the case he shouldn't have a problem playing on the right and it's not like he doesn't cut inside to the centre anyhoo.

That was last season, this season its not happening for him its blatantly obvious. You may not lose any sleep over where he plays but to be honest its concerning me, I'm not saying we're a one man team but when he plays well the team usually do too. So surely Rafa has got to get him playing like he used to coz quite frankly he isnt a patch on the player we've known for the last few years. You also say he has to play where the manger tells him for the good of the team. But Rafa also has to play him in the right position for the good of the team, its works both ways, especially when Momo's out and Zenden gets the nod ahead of him, if Rafa wasnt so stubborn Gerrard may of had some more influence on our matches this season.

Postby 67-1161385641 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:40 pm

I know it's not happening for him this season, perhaps one factor is down to him playing 'out of position', I can say the other one is down to his 'lax' approach to matches, which to be fair is evident in virtually the whole team this season. The team's low confidence, lack of guts and poor form worry me more than one individual player. Gerrard's ability is unquestionable, his value to us is also unquestionable, but I won't worry about one individual player when the whole team isn't performing, I worry about them all, just like I wont worry about one player being off form when the majority are performing to the best of their abilities, we're winning and doing the basics to a high standard.

I agree it works both ways, but I'm much more comfortable with Sissoko and Alonso in the centre than I am with Gerrard and Alonso or Gerrard and Sissoko. I will agree Gerrard should be played in the centre over Zenden, but will that sort Gerrard out? I doubt it, he's needs to sort himself out mentally and sort out his attitude, then his performances will fall into place and that goes for the rest of the team who have put in spineless appearances this season.

Postby heimdall » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:59 pm

CharmlessMan wrote:I know it's not happening for him this season, perhaps one factor is down to him playing 'out of position', I can say the other one is down to his 'lax' approach to matches, which to be fair is evident in virtually the whole team this season. The team's low confidence, lack of guts and poor form worry me more than one individual player. Gerrard's ability is unquestionable, his value to us is also unquestionable, but I won't worry about one individual player when the whole team isn't performing, I worry about them all, just like I wont worry about one player being off form when the majority are performing to the best of their abilities, we're winning and doing the basics to a high standard.

I agree it works both ways, but I'm much more comfortable with Sissoko and Alonso in the centre than I am with Gerrard and Alonso or Gerrard and Sissoko. I will agree Gerrard should be played in the centre over Zenden, but will that sort Gerrard out? I doubt it, he's needs to sort himself out mentally and sort out his attitude, then his performances will fall into place and that goes for the rest of the team who have put in spineless appearances this season.

I'm sorry but I disagree with you, Gerrard is not just one player, he is the captain of the club and also the only real player we have with flair. How many matches have we seen him win on his own??
I think the problem with the team stems from Gerrard being :censored: off, if he is happy the team is happy and if the lad wants to play in the middle, which is where almost everyone including him thinks he should play, then for F^&k's sake Rafa play him in the bloody middle!!
My preferred central midfield would be Momo and Gerrard with Momo in the Didi role, i.e defensive midfield behind Gerrard Why doesn't Rafa try playing Alonso on the right, that might actually work very well as he is an incredible crosser and distributor of the ball.
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Postby 67-1161385641 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:20 pm

Gerrard is one player, he's an important and an influential player, but I cannot except that "he is the team", "he is LFC" points from some people. Gerrard hasn't won us matches on his own, he's scored goals which helped us win most notably the Champions League and the FA Cup, but you make us sound like a one man team and we simply aren't. Gerrard whilst being an exceptional talent shouldn't be above the rest of the players because the other players help make the team a team, they also help us win matches, so I don't buy all this Gerrard = LFC point. That's not to say I don't think Gerrard shouldn't play in the middle, I want what's best for the team and if Gerrard playing in the middle helps us achieve that than so be it, but what I don't agree with is how an awful lot of people are saying "Rafa move Gerrard to the middle, then we will improve". You don't know that for sure. It won't make an ounce of difference if Gerrard starts playing well and the other ten players don't.

As for making Momo a defensive midfielder that's pure madness. Momo isn't good enough to take on such an advanced role, his technical ability is nowhere near as good as Alonso's, never will be, I don't think that is wise at all, as for playing Alonso on the right, well he's not attacking enough is he? He's also not athletic like Gerrard to be running up and down for the 90 minutes; if he was you might well have a case.


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