Rafa benitez - Lets get behind the boss!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby red37 » Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:38 pm

good article from Anfield Road:

Traitor: Echo condemns "ramblings of a man descending into lunacy"
Written by Jim Boardman
Friday, 27 October 2006
Most Reds today seemed to be together in backing Rafael Benítez in the face of the attack from the idiot without any balls, the faceless, nameless board member who’d gone crying to the Daily Mirror about how he didn’t feel the current manager was up to scratch.

The local press were on Rafa’s side too. The Liverpool Echo – ironically part of the same group as the Daily Mirror – ran stories with headlines like: “Rafa knifed in the back” and “Reds rocked”. Expect even more explosive stories from them in tomorrow’s print edition – stories in that version of the paper tend not to be published on the paper’s internet site and so tend to have a different flavour to others during the week.

Chris Bascombe is the Echo’s chief reporter on all things LFC, and he said that it came as no surprise that Rafa was attacked in this way. He wrote: “Several of the seven man committee have been faceless for so long, they’ve specialised in their anonymity.” He said Moores and Parry must take instant action and call for the immediate resignation of the nameless director. He also said that this was the lowest point of the season so far, saying: “It was presumed Liverpool’s defeat to Manchester United was the low point of the season. Today’s scandal comfortably eclipses this.”

Bascombe went on: “If the ‘influential figure’ had any guts at all, he’d put his name to the comments immediately and allow others to question him on views which are clearly at odds, not only with the majority of Liverpool supporters, but the rest of his board.” He also said: “After everything Benitez has achieved at Anfield, the cowardly attack splashed on the back page of a national paper this morning summoned images of a World War 1 commander complaining the troops on the front line hadn’t done enough to defeat the Germans by 1916.”

Bascombe is a passionate Red himself, and was clearly speaking from the heart, echoing the views of most Liverpool supporters: “At best it’s irresponsible drivel, at worst it represents the ramblings of a man descending into lunacy.”

Bascombe has contacts inside the club and no doubt is told many things he’s not at liberty to reveal. Off-the-record chats about what’s going on. So perhaps he’s talking on behalf of Rick Parry when he says this: “There have long been suspicions that certain low profile members of the Anfield hierarchy have been on a mission of self-preservation for the past 16 years. Their contribution is negligible, particularly in recent times when Moores and Parry have borne the brunt of the public pressure and criticism in attempting to safeguard the financial future of the club.”

And that’s pretty true – until today how many members of the board could you name? Steve Morgan isn’t on the board before you choose him.

And as Bascombe says, the board member who doesn’t deserve that seat is one of those who is regularly seen “enjoying the European jollies which Benitez has provided since his arrival in 2004, but little else.”

He also quotes what that director had said about this summer’s transfer dealings. Laughably the director had said: “The signings we made in the summer cost us a lot of money and they’ve not worked, it’s the same old story. We were happy to spend £9m on a centre-forward but we were told we should be spending £30m. You can’t go out and get a Bentley all the time.” Shocking comments.

As Bascombe points out, Rafa Benítez had to send players out on loan in order to be able to afford to pay some of his summer signings – and most of those were failures bought by the previous manager. And he also reminds us that Rafa’s success in Istanbul has helped swell the coffers quite a bit too, and that Rafa is the “only Liverpool manager in history to win two major trophies in his first two seasons.”

The money Rafa has had to spend doesn’t match that available to the likes of Man United, Chelsea and Arsenal, who Bascombe says “are not only wealthier, but raise far more revenue from avenues such as shirt sponsorship deals.” He suggests Rafa “may well ask what contribution the ‘unnamed source’ has made to raising any funds?”

A big worry of course now is what impact these comments will have on Rafa in the long term: “This is a manager who rejected both his boyhood team Real Madrid and Inter Milan a few months ago, believing he had the full backing of his board and several seasons to bring the title to Merseyside. Both Roy Evans and Gerard Houllier had five years to restore the fortunes of the club, and neither suffered the kind of insult from one of his own board Benitez must tolerate today. If Moores and Parry don’t act instantly, the long-term repercussion should not be underestimated.”

If anything can be gained from this idiot’s outburst to the Mirror today it’s that it might cause a shake-up at the club. Perhaps his seat on the board should be handed to someone who actually cares about the club and not his back pocket, someone like Kenny Dalglish. Other changes may come about too, changes that a new-look board might be better equipped to deal with. Bascombe wrote: “There are deep-rooted problems at Anfield, which everyone at Liverpool is fully aware of but prefer the fans not to consider. Benitez has no control over the Liverpool Academy, which has produced just one first-team regular since the move to Kirkby in 1999. The search for investment has been a painful, and sometimes embarrassing process, and although Benitez’s transfer kitty may compare favourably with teams with aspirations for UEFA Cup qualification, they’re light years behind Chelsea and Manchester United. All these matters are the board’s, not the manager’s, responsibility.”

He ended by suggesting the shareholders in the club should call for an extraordinary general meeting to remove this director, and he also lists the board: David Moores, chairman;  Rick Parry, chief executive; Noel White; Terry Smith; Les Wheatley; Jules Burns; John Cresswell.

In another article in the Echo, Les Lawson was asked his views. He’s the secretary of the Merseyside branch of the Liverpool supporters’ club and he too found it “unbelievable”: “I find it totally unbelievable a member of the Liverpool board would criticise the manager who won the Champions League in his first season, with the worst squad since Bill Shankly arrived at the club. He then won the FA Cup in his second season and won more league points in a season for Liverpool since the Premiership began last year.”

Lawson continued: “Whoever is responsible for these comments is completely out of touch with how Liverpool fans think, and I would have thought he’d be more concerned with working towards attracting the investment which would help Rafa build a team to challenge Chelsea.”

Our hope here at AnfieldRoad.com is that this faceless shameless idiot has caused a shake-up that will see him lose his cushy part-time job and all the benefits it brings, and instead bring about some movement on investment. A new-look board might just give us that final boost we need to get back to the full-on glory days we are still very close to getting back to.

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Postby Alanay » Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:31 am

I'm totally with Rafa at this moment. He's delivered us with CL and FA Cup. And more to come...
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:01 am

maybe it will be a blessing in disguise and give rafa and the players the kick up the @rse that they clearly need

Postby account deleted by request » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:21 am

I wonder if the increased pressure of trying to sell the club has had some influence on the board members outburst. Its much easier to sell a club if its doing well than if the team are struggling and look as if they may not qualify for europe.

Whoever it is should be asked to resign, this is not the way to raise issues within the club.  Rafa deserves better than this.
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Postby Feeney » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:22 am

Personally, I can't believe this.

What kind of a sh!thouse, talks to a hack (not, by the way, just any hack, a MAN U fu*king hack), says these comments, n decides to remain 'anonimous'? WHAT A TW@T

If these 'comments' have come from a director of the board, Parry and Moores need to come down on them with the upmost conviction and nail them to the fu*king wall. These comments have come out at a time where they would cause maximum damage - we are on a bad run of form and the league title is rapidly slipping away - what 'Director' on our board would release a statement like that now? Only a sh!thouse one.

Here's the board...


* David Moores, chairman
* Rick Parry, chief executive
* Noel White
* Terry Smith
* Les Wheatley
* Jules Burns
* John Cresswell

We know it isn't the top two - that leaves five possible candidates - flush the c*nt out n hang him out to dry, I say. What a gobsh!te to do make such comments public - we all know how Rafa needs stability, to feel settled - why now? ???

I honestly believe this guys, we are on the verge of greatness. Seriously. If anyone has bothered to look at the fixtures of all teams in the Prem, they will see that we have a much stronger run in than all of our adversaries (even Fergie hinted at it at the weekend) and I believe we can turn this league challenge around.

Personally, these comments stink to me. The timing, the way they have been done, it all stinks. Is there a higher power behind it...possibly Morgan? ??? Something doesn't sit right to me about all of this, too many snide tactics happening.......... :suspect:


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Postby red37 » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:23 am

it was because of problems 'upstairs' at Valencia that brought Rafa here in the first place...Moores should boot this director fella clean into touch before somebody does further damage. what next for this 'cuckoo' in the nest....a serialisation in the S*n  :angry:

ffs - this season will get going soon!

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Postby Dundalk » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:26 am

This man brought us the FA cup, the European Cup and brought Robbie Fowler back home and people still give out ???
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Postby hello_red » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:57 am

a disgrace! an utter :censored: disgrace! business men should stay out of the affiars of Rafa and the team, they make the money and Rafa and co play the football.

and it looks like the business men aint doing there job properly, Liverpool FC is the most successful club in english football histroy, is up there with the best of them in europe, has won the cl 5 times and we cant find proper investment... :censored: off!

we need a clear out fast, preferably now!
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Postby 67-1161385641 » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:23 am

Noel White, I say no more.

Don't take my word for it, I might be mis-informed a lad from Bootle told me.

Postby account deleted by request » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:25 am

There are deep-rooted problems at Anfield, which everyone at Liverpool is fully aware of but prefer the fans not to consider.

Benitez has no control over the Liverpool Academy, which has produced just one first-team regular since the move to Kirkby in 1999.

link to Bascombe's article

I didnt know that Rafa wasnt in control of the Academy!!!
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:03 am

s@int wrote:.There are deep-rooted problems at Anfield, which everyone at Liverpool is fully aware of but prefer the fans not to consider.

Benitez has no control over the Liverpool Academy, which has produced just one first-team regular since the move to Kirkby in 1999.

link to Bascombe's article

I didnt know that Rafa wasnt in control of the Academy!!!

If Rafa isn`t in charge of the academy something realy is wrong, how can he do the job now but more importantly in the future if he isn`t in   charge.
Surely he needs complete control over the academy to have any confidence in the lads coming though.
This needs sorted.
Name shame and get rid of the :censored:, he can`t even be a fan for f*ck sake
Dont judge a book by the cover, unless you cover just another, because blind exceptance is a sign,
Of stupid fools who stand in line......  Like..
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Postby whylongball? » Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:33 am

Bad Bob wrote:
peewee wrote:mate i think he puts pressure on himself with his stubborness to admit that his tactics are not working. i could understand if this was the first time but its not, we went through exactly the same with his rotation policy before and only started to perform when he started to pick a stable team.

the quicker he sees that the fault is with him, the quicker we can get back to some stabilty and hopefully some good wins

Not really wanting to open the rotation debate again for the umpteenth time but, as I recall, it was the 4-5-1 formation more than squad rotation that let us down at the start of last season, as we just never looked like scoring and kept drawing games.  Rafa eventually came around to 4-4-2 and has played it almost exclusively ever since (last week at Old Trafford being one of his rarer slips into old habits). 

Let's give the boss some credit--he is constantly thinking and adapting, while still trying to establish his ideas and tactics.  If the rotation policy needs modifying, I've every confidence he'll modify it.  I just don't see him as an excessively stubborn manager who'll never admit his mistakes.  He's shown a commendable ability to address his mistakes in the transfer market and in terms of league tactics to date.  Give him time and he'll sort things out this season as well.

i agree with the formation here
i think 4-4-2 would give the team a lot more chances given the squad quality. 4-5-1 needs lots of movement from midfield which i dont think is there when Aloso and Sisoko play together so no to 4-5-1 for me
just my 2 cents
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Postby account deleted by request » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:39 pm

I thought it was great that Rafa took time out to praise the fans for turning up in such numbers for Wednesdays game, especially when hes under so much pressure both within and outside the club. I think he has earned and deserves a bit of breathing space after the last two years of success.

I think the people calling for an end to rotation are going to be disapointed , I can't see him changing his ideas.
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Postby kirankara » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:02 pm

oh my oh my some ppl have no patience do they, i keep saying we'll come good, and today we are doing so, cant wait to see rafa critics eating words today. Love fact crouchio
scored again, his critics must really hate him at moment he scores every game and normally great finishes too. I seriously dont see us winning title this season and never did, it was nice thought ill admit, but man u and arsenal have had 1-2 seasons to settle in young new players, this is our season to do so, 3-4 place finish i reckon, but all round i think we'll compete in all competitions
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:07 pm

Rafa has my backing, we have been spoilt since he has come here with excellent progression, his ways have bought us this far, I wouldent ask him to make drastic changes just because an average 2 months.

i think yes what about you
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