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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:14 pm

1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

Postby stmichael » Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:27 pm

Bamaga man wrote:1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

1. i think both wings because i'm still not convinced that we've solved our lack of width long term. pennant, for all his qualities, is never going to be a first team regular, and down the left, despite having an embarassment of riches down that side, the fact that gerrard has been playing there this season shows that rafa still isn't fully convinced by anyone else. it baffles me why so many people put their faith in the return of kewell when the guy's injury record is shocking.

2. yes. we've been there on the back of worse runs than this and got a result. arsenal went there a few weeks back and won and haven't looked back since. to win there would be a massive confidence boost for the whole squad.

3. no. at the end of the day, if the players aren't performing on the pitch the can has to lie with them. it's not rafa's fault that players such as carragher, reina and alonso have been nowhere near their best this season. this excuse about rotation is only dragged out when we lose. if we win on sunday, everything will be rosy again and rafa will be the best thing since sliced bread again.

4. yes.

5. the banner that leon made for drummerphil recently was top class.
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Postby Redman in wales » Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:58 pm

Bamaga man wrote:1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

1. right back - not important to the first choice 11, but if finnan gets injured, we're in trouble.

a winger (someone who can play left and right would be awesome) SWP would be the perfect signing in my book, if only the chavs would sell him to us...  :down:

2. yes - A win would definately breed confidence and passion in the side. A loss would see us out of the title race for sure.

3. A few occasions yes, but very few. The odd one or two decisions, maybe to rotate when its not needed, maybe not playing crouch when his goalscoring record was 10 goals in 8 games for the season (inc england)

but most of the time no. It is the players fault. The team to play on wednesday was the exact 11 i would have played - and though we won, we played :censored:.

4. Yeah course! Course he'll still be here in 7 months!  :D 

- my proper answer is: hopefully!  :p

5. would like to copy st micheal and say leons banner for drummerphil was class. otherwise 'your dreams our reality' is a good one with the cups on it
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:47 pm

Bamaga man wrote:1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

1. RB cover without question.  A young, promising defensive CM wouldn't hurt and, if we had the dosh, a quality wide player that would put the pressure on all the current under-achievers (but, as we've seen, that's easier said that done).

2. Yes, provided it's not a draw.  A win for us and we'll build on the newfound belief.  A loss and we'll perhaps be out of contention and struggling for a CL position.

3. I think I've said plenty on this subject already.  PM me if you've somehow missed my numerous ramblings about the rotation issue  :D

4. Absolutely without question.

5. I'm going with Leon's Drummerphil tribute as well
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Postby The Ace1983 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:09 pm

Bamaga man wrote:1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

1. Rightback. I still don't understand why Kromkamp went. I have no problems with the rest of the setup, but I guess in light of recent events an extra goalkeeper wouldn't be a bad thing.

2. No. This stuff about us being unable to win away from home is ridiculous. Just look at who we've had to play. Local rivals, champions, stingiest team at home (Bolton), Dutch champions... If we lose to Man Utd (I don't think we will) then we'll have lost to fellow trophy contenders in what is essentially a derby game. It's a long season and anything can happen.

3. Though I don't think the team is overly in need of critisism, if it ever is, in a hyperthetical sense, then yes. A manager is ultimately in control and has to stand up and be counted along with every player, the board, the staff, the youth and the chairman. There are more than 11 men in a team.

4. Who knows?... I'd like to say yes...

5. The fans of this club are special. It's not just the banners. It's the scarfs, the songs, the flags... When we go abroad, we take over. I'll never forget seeing the Aserturk (spelling?) stadium on 25.05.05. It looked like half of Liverpool had emigrated to the stadium. Brilliant.
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Postby Scottbot » Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:23 pm

Bamaga man wrote:1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

1/ Without question Left-Midfield. I don't have a great deal of faith in Aurelio (yet) and Gonzalez is very raw (he needs a season to learn the English game.) In the mean-time Riise would be the man for me with Warnock sitting behind him. A young Cetre-Mid is a must because Zenden isn't up to it.

2/ Sunday's result is absolutely massive and it's the season in one game for me. Crucial we don't lose this game. A win would be HUGE interms of confidence and getting this season up and running.

3/ The team's performance starts and ends with Rafa. However, because of his previous record (with LFC and Valencia) and his massive standing with the Liverpool fans we are probably quicker to jump on the players backs. The phrase 'we trust in Rafa' is a motto for many fans on this board but you can guarantee that a few more losses (touch wood) and Rafa will get just as much criticism as some of the under-performaing players.

4/ I bloody hope so.

5/ The Grafton banner has always been my personal favourite. Sums up Scouse humour and the fans of this great club perfectly.
Last edited by Scottbot on Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Oct 20, 2006 10:21 pm

Bamaga man wrote:1. With summer signings already bought, what two positions if any do you think needs to be strengthened and why?

2. Will Sunday's result have a decisive factor in where we finish come April. (would have we lost too many to comeback) or (will it kickstart our season)?

3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

4. Do you think Benitez will still be here if and when Liverpool win the league.

5. I saw a pretty good banner held up at the Bordeaux game the other night which read ' Pride in our past faith in our future' whats the best banner you've seen from LFC fans?
P.S I like the Grafton one too ........

1 – Cover at right back and a 4th choice central midfielder to replace Zenden, apart from that we are well covered in all areas. If we could get these signing in January that would leave Rafa clear to plot a title challenge next year.

2 – Never say never but we have already lost touch with the pace makers, standards are so high that a gap of 11 points now would be disastrous.

3 – The buck always stops with the manager, he buys the players and has to motivate and organise them for each game, so of course its fair to blame Rafa for things that go wrong.

4 – He has as good as chance as any other manager

5 – Banners are cr@p.

i think yes what about you
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Postby Redman in wales » Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:53 pm

Bamaga man wrote:3. With the team performances being critised of late, is it fair to critise Benitez just as much as the team or not?

i would like to change my answer to yes.

Man Utd Vs Liverpool. you have to question rafas tatics: half time, keeping a formation that isn't troubling utd at all, sticking a right winger on the left, tacking off one of our most dangerous players.

Everyone on this forum said it at half time - what we need to do... everyone here, and on radio 5 has been saying bring on crouch at half time, change the formation.... but no. bad decisions instead, and it cost us.

i think someone else made the point on here, but with the rotation system. it affects peoples mind-sets and there's no reason for them to play well, because they might not play for the next 3 games.

Crouch is the perfect example. scores in 4 out  of the  first 5 games he starts, comes off the bench and scores a couple. and he still starts on the bench. where is his passion gone... taken away by rotation. he can do everything right, score the winner in bordaux, and is then benched for a big game against utd.

its no good having fit players at the end of the season when everyone else is tired if we're too far behind to catch up.

Remember when crouch first signed for us... couldn't score - he played 14 games in a row... YES 14 conecutive games. .... and he was ok at the end of the season wasn't he??
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Postby Thehobo » Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:25 am

transfer dealings in january


micah richards - 5 million
joey barton - 5 million


zenden - 2 million
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Postby Redman in wales » Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:27 am

Thehobo wrote:transfer dealings in january


micah richards - 5 million
joey barton - 5 million


zenden - 2 million

barton we could get for 5 or 6... micah... probably valued at around 10.. and i'm sure if micah is available... utd and chelski will be sniffing too
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Postby Thehobo » Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:28 am

your probaly right

shame really, cause he is quality.
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