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Postby Judge » Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:28 pm

i think everyone is great
Last edited by Judge on Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sabre » Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:36 pm

In the internet every different opinion is taken as a personal insult. So you can imagine what happens when personal insults actually can be read, war starts.

I think the secret to have a good discussion is not to discuss about posters but about what the posters WRITE, that is to say the topics. I could be told everyday things like "do you go to Anfield often?" yet I'm not. I could be told that my english is cráp, or that my knowledge about LFC is smaller than many of the posters', yet I'm not. And I think that's because I don't make personal comments.

If I told somebody that he's a poor bástard with poor sex, it's likely he'd fight back. Instead of saying "you haven't got a clue about football", you could say your opinion on the matter, and if you're right, you'll prove the other mate wrong BTW, without starting a war.

Personal comments are the ones wich start wars, and as you see it doesn't really matter we're on general discussion or advanced forum for that.
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:26 pm

Good post Sabre - I will add "no personal comments or insults" to my list of strict rules not to be broken.
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Postby Bad Bob » Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:58 pm

This thread, in a nutshell, illustrates why "Advanced Debate" won't resolve anything in the long run.  Clearly, people will get into slanging matches no matter which part of the forum it is.  *Sigh*
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:48 pm

I'm sorry if I started off a war, but I'm fed up of seeing posters who have the opposite view to the majority being insulted, being ignored and told to get lost. And who decides who's a "great poster" and who isn't it? It seems a case of if you are liked by the core members on this board you'll get special treatment, if you don't fit into that catergory you'll get insulted, your opinions will be called s.hit and basically you're wasting energy typing. Before anyone says anything I'm not speaking about myself, I'm speaking about people like Kev Huyton who I didn't see put a foot wrong except have a different opinion from most people and was banned for it (by the looks of things) so naturally I'll stand up for these people who are banned for posting their opinions whilst some members can go around posting Jodie Marsh in the middle of a "shall we sell Jan KrapKamp" post or someone doesn't like someone else's opinion so they play the "wind up" card and then every regular member jumps on their back and eventually starts insulting that person. (Before anyone says something, I've insulted people on here before, but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time).
It's shocking the treatment some people get on this board, especially by those members who are seen as "gods" because they know every single fact about Liverpool and post 10,000 word essay's in every post. If you want to solve this problem you could just keep the core members who agree with one another and ban everyone else with a different view, that way Lando won't charge in with "your gay" comments and everyone who agrees with one another most of the time can have a nice "Yeah I agree with that" debate amongst themselves.
Last edited by 48-1119859832 on Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:30 pm

Oasis wrote:I'm sorry if I started off a war, but I'm fed up of seeing posters who have the opposite view to the majority being insulted, being ignored and told to get lost. And who decides who's a "great poster" and who isn't it? It seems a case of if you are liked by the core members on this board you'll get special treatment, if you don't fit into that catergory you'll get insulted, your opinions will be called s.hit and basically you're wasting energy typing. Before anyone says anything I'm not speaking about myself, I'm speaking about people like Kev Huyton who I didn't see put a foot wrong except have a different opinion from most people and was banned for it (by the looks of things) so naturally I'll stand up for these people who are banned for posting their opinions whilst some members can go around posting Jodie Marsh in the middle of a "shall we sell Jan KrapKamp" post or someone doesn't like someone else's opinion so they play the "wind up" card and then every regular member jumps on their back and eventually starts insulting that person. (Before anyone says something, I've insulted people on here before, but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time).
It's shocking the treatment some people get on this board, especially by those members who are seen as "gods" because they know every single fact about Liverpool and post 10,000 word essay's in every post. If you want to solve this problem you could just keep the core members who agree with one another and ban everyone else with a different view, that way Lando won't charge in with "your gay" comments and everyone who agrees with one another most of the time can have a nice "Yeah I agree with that" debate amongst themselves.

Are you REALLY that stupid?

Stop whining like a prepubescent schoolgirl with a skinned knee.

Kev Huyton was just the most recent incarnation of a gimp named "Hustler", who has dogged this forum for years. THAT is why he gets banned.

Billy 5 times didn't know what he was talking about, and the fact you stick up for him and agreed with everything he said makes me even more sure you ARE him.

You clearly state that ALL of my posts are insults. You are very wrong.

As the saying goes;

"There are none so blind as those who choose not to see."

Or, as I put it;

"You....... are a gimp."

Now stop spreading cack.

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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:04 am

Oasis wrote:I'm sorry if I started off a war, but I'm fed up of seeing posters who have the opposite view to the majority being insulted, being ignored and told to get lost. And who decides who's a "great poster" and who isn't it? It seems a case of if you are liked by the core members on this board you'll get special treatment, if you don't fit into that catergory you'll get insulted, your opinions will be called s.hit and basically you're wasting energy typing. Before anyone says anything I'm not speaking about myself, I'm speaking about people like Kev Huyton who I didn't see put a foot wrong except have a different opinion from most people and was banned for it (by the looks of things) so naturally I'll stand up for these people who are banned for posting their opinions whilst some members can go around posting Jodie Marsh in the middle of a "shall we sell Jan KrapKamp" post or someone doesn't like someone else's opinion so they play the "wind up" card and then every regular member jumps on their back and eventually starts insulting that person. (Before anyone says something, I've insulted people on here before, but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time).
It's shocking the treatment some people get on this board, especially by those members who are seen as "gods" because they know every single fact about Liverpool and post 10,000 word essay's in every post. If you want to solve this problem you could just keep the core members who agree with one another and ban everyone else with a different view, that way Lando won't charge in with "your gay" comments and everyone who agrees with one another most of the time can have a nice "Yeah I agree with that" debate amongst themselves.

You need to take a hard look at yourself and your posts. You insult people and are then surprised when they react?

Dawson, not known for his agressive style and personal attacks , mentions that you didnt see a game and cant really comment, is then met with a barrage of abuse from you.("but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time") One post?

Like you said earlier you didnt even see the game, so cant really say much.
Dawsons post.

I never said I saw it, you thick and uneducated fool, try reading before talking out you're a.rse. A draw's a draw, it's a bad result especially when it's against relegation battlers. This club wants to win the league, (you okay or do I have to speak to you in simpleton language?) The lads cannot afford to be dropping valuable points, this isn't 1997 anymore when you could lose 4 games, draw 7 and still win the league, Chelsea as you should know have raised the bar to another level. A draw is a bad result, we've thrown away two vital points, you can dress it up all you like, it was a bad result.
Your reply

You are an offensive and pathetic whinger that cries foul when anyone takes reasonable offence at your posts and replies in kind.

Those Gods that you talk about have earned their respect by the quality of their posts, something you need never worry about.

You offend ,upset and aggravate most of the forum, come back with an apology and then almost immediately begin to throw abuse again and ruin a perfectly good thread. Get a clue lad!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:35 am

s@int wrote:
Oasis wrote:I'm sorry if I started off a war, but I'm fed up of seeing posters who have the opposite view to the majority being insulted, being ignored and told to get lost. And who decides who's a "great poster" and who isn't it? It seems a case of if you are liked by the core members on this board you'll get special treatment, if you don't fit into that catergory you'll get insulted, your opinions will be called s.hit and basically you're wasting energy typing. Before anyone says anything I'm not speaking about myself, I'm speaking about people like Kev Huyton who I didn't see put a foot wrong except have a different opinion from most people and was banned for it (by the looks of things) so naturally I'll stand up for these people who are banned for posting their opinions whilst some members can go around posting Jodie Marsh in the middle of a "shall we sell Jan KrapKamp" post or someone doesn't like someone else's opinion so they play the "wind up" card and then every regular member jumps on their back and eventually starts insulting that person. (Before anyone says something, I've insulted people on here before, but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time).
It's shocking the treatment some people get on this board, especially by those members who are seen as "gods" because they know every single fact about Liverpool and post 10,000 word essay's in every post. If you want to solve this problem you could just keep the core members who agree with one another and ban everyone else with a different view, that way Lando won't charge in with "your gay" comments and everyone who agrees with one another most of the time can have a nice "Yeah I agree with that" debate amongst themselves.

You need to take a hard look at yourself and your posts. You insult people and are then surprised when they react?

Dawson, not known for his agressive style and personal attacks , mentions that you didnt see a game and cant really comment, is then met with a barrage of abuse from you.("but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time") One post?

Like you said earlier you didnt even see the game, so cant really say much.
Dawsons post.

I never said I saw it, you thick and uneducated fool, try reading before talking out you're a.rse. A draw's a draw, it's a bad result especially when it's against relegation battlers. This club wants to win the league, (you okay or do I have to speak to you in simpleton language?) The lads cannot afford to be dropping valuable points, this isn't 1997 anymore when you could lose 4 games, draw 7 and still win the league, Chelsea as you should know have raised the bar to another level. A draw is a bad result, we've thrown away two vital points, you can dress it up all you like, it was a bad result.
Your reply

You are an offensive and pathetic whinger that cries foul when anyone takes reasonable offence at your posts and replies in kind.

Those Gods that you talk about have earned their respect by the quality of their posts, something you need never worry about.

You offend ,upset and aggravate most of the forum, come back with an apology and then almost immediately begin to throw abuse again and ruin a perfectly good thread. Get a clue lad!

Exactly right.

Sums Oasis up neatly (and politely).

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Postby Judge » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:24 am

im a god, so worship me and throw rose petals before my feet, you minors
Last edited by Judge on Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:44 am

Obviously you can't read, where did I say I didn't use abusive language to people? I'm not trying to make myself look good, but why should posters like Kev and Billy have thier post ignored and deemed a load of nonsense when you get some people on here who don't contribute to a discussion e.g Lando and Judge?

Postby Ciggy » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:51 am

Oasis wrote:why should posters like Kev and Billy have thier post ignored and deemed a load of nonsense

Dont you read anything?
One was a bitter bluenose and the other is a body building gypo b@stard from Manchester, who has had 200 IDs before and insulted every member on this forum.
With his comments about that sh1t rag reguarding Hillsborough and Michael Sheilds.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:56 am

s@int wrote:You need to take a hard look at yourself and your posts. You insult people and are then surprised when they react?

Dawson, not known for his agressive style and personal attacks , mentions that you didnt see a game and cant really comment, is then met with a barrage of abuse from you.("but that's when I'm givin grief by certain people for a certain amount of time") One post?

Like you said earlier you didnt even see the game, so cant really say much.
Dawsons post.

I never said I saw it, you thick and uneducated fool, try reading before talking out you're a.rse. A draw's a draw, it's a bad result especially when it's against relegation battlers. This club wants to win the league, (you okay or do I have to speak to you in simpleton language?) The lads cannot afford to be dropping valuable points, this isn't 1997 anymore when you could lose 4 games, draw 7 and still win the league, Chelsea as you should know have raised the bar to another level. A draw is a bad result, we've thrown away two vital points, you can dress it up all you like, it was a bad result.
Your reply

You are an offensive and pathetic whinger that cries foul when anyone takes reasonable offence at your posts and replies in kind.

Those Gods that you talk about have earned their respect by the quality of their posts, something you need never worry about.

You offend ,upset and aggravate most of the forum, come back with an apology and then almost immediately begin to throw abuse again and ruin a perfectly good thread. Get a clue lad!

Dawson was acting as though you needed to of seen the match to know that the score was poor, which isn't true and yet he kept on saying that, so it annoyed me, I admit I should of acted my age, but on this occasion I did not. It's more than one post, It's a vast collection, all because I have different views from the majority on here, I get abuse from these people, including yourself through a PM. Don't worry I don't take grave offence to being insulted, what gets me is that you and other's make out you don't send abuse and you're civilised people and yet you're sending me messages with foul language inside them. You say you welcome people with different views to your own, yet as soon as someone dares challenge the common view, they're ambushed by most and then banned afterwards.

I'm a pathetic whinger? What for standing up against pointless internet elitism? Funnily enough S@int some of us have different views to that of your own and the common core of this forum which seem to agree with one another. I just don't see why people like Billy_5_times should be excluded from posting his views in a discussion, is it fair? No it isn't.

I suggest you look at the date and time that was posted, I wasn't exactly in the best state of mind. I have and had no reason to apologise for anything, unless posting my views are a crime now? And I haven't ruined a good thread, it's some members taking offence to something I wrote, which is true by the way. So you get a "clue".

Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:58 am

Ciggy wrote:
Oasis wrote:why should posters like Kev and Billy have thier post ignored and deemed a load of nonsense

Dont you read anything?
One was a bitter bluenose and the other is a body building gypo b@stard from Manchester, who has had 200 IDs before and insulted every member on this forum.
With his comments about that sh1t rag reguarding Hillsborough and Michael Sheilds.

I didn't see the Hillsborough comment or the Michael Shields one so if one of these members did post insulting stuff about these two events than good riddance, but it's not just these two people it's most people who dare post a view different to what most regualr members on this forum. It makes me wonder my new people even bother to post.

Postby babu » Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:06 am

Oasis wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
Oasis wrote:why should posters like Kev and Billy have thier post ignored and deemed a load of nonsense

Dont you read anything?
One was a bitter bluenose and the other is a body building gypo b@stard from Manchester, who has had 200 IDs before and insulted every member on this forum.
With his comments about that sh1t rag reguarding Hillsborough and Michael Sheilds.

I didn't see the Hillsborough comment or the Michael Shields one so if one of these members did post insulting stuff about these two events than good riddance, but it's not just these two people it's most people who dare post a view different to what most regualr members on this forum. It makes me wonder my new people even bother to post.

come on Oasis read and understand. If you don't understand why posters such as Billy and the others get banned, read through the threads and see. Especially Hustler (aka kev) who almost never goes away. Don't simply accuse members of being intolerant to other points of view. you said couldn't see why they were banned... thats the problem, take the time to find out before springing to their defence.

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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:39 am

Oasis wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
Oasis wrote:why should posters like Kev and Billy have thier post ignored and deemed a load of nonsense

Dont you read anything?
One was a bitter bluenose and the other is a body building gypo b@stard from Manchester, who has had 200 IDs before and insulted every member on this forum.
With his comments about that sh1t rag reguarding Hillsborough and Michael Sheilds.

I didn't see the Hillsborough comment or the Michael Shields one so if one of these members did post insulting stuff about these two events than good riddance, but it's not just these two people it's most people who dare post a view different to what most regualr members on this forum. It makes me wonder my new people even bother to post.

Your wrong mate. I've disagreed with many comments on this forum before and i've voiced what I think is right and I have no recieved any bad feeling like you have. It is the way you do it. As much as you may not like it, forums will always have some sort of hierarchy, not in power but in respect, due to long service, etc.

If you go about having a pop or disagreeing in an agressive manner to long serving members you will only isolate yourself.
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