The friday five - Returns

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby stmichael » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:28 pm

1. Do you see any of our non-British Isles players staying with us in the long-term or would they be likely to move on if they had an offer from a huge club on the continent?

2. Is Bolo Zenden good enough to be playing in our central midfield in a 4-4-2 formation?

3. A shared 70,000+ stadium or unshared 60,000 stadium?

4. Given that our attacking prowess doesn't compare to our defensive abilities, what sort of things will you be looking for this season in terms of improvement?

5. Should Sami Hyypia be phased out of the first team in order to take up a role within the boot room staff?
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Postby adamnbarrett » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:35 pm

1. Kewell would move on. They will stay as long as they are not homesick and are getting games and haven't done anything to upset us. I can see momo and xabi staying for years to come.

2. No, his passing is not good enough, he is lightweight in the middle and he is better suited to left wing.

3. unshared 60,000 stadium

4. People taking a chance and shooting from outside of the box (other than garcia and gerrard), more goals from crosses, improve on corners (offensive and defensive).

5. Maybe sometime in the future. I think he could become a coach, he has plenty of experience and could pass on good tips. But now in the present, no he is too valuable to us.
Last edited by adamnbarrett on Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby flipmode » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:41 pm

1. Long term yes as long as they are getting the games.

2. No i dont feel he is a central midfielder really, as before passing not good enough.

3. Unshared 60,000 definatly.

4. More shots from all aspects, better corners, better defending from set plays.

5. Not yet but maybe next season yes.
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:44 pm

stmichael wrote:1. Do you see any of our non-British Isles players staying with us in the long-term or would they be likely to move on if they had an offer from a huge club on the continent?

2. Is Bolo Zenden good enough to be playing in our central midfield in a 4-4-2 formation?

3. A shared 70,000+ stadium or unshared 60,000 stadium?

4. Given that our attacking prowess doesn't compare to our defensive abilities, what sort of things will you be looking for this season in terms of improvement?

5. Should Sami Hyypia be phased out of the first team in order to take up a role within the boot room staff?

1) Depends how we do in the next few seasons.  If we continue to improve, are competitive in all competitions and continue to add to the trophy cabinet, I expect that players like Alonso, Sissoko, Reina, Gonzales, etc will stick around and enjoy the ride.  Should we drop well off the pace, there will be departures.  Similarly, should we manage to become an all-conquering side to the extent that there's nothing new left to win, I expect some will pack it in for a new challenge after our 3rd or 4th treble season!  :D

2) No. (at least not when 2 of Gerrard, Alonso and Sissoko are fit and available)

3) Unshared 60,000 seater

4) Much more clinical work in the final third.  That includes the approach play and the finishing.  With more pace and skill out wide I want to see us stretch defenses and get the crosses into the likes of Crouch and Kuyt.  In addition, however, we need to be able to mix-up our attack with clever 1-2's around the edge of the box, with the likes of Gerrard, Alonso, Garcia, Bellamy and Fowler playing teammates in with deft short passing in behind the CBs.  If we can get both of these aspects working in games, we'll be a nightmare to defend against and the goals will pour in.

5) I still feel Sami's got one more season in him as the main man (next to Carra) at CB.  Agger and to a lesser extent Paletta will get plenty of games this season but I don't think this is the Big Finn's phase out year.  I think that'll happen a bit more next season but we'll have to re-evaluate as we go--if Agger emerges this season like Sissoko did last season, we may see the Didi situation all over again.  In that circumstance, I think Sami deserves the same courtesy Didi got: stay here and help behind the scenes while rarely getting a game, or move on for first team football elsewhere.  If Sami wants to stay on despite lack of games, easing him into the coaching staff makes perfect sense.  If he wants to move on, he'll have earned that right.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:52 pm

stmichael wrote:1. Do you see any of our non-British Isles players staying with us in the long-term or would they be likely to move on if they had an offer from a huge club on the continent?

2. Is Bolo Zenden good enough to be playing in our central midfield in a 4-4-2 formation?

3. A shared 70,000+ stadium or unshared 60,000 stadium?

4. Given that our attacking prowess doesn't compare to our defensive abilities, what sort of things will you be looking for this season in terms of improvement?

5. Should Sami Hyypia be phased out of the first team in order to take up a role within the boot room staff?

I like the friday 5

1)I'd say yes i do see the likes of Alonso and Sissoko staying quite a while..its simple really footballers like to play football!As long as they are getting regular football and they feel the team are heading in the right direction why leave!
I would'nt be surprised though if this is Garcias last season!I just don't think he will feature as much this term as we have signed more players.Inevitabely though most footballers like to return to their homeland as their careers come near their end,so none of them will be here to the end of their careers.
2)I dont think so atal but i do feel he can fit in at times to rest others!Raffa seems to like him though but to me he just seems a very average player!With Sissoko Gerrard and Alonso there as well who would we drop?
Hes a class below them all in my opinion.
3)Unsharred 60,000 every time...I presume we are talking about sharing with Everton??
No way the place would smell of shi.te!!
4)Obviously more attacking down the wings and quality delivery from both left and right!Pennat and Gonzalez to gradually get regular starts on both flanks as these are the 2 we have that specialise being wingers.I also expect Crouch to improve as he has done steadily.And a huge amount of effort and goals if possible from Kuyt,hes the player im most excited about that we have signed.His record speaks for itself and watching online some of the goals he has scored makes me eager with anticipation.
5)This is a hard one.Its always hard to send a veteran to pasture as sometimes the high respect involved overclouds the reality that his time has come!
One things for sure Sami has served LFC too well to become embaressed by playing too long and by his best.Im sure nobody wants to remember him for making blunders in a season that was one too many.Im sure Raffa will keep his eye on him and will pull him out when the time is right.Agger's arrival says that Hyypia's days are for a boot room job???
Why not if thats what he wants..he's done enough for LFC and has been an immaculate example of a true pro!!    :nod

Postby weringo » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:35 pm

stmichael wrote:1. Do you see any of our non-British Isles players staying with us in the long-term or would they be likely to move on if they had an offer from a huge club on the continent?

2. Is Bolo Zenden good enough to be playing in our central midfield in a 4-4-2 formation?

3. A shared 70,000+ stadium or unshared 60,000 stadium?

4. Given that our attacking prowess doesn't compare to our defensive abilities, what sort of things will you be looking for this season in terms of improvement?

5. Should Sami Hyypia be phased out of the first team in order to take up a role within the boot room staff?

1. I can see all 3 of our Spanish players staying as long as Rafa stays. They obviously all love the club and want to go on and win things with Liverpool.

2. Definately no, our worst player atm along with Kromcrap. I dont think since he joined the club a year ago we have seen him play one exceptional game for us. Not good enough for LFC imo.

3. 60,000 stadium please. Feels alot better to have your own stadium and I dont think we would fill 70,000 regually

4. I am looking for many goals from Bellamy this season in the Premiership which is where we generally have the biggest problems scoring goals. I think he will be the answer.

5. Sami is still a solid defender, he showed this against Maccabi midweek even if they werent a strong team. The only problem has been is lack of pace and tbh, he cant get any slower can he? So I would expect him to start most games this season
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:35 pm

stmichael wrote:1. Do you see any of our non-British Isles players staying with us in the long-term or would they be likely to move on if they had an offer from a huge club on the continent?

2. Is Bolo Zenden good enough to be playing in our central midfield in a 4-4-2 formation?

3. A shared 70,000+ stadium or unshared 60,000 stadium?

4. Given that our attacking prowess doesn't compare to our defensive abilities, what sort of things will you be looking for this season in terms of improvement?

5. Should Sami Hyypia be phased out of the first team in order to take up a role within the boot room staff?

1. I'd like to think Alonso, Momo, Kuyt, Agger, Paletta, Reina, Gonzalez and Aurelio will be here for many years to come. There is no bigger club, and certainly nowhere to touch our fans.

2. No. He is 4th choice, and that is where he'll stay, IMHO.

3. Let's share with Tranmere and have a 70k seater!!!! :D

4. Clinical finishing from the front men. We create more opportunities than most sides. We just struggle to put the ball away.

5. No. He should play on as long as he is an asset to the team. He will be sorely missed when he DOES leave.

I would like him to remain at the club after his playing days are over, though, as he's a top, top man.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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