What liverpool means to me - My lfc

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby The Ace1983 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:40 am

I, like most of you, have been glued to the world cup over the past few weeks and I've seen at least 45 minutes of every game. Even matches that mean nothing to me. Matches that, on paper, look dull and uninviting. Tunisia vs Saudi Arabia is the first that springs to mind, Switzerland vs. Ukraine comes a very close second and there are a few more that are thankfully forgotten. But there have been some thrillers too. Brazil vs anybody is always good. Germany and italy have impresed as well, and Zidane is making France lok fantastic. But the problem, the major floor in this tournament for me, is that Liverpool aren't in it. That sounds obvious and although we were well represented, the majesty of the Mighty Reds was an obvious and annoying absence. Why can't one club be allowed in?

This may sound stupid, but as another summer drags on with its hosepipe bans and one day cricket, there is a huge, ominous void where Liverpool should be. Oh there's transfer stuff (loads of it in fact) but it's not the same. So one day, I tried to figure out why it was so important to me. Trying to explain what I found may be hard to do, but I'll try.

Liverpool is brilliant. That's it... Only joking! It is brilliant, but a lot of teams are entertaining and filled with stars and successful, but none of them are a patch on My Liverpool. When I see that Red shirt, I think of honour, nobility and excitement. Red has always been my favourite colour, ever since I was a kid, even before I started to really support tis club. But the red of Liverpool is special. It glows and gleams and shines like a symbol of fantastic wonder. My mother asked me a couple of nights ago "Why do you support Liverpool?" and my first answer was "Because my father supports Liverpool." but that is not the whole truth.

I have explained in the "first visit to Anfield" thread why I became hooked and my father has more than a little to do with it, but since then, it has gone from a hobby to a passion. For a start there's the history, from brilliant highs to tragic lows. The sheer weight of silverware tha we've won must come to a ton, and the legendary names involved in those aquisitions are phenominal. Shanks, Paisley, Dalglish, Barnes, Hughes, Rush, Highway, Neal, Thompson, Fowler, Owen, Gerrard, Hansen, Souness, Carragher... The list goes on and on and on. You could name ten full squads of inspirational players and you'd still have some left over.

But with all of this acheivement, has come tragedy and anguish. The two dreadful disasters that have befallen this club are a sobering reminder of the dark days of football. But the way in which the memories of those lost are remembered and honoured is a statement about the fans of Liverpool and scousers in general. I may be a cockney southerner, but I've never met a nicer, kinder or more hospitable group of people in my life.

Then there's the nobility. I don't mean this in the sense of kings and queens, but as a comment on the club. We don't cheat (not in any great sense anyway) and we've never been known for throwing money at a problem. Liverpool work hard and they work well for the fans and the honour of the club. My wild imagination always personifies this club as a knight in gold and silver armour, carrying a huge sword and slaying all of our enemies. This may sound dumb, but just imagine it and you'll see a protector of the values of the game.

Then there's our song. You'll Never Walk Alone is one of the most amazing songs, and when you hear it ringing from the kop, it fills you with pride and sense of honour again. For me, it has several meanings. It's a requiem and an anthem, but it's also a reminder to other clubs that no matter how far ahead they think they've gotten, we are not far behind them and we'll always catch them up eventually.

Anfield. There is nowhere like it. It's not just a stadium, it's a home and a fortress. Teams still arrive there, fearful of walking under that sign which says "This Is Anfield." because it means "This is the home of the most dedicated, hard working, strong, resiliant and honourable team that the entire world has ever seen." It has its own legends and fables. With the kop at one end, filled with the sights and sounds of proud and loyal fans, there's no chance of prawn sandwiches here.

The players aren't a rag tag band of money hunting proffesionals in search of stardom. They are amateurs in the true sense of the word which means "lover of". They love playing football and are proud and privilaged to pull on the Liver-bird and walk out into Anfield. Liverpool has always produced stars, rather than buying them, and we aren't in the position of having to sell anyone if big money comes along. And even if we were, we'd still fight to keep the best of the best in red. And we don't buy players for their names either. If Liverpool wants to sell shirts, the club will do it by buying right and winning cups, not by buying big and living off of fame. There is no player bigger than the club and there never will be either.

Finally, there are the prospects. Liverpool win trophies, and although I'd love them even if they didn't, it is a delightful bonus. We haben't got an Abramovich or Glazer. Anfield isn't a gigantic stadium and our ticket prices aren't meant for BMW drivers and their Prada-addicted wives. But we still haven't been caught up by Manchester Utd LTD or Chelski and we are still winning big trophies. And we will win the Premiership, maybe even this season, who knows? But we do it properly. Money means nothing when you have no honour.

So that's why I love Liverpool. There are other reasons as well, but I think I've given you the gist of my affection. Hopefully I'll see them in the flesh a few more times this season and hopefully we'll bag some more silver too. But I really can't wait for the new campaign and this summer hiatus is killing me. Come on Rafa, do us proud.

Viva Los Poderoso Rojos! YNWA!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:53 am


LFC can never be bettered.  :buttrock

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Postby ste123lfc » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:56 am

NICE ONE  :buttrock
From Shankly to Brendan we follow our team, Rome to Istanbul we've all lived the dream. Our journey is long, our goal stays the same, to keep for our children the famous red name.
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Postby clik » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:22 pm

its means this
if we lose im a kunt
if we win im not
The happiness of my family home depends on how lfc perform on a match day
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Postby Bad Bob » Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:27 pm

Ace post Ace! :D  You're back with a bang! :buttrock
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Postby GOAT » Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:31 pm

:buttrock  Fantastic. Nothing can beat LFC, there isnt many things that mean more to me than LFC
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Postby shanks74 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:52 pm

My dad dreads me being around when Liverpool lose, i see that the club you chose is something you cant neccersarily explain-when the feelings real you know it is and im Liverpool till the end of my days   :)  :cool:
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Postby murphy0151 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:22 pm

Liverpool is what I live for.
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Postby redmikey » Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:50 pm

great post

it is hard to put into words, passion,pride and unity don't quite cover it

in the words of 50 cent i love liverpool like a fat kid loves cake
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Postby matrix » Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:39 pm

murphy0151 wrote:Liverpool is what I live for.


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Postby metalhead » Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:59 am

The Ace1983 wrote:I, like most of you, have been glued to the world cup over the past few weeks and I've seen at least 45 minutes of every game. Even matches that mean nothing to me. Matches that, on paper, look dull and uninviting. Tunisia vs Saudi Arabia is the first that springs to mind, Switzerland vs. Ukraine comes a very close second and there are a few more that are thankfully forgotten. But there have been some thrillers too. Brazil vs anybody is always good. Germany and italy have impresed as well, and Zidane is making France lok fantastic. But the problem, the major floor in this tournament for me, is that Liverpool aren't in it. That sounds obvious and although we were well represented, the majesty of the Mighty Reds was an obvious and annoying absence. Why can't one club be allowed in?

This may sound stupid, but as another summer drags on with its hosepipe bans and one day cricket, there is a huge, ominous void where Liverpool should be. Oh there's transfer stuff (loads of it in fact) but it's not the same. So one day, I tried to figure out why it was so important to me. Trying to explain what I found may be hard to do, but I'll try.

Liverpool is brilliant. That's it... Only joking! It is brilliant, but a lot of teams are entertaining and filled with stars and successful, but none of them are a patch on My Liverpool. When I see that Red shirt, I think of honour, nobility and excitement. Red has always been my favourite colour, ever since I was a kid, even before I started to really support tis club. But the red of Liverpool is special. It glows and gleams and shines like a symbol of fantastic wonder. My mother asked me a couple of nights ago "Why do you support Liverpool?" and my first answer was "Because my father supports Liverpool." but that is not the whole truth.

I have explained in the "first visit to Anfield" thread why I became hooked and my father has more than a little to do with it, but since then, it has gone from a hobby to a passion. For a start there's the history, from brilliant highs to tragic lows. The sheer weight of silverware tha we've won must come to a ton, and the legendary names involved in those aquisitions are phenominal. Shanks, Paisley, Dalglish, Barnes, Hughes, Rush, Highway, Neal, Thompson, Fowler, Owen, Gerrard, Hansen, Souness, Carragher... The list goes on and on and on. You could name ten full squads of inspirational players and you'd still have some left over.

But with all of this acheivement, has come tragedy and anguish. The two dreadful disasters that have befallen this club are a sobering reminder of the dark days of football. But the way in which the memories of those lost are remembered and honoured is a statement about the fans of Liverpool and scousers in general. I may be a cockney southerner, but I've never met a nicer, kinder or more hospitable group of people in my life.

Then there's the nobility. I don't mean this in the sense of kings and queens, but as a comment on the club. We don't cheat (not in any great sense anyway) and we've never been known for throwing money at a problem. Liverpool work hard and they work well for the fans and the honour of the club. My wild imagination always personifies this club as a knight in gold and silver armour, carrying a huge sword and slaying all of our enemies. This may sound dumb, but just imagine it and you'll see a protector of the values of the game.

Then there's our song. You'll Never Walk Alone is one of the most amazing songs, and when you hear it ringing from the kop, it fills you with pride and sense of honour again. For me, it has several meanings. It's a requiem and an anthem, but it's also a reminder to other clubs that no matter how far ahead they think they've gotten, we are not far behind them and we'll always catch them up eventually.

Anfield. There is nowhere like it. It's not just a stadium, it's a home and a fortress. Teams still arrive there, fearful of walking under that sign which says "This Is Anfield." because it means "This is the home of the most dedicated, hard working, strong, resiliant and honourable team that the entire world has ever seen." It has its own legends and fables. With the kop at one end, filled with the sights and sounds of proud and loyal fans, there's no chance of prawn sandwiches here.

The players aren't a rag tag band of money hunting proffesionals in search of stardom. They are amateurs in the true sense of the word which means "lover of". They love playing football and are proud and privilaged to pull on the Liver-bird and walk out into Anfield. Liverpool has always produced stars, rather than buying them, and we aren't in the position of having to sell anyone if big money comes along. And even if we were, we'd still fight to keep the best of the best in red. And we don't buy players for their names either. If Liverpool wants to sell shirts, the club will do it by buying right and winning cups, not by buying big and living off of fame. There is no player bigger than the club and there never will be either.

Finally, there are the prospects. Liverpool win trophies, and although I'd love them even if they didn't, it is a delightful bonus. We haben't got an Abramovich or Glazer. Anfield isn't a gigantic stadium and our ticket prices aren't meant for BMW drivers and their Prada-addicted wives. But we still haven't been caught up by Manchester Utd LTD or Chelski and we are still winning big trophies. And we will win the Premiership, maybe even this season, who knows? But we do it properly. Money means nothing when you have no honour.

So that's why I love Liverpool. There are other reasons as well, but I think I've given you the gist of my affection. Hopefully I'll see them in the flesh a few more times this season and hopefully we'll bag some more silver too. But I really can't wait for the new campaign and this summer hiatus is killing me. Come on Rafa, do us proud.

Viva Los Poderoso Rojos! YNWA!

:buttrock  :buttrock

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Postby RedWolf35 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:37 am


excllent post

I love LFC more than my wife and just as much as my son!!!

Jeeez  hope she never logs on I'll be on the sofa for a year!!
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Postby ConnO'var » Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:13 pm

You said it all Ace.

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Postby sundy » Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:46 am

RedWolf35 wrote: :bowdown

excllent post

I love LFC more than my wife and just as much as my son!!!

Jeeez  hope she never logs on I'll be on the sofa for a year!!


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