Make it public - Gh deserves better

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Scottbot » Sun May 23, 2004 9:24 pm

Initially i thought it was just media bollox but it now seems only a matter of time before Houllier is asked to clear out his desk (apparently he already has on another thread) 
I lost all faith in Houllier some time ago and have been one of the many calling for his head but still recognise he worked his ****** to the bone trying to make LFC great again. He simply couldn't take us that extra step of the way. The silence of Moores and Parry, although exciting for the fans who want change and the papers who need the story, is out of order. The board should make an announcement as soon as possible and spare Houllier the humiliation of reading about his successor in every tabloid in the country. I think the guy deserves a far more dignifies exit.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun May 23, 2004 9:31 pm

I just hope they aren't saying anything because there is nothing to say.

He deserves a sixth season and a hell of a lot of respect. The fact is if he does go he's left this club in superb shape. Lets face it, we aren't miles away as it is.

Simple as that.

Postby JBG » Sun May 23, 2004 9:55 pm

While I have advocated for Houllier's removal for the past 8 months or so (after supporting him thoroughly up until that) I do feel that the man has been unnecessarily humiliated by Moores and Parry who should have organised his departure far better.

Also I believe that Houllier should only be let go provided we get a suitable replacement. I was shocked to her Strachen mentioned by the Sunday Times today because while I think Strachen is an ok manager I would still rate GH ahead of him.

Whats the point in sacking GH and then making an even bigger mess in the summer by appointing a guy who is completely unsuitable for the job?

GH ultimately failed as Liverpool boss, which is a crying shame as 99% of Liverpool fans beleived in 2001 that this guy was the man to usher in a new era of success at the club, but the problem for the last decade and will continue to be problematic is the leadership of David Moores.

If Moores messes up again we will be in serious trouble.
Jolly Bob Grumbine.
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Postby Woollyback » Sun May 23, 2004 11:39 pm

JBG, you've hit the nail right on the head. A move is only worthwhile if it's an upwards move. For me, Strachan or Curbishley are at best a sideways move. We need O'Neill or Mourinho (or similar calibre) otherwise it's a pointless excercise.
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Postby anfieldadorer » Mon May 24, 2004 4:58 am

John Barnes' Granny wrote:the man has been unnecessarily humiliated by Moores and Parry who should have organised his departure far better.

Also I believe that Houllier should only be let go provided we get a suitable replacement. I was shocked to her Strachen mentioned by the Sunday Times today because while I think Strachen is an ok manager I would still rate GH ahead of him.

Whats the point in sacking GH and then making an even bigger mess in the summer by appointing a guy who is completely unsuitable for the job?

GH ultimately failed as Liverpool boss, which is a crying shame as 99% of Liverpool fans beleived in 2001 that this guy was the man to usher in a new era of success at the club, but the problem for the last decade and will continue to be problematic is the leadership of David Moores.

If Moores messes up again we will be in serious trouble.

I agree with you JBG, Houllier is not good enough, but he deserves something for what he's done.
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Postby chiggz_likes_owen » Mon May 24, 2004 9:33 am

We will need to hire a manager with some recent Europe experience so we can forget Strachan
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Postby anfieldadorer » Mon May 24, 2004 9:59 am

Result from may show many fans still trust GH.

WHO would you like to see as manager next season?

   Gerard Houllier
   Martin O'Neill
   Kenny Dalglish
   Alan Curbishley
   Jose Mourinho
   Rafael Benitez
   None of these
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Postby DAV » Mon May 24, 2004 11:43 am

STU we r miles a way from a trophy.
I luv the way u use the term simple as that.
GH had a 5 year plan and it failed. get rid
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