20 reasons why houllier has to go...now! - Including some alarming facts!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 84-1083280474 » Sun May 23, 2004 10:58 pm

Hello!  A few points here if I may to help Dr David Moores an Rick Parry if they are finding it hard to determine Mr Houlliers future, which Im sure some of you "die hard kopites" will disagree with me on, but having been to every game this season at home, I believe I have a valid point!!! (or two!)
Reasons why Houllier should be P45'd RIGHT NOW, by Moores:

1. We're playing in the European cup next year, BUT we are nearer relagation than winning the league!! (How strange is that!)

2. We are 30, yes THIRTY! points from being champions.  A disgrace for the most succesful club in English History.

3. Houllier is pi**ing all over the clubs reputation! with his blind talk and insulting excuses.

4. Hes broken some astonishing records: we lost the first opening game of the season at Anfield V Chelsea since 1923!
Also, we have not lost this many home games in a season for 50 years! last season, not won in 16 games, worst run for 50 years! what next relegation?

5. He thinks we are good enough to win the league with a fit squad.

6. He keeps planning for "the future", wheras you can buy players who can make you a championship team OVERNIGHT!

7. He totally Ignores the youth academy, and brought in 2 french 18 year olds last year (Pongolle, Le Tallec) from france, when we've got a youth academy there with a lot of talent from Merseyside of 16, 17 18 year olds,established for 5 years or so, which was the purpose of the whole scheme!

8. He insults the Liverpool fans by talking such garbage after games, and makes the silliest of excuses.

9. He consistently played/plays....Heskey/ biscan/ Murphy/ SMmicer/ Diouf/ Cheyrou, even though the entire Stadium can see these players are "average" at best, which is costing us points.

10. He's wasted over 120 Million pounds of Fans/ the boards money on Kack players.

11. Although being the french national coach for a short while, he failed to bring the cream of France to Anfield, ie; Zidane, Trezeguet, Henry, Pires, Wiltord, Viera, instead giving us Cheyrou.

12. Every Ex-LFC Legends (Ian St John, Aldo, Ronnie Whelan etc) have all had a dig at what he's doing to the club, hinting that he should be given the boot.

13. He thinks 4th is an acceptable target.

14. Tactically, He'd rather defend a 1-0 lead than go for an all out attack.

15. With him in charge in 2004/2005, our champions league ad championship campaign will be short lived, cause if we dont sign big, which is likley this summer, we could get murdered in the champions league.

16. He thinks murphy, Biscan, and  Cheyrou are "championship winning" players!

17. HE doesnt deserve to lick clean Bill shankly or Bob paisleys' shoes.

18. We havent won the league for 14 years, and 6 have been under Houllier!

19.He has created one of the worst Liverpool teams in recent years, Worse than Evans and Souness.

20. He has NO mangerial pegidree prior to managing our club!

any more to add?

Rick parry, email the payroll dept and get them to send Houllier his p45, and give Capello, Ranieri, O'Neil, Dalgish/ Barnes, a quick ring for interviews! ITs so simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I REST MY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone disagree?

Postby JBG » Sun May 23, 2004 11:01 pm

Well said Hustler man!
Jolly Bob Grumbine.
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Postby jack66 » Sun May 23, 2004 11:08 pm

well said...
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Postby greenred » Sun May 23, 2004 11:12 pm

Yeah,I cant disagree with those comments.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun May 23, 2004 11:34 pm

Hello!  A few points here if I may to help Dr David Moores an Rick Parry if they are finding it hard to determine Mr Houlliers future, which Im sure some of you "die hard kopites" will disagree with me on, but having been to every game this season at home, I believe I have a valid point!!! (or two!)
Reasons why Houllier should be P45'd RIGHT NOW, by Moores:

1. We're playing in the European cup next year, BUT we are nearer relagation than winning the league!! (How strange is that!)

2. We are 30, yes THIRTY! points from being champions.  A disgrace for the most succesful club in English History.

3. Houllier is pi**ing all over the clubs reputation! with his blind talk and insulting excuses.

4. Hes broken some astonishing records: we lost the first opening game of the season at Anfield V Chelsea since 1923!
Also, we have not lost this many home games in a season for 50 years! last season, not won in 16 games, worst run for 50 years! what next relegation?

5. He thinks we are good enough to win the league with a fit squad.

6. He keeps planning for "the future", wheras you can buy players who can make you a championship team OVERNIGHT!

7. He totally Ignores the youth academy, and brought in 2 french 18 year olds last year (Pongolle, Le Tallec) from france, when we've got a youth academy there with a lot of talent from Merseyside of 16, 17 18 year olds,established for 5 years or so, which was the purpose of the whole scheme!

8. He insults the Liverpool fans by talking such garbage after games, and makes the silliest of excuses.

9. He consistently played/plays....Heskey/ biscan/ Murphy/ SMmicer/ Diouf/ Cheyrou, even though the entire Stadium can see these players are "average" at best, which is costing us points.

10. He's wasted over 120 Million pounds of Fans/ the boards money on Kack players.

11. Although beong the french national coach for a short while, he failed to bring the cream of France to Anfield, ie; Zidane, Trezeguet, Henry, Pires, Wiltord, Viera, instead giving us Cheyrou.

12. Every Ex-LFC Legends (Ian St John, Aldo, Ronnie Whelan etc) have all had a dig at what he's doing to the club, hinting that he should be given the boot.

13. He thinks 4th is an acceptable target.

14. Tactically, He'd rather defend a 1-0 lead than go for an all out attack.

15. With him in charge in 2004/2005, our champions league ad championship campaign will be short lived, cause if we dont sign big, which is likley this summer, we could get murdered in the champions league.

16. He thinks murphy, Biscan, and  Cheyrou are "championship winning" players!

17. HE doesnt deserve to lick clean Bill shankly or Bob paisleys' shoes.

18. We havent won the league for 14 years, and 6 have been under Houllier!

19.He has created one of the worst Liverpool teams in recent years, Worse than Evans and Souness.

20. He has NO mangerial pegidree prior to managing our club!

any more to add?

Rick parry, email the payroll dept and get them to send Houllier his p45, and give Capello, Ranieri, O'Neil, Dalgish/ Barnes.
I REST MY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone disagree?

1. We finished 4th and had a bad season. Get over it.

2. How many games did Arsenal lose? Look how far the most successful team of the 90's finished behind them. Stop living in the past.

3. You're ******* on the clubs fans reputation by moaning endlessly.

4. You honestly think we'd get relegated with Houllier? Pfft? shows what you know kid. At worst he's a top quality manager. As good a manager as Hamann is a player. He's proven it in france and over here he's good. Who's to say next season it won't all fall into place?

5. Is that what he thinks? Does he yeah? You know what people think? Then i don't need to to tell you what i'm thinking do i?

6. Can we go and buy players who'd make us into a championship team overnight?? hahahaha... what a nugget you are. Name the players... the prices... i'm curious... again you show your lack of knowledge. You've never been to a game in your life or you were born blind and don't understand football, that is the only way you can come out with such mindlesss, knowledgeless junk.

7. Just because we have an academy doesn't mean we get players through all the time that are good enough for the first team. We haven't had any since Gerrard now. Welsh MAY make it but he's got a long way to go yet. The rest aren't good enough.

8. You think he gives an honest assessment to the press? Shows exactly what you know doesn't it. You really are a bigger idiot than i first thought.

9. Murphy isn't a bad player. Again you show a lack of knowledge.

10. 120 million on "kack". Yes Babbel, Hyypia, McAllister, Henchoz, Hamann.... etc etc etc etc etc etc... all. We've never won nothing with any of these players none are any good.

11. He's the main reason france are so dominant at the moment. He made a few mistakes in market.. SO WHAT!!! IT HAPPENS!!!

12. Aldo hasn't. St John has never liked him or give him any credit. Neither have many of the others to be honest.

13. Again you know what he thinks? He doesn't think this at all. He said its an acheivement under the circumstances. Its a minimum and he knows it.

14. And? i'd settle for 1-0 every game. We beat the mancs 1-0... i bet you was one of those sitting there screamin at the tv sayin... go forward... go forward!!!

15. Yeah. Because you really are mystic meg. You knew we'd win that treble after finishing 4th the season before. You just knew it didn't you. You always know whats going to happen next season, footballs so predictable.

16. Wow you're good at this mind reading stuff aren't you. Murphy is a damn good squad player. Cheyrou has immense ability but ****** like you take away his confidence.

17. Who does?

18. 5 have been under houllier on his own ya fruit. Secondly... no manager would have won the league with what he had when Houllier took over, NO-ONE could have done a better job than him those first three years. He was brilliant. The other 9 and a half tho, i can see where you're coming from, totally his fault!!!

19. Really? Worse than Evans and Souness? hahaha. Go to a game kid. Look at the quality of players we have compared to what we used to have. If you can't see the difference now you;re ****** blind. Get some glasses ya fruitcake.

20. hasn't he? winning the league in france? isn't that managerial pedegree? managing the french academy... the generation that won the world cup i might add... oh yeah and also winning the cups he won for liverpool and being considered good enough to manage a national team.
Last edited by LFC on Tue May 25, 2004 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 84-1083280474 » Mon May 24, 2004 12:02 am

that was the worst reply to a post, and defence of a Kack LOSER manager Ive ever heard in my life!
Danny Murhpy is a good Player? ???? ???? Are serious? you obviously dont watch many games then! He cant tackle, has Zero creative ability, his passes go to the opposition! He bottles out of challenges, no pace, and his only plus is taking spot kicks. Do you ever watch Liverpool  games??? he has no impact on a game whatsoever!!!
Half of the Academy are not good enough? how the hell do you know? ??? are you a coach/scout working for LFC?? I doubt it, you seem to know little about anything! (apart from insulting, swearing and veil threats!)
My points are valid points, and the first 3 repliers agreed. I wasn't having a dig,just stating facts!!!!!
As regards the french team coach thing, how come LFC didnt sign any of these players , Zidane etc, Mr know it all!??
Listen, it was fun listening to your silly outbursts and name calling etc etc. Stop arguing with your computer! you need to get out more!
As for the Sevvy park threat......WOOOOOOOOOOO! Im really scared, Im shaking in my boots!
listen mate, You'd regret asking for that challenge! and id kick your hairy ***** all over the place anytime anywhere, I live far away, but I go to most home games...BUt Ill Gladly meet you for the first home game next year outside the ground and we'll see what a tough guy you are then! but i may not be alone! we normally go in groups of 10-15 guys to the match, and me and a few of may mates are bodybuilders.
so be  prepared

Postby jonnymac1979 » Mon May 24, 2004 12:31 am

Calm it fellas.....got off to a bad start have we?

Postby glenbuck patriot » Mon May 24, 2004 12:46 am

stu_the_red wrote:
Hello!  A few points here if I may to help Dr David Moores an Rick Parry if they are finding it hard to determine Mr Houlliers future, which Im sure some of you "die hard kopites" will disagree with me on, but having been to every game this season at home, I believe I have a valid point!!! (or two!)
Reasons why Houllier should be P45'd RIGHT NOW, by Moores:

1. We're playing in the European cup next year, BUT we are nearer relagation than winning the league!! (How strange is that!)

2. We are 30, yes THIRTY! points from being champions.  A disgrace for the most succesful club in English History.

3. Houllier is pi**ing all over the clubs reputation! with his blind talk and insulting excuses.

4. Hes broken some astonishing records: we lost the first opening game of the season at Anfield V Chelsea since 1923!
Also, we have not lost this many home games in a season for 50 years! last season, not won in 16 games, worst run for 50 years! what next relegation?

5. He thinks we are good enough to win the league with a fit squad.

6. He keeps planning for "the future", wheras you can buy players who can make you a championship team OVERNIGHT!

7. He totally Ignores the youth academy, and brought in 2 french 18 year olds last year (Pongolle, Le Tallec) from france, when we've got a youth academy there with a lot of talent from Merseyside of 16, 17 18 year olds,established for 5 years or so, which was the purpose of the whole scheme!

8. He insults the Liverpool fans by talking such garbage after games, and makes the silliest of excuses.

9. He consistently played/plays....Heskey/ biscan/ Murphy/ SMmicer/ Diouf/ Cheyrou, even though the entire Stadium can see these players are "average" at best, which is costing us points.

10. He's wasted over 120 Million pounds of Fans/ the boards money on Kack players.

11. Although beong the french national coach for a short while, he failed to bring the cream of France to Anfield, ie; Zidane, Trezeguet, Henry, Pires, Wiltord, Viera, instead giving us Cheyrou.

12. Every Ex-LFC Legends (Ian St John, Aldo, Ronnie Whelan etc) have all had a dig at what he's doing to the club, hinting that he should be given the boot.

13. He thinks 4th is an acceptable target.

14. Tactically, He'd rather defend a 1-0 lead than go for an all out attack.

15. With him in charge in 2004/2005, our champions league ad championship campaign will be short lived, cause if we dont sign big, which is likley this summer, we could get murdered in the champions league.

16. He thinks murphy, Biscan, and  Cheyrou are "championship winning" players!

17. HE doesnt deserve to lick clean Bill shankly or Bob paisleys' shoes.

18. We havent won the league for 14 years, and 6 have been under Houllier!

19.He has created one of the worst Liverpool teams in recent years, Worse than Evans and Souness.

20. He has NO mangerial pegidree prior to managing our club!

any more to add?

Rick parry, email the payroll dept and get them to send Houllier his p45, and give Capello, Ranieri, O'Neil, Dalgish/ Barnes.
I REST MY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone disagree?

You are really p!ss!ng me off now. Yer a fr!gg!n t0sser lad.

Meet me in sefton park next week when am off work and al smash ya f**kin face in ya ungrateful little stain.

1. We finished 4th and had a bad season. Get over it.

2. How many games did Arsenal lose? Look how far the most successful team of the 90's finished behind them. Stop living in the past you ungrateful little nugget.

3. You're pi**ing on the clubs fans reputation by bein a moaning little hom who talks ****** ****** endlessly.

4. You honestly think we'd get relegated with Houllier? Pfft? shows what you know kid. At worst he's a top quality manager. As good a manager as Hamann is a player. He's proven it in france and over here he's good. Who's to say next season it won't all fall into place?

5. Is that what he thinks? Does he yeah? You know what people think? Then i don't need to to tell you what i'm thinking do i?

6. Can we go and buy players who'd make us into a championship team overnight?? hahahaha... what a nugget you are. Name the players... the prices... i'm curious... again you show your lack of knowledge. You've never been to a game in your life or you were born blind and don't understand football, that is the only way you can come out with such mindlesss, knowledgeless fr!gg!n junk.

7. I REALLY wanna hurt you now!!! Are you ****** stupid? Just because we have an academy doesn't mean we get players through all the time that are good enough for the first team. We haven't had any since Gerrard now. Welsh MAY make it but he's got a long way to go yet. The rest aren't good enough.

8. You think he gives an honest assessment to the press? Shows exactly what you know doesn't it. You really are a bigger idiot than i first thought.

9. Murphy isn't a bad player. Again you show a lack of knowledge.

10. 120 million on "kack". Yes Babbel, Hyypia, McAllister, Henchoz, Hamann.... etc etc etc etc etc etc... all ******. We've never won nothing with any of these players none are any good. I'm really wanting to smash your balls or tits whatever you have to peices now. More mindless one sided selective ******.

11. He's the main reason france are so dominant at the moment. He made a few mistakes in market.. SO ****** WHAT!!! IT HAPPENS!!!

12. Aldo hasn't. St John has never liked him or give him any credit. Neither have many of the others to be honest. ****** THEM!!!

13. Again you know what he thinks? He doesn't think this at all. He said its an acheivement under the circumstances. Its a minimum and he knows it.

14. And? i'd settle for 1-0 every game. We beat the mancs 1-0... i bet you was one of those ****** sitting there screamin at the tv sayin... go forward... go forward!!! ****** typical know nothing ******.

15. Yeah. Because you really are mystic meg. You knew we'd win that treble after finishing 4th the season before. You just knew it didn't you. You always know whats going to happen next season, footballs so predictable.... shut ya face yer friggin fool.

16. Wow you're good at this mind reading stuff aren't you. Read mine.... t0sser!!! Murphy is a damn good squad player. Cheyrou has immense ability but ****** like you take away his confidence.

17. Who does?

18. 5 have been under houllier on his own ya fruit. Secondly... no manager would have won the league with what he had when Houllier took over, NO-ONE could have done a better job than him those first three years. He was brilliant. The other 9 and a half tho, i can see where you're coming from, totally his fault!!! You ****** t0sser...

19. Really? Worse than Evans and Souness? hahaha. Go to a game kid. Look at the quality of players we have compared to what we used to have. If you can't see the difference now you;re ****** blind. Get some glasses ya fruitcake.

20. hasn't he? winning the league in france? isn't that managerial pedegree? managing the french academy... the generation that won the world cup i might add... oh yeah and also winning the cups he won for liverpool and being considered good enough to manage a national team.

Check your facts you stupid little ******.

****** meet me in sevvy park on wednesday ya nugget i wanna smash ya face in.

I hope ya ****** die!!! posting ****** like that about my club.


Yet AGAIN you've lost the plot, Some time ago you perported to being a Policeman in OUR Fine City, IF YOU ARE YOU'RE A F.UCKIN DISGRACE TO THE UNIFORM!

I said in another post, with a job like your's you had to have MORE of an understanding of the "the general public" and HOW to deal with them, with a bit of decorum and understanding, it would HELP you in your perported chosen career (These words have obviously fallen on deaf ears!)

This IS after ALL a debating forum, With your selfish and egotistical attitude toward's other's, I Simply can't believe your a Policeman, BUT in fact nothing more than a "Walter Mitty" character, who want's to be a lot of thing's, But IS, in-fact a complete nobody!

What has been written about GH is FACT, if you agree or don't is imaterial, IT'S SOMEBODY ELSE'S OPINION!, I personally agree with it, YOU may NOT!, But hey I thought there had been call's for this Forum to go back to the way it used to be (Long before I registered, to add my 5 penneth worth!), debate without getting personal or threatening!

If you've got a grievance with the Author, Me, or anyone else on the forum, DO IT IN PRIVATE!, Don't go offering people OUT in Sefton Park, Willy Nilly, YOU just might find out they'll take you up on your offer and kick the SH1T out of you!....

As Shankly once said to Tommy Smith, "The only person you're frightening is Yourself"!
Pirrie Labour Club 1976 Bill Shankly Prize giving at local ABA Championships.

"You've been booked in to do a three round exhibition bout tonight Bill."

" My fights don't last three rounds SON!"
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Postby greenred » Mon May 24, 2004 12:47 am

That Stu bloke is f.uckin hilarious :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
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Postby Red » Mon May 24, 2004 1:22 am

stu your personal attacks on people who disagree with you are tiresome to say the least. You come accross like a thug.
Football is a simple game, all you have to do is pass the ball to a player in a red shirt.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon May 24, 2004 2:06 am

i agree, maybe we should all agree with stu or he might give us all a kicking. I used to be a policeman in liverpool Stu and i used to act like a ****** as well. if you are a policeman (which I very much doubt) then you must be a probationer. Get over the attitude or you will be heading for a big fall. more experienced people than you will see to that.

everyone on here is entitled to an opinion, if you dont agree with it then just explain why, resorting to abuse shows a severe lack of intelligence. i am also sure you understand that even if one person on this forum knows who you are you can be met with a discreditable conduct charge so I suggest you wind your neck in.

Postby anfieldadorer » Mon May 24, 2004 4:52 am

TheHustler wrote:16. He thinks murphy, Biscan, and  Cheyrou are "championship winning" players!

19.He has created one of the worst Liverpool teams in recent years, Worse than Evans and Souness.

Good points, hustler!, But i have my comments on these points:

16. If Murphy's not a "championship winning" player, then perhaps there are no more than 5 "championship winning" players in the whole squad.

19. On what ground you said that GH is worse than Evan and Souness? (I'm no GH fan, but don't hate him as well)
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Postby SantaGiveHoullierTheSack » Mon May 24, 2004 5:23 am

Relax fellas...stu is Houllier posting in disguise. :D Full of anger, b0llocks, excuses & tantrums.

"Show me someone who will settle for second place and I will show you a born loser"...so stu, wake up and smell the coffee. Stop being an underachiever for once in your life will ya!
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Postby murphy0151 » Mon May 24, 2004 7:18 am

What a thread this has turned out to be, funniest post I have ever seen in my hole tinternet life.
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Postby woof woof ! » Mon May 24, 2004 7:25 am

stu_the_red wrote:[You are really p!ss!ng me off now. Yer a fr!gg!n t0sser lad.

Meet me in sefton park next week when am off work and al smash ya f**kin face in ya ungrateful little stain.

Check your facts you stupid little ******.

****** meet me in sevvy park on wednesday ya nugget i wanna smash ya face in.

I hope ya ****** die!!! posting ****** like that about my club.

Totally out of order.
Nothing worse than a drunk with a mouth like a sewer.
This is a forum we all express our opinions and yes we all at times have a right go BUT this is completely over the top.
Maybe when you sober up Stu you may realise that even by your standards you've gone too far.

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