England vs hungary

International Football/Football World Wide - General Discussion

Postby 48-1119859832 » Wed May 31, 2006 2:43 pm

stmichael wrote:
Big Niall wrote:What is our view of cheating on this site ?(drogba , Robben and Maradonna often get slaughtered here for cheating). Is it okay for Stevie G to cheat? or just any England player?

anyone who slams stevie g for the dive last night, ask yourself this:

were you complaining in istanbul?

He dived in the final?!!!!!!!!

I thought Gattuso ploughed into the back of him? Then if he dives why come out and condemn it?  ???

Postby JC_81 » Wed May 31, 2006 2:47 pm

Can't believe the muppets saying Robinson was out of position for the goal.  It was a great hit and almost a mirror image of the goal Simao stuck past Reina at Anfield this season.  An accurate powerful shot with swerve and dip that went right in the top corner.  No keeper would have saved that last night unless he was actually standing in the wrong position right beside his left hand post.  So technically you would have to question Robinson's positioning if he actually had saved that last night, rather than the other way round.
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Postby JC_81 » Wed May 31, 2006 2:50 pm

stmichael wrote:
Big Niall wrote:What is our view of cheating on this site ?(drogba , Robben and Maradonna often get slaughtered here for cheating). Is it okay for Stevie G to cheat? or just any England player?

anyone who slams stevie g for the dive last night, ask yourself this:

were you complaining in istanbul?

To be fair St Mike that's a poor comparison.  There's a difference between going down easy under a challenge (which EVERYONE does when it happens inside the box) and actually taking a dive when there's no contact at all.

When defenders make any contact in the box they know they're taking a risk, but last night Gerrard's dive was pathetic and I won't even try to defend it.
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Postby stmichael » Wed May 31, 2006 2:54 pm

In all fairness, it's just another pointless diving "scandal". Just like after his "dive" against Bolton. People can pick and choose in the British media when diving is acceptable. Owen's dives against Argentina were okay, he just went down a little easy. Ruud Van Horse's dives were okay, cos it was being clever. Every so often someone is a dirty, diving cheat who should be run out of the game. Just so happens that this time it's Stevie.

It's here, it's staying. Gerrard has\does\will dive. Other Liverpool players have\do\will dive. A rather large percentage of players from every other club and country have\will\do dive.

I'm sorta immune to it now, even when I'm at the game. I've accepted that whilst it's a part of the game I don't like to see, I'm gonna see it. Embarressed by Stevie's dive - more so for him really - but it happened, will happen again, everyone get on with it and over themselves.
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed May 31, 2006 2:58 pm

I was disapointed that Stevie did that last night in a fairly meaningless friendly.... but if he did it in the final against say Argentina I would be delighted(HYPERCRITICAL I KNOW)
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Postby RichardLFC1 » Wed May 31, 2006 3:12 pm

john craig wrote:Can't believe the muppets saying Robinson was out of position for the goal.  It was a great hit and almost a mirror image of the goal Simao stuck past Reina at Anfield this season.  An accurate powerful shot with swerve and dip that went right in the top corner.  No keeper would have saved that last night unless he was actually standing in the wrong position right beside his left hand post.  So technically you would have to question Robinson's positioning if he actually had saved that last night, rather than the other way round.

Robinson was atleast 3 yards of his line

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Postby JC_81 » Wed May 31, 2006 3:59 pm

RichardLFC1 wrote:
john craig wrote:Can't believe the muppets saying Robinson was out of position for the goal.  It was a great hit and almost a mirror image of the goal Simao stuck past Reina at Anfield this season.  An accurate powerful shot with swerve and dip that went right in the top corner.  No keeper would have saved that last night unless he was actually standing in the wrong position right beside his left hand post.  So technically you would have to question Robinson's positioning if he actually had saved that last night, rather than the other way round.

Robinson was atleast 3 yards of his line

In response to that...

a)  No he wasn't, watch it again.  Maybe a yard or so off, but there's nothing wrong with that.

b)  Whether he was standing on his line or a yard off it, it wouldn't have made any difference
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Postby RichardLFC1 » Wed May 31, 2006 4:12 pm

john craig wrote:
RichardLFC1 wrote:
john craig wrote:Can't believe the muppets saying Robinson was out of position for the goal.  It was a great hit and almost a mirror image of the goal Simao stuck past Reina at Anfield this season.  An accurate powerful shot with swerve and dip that went right in the top corner.  No keeper would have saved that last night unless he was actually standing in the wrong position right beside his left hand post.  So technically you would have to question Robinson's positioning if he actually had saved that last night, rather than the other way round.

Robinson was atleast 3 yards of his line

In response to that...

a)  No he wasn't, watch it again.  Maybe a yard or so off, but there's nothing wrong with that.

b)  Whether he was standing on his line or a yard off it, it wouldn't have made any difference

in response to that

1.He was ATLEAST 3 yards off his line
2. If he had been standing on his line then he would have easily got that

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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Wed May 31, 2006 4:18 pm

Any keeper who stays on his line all the time is an idiot and shouldn’t be playing football at the highest level. If Robinson was off his line he had every right too be.

i think yes what about you
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Wed May 31, 2006 4:29 pm

Cool Hand Luke wrote:Any keeper who stays on his line all the time is an idiot and shouldn’t be playing football at the highest level. If Robinson was off his line he had every right too be.

True, however he should stray too far off his line. He runs a risk of getting lobbed. It's not the fact he conceeded the goal last nite, I'm talking about in almost all of his matches, he's nearly always too far off his line. And I'm gonna throw myself into a pit of :censored: if England gets lobbed again.

Postby Judge » Wed May 31, 2006 4:34 pm


this is tasman lionheart and his bro :D
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Postby Bad Bob » Wed May 31, 2006 5:11 pm

0asis wrote:
Cool Hand Luke wrote:Any keeper who stays on his line all the time is an idiot and shouldn’t be playing football at the highest level. If Robinson was off his line he had every right too be.

True, however he should stray too far off his line. He runs a risk of getting lobbed. It's not the fact he conceeded the goal last nite, I'm talking about in almost all of his matches, he's nearly always too far off his line. And I'm gonna throw myself into a pit of :censored: if England gets lobbed again.

Well, if David James promises to stay on his line no matter what and never get lobbed ever, ever will you let him be the England keeper?  Just curious!  :laugh:

I can't wait until there's a through ball into the box that Robinson doesn't get to, being tethered to his line and all, and you lot start cursing him for being too 'stay at home'!

Face facts, you were looking for a 'talking point' to knitpick about, you got called on it and now you're on the express train to sh!te-talk junction.  Different topic, same old Oasis it would seem!  :D
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Wed May 31, 2006 6:25 pm

Bad Bob wrote:Well, if David James promises to stay on his line no matter what and never get lobbed ever, ever will you let him be the England keeper?  Just curious!  :laugh:

I can't wait until there's a through ball into the box that Robinson doesn't get to, being tethered to his line and all, and you lot start cursing him for being too 'stay at home'!

Face facts, you were looking for a 'talking point' to knitpick about, you got called on it and now you're on the express train to sh!te-talk junction.  Different topic, same old Oasis it would seem!  :D

Common sense not something today's society know much about is it? A goal keeper should stray so far off his line in a one on one situation or if a corner/ cross comes into the box, a keeper should not be three/four/five yards off his line when someone has a pop at goal especially if you have defenders behind the ball simple as.

No David James is useless on his line, nevermind off it. If there's a through ball into the box then he comes out for it, too many times I've seen Robinson stray too far off his line when he doesn't need to, he strays off his line in freekicks and when the opposition are bearing down on goal.

You face facts, you're too ignorant to except other people's views it would seem and do your best to belittle ppl who do not share your views. You also have your head so far up your own (a)rse you can see your bowel movements.

I might talk (s)hit in your eyes and other ppl's, I don't care these are my views and I'm gonna stick with them, so if you don't like them don't read them simple as.


Postby Ace Ventura » Wed May 31, 2006 6:28 pm

Oasis why do you keep using the term lobbed to describe Hungarys goal ?
It was not a lob at all, he didnt see the keeper off his line and lob him, he saw a chance to bend a shot into the top corner with pace, nothing like a lob.
It was a fantastic strike and when you see it from the camera behind the goal he is actually unsighted as well, you just see the ball curling round Hargreaves.
Seaman was caught out positionally at the last world cup, and so would most keepers in that scenario, a freekick out wide generally is curled into an area in and around the penalty spot, Ronaldinho's one (which i believe he miskicked) drifted into the far corner, rather like Konchesky's cross against us in the cup final but just from the opposite side, pure fluke.
I am interested in what position you feel a keeper should be taking up when the ball is 25-30 yards out without a clear sight of the man in posession.

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Postby 48-1119859832 » Wed May 31, 2006 6:44 pm


I think you're getting confused I never said that Hungary's goal was a lob and yeah Robinson probably couldn't of saved it but he was out of position and far too far off his line. That's the point I'm trying to make and the reason I'm going on about lobbing is the small fact that nearly every single England number one has been lobbed through not being in the correct position or being far too far off their line. It has cost us dear many a time and I don't want it to happen again.

Yeah it was a good strike, not saying it wasn't but Robinson might of done the unthinkable had he been in a better position and not so far off his line.

Seaman was far too far forward of his line and he couldn't backtrack quick enough, I believe he was 4/5 yards off his line? If he was 2/3 yard off he would of pushed that over the bar without much trouble. You're gonna say, "well how was he supposed to know it was gonna come str8 to his goal?" The simple answer is he didn't, so he let his guard down and thought I'll come out a few yards and he did and got caught out. He also was lobbed elsewhere for England, again he was too far out and couldn't deal with the shot, football's a funny old game, ppl score magical goals and that's why goalkeepers should be prepared for the unexpected.

If Robinson doesn't think about these possibilites and doesn't get himself in the right position or comes too far forward (as he has been doing) he will cost us dear.


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