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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed May 19, 2004 8:29 am

fritzylfc wrote:anfield is wot its now days .the board the managers the players . never blame the fans. 30 years and ive never being quite. walk on

Are you on the sauce there or what ??

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Postby LFC #1 » Wed May 19, 2004 10:47 am

murphy0151 wrote:Iv'e been to every home game this season.  I get my tickets via the prority system.

Murphy, how do you become a member of the PTS (priority ticket system), i have tried to find info on, but can't find much on how to join, costs etc?
Any info would be helpful. Thanks.
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Postby Woollyback » Wed May 19, 2004 12:30 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:Not the point at all.

Woolback, you should know better, I played the right to support card when I first posted, and regreted it, then retracted it.

I am not disputing the right of any scouser over non scouse, my point and I beleive that of Murphy was that the people in the crowd who are NOT singing are not people with Liverpudlian/scouse accents. TRUE FACT.

This in itself is totally different to saying wooly backs dont know the words, or dont sing, or have no right to get tickets or to support the Reds. Get off the high horse old boy.

The biggest problem with prejudice is that those who are seen to be prejudged often jump on the defensive too soon. ie, just because the word scouser and woolyback where used on this thread, every member of this forum from further afeild than Formby comes on banging on about their right to support or have an opinion about LFC.

Total ******, the point of the whole thread, and the topic of debate is the atmosphere, and Murphy and I who have attended each and every home game for the last few years, (and a fair few away at that), gave our learned opinion on the reason for this lack of atmosphere.

People who come on saying "Yes well I went to the Lazio game in pre-season and this and that...." are talking out of their ****** quite frankly.

It is one thing telling me that you know a lot about the club, the city, the players or the board of directors, I will not argue with you on that, but if you do not go the game every week, dont come on here and poo poo the thoughts and ideas of people who attend all the time. And dont give me no fuck1ng sob story about work commitments, children or geographical problems, I work hard so I can go to the match and support the club, not to prevent me going.

Woolback, its not that we live in Liverpool that makes us a better supporter or more qualified it is the fact that we go to the games. END OF


We can get ourselves embroiled in arguing semantics all day long and sometimes we can end up opposing eachother even though sometimes we're actually saying the same thing, albeit looking from a different perspective.

I remember we had a discussion a couple of months back about the scouser/wool/right to support issue when you quite rightly conceded that geography has c*ck all to do with how good a supporter you are. I'm inclined to agree that those who go to every game probably do give more vocal support than occasional visitors but my original point was that its not as simple as "scousers know the words, wools don't". I would say a more accurate representation would be that regular attendees generally make more effort in the stands than occasional visitors, regardless of where they're from. Fair point?

However I can't agree with your comments about letting other commitments get in the way of going to the match. I may be wrong here but I'm reckoning you haven't got kids, maybe no mortgage etc, maybe a job that doesn't involve being away from home on a regular basis? Maybe if you were in that situation you may be a bit more understanding?

Anyway, on a lighter note I wasn't lucky enough to be at the Newcastle game but from reading some recent posts I get the impression that the atmosphere was a bit flat. To put that into perspective though, a mate of mine who's a Manure fan somehow ended up on the Kop. (don't ask me how the hell he managed that). His words were that if the atmosphere was like that at Old Trafford he'd never have given up his season ticket!

So, no matter how gloomy things can be for an LFC supporter just remember, it could be worse - you could support that shower of sh*te from Manchester.     :)  :)
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Postby stmichael » Wed May 19, 2004 12:32 pm

i've been to old trafford many times and i've heard more atmosphere at a funeral. :D
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Postby murphy0151 » Wed May 19, 2004 9:01 pm

LFC #1 wrote:
murphy0151 wrote:Iv'e been to every home game this season.  I get my tickets via the prority system.

Murphy, how do you become a member of the PTS (priority ticket system), i have tried to find info on, but can't find much on how to join, costs etc?
Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

Keep looking on the main site, they will put information about PTS some time in the summer.  PTS cost's £40 last year but this year they have threw it up buy a sky diver.  They say you have a one in two chance off getting a ticket via the PTS system but I managed to get hold off one for every game.
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