9/11 special - Dutch television documentary

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Postby adayinthelife » Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:06 am

“Was 9/11 more than just an attack? Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack?

Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.”
Two former Government Ministers have grave doubts about what Americans call "the war on terrorism"

Michael Meacher - MP - Former UK Government Minister. "The war on terror is bogus"

Andreas Von Bulow, Former German Secretary Of Defense "The official story is so inadequate and far fetched that there must be a different one"

Did anybody else know there was so many major problems with the official story?

9/11 video
Last edited by adayinthelife on Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Smith to Shankly:My thigh is a bit sore,but I think I could play.
Shankly to Fagan:Tell him,Joe.He has got no chance of playing.
Smith to Fagan:Tell him to sod off.It is not his leg,it's mine.
Shankly to Smith:Oh no son.You are wrong,son.It is not your leg.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:19 am

Well we HAVE to believe what 2 European Politicians have to say, don't we? ???

Conspiracy theorists need a good hiding. I seriously do believe that they sit there, glass of Port in one hand, cannabis-filled pipe in the other, and spout bullsh*t to people at an Art exhibition, because they are sad w*nkers who need to have pastey-faced loons cooing "oooh, isn't he clever!?!", when actually they would lose a battle of wits with a molten Mars Bar.

F*cking Holland - Europe's whining old granny.  :no
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Postby andy_g » Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:30 am

without wanting to launch into another thread of vicious falling out and name calling its pretty obvious to any sentient being that the war on terror is bogus and that there is a hell of a lot going on that we don't know about. it doesn't make one a conspiracy theorist to accept the fact that government machinations are very rarely anything to do with the stuff we get fed by the mainstream news channels.

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Postby The Ace1983 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:06 pm

The thing is, conspiricy theorists are necessary. They don't have to be nut-cases or crack-heads. My mate's dad is a pilot and the most level headed guy you'll ever meet. But he doesn't beleive that America ever landed on the moon. He's watched the tape and has found reason, method and evidence for the hoax. He doesn't lock himself in his loft with his "papers". He plays football, throws parties and cooks a mean BBQ. Hardly A-grade nutter material.

9/11 will always have conspiracy theorists going at it, just like the assassinations of King, X, Kennedy, Lennon, Oswald and pretty much everyone else who's ever been assassinated. UFOlogists will continue to say that those stange lights in the sky at night are crawling with little green men. Prove them wrong. Conspiracies are only called conspiracies because the minority believes in them. But without them, we would believe anything our governments, teachers, armed forces, traffic wardens and milkmen told us. They give us necessary doubt, which does exactly what it says on the tin. It is imperative that we don't believe, as much as we believe.

Despite Lando's obvious distaste for them, they need to be around. I don't believe this lot either, but a lot of people do. Even family members of people who died in 9/11 are sure that it was the American Government who commited this atrocity. There is some sort of grim logic there as well, but that takes ages to get into.

The end of this argument is that people will believe whatever they believe, be it in a religious sense, a cultural or historical sense, or what sort of apple makes the best pie. You'll never change anything and you won't silence them, but they shouldn't be ignored, altered or shushed becuase with out them we would be very vulnerable indeed.
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Postby taff » Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:21 pm

Whilst I agree with you and things do have to be looked at in more detail and there is a mocking of conspiracies mainly by those who dont want them to look too close.

But there isnt always a secretive reason behind things.  People sometimes just do not want to accept the fact that a handful of extremists flew planes into buildings.  The mess afterwards is polotical machinations etc and intelligence could have been better etc BUT we as humans want some baddy that is responsible for things and the Mr Evil simply does not exist.

I have heard theories on Kurt Cobain and Diana.  We do not want to accept the fact that these two are dead due to depression and a drunk, only because they are iconic figures.

In the world there are a lot of different factions who do not get on and people who exploit situations to gain advantage for themselves. 

This war on terror is quite shambolic but a reaction to an attack.  Why dont people get more upset about the treatment of South America by the American Government which is not a conspiracy and actually happened.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:23 pm

The fact is that some people, usually insecure people, need a scapegoat for every single thing that happens in everyday life.

They don't want to believe that some bearded wankbandit Afghan herded a bunch of brainless sheep into a cockeyed* religion, and convinced the dozy b*stards that mass-murder would make them regailed in Heaven.

President Kennedy and John Lennon were killed because some loons had mental health problems and decided to shoot them.

Diana died because the driver was going too fast, and the car was being chased by French reporters who are basically scum. But oh no - according to the jizz-less retards who peddle conspiracies, Prince Philip and the Queen ordered her death.
What a load of horse sh*t.

Kurt Cobain was a druggie, and took an overdose due to acute depression. - Why isn't that accepted? Depression and suicide affect thousands - no one is immune.

For all the "sightings" of UFO's, hard proof is yet to be found.
DO you not think that maybe, just MAYBE one of the thousands of loons would have something to show for their "10 hour abduction and anal probing"? It's all a load of b*llocks. Secret test-flights of planes explains more than they'll ever know.

I feel very sorry for the families caught up in 9/11, but grief can warp perceptions of situations, and bitterness can twist things out of all proportion.
Just look at how many liars are walking around. The chances are that we all know at least 2 big-time liars. WHy shouldn't these dickheads start a conspiracy?

FFS - the Americans as a nation convince themselves they know everything, that a Baseball and yank football "World Series" IS a world affair. It's not. These conspiracists are f*cking loonies, and the sooner someone smacks them about a bit, the sooner the World can move on from catastrophies like 9/11.

The level-headed families touched by it would no doubt welcome that.

EDIT: * I believe Bin Laden's version of Islam to be tainted, and have nothing but respect for true Muslims.

- Cheers Ace1983. Sorry for the confusion.  :)
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Postby The Ace1983 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:00 pm

Dude, you sound like you work for te feds! :D

I don't agree with you calling Islam a cockeyed religion, but if perhaps you were willing to rephrase it so that Mr Bin Laden's interpretation of the religion is completely nutso.

The thing is, I agree with most of what you've said, but neither you nor I can pove any of it. Prove that the Queen didn't put a price on Diana's head. Prove that Courtney Love didn't have someone kill Kurt Cobain. And just watch JFK and remember that it's all based on a true story. It's like the old quesion "if a tree falls in the forrest and no-one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?". No-one can answer that with any degree of certainty. Maybe we're living in the Matrix and none of you really exist. Maybe I don't exist. Maybe this is the Truman show and you're all actors. I am 99% sure that this isn't the Matrix or the Truman show, but with that 1% of doubt and possibility, I can never be sure.

Besides which, I like that 1%. Life without uncertainty would be so bloody boring. All the romance of possibilities would disapear.
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:09 pm

kurt cobain killed himself. America did land on the moon. America knew about 9/11 but not to what extent. it was the same with the oklahoma bombings where ther offices in the building were surprisingly vacant at the time.

John Lennon was killed by a nutter, and JFK.. well that one is down to the governent
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Postby taff » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:14 pm

So who was it that put the ring in the ring a ling a ding dong
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Postby The Ace1983 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:16 pm

Frodo. :D
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Postby Red @ Heart » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:35 pm

dawson99 wrote:kurt cobain killed himself. America did land on the moon. America knew about 9/11 but not to what extent. it was the same with the oklahoma bombings where ther offices in the building were surprisingly vacant at the time.

John Lennon was killed by a nutter, and JFK.. well that one is down to the governent

Dawson your right, Kurt Kobaine did kill himself, man did land on the moon. But the 9/11 atrocities were comitted by Osama Bin Laden, and mybe the Bush administration did have intelligence that somthing was bad about to happen but one things seems to evade people about 9/11 and never gets talked about, Did a plane really crash into the Penatgon? has anyone seen Farenheit 9/11 with Michael Moores? in that Documentry they talk about was the Pentagon really hit by a Plane or was the Al qaeda good enough to launch a Missile on US soil. In that docu they showed CCTV footage of impact into the Pentagon and some Anylists reckon that what ever hit the pentagon was not a Plane.
The CCTV footage showed that whatever hit the Pentagon was to small and much to fast to be a plane, and there was no evidence at all of a wrecked plane, no engine no tyres no nothing, which leave theorists to beleive that it was a Missile fired by terrorists or even the U.S firing it upon them selves.

Of course every one on this planet knows that the U.S government is corrupt as lando griffins mind, and that we will never get to know the truth.
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:35 pm

micahel moores is a fat t!t tho.. cant stand the bloke... preaching non stop.
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Postby Mikz » Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:15 pm

Slightly off topic -But I think I seen a preview about a film just released about 9/11.
Ut was called Flight something...looked interesting, maybe Dawson might know more about it.
Thats all. :upside:
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:30 pm

Well since u asked, its called united 93, or flight 93... about the 4th plance that was hijacked... this is the one where the passengers foiled the terrorists. it has been slammed all over america which is the best publicity they could ever hope for. Directed by the guy who made bloody sunday (irish film, james nesbitt.. very controversial but very well made) and he made bourne supremecy so he knows what hes doing
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Postby adayinthelife » Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:47 am

dawson99 wrote:Well since u asked, its called united 93, or flight 93... about the 4th plance that was hijacked... this is the one where the passengers foiled the terrorists. it has been slammed all over america which is the best publicity they could ever hope for. Directed by the guy who made bloody sunday (irish film, james nesbitt.. very controversial but very well made) and he made bourne supremecy so he knows what hes doing

I'd love to know how they are going to hide all the contradictions and inconsistencies, as I have been reading a timeline for flight 93, which is highly suspicious to say the least.


Here are some pictures of the crash site.



Can anybody see any wreckage?

The lack of wreckage is just a small problem compared to all the evidence of a complete lack of action from the FAA. At 9:53, which was 25 mins after ATC heard screams in the cockpit...

According to the 9/11 Commission, FAA headquarters informs the FAA Command Center that the deputy director for air traffic services is talking to Deputy Administrator Monty Belger about scrambling aircraft after Flight 93. Yet in interviews with the commission, neither Belger nor the deputy director recall this discussion, and Belger subsequently e-mails the commission saying he does not believe the conversation took place. However, tape recordings reveal a staff person from headquarters at this time telling the Command Center, “Peter’s talking to Monte now about scrambling.” FAA headquarters is also informed that the flight is 20 miles northwest of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. [9/11 Commission, 7/17/2004] Incredibly, FAA headquarters has known since 9:34 A.M. about hijackers talking about a bomb on board the flight, and more evidence has since been passed on confirming a hijacking in progress. Still, reportedly, no one tells NORAD anything about the plane.

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