Next season 06-07 - How we might play it?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby stoney » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:18 pm

The season is almost up and we have already started the planning for next year. New players have already been signed such as Gonzalez and Paletta with Aurelio looking likely to come too. It is almost definite that a right winger will be bought and at least one striker to replace the ones going.

So the question that arises for next season - Which formation will we play?

I am not convinced that Rafa wants to play a 4-4-2 once he has built his own team or next season and this is also partly to do with the signing of Crouch.

Earlier on in the season we played a 4-2-3-1 system. We lined up something like this:

    Finnan Hyypia Carra Warnock

              Sissoko  Alonso

    Luis Garcia   Gerrard     Riise


What was meant to a happen was Crouch would hold up the ball and bring the midfielders into attacking positions but It didn't quite go to plan.

This system didn't work for us for a number of reasons.

1) The lack of personnel - There weren't any natural wingers being played therefore there wasn't enough quality support coming from our wide areas. This left Crouch very isolated making his flick ons become useless. In this type of set up, the wide players are almost like strikers even therefore they have to support otherwise there is no chance of it working.

2) I dont think the players quite understood the way Rafa wanted them to play as when we did set up this way before, we seemed to look very defensive and we didn't really attack very well/much. This could explain that although we weren't winning many matches we got a lot of draws mainly down to keeping clean sheets. It was almost as if like the players didn't know what to do and when to attack so they just defended.

Once we switched to 4-4-2 we started to play better and we started scoring goals although we weren't scoring many. In some games during the season where perhaps the players started to gain a better understanding of the way Rafa wanted them to play, even though our formation looked like a 4-4-2 on paper, we actually set up in the 4-2-3-1 and it was starting to work as we had found the balance between attack and defence. We were looking very solid at the back and scored the a few goals to win games.

Next year we will be a step closer to creating the team that Rafa wants. We should have the personnel now to play the 4-2-3-1 effectively.


Finnan Hyypia* Carra *Riise

      Sissoko Alonso

Prieto?   Gerrard  Gonzalez

Being very realistic, this could be the team we come out with next year. Or do you think that Rafa wil scrap his original plan of a 4-2-3-1 and play 4-4-2 next year lining up something like this.


   Finnan Hyypia* Carra  *Riise

Prieto? Gerrard Alonso Gonzalez

       Defoe/Aguero?  Crouch

The 4-4-2 meaning that Sissoko is left out and another striker striker playing off Crouch like Defoe or Aguero possibly. The obvious problems with this team is Sissoko being left out as he brings a lot to the side and Alonsos play being stiffield further by having Gerrard beside him and no Sissoko therefore making him the player who will protect the back four.

* or other players in that position

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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:25 pm

You walking up a dead end if you think you can second guess what next years tactics and formation are going to be. Rafa has transfers and clearouts to get through yet. Not to mention the world cup highlighting any bargain players. Come back in August
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Postby bng89 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:28 pm

Agreed. To hard to make judgement so early
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Postby el_stinger » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:41 pm

bring this thread up after the Copa Mundial mate, more time to think about who is brought in and who has parted ways. This is mind bogling to think of right now.
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Postby harry_smiles » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:55 pm

It is hard say what rafa is going to do, all i can say is what i would like to see

Kromkamp  Carra  Hyypia/Agger  Risse/Aurelio(i think he is the best left back in the world(i know big call)

              Sissoko Alonso

Gonzalez                     Kewell


I know alot of people do not like cisse, but i think as a soul striker he could really cause some trouble for defences, but he may be leaving, i would like to see rafa play a quick striker rather than a slow target man like crouch. He is not doubt a good player, but i really that alot of counter attacks come to an end when he get the ball.
In this formation i would be looking for the wingers to really use the width and pull the wing backs out wide, leave the two center back marking cisse, and with gerrard making late runs into the box. I think it could work.
tell me what you think
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Postby bng89 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:59 pm

Its to early to make judgements
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Postby JC_81 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:06 pm

Again I have to say that it's a bit early to predict how we will line up next year, especially when the 2 key positions where we need to strengthen haven't been filled yet - striker and right midfielder.

On top of this we have seen how Benitez likes to chop and change the side and the formation on almost a weekly basis, I see no reason why he's going to stop doing this, it's therefore impossible to write down one team and formation for next season.

One thing I will say is that those suggesting we might revert to the 4-5-1 with Crouch on his own once we get good wide players in are missing the crucial point.  That system wasn't only poor in an attacking sense because of a lack of delivery, there were other factors, mainly that Crouch is far too immobile to play as a lone striker.

Whether it's 3 at the back or 4 at the back for certain games next season I would always start with 2 up front in the premiership.
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