Today's friday footy posers

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby stmichael » Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:49 pm

This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:01 pm

Best passer in Europe? I know im gonna be biased but lonso has to be up there. Also Beckham for his crosses which are still fantastic. Sorry i dont know more names but i know who i wanna say lol

Biggest flop n 5 years? Before everyone says sissy im gonna say Diao. Diouff can play football but he was a disgrace, Diao is just a very very bad player. No one wants hmi and i think we'll let him go on a free next season. Even Cheyrou showed a few signs. but diao has been awful wherever he has gone.

Wenger is the best manager. Ferguson has done well, dont get me wrong. u cant deny what he has done. but wenger brought a bunch of players, and turned them world class. Just look at Viera and Henry, no one else could have done that. Also Wenger has recently grown a sense of humour and in london there is a sort of mutual respect between the gooners and us 'pool fans.

If i could have a beer with any of them? Reina. can just tell that guys a nutter and he can go a bit wilder as he doesnt need to be as healthy as the others.

The best newcomer to our squad? This is the 50 million pound question. IF we get a right winger who can do a good job it will be him, but who that will be is a mystery to me.
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Postby JC_81 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:12 pm

1.  Makelele is the least wasteful player with a football, the best short passer.  Although hard to think of anyone better than Alonso all-round at passing, maybe Rivaldo even though his all-round game's suffered due to his age.

2.  I would have to say Houllier, after a good start he almost ruined us in the end.  In terms of players it has to be Cisse because of what we paid for him.

3.  Fergie will go down as the best because of what he's won and rightly so.  But currently I think he's lost the plot a bit.  I'll have to say Wenger - his teams play the best football, he has the lowest budget to play with and he's the best in the transfer market out of those 3.

4.  Robbie, surely he'd be the best laugh.

5.  Tough one, surely it will be whichever proven striker we get in the end because that's the position we'll notice the most difference.  Anderson or Barragan will surely be the first to make the breakthrough from the youth team next year.
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:28 pm

Cisse has been a bigger flop than diouff, diao, cheyrou?

no offence john craig but sometimes  i dont know if u just say these things to wind me up!!!!
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Postby RedorDead » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:35 pm

Best passer in Europe: Riquelme, Beckham, Gerrard and Alonso spring to mind as players who can pick out a player from distance and just out of the blue put a player through on goal. As for short passers, well Dennis Bergkamp has an unbelievable touch and can pick out a pass as well as anyone around the box.

Biggest flop at Anfield in the last 5 years is Diouff...came to us as African player of the year and an absolute star at the world cup for Senegal and a ten mill price tag...what did he do? Well other than gob on anyone who upset him not a lot!!!

Best out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho? That ia very good question. Ferguson built an empire and brought a bunch of "kids" together to make one the most successful club sides in history. Wenger is a great tactician and Arsenal at their peak played some exquisite football, Mourinho has the arrogance and while technically not all that brilliant he makes his players believe they can achieve anything and inspires confidence. They each have a quality which they are "the best" at. If I had to pick a winner it would be Fergie because he has been doing it for so long at the top. Rafa will of course eclipse them all!!!!!

Beer with any player? I think I'd have a sit down with Stevie Garrard. The reason? Who else would be better placed to talk you through that night in Istanbul. I'd want to know exactly what Rafa said at half time, how he felt when he scored, what was going through his head before Shevchenko missed with him having to take the deciding pen, and of course what on Earth was going through his mind as he held aloft that trophy!! Would be a great night....has anyone got his number?

Best newcomer to our squad this summer....well that is near impossible to predict but if Jermain Defoe comes then I think he will be the 20 goal a season striker we have been craving since Owen left. Also if Joaquim comes he would be the final piece in our midfield and along with Gerrard, Alonso, Kewell and Sissoko we'd have as good a midfield set as anyone in the world.
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Postby JC_81 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:37 pm

dawson99 wrote:Cisse has been a bigger flop than diouff, diao, cheyrou?

no offence john craig but sometimes  i dont know if u just say these things to wind me up!!!!

Don't flatter yourself Dawson :D

Diouf is a better player than Cisse imo, at least he can control a ball (even if he is a disgrace as a human being).  Cheyrou and Diao were poor players, probably worse than Cisse, but Cisse came with a good reputation, people expected him to set the premiership alight and he is the club record signing at 14 million - considering that I'd say he's the biggest flop out of those 4.

I define 'biggest flop' as the biggest disappointment of a player we've had considering their transfer fee, wages and reputation at previous clubs.  Up until this season it probably would have been Kewell, but he seems to have got his act together.  In my opinion it's Cisse.
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Postby Sparky » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:46 pm

In My Opinion!!!!

1)  There are several players that spring to mind with tremendous accuracy in this area, xavi of barcelona - always accurate short and long range never hardly gives the ball away, our xabi alonso - pure quality, our steven gerrard - no need to explain, always enjoy pirlo of AC Milan's ability to find the telling defence splitting passes, ronaldhinho of barca who can pass as well as any but in extra-ordinary ways,lampard has got a great range in passing, beckham who has got a tremendous array of passes as much as it pains me to say it! So I am going for Jan Molby!!!

2)  El Hadji Diouf - too much money, terrible attitude towards fans and team mates, terribly inconsistant, created the wrong image for the club with the spitting, the diving and the attitude problem which he has.

3)  I think all have them have made mistakes in the transfer market and they have all been given vasts sums of money, but because of all the youth he has brought through, with the success he has rought to the club and the total overhaul of the playing style, accompanied by his mind game tactics etc! The guy is a :censored: mind-going to go for Wenger!!

4)  Would have a beer with jamie carragher - proper bloke - proper player - good sense of humour - just seems like a great all round guy!

5)  would love it to be a top class strker - defoe, kuyt or a winger with genuine pace and ability to take on players which is what i feel we lack joaquin, shaun wright phillips.  Will be interesting mind to see if benitez will utilise some of the youngsters who are starting to show real potential as we have not had any real talent coming through the reserves and youth squad since jamie, michael and stevie - would like t see rafa give a run out to paul anderson and antonio barragan and jack hobbs especially !!! they are the future!!!!


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Postby flipmode » Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:44 pm

1. Alonso or Gerrard.

2. Diouf - arrived with so much hype Houllier likening him to Ronaldo, and ended up being a truely awful player.

3. I think Wenger because he has broght best from Henry, also made a brilliant squad from virtually nothing and went on to win league etc.  Ferguson took over Utd when they about to be good and Mourinho well Chelsea bought the league really.

4. Robbie seems like have a good laugh.

5. Paul Anderson, or a new striker who will score consistently.
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Postby stmichael » Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:44 pm

Here's my two cents for what it's worth:

1. I do get tight pants watching Alonso knock those passes round the pitch like there's no tomorrow. Beckham on his day is also a phenomenal passer of the ball.

2. Like John Craig, I'm going for Houllier. Rescued the club as a footballing organization but nearly ran us into the ground soon after. From a playing perspective it has to be Diouf.

3. Wenger. The Arsenal team at their best would have outplayed any of the other teams. Wenger would be dominating the PL similar to Fergie in the 90's if Chavski had not changed the playing field with their money.

4. Not technically in the squad, but it would have to be Rafa. I would love to hear his thoughts on the Liverpool that he inherited and what he really envisions for the future and how he proposes to do it.

5. Any top class striker would take us to a new level. From the youth team, Paul Anderson looks like one hell of a prospect.
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Postby Effes » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:47 pm

stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1. Kaka

2. Diouf

3. It's between Wenger and Fergie, Fergie has done it over a longer period. If Wenger can produce another title winning side and maybe a Champs League then it would be Wenger, but at the moment I go with Fergie.
If Mourinho moved clubs and won things again you'd have to be impressed.

4. Sami Hyypia - I reckon he'd go off the rails after 5 pints. :laugh:

5. No idea.
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Postby stapo1000 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:00 pm

stmichael wrote:This is becoming a bit of a regular feature isn't it? :D

Anyway, here's today's questions for you to get stuck into:

1. who's the best passer in Europe...both long and short passers?

2. Who has been the biggest flop for Liverpool in the last 5 years?

3. Who is the best manager out of Fergie, Wenger and Mourinho and why?

4. If you could have a beer with any player of the current Liverpool squad...who + why?

5. Who will be the best newcomer to our squad for the coming season (youth member or new transfer)?

1- Alonso
2- Diouf
3- Wenger, cos in mlifetime i've not seen a better side win the league than arsenal 2 seasons ago
4- Robbie or carra would be a good laugh
5- Cant say really
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Postby Kopite-Jud » Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:04 pm
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:04 pm

effes, class one going for sami. i think im looking at it from a drinking point not football point but i erckon reina is a mad tequila drinker who would be class :laugh:
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Postby Kopite-Jud » Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:07 pm

1 - alonso
2 - diouf
3 - wenger coz he is class he brings in amazing players for little money and n e 1 could manage chelsea heres all the money u want now make a dream team and dont like united or fergie
4 - gerrard coz he is my fav player :P
5 - best newcomer will be defoe
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Postby Kopite-Jud » Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:08 pm

defoe if he comes
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