Norman kember - Released by captors

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Postby Judge » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:41 am

'Enormous Relief' At Hostages Release Thursday March 23

British hostage Norman Kember and two colleagues have been freed in Iraq. There has been enormous relief at the news. Here is some of the reaction from friends, colleagues and politicians. A member of the Christian Peacemaker Teams told Sky News:
"It's amazing to hear this news. We lost hope for awhile after Tom's death so it's a big relief.

"I shall be giving Norman a big hug when I see him."

The Rev Alan Betteridge, friend of Mr Kember:
"We are immensely relieved and thankful, especially after the death of Tom Fox, which made us very fearful.

"We have been praying for them every day."

Pat Gaffney, general secretary of Pax Christi, told Sky News:
"The people of Iraq are daily going through the same kind of turmoil that we are going through and really the work of bringing peace to Iraq will have to go on."

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw:
"I am delighted that we have a happy ending for the hostages. His wife is absolutely elated with the news."

Chris Cole, director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, where Mr Kember is a trustee:
"We are obviously delighted to have Norman, James Loney and Harmeet Sooden free.

"It is what we have been hoping and praying for for months but at the same time we continue to mourn Tom Fox and to continue to think of his friends and family.

"We also continue to mourn all the lives lost in this dreadful war."

Ihtisham Hibatullah, of the Muslim Association of Britain:
"The hostage takers were ruthless and did not heed this call. Now we all feel that this should be the last time in Iraq that anyone should be taken and put through this kind of trauma."

Speaking to Sky News, he said Mr Kember was a "true friend of Iraqis" who had worked for peace.

Prime Minister Tony Blair, in a 10 Downing Street statement:
"The Prime Minister is delighted by the news. He is particularly pleased for those released and their families.

"He congratulates everyone involved in the operation to rescue the hostages."


great news

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Postby dawson99 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:48 am

great news. lives just down the road from me in pinner.

its ncie to ehar some good news every now and then. nice one judge :)
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Postby The Ace1983 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:49 am

Nice to hear. It's always good to get a bit of news like this when we're being bombarded by the doom and gloom mongers the rest of the time. :)
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Postby JBG » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:01 pm

Damn, I thought you were talking about my bingo machine Norm that was cold heartedly apprehended by taff, woof and Simic.

Where the hell is Simic these days anyway?
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Postby drummerphil » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:34 pm

well chuffed actually especially when he appeared on tv in "the orange jumpsuit"...was expecting a Ken Bigley situation to happen.
Apparantly the SAS were involved in a big way in getting him out.
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Postby The Red Baron » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:59 pm

Great news.Abig pat on the back for all involved in his rescue.While Iam delighted this man is free its a shame men/women have to put there life on the line to get him out.He is old enough to have more sense,than to go swanning around a war zone thinking he is going to change the situation.
  If you are to blame for a traffic accident you have to pay for emergency services
[through your insurance.]Lets see the government, give the charity/church whoever he is connected to the bill for the military operation.This might stop a few of these idiots hopping on a flight to Baghdad international.
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Postby JBG » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:17 pm

Maybe somebody can release the other 200,000 Western hostages snared in that quagmire. :D
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Postby Big Niall » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:21 pm

JBG wrote:Maybe somebody can release the other 200,000 Western hostages snared in that quagmire. :D

and the millions of iraqis from the US/British created quagmire :p
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