
Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri May 07, 2004 10:56 am

f##k, i didnt ecpext such a long answer but well done,its well thought out. but stu it doesnt change my opinion. at the moment we are a very poor excuse for a team and are being led by a man who is tactically naive. one fantastic example is playing biscan and centreback when carra could have done the job more successfully, we have players who could have slotted in at left back who are used to playing there (Riise).

None of us are football managers, and none of us are pro footballers so maybe we dont have a right to criticise, but as a supporter who went to his first game in 1973, i am allowed an opinion, i also feel i know a bit about the game, i know i would not play players out of position to such a detriment to the team.

every team has blips and bad times? ???  maybe the a#se will loose their last two games, that will be some blip. the fact is not all teams go through bad patches in a season.

Stu I am a big fan and have always defended the club through every criticism, throughout my life i wouldnt hear a bad word, i even defendeded the bad players but now i cant do that anymore. im so frustrated the way things are, and no matter what you say (and you do raise a lot of valid points) i can only see one way forward and that is a change of management.

Yes we are fourth now, and maybe at the end of the season we will be as well, but the fact that we are so far behind third place speaks volumes, and like i said at the start of this forum, we are there because we cant win games, and the reason we cant win games is because of the tactics employed. FACT

Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri May 07, 2004 11:18 am

I'm a qualified football coach and was offered a contract of year on 150 pounds a week to play for wallsall reserves which i had to turn down due to medical reasons and the fact that i couldn't live of that sort of money.

so there :p lol

On a serious note....

every team has blips and bad times?  maybe the a#se will loose their last two games, that will be some blip. the fact is not all teams go through bad patches in a season.

Arsenal had a blip. Out of the CL, out of the FA cup. They are the countries best at the moment though and get out of them easily.

Next season they will not go all of it unbeaten. I will put my house on it. It will be different next season peewee... trust me, trust Gerard. :)

He won't let us down again, he's done it once.

If we show the same patience we did when he first took over and let him get on with it again i am sure he'll take us back to AT LEAST were we where a few seasons ago. Don't forget we've got Stevie now and he's fully developed. That will give us the edge we need.

Postby Scottbot » Fri May 07, 2004 12:14 pm

One question Stu - Hand on heart. Do you beleive we will win the league under Houllier? Not interested in him getting us back to where we were. Can he win it? Yes or no.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri May 07, 2004 6:09 pm

No i'm not sure.

But i believe he would do better than any of the available candidates.

I think there is a good chance over the next two or three we will.

Postby adayinthelife » Fri May 07, 2004 8:04 pm

Last season we had great start and yet houllier managed to finish 5th so how he can win the league is beyond me.
We still dont have a recognised right winger at the club anywhere near good enough and this is 6 years on from houllier being appointed.
What a manager he is stu and yet you fail to see how many times he mysteriously plays players woefully out of position time and time again.
Last season how many times was poor heskey put out on the left wing?
We have had diao a few times played centre half and even worse perservered with biscan there when he is never gonna be good enough and is just a liability.
He fails to realise his mistakes and therefore never learns from them as he still has players all over the place and they never look confident enough to express themselves in such a stifling formation and the lack of width and ideas is painful to watch.
He has had 6 years to build a squad and yet a few injuries and we are left with what exactly???
He is so scared of conceding goals and i believe his fear is transmitted to the players as they never attack as a unit which is never gonna make us a force again.
Smith to Shankly:My thigh is a bit sore,but I think I could play.
Shankly to Fagan:Tell him,Joe.He has got no chance of playing.
Smith to Fagan:Tell him to sod off.It is not his leg,it's mine.
Shankly to Smith:Oh no son.You are wrong,son.It is not your leg.
It is Liverpool Football Club's leg.
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