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Postby bigmick » Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:53 am

solja_slim wrote:
jonnymac1979 wrote:Mudface, I mean solja or whatever you are today.

Diouf was always a cock.  He was a fucking leech on £40,000 a week and he didn't earn one penny of it.  Even your hero Houllier admitted as much.

So fuck defending him.  And Cisse while you're at it.  He was only top scorer in the French league because it's shit.  The standard of football there is poor. 

Biting yet?

I am not mudface you dimwit :p

As much as you will disagree,diouf has played well for Bolton,he is happy there and Bolton are happy to pay the 40k for his services.
Am not saying he should not have been sold,just that the timing,circumstances and eventually the price paid for him were disappointing.
Rafa should not have sold him to Bolton but let him play until January(he had hit a good run of form) for more than what Bolton eventually paid.

Same applies to baros,smicer and biscan.
We could have got more money from these player...all played part in the CL win!

We now have the same situation with Dudek and Cisse.
Dudek will probably go for less than 3m whilst he is certainly better than Reina whom we paid 8m for.

As for cisse,if we get more than 8m for him,then we will be lucky.Not that he's not worth more,just that he has not been given a chance to prove himself.

Puroresu has answerd your french league diss.

And lastly,as a mod you set yourself as an example by not using curse words and showing users how to get around the filtering software.Shame on you!
But then i guese  you are broke and bitter...Punk :laugh:

Oh dear oh dear. There's absolutely no point whatsoever answering the points about football as I can't believe the guy who wrote them intends them as anything other than a wind-up (Dudek better than Reina  :D  :D ). Probably Jerzy himself doesn't even believe that but there you go.
Once more we find ourselves in the situation with a mystery poster and I can hardly contain myself wondering who it is. Can't we just fast-forward to the inevitable bit where this fella says, "Hi the name you all knew me by was actually .........". He can pat himself on the back for fooling us all into thinking he was a genuine, if absolutely clueless member of the forum.
I tell you, that Mudface guy certainly had me fooled. Theres me thinking the guy was just an idiot who didn't have the first clue about football, then it turns out he's just an idiot who's pretending he doesn't know anything about football. You could've knocked me down with a feather I can tel you.
The irony was of course that in actual fact he doesn't know anything about football, so therefore could've just saved himself the trouble of pretending to be an idiot and just been himself. Stll, thats life I suppose.
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Postby puroresu » Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:51 am

jonnymac1979 wrote:Mudface, I mean solja or whatever you are today.

Diouf was always a cock.  He was a fucking leech on £40,000 a week and he didn't earn one penny of it.  Even your hero Houllier admitted as much.

So fuck defending him.  And Cisse while you're at it.  He was only top scorer in the French league because it's shit.  The standard of football there is poor. 

Biting yet?

What do you think of Dirk Kuyt?  Would you want Liverpool not to buy him as he plays in Holland (not as strong as the French League).
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Postby redmikey » Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:27 am

big mick. i don't why they bother mate.

i don't go on other clubs sites spouting turd comments everywhere ! 

lads go to the pub or go and ask your mum if you can go out for a while and make a friend :p

dudek better than reina........ no

doiuf any good.................... no

baros worth more.................maybe just after the euro's but no

anymore ............................. mudface you were a total tw@t if your still here :p
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Postby 115-1139928290 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:42 pm

in my books dudek is better than reina far much better.
The only reason he aint playing is coz he aint spanish.You know that and i know thats also why cisse aint playing.

And dude,dudek was the hero in our Champions League win in Instanbul... thats why we will be an LFC folk hero forever! :)

And lastly i aint a badgeman,but a fan with both eyes wide open :O

Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:59 pm

On his day Dudek could have been the best keeper in the world....

... Now here is the problem... his "day" didnt happen very often.  I love Dudek for his brilliant display, not only in the champions league, but his forst season at Liverpool, but I can honestly say I have never seen a top class keeper being beaten at his near post as often as Dudek was.

Reina appears to be the best keeper we have had since Brucie, but time will tell
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:20 pm

solja_slim wrote:The only reason he aint playing is coz he aint spanish.

Next December if I'm still :censored: posting on this board, this is going in my 2006 review of "Funniest Thing You've Read This Year" in the forum awards.

Postby jonnymac1979 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:21 pm

solja_slim wrote:And lastly,as a mod you set yourself as an example by not using curse words and showing users how to get around the filtering software.Shame on you!
But then i guese  you are broke and bitter...Punk :laugh:

Solja Mudface

Blah, blah, big fucking blah.  Mod this, mod that, who cares what example I set to people you waste of space?  I'm here to enjoy the views of the members, and offer mine, not act like a fucking headmaster.  Moderating should come second, it does come second, so I'll swear all I want, when I want.  And when there's trouble on here, I'll deal with it.  Over the last few weeks, I've spent more time moderating than posting and it's a fucking chore when people like yourself come on here thinking they're clever and then you spend your first ten posts chatting about Mudface (a trouble causing clueless internet wanker if ever there was one) drawing masturbatory attention to yourself to get yourself noticed and then continuing to defend the idiot subsequently and post the same views as him.  Then get yourself involved in a slanging match with me, the moderator who banned Mudface.

All to co-incidental for me and if you're here to wind me up, you wont win.  I five-star guarantee it my friend.  You're on thin ice already, and you have been since your first post.  I can’t prove you are Mudface, but you can’t prove you’re not by the same token.

Thought you said you were only going to read the posts and not post anyway?  Weird that you've got exactly the same points of view as Mudface isn't it, down to loving all things Houllier, you defend Cisse when he is clearly shit, you fail to understand why he will be sold when the dust of this season has settled and a replacement is found, you think he is not getting a chance because he is French and you always end posts with the word discuss like this.


You're entitled to your opinion I suppose, but I'm entitled to say they're s*i*e. 

Dudek better than Reina? 

Course he is.

Not even worth arguing with you I can see already.

As far as the other guy who said something about Dirk Kuyt, I can't say I've seen much of him except for one game I watched in the early hours on telly a few weeks ago and he didn't really do anything.  I know we keep getting linked with him but I can't really comment.  Sorry for not actually travelling over to Holland though.  I know I should have seen him in the flesh to pass my judgment, I'll get onto Ryanair and book the flights and tickets now. 

I can see where you might think that I think Cisse is shit because the defences he faced in France were shit from my earlier post.  That's fair enough but not telling the whole story.  I’m not saying that Kuyt is shit because he comes from the Dutch league.  That’s a pathetic argument.  I admit it, I haven’t seen Kuyt play.  Or know enough about the quality of the Dutch league.  What I do now about the Dutch league is all of the best players seem to start with one from PSV, Feyenoord or Ajax before moving on though, so it might paint a picture that there are only a couple of strong sides in that league with players who will eventually play for the full Netherlands side. 

Of course though, Lyon have won the league the last 100 years in a row in France…….

Auxerre were a counter attacking side who used Cisses pace and played the ball in behind the defenders when they were still pushed up high.  A deep defence can play against Cisse all day because his movement is poor and his failure to stay onside early in his career with us was an insult to the offside law.  Plus, he is just a poor technical player who lacks the brain to time his runs correctly and see what is going on around him.  His weight of pass is poor, his link up play at best is poor.  I just don’t think he is a ‘footballer’.  He’s got a decent cross surprisingly though and is probably why he gets used on the right more than a central striking role.

There is an argument there that Houllier probably would have got goals out of him but if in some alternate world where it meant having a scoring Cisse and keeping Houllier as manager or taking, simply put, what we've got now, a useless Cisse under the best manager in the world, a boss who tinkers tactics four or five times in ONE GAME depending on the situation the team are faced with, there's no choice for me.  Cisse was Houllier's last mistake.  He was decent in the French league and I'm sure he could be successful in a team which played to his strengths, i.e. his pace and running into space behind defences.  This isn't going to happen under Benitez though.  We don’t play counter attack 100% of the time any more.  Houlliers Liverpool sides soaked up pressure and exploited THEIR weaknesses at the back, when they left little cover.  Owen started murmuring though during his last season that he wanted a change of tactics if you remember.  He was getting isolated up front as it all started falling apart and teams had worked out how to beat us.  Even Linvoy Primus bullied Owen in Houllier’s last season, if you recall the FA Cup games against Portsmouth.  Teams had worked us out.  Yet Houllier still bought Cisse.

I think it's too late for Cisse at Liverpool, and to be honest, there are far better strikers out there and I would rather we cut our losses on him and be done with it.

Also what doesn’t tell the full story is that we always seemed to sign players from the French league who were for want of a better word – woeful.  When anyone else signed them, Arsenal, Real Madrid… anyone, they won all the biggest trophies in the game, including World Cups, European Championships and Champions Leagues.  What the fuck was Houllier on when he signed all the French players, or players from the French league?  Cisse is included in this argument.  He was vastly overpriced, overrated and it says a lot that in the three years we were pursuing Cisse, none of the other big clubs in Europe even tried to hijack the transfer.  He was a mistake, no more, no less and at best a gamble that hasn’t paid off.  Top scorer in the French league my arse.  I could score goals in the French league.

For what it's worth, if Jermaine Defoe was available or as I've said before Michael Owen, I'd bite your hand off.  This two players I have seen enough of to comment on all day and I think they're easily good enough to play for Liverpool (I shouldn't even have to say that about Michael Owen as even that should be obvious to Mudface, or would you like a reminder about how many goals he scored for us.....?).  Djibril Cisse couldn't tie Owen's boots and although Defoe hasn't got Cisse's speed, he's still got bags of pace and acceleration compared to most Premier League strikers and has more skill, awareness and movement in his little toe than Cisse has in his entire body.  Plus he's a better finisher than Cisse. 

Cisse is welcome to his terrifying speed, It’s about all he’s got.  For all the goals I’ve seen him score for us in his time, I’ve seen him take one opportunists goal (on his debut at White Hart Lane) and one goal of real quality at Goodison Park in December when he finished like the great Thierry Henry himself.  Other than that, they have all been directionless, powerful, lucky drives in my opinion, from in-direct free kicks, one volley from a corner or penalties.  If anyone else wants to remind me of any goals I have forgotten, where Cisse has looked a talented goalscorer for Liverpool or France, NOT AUXERRE, feel free to criticise me.

Unless some kind of Harry Kewell redemption happens to Cisse, (Kewell has been fantastic since he came back into the side and is getting better and better with each passing game….) I’m sticking with this opinion of him.

Postby woof woof ! » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:25 pm

solja_slim wrote:in my books dudek is better than reina far much better.

:laugh:  What book is that ? . " The Braille Readers Guide to Football " ?

:laugh:   :laugh:   :laugh:

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Postby bigmick » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:31 pm

A top post that John. Love the bit about posting coming first and moderation second. This fella opinions are so out there I just can't take him seriously and I think you're been quite reserved in your dealings with him.
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Postby redmikey » Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:09 pm

cracking post jonnymac1979.

can't see where he is coming from if it isn't mudface or another wind up merchant.

you never speak to real LFC fans who share views like that.

we are all entitle to a point of view but usually anyone who watches the boys will sing from roughly the same song sheet.( i don't include glory hunters in that as our dip in form showed on here, some complete b@llocks was posted)

we all want the club to go foward with better players, playing well under a good manager.

so that writes off all mudface wanna be. posts

could never see the point of saying things just to get a reation from true fans
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