Words from anfield - Momo and cisse

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Postby welsh wizzard » Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:19 pm

I believe this, I think rafa is not playing cisse as well because he is afraid of him picking up an injury and scuppering any decent money for him in the summer, Rafa prob wants a good 10m for him in the summer so he can bring a good pro in who can score goals.  :bowdown
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Postby 7_Kewell » Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:24 pm

It all sounds plausible.  It's obvious Cisse isn't rated by Rafa and, regardless of what he thinks, he has been given his chance but he's blown it.  He's not good enough.  As for Momo, i hope that is true and he will be back 100% fit next season.
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Postby the_red_alonso » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:43 pm

Poor Cisse,it feels bad when a player comes in & a lot of expectations are shouldered on him and then he just cant deliver the goods or just does not suit into the manager's plans.
I feel sorry for Cisse,he loves Liverpool ,was very excited when he came here & wanted to score loads of goals.
But everything turned back on him,its sure he's going out.
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Postby davo_LFC » Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:15 pm

cisse has lost his place in the france squad so he will be pi.ssed off to say the least but at the end of the day rafa just doesnt trust the lad and why would he? He has blistering pace yet he doesnt use it, when hes on for them last 10 minutes and the opponents defenders are fu.cked he should exploit this but instead he runs round like a headless chicken. If he had even an ounce of movement he might be more effective but as it is he just waits for the ball to drop on his big toe before he aimlessley tw.ats it at the goal hoping for the best. Now i hope he is given a little run of game just to give him one last chance, but he is already gone in the summer. We cant afford to carry players like him and nando, now at least nando has some footballing capability but neither of them are worthy of a first place in the liverpool 11 and next season if we want to challenge we cant carry players like them, simple as. Cisse musnt be doing the business in training either, benitez isnt stupid, he knows a player when he sees one...TBH i think if nando bags just one goal then he will start to score a few more, like he did just before chrimbo when he scored against anderlect and a few followed after. Perhaps this is what rafa is thinking?
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Postby Red Red Tom » Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:58 pm

What you say about Momo is good, but surely good news would have been publically released by the club?  Fans are still desperetly hoping that he'll be okay - and if the club knew anything concrete wouldn't they reassure us?

Anyway, thanks for the info - big relief on the Momo front and I can't say I'm suprised about Cisse.

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Postby Rafa D » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:41 pm

Thanks J-Mac and Bigmick(two of the most respected posters on the forum), I put this up for others to know the info , I knew some wouldnt believe me but some would. Now I am on friendly terms with this fella, I will try to get more info from him, I do earlies once every 3 weeks and thats when I bump into him. I am on earlies all this week so see what i can get, Cheers
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Postby JC_81 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:55 pm

Think the original post sounds pretty believable to be honest, BigMick sums it up well as usual.

As for a few saying Cisse's price might go up if he has a good World Cup, at this rate he'll be nowhere near the French team by the time the world cup comes around.  He'll definitely be offloaded in the summer imo, but whatever way we look at it we're going to have to take a massive loss on him.  In fact we'll struggle to get as much as the 7 million we got for Baros.

Knowing a bit about the type of injury Momo got though, there is no way that it can be said his eye will make a full recovery, it's just too early to say.  I hope to god he does, because he has massive potential for us and from the point of view of the lad himself, it would be tragic to have his career ended at 21.  We'll just have to wait and see with that one.
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Postby redmikey » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:07 pm

both bits of good news if they are right, and there should be no reason why they aren't unless the poster is just daft.

keep plugging the tea lady for info as the more you get right the less people will doubt you.
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Postby stmichael » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:11 pm

At the end of the day, it's no surprise that Cisse is probably on his way out in the summer. For example, look at how Crouch reacted when he was subbed yesterday. If that was Cisse he would have stopped in his tracks and put on his "I'm the greatest and should never ever be substituted face". No wonder Rafa supposedly doesn't like him.
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Postby teamleader1 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:14 pm

A guarded but  good long term forcast about Momos sight was released last week by the club, so I have no problem in believing he will make a full recovery,

As for Cisse, I think its hard to believe that he is not fully aware of his situation, these things happen in football, he will move on, and good luck to him,
Im not sure he would show the same attitude as Smicer who played his heart out for the club after he was told there was no place for him,and left us with great memories in the greatest game in our history,

I think Cisse is throwing his dummy out, and thats the reason Rafa is hardly using him,
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Postby tubby » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:23 pm

By the way i nicked this article but its intereting so i though id share :D

After yesterday's match, Rafa said: "I left Morientes on because I wanted to see him score. It is important for his confidence and I think he and Crouch play well together."

Sorry boss but I have issues with that because I want to see Cisse score and I also want to see his confidence given a lift.

Before the match the boss the boss had spoken about wanting to see Cisse improve his form - but how he can do this from the bench I'll never know.

Rumours of Cisse having a bad attitude are just an internet myth. Ask Steven Gerrard if he thinks Cisse is a muppet? A character he is, a loser he isn't.

So he waves his arms in the air and has a face on every now and then, this is because he's a winner. If that's his crime, then sentence him but get off his case.

The French striker may not be the best trainer in the world but nobody can question his determination to want to succeed at Anfield.

You'd think Cisse was a Scouser. He loves the club. He loves the area. He wants to play for Liverpool and not just any club that will pay him a wage.

He also spends a lot of his spare time watching the kids play in his local village and speaking to kids at the Liverpool academy - he has the potential to be a great ambassador for the club but sadly the club want rid of him.

Some of the comments I have read about Cisse are unfair. For some reason, if you put Cisse down you are deemed to know what you are talking about. Sadly some people don't have the guts to speak out against those who are a little overpowering.

If you visit the forums of fans sites like this you will see that for some perverted reason, that some 'fans' like to get stuck into Cisse. Criticism is fine by me, especially when it is warranted, but for some reason, Cisse has become an easy target. Why is this? Because he's our record signing? Because Ged signed him?

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For me, Cisse is a European Cup winner. I'll never forget the penalty he scored in Istanbul, just like I won't forget about the other contributors including Milan Baros that was shipped off. Any player that contributed to that historic event should deserve a little more respect than your average Joe.

But just because Cisse scored a penalty - which a £14million striker should be able to do - and just because he has a natter with some kids that nobody else is really that interested in - doesn't give him any right to play in the side. Oh no. I'm definitely not saying that.

What I am saying is that when Fernando Morientes and other strikers are failing to deliver, then why the hell should Cisse not be given a decent run in the side. I firmly believe that a striker needs a decent run in the side to bed in. I think this is an area that shouldn't be rotated as much as other positions.

When Cisse returned from that horrific injury, I became frustrated at his tendency to be caught in an offside position and also his lack of defensive duties. But I believe he has improved in these areas.

I have absolutely nothing against Fernando Morientes. When we signed him I was buzzing. The last time I was that excited was probably when we signed Markus Babbel because back then, Babbel was the man and we landed his signature. That to me was a massive signing but the signing of Morientes, the Real Madrid hitman was much more exciting.

But Morientes is not delivering. I also believe that he's not making a great contribution to the rest of the team unlike Crouch for example who was superb yesterday.

Stick Morientes on the bench and make him watch twenty consecutive games that Cisse starts. Cisse has a point to prove - as a striker and not a winger I may add - but sadly, his face doesn't fit and Rafa wants shot of him.

I believe that those above Rafa see Cisse as a possible cash generator in terms of his sell on fee. But keeping him on the bench will see that fee decrease and decrease.

You don't become a rubbish player overnight. The likes of Morientes and Cisse have to adapt to a new country and a new style of football. Morientes is far more experienced and older so I would have expected him to cope with it where as Cisse was plucked from Auxerre at a much younger age. Not only that but he sustained and battled a career threatening injury.

In the interests of fairness I believe Morientes has had a decent chance now so come on Rafa, give Cisse a decent run. You say you want him to improve his form, well he can't do that from the bench.

Liverpool have let in one more goal than Chelsea in the league but they've scored 21 more goals than us. When you look at the stats, Cisse is the club's leading scorer from the strikers. He's scored double what Morientes has achieved this season and he's played a lot less yet he still isn't used.

It's no good giving him 5 minutes here and a start there. Like Morientes, he needs an arm round him and a show of confidence. It's not working with Morientes so switch things up.

Now I'm not saying that Cisse is the answer. I'm not saying that Cisse is the new Ian Rush. I'm not saying that Cisse is the best thing since sliced bread.

What I am saying is that Cisse deserves a bloody game, even if it's just to keep his valuation up for when they decide to cash in.

I put a poll on the site last night asking who you would pick between Morientes and Cisse if you had to choose one of them and so far, 66% have voted in favour of Cisse. I thought I'd be amongst the minority but it would seem that I'm not.

I don't want to hear about Cisse's miss at Old Trafford. I'll put that down to a lack of confidence and sharpness. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to nail him to the goalposts just like the next Red but right now, looking at the present form of our strikers, I'd give Djibs a regular starting berth.

If you haven't voted yet, you can do so here -->>

Take a look at these links for a reminder of what Cisse can do:


www.djib-cisse.com (Watch the intro but make sure you're speakers are on first!)

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Postby welsh wizzard » Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:33 pm

Good post that Bav, but only knows why he isn't getting a proper chance. Only Rafa can answer that, but i think he will keep his cards close to his chest, Rafa is desperate for morro to get a goal and will keep playing him as he believes in him, he was his signing after all, cisse wasn't so that could have something to do with it. But i do think that Rafa has lost all patience with cisse as he gives him instructions and he doesn't carry them out and he plays as an individual not as a team player. But hey who knows.........
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Postby addicted norwegian » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:04 pm

I have got my fingers crossed, hoping to see Momo on the pitch again soon. When it comes to Cissè I have no troubles what so ever with believing the "rumours" of his departure during the next transfer window. I won`t be surprised if he will have success in future clubs, but I feel confident that he will never play a vital part at Anfield.

I remember reading an interview last summer where he claims to run faster and jump higher than any of his teammates. I can buy that one, even if I have a hard time believing that he is as pacy as Henry (as he claimed to be), but his total lack of tactical skills has to be a major pain in the :censored: for Benitez. Rafa will bring silverware to Anfield again by managing the team according to strict tactical "guidlines". Cissè, despite his proven qualities, seems unable to adapt to these guidlines: he was caught off side two times in about 30 secs a few matches ago ffs, and he seems totally unpredictable when it comes to where and when to run. The unpredictable aspect is off course a good thing when considering him giving the defenders a hard time, but it has to be frustrating for the likes of Alonso and Gerrard, as they can`t possibly know how to reach him with their passes
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Postby Rafa D » Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:46 pm

got some big news but waiting to speak to jonny mac.
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Postby 65-1140560321 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:29 pm

With morientes not scoring at all, its an insult to Cisse to then not play him. It's obvious Rafa doesnt fancy him. Ever game Moro hasnt scored cisse must be thinking "told you so Rafa" as they walk off.

I can only imagine what his attitude is on the training ground, judging by when he gets subbed.

My bet is, we'll get less than 8m for him, and likely destination will be france. I cant see anyone else wanting him.(unless its bolton or charlton etc).

Although he's only had 1 proper season. thats all that pellegrino, Josemi, Biscan, Smicer got! and Murphy didnt even get 0.01 % of a season before rafa showed him the door.

I think the problem of us not scoring will definately be addressed in the summer.


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