Words from anfield - Momo and cisse

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Rafa D » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:00 am

Hi All,

   I know many of you will just call me a bull$hitter when I tell you the following information. And I cant blame you, but my posts have always been truthful and I am not a bull$hitter.

Anyways I work in a certain railway station in Liverpool, only a quiet one on the outskirts. I have a regular passenger who comes through here of a morning who works for Liverpool , I can't mention his job because I dont want to get him/her into trouble. I know the person works for Liverpool but don't normally ask as it would be rude.

  However this morning, he seen my paper and the conversation developed. I enquired about Momo and he told me that Momo is fine, he wont play until next season as Benitez does not want to risk him( he is meant to be one of our best performers on the training pitch), he could play within a few weeks but he will not be risked. He is going to recover 100%.

  Also I asked what he thought about Cisse, he told me the back room staff had given up on him, many backroom staff dont like the lad and theres a lot going on behind the scenes. He is definetly gone in the summer. That has been made clear to him already. (which I think is a bit harsh).

  Anyway just thought I would share this information, a lot will call me a rumour merchant but its not. Will try to get more out of him each day.
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Postby RedWolf35 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:57 am

I for one believe you ....

why the other day I went out in the garden and found all my gnomes engaging in a rendition of New York, New York while juggling smarties


Seriously do you think that even if that was the case we would tell Cisse now and risk him not performing at all if needed ?????
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Postby Rafa D » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:13 am

Dont shoot the messenger, I cant tell you this persons job but it is not glamourous, but he would get this info. I know people wont believe me but others will. I don't :censored: , this is what they said.

And also this would explain Cisses terrible performances.
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:46 am

No reason not to believe you.  Keep us informed when you find out more stuff.

Postby woof woof ! » Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:53 am

Rafa-Dodd wrote:And also this would explain Cisses terrible performances.

Yeah , of course it would . Cisse is obviously thinking ......."World Cup coming up , Liverpool want to get rid of me , hmmmmmm , I know, I'll play a sh'it as possible so I can get dropped by France and no club will make Liverpool an offer for me "   


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Postby bigmick » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:04 am

It's all totally believeable to me. Infact Cisse would have to be some kind of numpty to believe that Rafa really rates him wouldn't he? So I guess it would hardly be the biggest shock in the World to him to be told that is the case.
Lets see, you're supposed to be a goalscorer and the team you have a contract with can't buy a goal from their strikers. Up top they play a fella whom many believe is way past his peak and never looks like scoring while leaving you to stew on the bench. On the odd occasion that you get a run-out, it's for ten minutes and down the right-wing. Now lets see (Micky rubs his chin) do you think they rate me or not?

Cisse probably feels that he deserves a chance. he probably feels a little victimised and that some players recieve favouritism from the management. He probably feels that he could have scored more goals than some of the guys frequently selected ahead of him. In short, he probably doesn't believe he has been given a fair go. The worst part about it is of course that he is right.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:14 am

bigmick wrote:It's all totally believeable to me. Infact Cisse would have to be some kind of numpty to believe that Rafa really rates him wouldn't he? So I guess it would hardly be the biggest shock in the World to him to be told that is the case.
Lets see, you're supposed to be a goalscorer and the team you have a contract with can't buy a goal from their strikers. Up top they play a fella whom many believe is way past his peak and never looks like scoring while leaving you to stew on the bench. On the odd occasion that you get a run-out, it's for ten minutes and down the right-wing. Now lets see (Micky rubs his chin) do you think they rate me or not?

Cisse probably feels that he deserves a chance. he probably feels a little victimised and that some players recieve favouritism from the management. He probably feels that he could have scored more goals than some of the guys frequently selected ahead of him. In short, he probably doesn't believe he has been given a fair go. The worst part about it is of course that he is right.

Great post Mick spot on.
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Postby tubby » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:52 am

Obviously Cisse wants to play but hes not going to get a good transfer unless he shows himself a bit more by scoring goals when hes o. So i think Rafa will use him quite a bit still, not only to give Cisse a chance to win back his world cup place as well as attract a new club for him but also to help us as give the other strikers a rest.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:55 am

whats that smell.....

......[sniff sniff]........

.....smells like.........


el torro poo poo  (as they say in spain)
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Postby tubby » Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:56 am

Lee J wrote:whats that smell.....

......[sniff sniff]........

.....smells like.........


el torro poo poo  (as they say in spain)


not quite with you there mate
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Postby tubby » Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:00 pm

Why would he want to lie, unless hes just knob. Its not like hes saying were singning someone....unless......

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Postby puroresu » Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:58 pm

I dont think Cisse will leave unless he believes its the right club.  No way will he go to anyone who agrees to pay the price Liverpool may want.

Its frustrating to see Rafa give Morientes so many chances and then say "I kept him on in the hope he will score".  Thats not the right attitude to have.  Nando has not had any more impact on the side than Cisse has and at least with Cisse we actually turn defenders around.

What must worry Cisse is his World Cup place.  He must be v worried that he wont be going as his not getting enough games.  He must see Morientes and crouch get 5/6 games on the trot and wonder "Why have I never been given this chance"?
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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:08 pm

I think Liverpool are thinking, Cisse may have a half decent World Cup (he always seems to score for France) therefore his price will rise. (higher than he is currently worth, anyway... £8 or 9 million??) I believe this is the reason he was not sold in January. 

But.. he's a gonner!
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Postby Gaunt » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:10 pm

I believe yah mate, sounds ok to me to what you said. If you find out anything else keep us informed.  :)
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Postby neil » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:37 pm

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