Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby andy_g » Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:22 pm

Anfield rapper wrote:
Feeney wrote:
Anfield rapper wrote:
KOP-1892 wrote:
Anfield rapper wrote:I personally couldn't give a :censored:. about Smith cos i know what sort of player he is and he's had this coming. That was pretty easy to be honest, they threw every attacking player they had at us and the only chance they had was Giggs shot over the bar. That felt really good. We were denied a penalty by a ref who was trying his best to give the s.c.u.m an advantage but luckily it didn't matter and the best team won. My man of the match would be Hamman.


Mate, no harm but that's sad. It doesn't matter who it is, no one want's to see injuries like that.

yeah actually thinking about i'm sure the scum would have given there condolences and wouldn't have gloated about it at all if this had happened to one of our lads.

Ever had a serious injury lad? Ever seen searing pain etched on someones face when a person is trying to help them get on a strecher? Ever heard a grown man scream in pain from an innocent challenge?

Don't be stupid. I wouldn't care if it was Neville, there's no way i'd wish an injury like that on anyone.

When was the last time we seen Smith acting like an ar$ehole ? He's a good player and I hope he's able to recover fully.

While i was happy our crowd cheered him off, I wasn't too pleased with the Riise song modified to 'broke his leg' - out of order IMO - we're better than that as supporters and it's idiotic comments like these that make me shake my head  :no

Your entitled to your opinion of course but i have seen pain on the faces of many a player who has come off worse from one of his 'challanges'. Its not that i wanted something like this to happen, i just don't give a :censored: that it has happened.

i don't mean to flame you, anfield rapper but i think your comments are out of line. and i can't think of any time when any player has come off worse than that from one of smiths tackles. he has a broken leg AND a dislocated ankle FFS. smith has never been a dirty player, he gets stuck in and plays a tough game but he's no vinnie jones, ir even michael essien for that matter. he's a professional sportsman and deserves the respect and best wishes that the majority of decent and dignified liverpool fans gave him when he left the field. i hope he makes a fast and full recovery.

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Postby drummerphil » Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:27 pm

cant believe that idiot fergusons comments after the game......."i thought we controlled the second half and we didnt get any luck".....

can someone explain which game he was watching because it certainly wasn't todays....
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Postby adamnbarrett » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:22 pm

drummerphil wrote:
Homebooby wrote:
drummerphil wrote:The police are looking for the bloke who was in possession of a deadly cheeseburger.The ref reported the incident when Gary Neville nearly had his head taken off by the bap with its meaty middle.................the police will look at video tapes of the incident to see if they can ketch up with the guy responsible..............

Neville was reported to have quoted after "i'm lucky to be alive,it looked to be undercooked and abit watery".............:D


to be honest i wish he had slipped on it.........cant  stand the runt........

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Postby adamnbarrett » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:27 pm

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Postby adamnbarrett » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:28 pm

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Postby Dalglish » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:51 pm

The consensus of opinion that the balance of power in the North West is shifting inexuriably towards the Merseyside quarter gained more credence today as Liverpool FC beat arch rivals Manchester United in the FA Cup and march on into the Quarter Finals of the world's greatest knock out club competition.

It's not difficult to share that view as Liverpool are still contesting the Champions League, FA Cup and the runners up spot in the Prem (there , I've conceded the title in Feb ! ) whilst Man U must satisfy themselves with an attempt to land the Carling Cup to salvage their sorry season, a cup they incisentally famously parodied as the Mickey Mouse Cup only a couple opf seasons ago albeit only in the days after being beaten by Liverpool. :D

I took my usual seat on the KOP today and saw as good a first half performance as I have all season. LFC dominated the first 45 mins and were unlucky to go in only 1-0 to the good. Finnon's volleyed miss and Gigg's misjudged penalty foul on Kewell were just two instances where you sensed LFC could have gained an advantage over and above the solitary goal.

The Mancs came out second half with a tad more intent but lacked the ability to break us down and a famous victory beckoned and was welcomed on the KOP.

As an aside only those with the hardest of hearts would wish an injury of such obvious pain and magnitude as that suffered by Alan Smith. I wish the lad well and a speedy recovery and anybody wishing him any different needs to take a long hard look at themselves. This is Liverpool Football Club and we do things a bit differently here..........

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Postby Dalglish » Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:19 pm

I digress a little but I took the Wife to her first ever game on Saturday and she didn't disappoint as she sported a LFC top for the occasion and looked more radiant as usual but then again I might just have got caught up in the emotion of it all !!!!!!

Anyway turns out she loved it and revelled in the atmosphere throughout. I was a tad worried when she expressed sympathy at the amount of stick Gary Neville was getting but all was forgiven at the final whistle when she joined in with the rest of the KOP as we sang  "Always Look On The bright Side of Life" ! :D  :D :D :D
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Postby MaccaLFC » Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:28 pm

drummerphil wrote:cant believe that idiot fergusons comments after the game......."i thought we controlled the second half and we didnt get any luck".....

can someone explain which game he was watching because it certainly wasn't todays....

He's a tw@, Webb gave Utd absolutely everything 2nd half, all ebcause that no.bhead put pressure on him before kick off.

1-0, stick that up yer :censored: Fergie.
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Postby Woollyback » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:21 am

i wasn't lucky enough to be there today so had to settle for watching it down the boozer, can anyone who was there confirm what i think i heard was resounding applause from the whole of anfield for alan smith when he was stretchered off? there are plenty of other clubs' fans who wouldn't do that for a player from their arch rivals, just going to show that The Liverpool Way is still there
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:34 am

Circumstances have dictated that I have had to give up tickets for both the Arsenal game on Tuesday and the Manchester United game today.  It couldn't have been West Bromwich Albion and Portsmouth could it?  It had to be these two teams.  The fixtures throw up situations like that, but I can't complain, I have been to more games this season than I have in the last few years and I luckily live in Liverpool and will have the opportunity to get to more than enough games in the future I'm sure.

I was caught up in the emotion of the game today, just as much as everyone else was I'm sure.  My two brothers are still out on the piss now, I've had a few drunk phone calls off them!!  Sitting in my armchair ( :D ) I was told by my Dad a few times to keep my voice down.  Liverpool and Manchester United games are always like that, no matter where you watch them.  Didn't even go the boozer to watch it!!

It's well documented by the press, members on forums such as this and if you just watch with your own eyes, that there is definitely a slow but sure shift in power between the two teams in red separated by a mere forty miles.  The hatred between the fans, the history, the rivalry, the Nevilles, the small matter of envy and jealousy.... you can talk about these games in relation to all these themes and more all day.  As the fantastic banner in the Kop said today, we achieve their dreams.

Liverpool won this game and deservedly so, as much as I have posted on here in the past with absolute ecstatic joy when we have beaten this team, I won't do it today as I fully expected it and never once felt threatened with defeat.  Just another game.  The better side won on the day and will triumph over the course of the season and I firmly believe that. 

I'd like to make a point about Alan Smith though.  I couldn't watch the screen when he keeled over after Riise's free kick.  To see him signalling to the referee though to get the stretcher on, his reaction clearly showing he couldn't continue, lying on the turf in abject pain.......

You remember at the end of the day when all is said and done that it is just a game, we as a club know that more than anyone and you wouldn't wish an injury like the one he suffered today on your worst enemy (which Manchester United are pushing for the Gold Medal in that competition........). 

And then you remember Arjen Robben a few weeks back. 

I can honestly say hand on heart that I wish Alan Smith a speedy recovery from his horrific injury, and that his lack of theatrics on the ground compared to that excuse of a footballer who plays for Chelsea should reflect in a positive way on Smith (and I say that as someone who usually has nothing good at all to say about Manchester United even if there was a grudging respect from me for the side which played football the proper way in the late nineties.....) and shame these professional players who think it's clever to play act, wholly disrespecting the game in the process and it might put the recent debate of feigning injury to bed once and for all.

Postby luvliverpool » Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:45 am

The Last time they met, Gloat Gloat and Gloat
After Ferdie's goal thats What Gary Neville Did,
Now after today I bet he wishes he HID

Cos the REAL REDS had the last say
Singing "Wot a goal CROUCHIE, And Neville Your GAY"

So take your a55 back to Manchetser with your "Burger" as well, and take that you Manure Bazzas im glad youve had a season of Hell
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Postby Mikz » Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:48 am

It would be nice if once -JUST ONCE -Alex Ferguson would give us a little credit ,especially when we have just beat them.
Did Anyone catch it on M.O.T D tonight?
It was something along the lines of ...Liverpool can only play for 5 minutes, then they pull everyone back ..or something .
    We played for almost 100 minutes today Fergie , it was united who had 5 minutes play  :nod
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:57 am

man u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u sucks...vman u u u u sucks...vman u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u sucks...
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:06 am

The_Rock wrote:man u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c* u sucks mens c*cks......etc, etc, etc

This adaption is better I feel!!!!!  :D

Brilliant performance today by the lads. Mori played really well without actually threatening to score, but the big news is Alan Smith.

I hate Man U with a passion, and Smith ain't exactly my favourite player, but I wish him well in his convalesence, and I hope he will play again, even though I severely doubt he will.

Get well soon Alan. I hate your team, but only a complete w*nker would wish you anything but a speedy recovery.

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Postby Dundalk » Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:11 am

Fergie will never ever give credit were credit is due, we were better today, not for 5 mins but for 100 mins.

Lets get Chelski at home in the next round and win this thing!

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