Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby inglis5 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:21 pm

Excellent articles, agree with Laza, first one was a witless attempt to berate Liverpool, second showed far more class and humour.

Man U fans are a weird breed. I've got some close friends who support Man U (I hang my head in shame...), 99.9% of the time you couldn't wish to meet nicer people but for :censored: sake, don't talk to them about football. They are so crazily focused on their own team it is unbelievable. It is not possible to have a conversation about another club without the discussion turning back to :censored: Man U. I think the problem is that so many Man U fans spend all their time buying into the 'we are the best, everyone else is rubbish' that Ferguson spouts out that consequently they have no apprecaition for anything else to do with football. I hate Chelsea but they are a fighteningly efficient team, I can't stand Arsenal but the side from 2 years ago was about the best footballing side I have seen in 20 years. Try and discuss this with a Man U fan and you can't.

For years I have always thought that you could judge the strengths of our side based upon who would get in a joint team between us and somebody else. For years it was the case that maybe one or two Liverpool players would make a joint Liverpool / Man U side. Now it's the other way round. I tried to explain this to a Man U fan and he was adamant that I was wrong - I said Carragher was better than Brown (no he's not he replied!), Finnan is better that an over-the-hill Neville (nope!), Gerrard is better than Scholes (wrong!), Kewell is now better than Giggs (sorry, I don't agree!). It was like speaking to a 3 year old.

Anyway, rant over, I'm not a praying man but... God (that's Jehovah - not Robbie) - please give us a Neville own goal ton Saturday  :)
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Postby stmichael » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:01 pm

is alonso fully fit for this game? if he's not there's no point in risking him.
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Postby stoney » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:08 pm

murphy0151 wrote:
stoney wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:I want Liverpool to beat them but that's depends who is playing.

:O That doesnt make one bit of sense.?

None of his posts make :censored: sense.

NOw, now children.

You are a knob
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:10 pm

stoney wrote:
murphy0151 wrote:
stoney wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:I want Liverpool to beat them but that's depends who is playing.

:O That doesnt make one bit of sense.?

None of his posts make :censored: sense.

NOw, now children.

You are a knob

murphy0151 wrote:Well said matey



Postby stoney » Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:26 pm

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Postby Garymac » Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:40 pm

True i hate Manchester so much more than Everton, but i WANT us always to beat Everton more because i want bragging rights over my mates who support the Bluesh!te.

Drop a bomb on Manchester and i wouldnt shed a tear, i Fuc*ing dispise them and everything about the place.

Drop a bomb on Everton Supporters and you will kill me mates, Basically i only hate Everton (Passionately) for 180 Minutes a season, i hate Mancs and Manchester always and forever. Of course i wanna see Everton Lose and doing :censored: but my hatred doesnt come close for the hate i feel for them cu*ts.

And without Everton we wouldnt get great moments of joy and bragging rights, i really couldnt care less what happened to Manchester.

As for Madman, your posts are Bizarre, are you saying if Rafa doesnt pick the team you want him to on Saturday then you would rather Man U win??

No FA Cup win against this lot in 85 Years, they did us in the league, we can claim we are back on are perch but you arnt there until you start beating the teams around you, we havent beat them for 2 seasons and no has to be the time, Like Chelsea last season, lets hope we get are revenge for the league defeat this season on Saturday.

Dont care what happens as long as we win.
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Postby LiverpoolMadman » Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:45 pm

I HATE MAN U ( some of the player ) but I like Sir Alex. The way he manage MAN U over 15 years, it's amazing.
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Postby RAFABENITEZ » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:07 pm

I cant stand te fukcers. Living up here, theres only one toffee i know, but tere has een loads of plastic mncs all my life ramming title down my throat at school since i was 5, fukcin hell. I pity eveton, half the family are blue so I cant hate them like UTD. For me utd are te most corrupt thing in football, I hate all they stand for ; te way they cant acknowledge our success, our history, the fact footy existed before sky ruined it, the lot. :censored: do me head in. Id love a crack at them.:angry:
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Postby stmichael » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:10 pm

i actually think this game will be quite open, unlike the two league encounters this season. they'll be going all out to win as they've got no european game in midweek to worry about. we need to go all out to win because the last thing we need is a replay at this stage of the season.
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Postby drummerphil » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:25 pm

Ciggy wrote:Time to get the ball rolling.

These articles are from the Irish Examiner:

A tale of two cities

By Richard Kurt and Steven Kelly
Richard Kurt: I’M NOT 100% sure this is true, but I do recall being told the new fad of genetically testing ancestral lineage was useless in the Holy Land because there is so little difference between the DNA of the Jews and Arabs there.

The phrase 'narcissism of small differences' might spring to mind at this point and I daresay it certainly applies in the north west of England when it comes to the matter of Red Mancs and Scousers.

Thirty years ago, we belonged to the same county, Lancashire.

Indeed, I remember as a teenager watching the county cricket team with Scousers alongside me at both Old Trafford and Southport.

The generation above tells me that in the '60s, there was hardly any antipathy between LFC and MUFC just a keen and largely honourable rivalry as we slugged it out head-to-head for the 1964 and 1965 titles.

Our respective Titans, Matt Busby and Bill Shankly, were like brothers; as late as the 1977 FA Cup final, United fans were chanting "Liverpool, Liverpool" in tribute to the Paisley team that was Rome-bound, on course to emulate what had been our singular 1968 triumph.

Culturally, we were once almost of a piece, jointly taking on those cocky imperial Londoners with our bands, actors, directors and assorted northern shock troops.

And there was a popular interplay between the cities which, after all, are only 30 odd miles apart much of which stemmed from the fact that mass Irish immigration underpinned the two fortresses, creating a shared family tradition if you like.

Something happened to us and now we snarl at each other, exaggerating our differences and ignoring our similarities: I think it was Thatcherism.

Both cities' proud working class bases were under the cosh but whilst Liverpool plunged into its whingeing militant-tinged psychosis, Manchester stood firm and, true to its 19th century tradition, hard-worked and free-traded its way out.

By the late '80s, the East Lancs. Road felt like what parts of Berlin must have done in the '70s: savagely divided down the middle, with two increasingly alien and hostile forces camped out at either end.

You'll note I've barely mentioned football so far.

That's because it has become about so much more.

The end of Lancashire in 1974 and the onset of Thatcher in 1979 produced a cultural and social divorce and now we sneer at Liverpool for its self-pity, its flower-wielding mawkishness, its blame and compensation culture, its drug-fuelled savagery, its relentlessly shameless self-promotion, its habit of fighting dirty.

Liverpool invented the twin-bladed, matchsticked Stanley knife, the golf ball packed with razor blades, the tactic of gangs picking off lone stragglers. To us, Liverpudlians are granny-stabbers, a single phrase that encapsulates what we see as their tribal immorality.

Of course, we are in the realm of caricature and generalisation here, just as the Scousers label us with all sorts of absurd tags of their own.

And at the self-styled more sophisticated end of fandom, clued-up casual types softly argue that Liverpool and United's top fans have far more in common with each other than they do with their own 'common masses'; the twin elites both worry and consult each other about the loss of their clubs' souls to globalisation, about the erosion of traditional ways, about the disgusting marketisation of the game.

At kick-off on Saturday, all that is forgotten of course. Tribal hatred takes over: Liverpool seek to end 85 years of Cup hurt.

We both know our history. Liverpool's sticks in our craw. The figures '18' and '5' need no translation, nor reminders. So yes, Saturday is about football, of course. But as Shanks would say, it's about much more than a mere game.


Steven Kelly:

EVEN CS Lewis would have read the tales of Mancunia and pronounced them far-fetched. No lion, just loads of lying.

The scientific instruments have not been invented that could measure the distance between United Myth and United Reality.

NASA are working on it. Theatre of Dreams just about covers it, but not for the reasons they think. Thank God for that 35 miles. Any closer and war would have broken out. It's a tale of jealousy, hypocrisy and spite that has stretched over decades.

Despite never dominating the English game, their air of insular contempt for every other team once knew no bounds, and they hated us most.

So when Liverpool began to dominate, the Old Trafford thought processes (there's an oxymoron) struggled with the reality, then abandoned it in five seconds and concocted their own fantastical landscape. No wonder their managers keep getting knighted, since politicians have learnt so much about spin from the Stretford sages.

Why were Liverpool so successful when United, the self-proclaimed Greatest Club In The World, were so third-rate?

Well, we were dirty. That may be seen as a surprising claim to those who witnessed their players achieve iconic status purely for the speed they could spill the blood or shatter the bones of an opposing player (and the occasional fan).

We were lucky. Again, the almost annual theft of points or a cup place that Man U inflict on us might lead to conclude that the truth was being leaned on a tad.

We were boring. This is the best of the lot, since footage proves we were nothing of the kind, but great minds on a roll cannot be stopped by a mere trifle like evidence.

No other team is allowed to have an attacking thought.

When their turn for success was made possible by our abdication, there was no relief from the spite and hatred. It just got worse.

Ferguson claimed to have knocked us off our perch, when in fact all the other big clubs were in transition. United emerged from our shadow and fought to the death with Leeds, Villa and er Blackburn. Oh tremble ye mighty ...

Aided by an obsequious press, fearful of United fans' reluctance to suffer any deviation from their warped viewpoint, Ferguson exploited the cowardice to breaking point.

When he implied Newcastle had arranged a friendly to ensure an easier ride in the title race, Keegan went ballistic. The papers congratulated Ferguson on his psychology. The fawning never stops but he just gets angrier and bullies with impunity.

Why send a journalist to press conferences? Just send a typist, the end result is the same.

He established the blueprint for modern managerial success, as it is now embellished by Mourinho. What a debt of thanks we owe.

The mythology even extends to the cities. Living in a penniless criminal hellhole as I do, I can only gaze enviously at the palaces of Manchester, junkie free and not one car missing.

And then, as an even bigger bully swiped their sweets and Liverpool roused themselves for one last European Dream, they produced a mutant offspring called FC United.

Was it Glazer who spent over £100m on four players, who spent half that on a bunch of misfits who gave the team little but at least made the manager's son a rich man? No.

But with Chelsea's wallet crushing everything in its path and United in a puny third place, some fans formed their own club because "United have sold their soul"! Priceless.

Unlike Manchester United. In 10 years we may even have two rivalries on the go, and joy will be unconfined.

If this sounds like I'm revving myself up for the cup-tie you're right. In quieter moments the quality of their play and loyalty of their hardcore is to be admired. But in the FA Cup we've always been United's bitch, and maybe a loud, venomous howl of contempt can swing it our way. See you on the barricades.

GREAT POST Sweetheart,as per usual you post common sense and straight from the heart.
My grandfather was a bluenose as was our kid pete,but mostly my family consisted of Tranmere fans.Only my uncle and i were reds and in the early 70's leading to the early 80's i had some great banter going with them all.
There was never anything vicious said and all in all it was light hearted banter.For anyone born after 85 yes we really did sit together and yes we could enjoy a pint together.
It then got all very bitter after Heysell and bit by bit its all become a bit nasty........but as we all know its  jealousy.
I dont wish Everton fans any harm because i have family and friends in the blue.......but on a football pitch i want us to murder them nothing more......
Manchester united is something else.I was 9 when i went to the cup final in 77.I had been to old trafford the year before and to be honest any rivalry wasnt in your face,maybe it was but at 8 years old i couldnt sense it.......
The one person who turned me against united was Tommy Docherty we had won the the uefa cup and were champions that year and i heard him on the radio saying we were a lucky team and didnt deserve this and didnt deserve that.It was very much like ferguson  now as though he couldnt give us any praise.
To be honest i thought for years he was jealous of his fellow scot Shanks and the other big scot Jock Stein because at the time they were never out the news and when sir bob took it on further it seemed Docherty couldnt do no right.
I remember the 1977 cup final with tears in my eyes as it was my first time to Wembley and we didnt perform on the day and again after Docherty was on the radio coming back,saying how they deserved this and that and how much better they were.....
Now ok he was the winning manager and in the same way maureen does today he only can see one team,but during that interview it was mentioned about us flying off to Rome for the european cup final and Docherty never once wished us good luck and furthermore started talking about utd in 68......a team he had feck all to do with,he also said we would lose..........
It was something that stuck with me for years after and it turned into hatred for a team who i felt were living too long on past glories and players.Example.......George Best.....yes he died recently and look all the media attention it was given.I'm sorry but crazy horse never had a third of that attention and furthermore cally with 637 appearences when his time is up will get two lines in the echo.
The media has always been utd darlings going back to the times of Duncan Edwards and before.......but my team ,my bloody great Liverpool team came along and ruined the script.
I hate man utd with a passion always have always will.....


p.s.  Stu........look a football post.... :laugh:
Last edited by drummerphil on Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby stmichael » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:42 pm

This article was wrote on the eve of the 2003 worthington cup final between us and manure. I think it pretty much sums up the difference between the two clubs.


'Parallels may be drawn between the respective club’s success on the field and even their geographical proximity, but that my friends are where any parallels end,' says REEVES ahead of Liverpool’s clash with Man U this weekend

I am sure that you don't need reminding of the fact that this weekend there's the small matter of a game between this country's two most successful clubs. On the one hand, there's Liverpool. Four times Champions of Europe and winners of 18 League Championships. Undisputedly, they are the :censored: of the north and undisputedly the kings of English football. Honour, dominance, courage, character and wisdom.
On the other hand we have the poorer cousin of the legendary Scouse greats, Manchester United PLC. Undisputedly rich with wealth, fat chequebooks, Eastern sweat shops, commercialism personified and a blinding prawn sandwich turnover. There's no doubt that they are a successful club. Their manager, in his longevity, has brought tremendous success to the Mancs' realm, but nevertheless, with all their recent silverware, there is one thing their wealth cannot buy - heart and soul.
Parallels may be drawn between the respective club's success on the field and even their geographical proximity, but that my friends are where any parallels end.
We're rather more like the mythological equivalent of Zeus, to the Mancs' Hades. When brothers Zeus and Hades divided up creation. Hades got the Underworld and Zeus took the sky.
Whether it's "Whelan's curled it", "Barnes chips...brilliant", "Murphy's curled it round the wall" or the Huyton Hammer rocketing one in from near on 40 yards, something quite special usually happens when we play "them". They may try and dampen our fervour with an early kick off time, but next Sunday will be no different.
No doubt we'll be subjected to the ritual "in our Liverpool slums" and "if you all hate Scousers".........but why? It'll be rather ironic that the Mancs will have to drive past the "European City of Culture" signs before they enter our glorious city. Statistics released this week show Manchester to be the Crime Capital of the UK. Will that in any way serve to prevent them having a go at us? No, of course not, for manifest jealousy will ignore such "indiscretions".
We, Kopites, in our unmerciful way, use humour, verse and glorification as a poisoned cocktail to deal with our adversaries. "You'll Never Walk Alone", "Fields of Anfield Road" and "Scouser Tommy" will echo around Anfield, whilst the Mancs will be busy ripping off John Denver classics.
Our club isn't the crazed commercialization of the once beautiful game, but rather the epitome of the last culture within it.
The atmosphere on Sunday will not be in need of stoking, but cast your mind back to the fiery European night of Roma, when queues to obtain tickets were six hours long and a lucky 44,000 Scousers in the ground all thanked Abbad Rashid and his medical team for their efforts in which, after an 11 hour operation to repair one man's aorta, we welcomed home Gerard Houllier.
Red scarf blowing in the wind, his lean and hollow face exposed to the elements, in our hour and a half of need, he came back to lead us. We welcomed Houllier back in to our family and the warmth of his gesture must never be forgotten.
That man will be out there on Sunday and will need all the support that you can muster. A new attacking style of play is rushing like fire through the corridors of Anfield and it's our corporate cousins who are next in the firing line.
Our lesser Lancastrian counterparts will walk underneath the famous emblem "This is Anfield". They'll want to take on our eleven generals, but first they must deal with our infantry.
Let the Kop's satirical sword go deep within their psyche and let us use the pent up anger of a Merseyside culture, for decades belittled by the media, to engulf our opponents and roar us to victory.
Let us turn Anfield into a fortress. Let it be a cauldron of noise and a forest of flags and a bastion of invincibility. Good versus evil. Let Houllier be our Napoleon, let the Kop be Herculean and let the battle commence.
This is a Red call to arms - Sunday's the time to deliver.

Last edited by stmichael on Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby drummerphil » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:52 pm

There is some real quality posting going on today....
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Postby desperado0831 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:13 pm

Tough game for us. Keep the work for 'god'. He will score for us.

1-0 for us is more than enuf. :;):
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Postby drummerphil » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:17 pm

drummerphil wrote:There is some real quality posting going on today....

maybe i was wrong........ :laugh:
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:33 pm

LiverpoolMadman wrote:I HATE MAN U ( some of the player ) but I like Sir Alex. The way he manage MAN U over 15 years, it's amazing.

You're a strange one you lad.  What the fucks that all about?  Ferguson is a cock.  No other word need be used to describe the red faced dead-man-walking.  I hope the Glazers push him before he gets the chance for redemption and he jumps.  I want him remembered as the man who was sacked even after all the success he may have brought that shit football club in the past. 

For all he has achieved, the last couple of years have been easier to swallow as they have fallen behind and we have come back to regain our rightful place as Champions of Europe and the pain of growing up in the nineties while they swept all before them is just a distant memory now.  Ferguson has failed in the last four years, even if they did win the league in 2003, you could argue Arsenal lost it.  And I do if you're asking.

And if I must get pedantic he's been manager for twenty years.  You've been on here three years and racked up loads of posts, how come people are only noticing you now?


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