Attempt number two...

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 115-1073096938 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:40 pm

Firstly i'll start with the manager...
Rafa Benitez
What a man. His ability to change games with subs is second to none. People go on about Mourinho for this, however he's bringing on probably a 10 million pound player or two. Yes Mourinho is good, but could he have the same consisntent impact as Rafa does by bringing the likes of Hamann, Sinama-Pongolle, Cisse and Luis Garcia? My answer would be i doubt it. We have a manager who knows how he wants his team to play and exactly how to get his team to play the way he wants...

Tactical play
Basically we've developed a very strange yet effective style. We set up quite deep and very widely spread out across the pitch forcing oppositions to use there full backs then go centrally as they try to go forward, there wingers are being blocked off by our wide players and full backs, its there that they decide to go infield, they then get ambushed by Crouch, Gerrard, Sissoko and Alonso who all pressure the ball excellently.

Liverpool's main weakness at the back is the ball in behind the full backs, this pulls the centre halfs apart and exposes a lack of pace but the way Rafa counters this is simple yet very effective. When one of the full backs goes forward, you'll notice if we lose the ball, theres pressure on it straight away, this stops opposition players gaining the time to see a pass into the exposed area, also either Sissoko or Alonso is always in a deep midfield position covering the full back who has overlapped.

Once we gain possession of the ball we generally play it into midfield once, then ONE square pass. Once the ball is inmidfield the "square" pass allows the defence to step up a good few yards therefore we automatically regain "territory" and practically push out of our own half and play the game in the oppositions. Players like Alonso, Gerrard, Kewell and Crouch are all good physically aswell as tactically and technically, this allows us to keep the ball very well. We have alot of possession in games these days and control the pace of them excellently mainly down to players like Crouch, Gerrard, Kewell and Xabi being able to find our own men. Problems arise when Cisse and Luis Garcia play as neither's strengths involve keeping the ball, however Luis Garcia's movement and ability to play quick one touch passing is often a bonus.

This team uses both Crouch and Morientes superbly in the way they support them. At the start of the season we struggled to support the strikers with the exception of Boro away, however once that was fixed we created masses of chances simply because of runners like Zenden, Gerrard and Luis Garcia.

We attack alot down the wings which drags players from the centre wide. We use alot of switches of play and also balls into Crouch from wide area's for the likes of Gerrard to run onto which helps to get the best out of the midfield.

Defensively we're very hard to break down and teams are often left with no alternative than to lump it forward right onto Sami's head which suits us superbly. This is normally as a result as i said before of opposition full backs being in possession, passing to midfielders who have to go backwards to a defender who's under pressure from Crouch or Morientes.

The only aspect of defending i don't like about our side is our full backs don't force good wingers inside enough and crowd them out, but when you're talking about the likes of Duff, Robben and Pennant then you're asking alot to get the better of them every time.

The players
In the goalkeeping department we have Reina, Carson, Dudek and Kirkland. Kirkland and most likely Dudek will leave this summer. Both are good keepers, but not exceptional and i think we have adequate back up for Reina in Carson. Reina as i said in another post hasn't convinced me overall yet. His record is excellent and i won't argue, however he occassionally lacks concentration and his decisions are sometimes questionable... however, his record really does speak for itself and i would be lying if i said i didn't think he's an improvement on Dudek or Kirkland. I do also believe he can improve quite alot so i guess i'm happy.

At right back we have Finnan and Kromkamp, i've seen Kromkamp on tv twice so i'll reserve judgment, he does look promising though. Finnan is a very good full back. There isn't an immense amount of quality throughout the league in this postion but he's clearly one of the best. His touch, use of the ball and reading of the game in defensive situations is very very good. He has a good cross and two good feet, he's a good alround player who doesn't really have a weakness.

On the left we have Riise, Warnock and Traore. Riise has to be first choice, his power and ability to get up and down the touchline are outstanding. We all know about his shot, however he's learnt to defend alot better, he doesn't get done by quick turns like he used to, he goes in alot harder and picks better times to make tackles. He's still the weak link "defensively" however i think he's definately good enough to make that position his own fo the rest of his career at the club. Traore... well... he's simply not got it.

In the centre of defence Hyypia and Carragher are rocks. Both offer a very good foundation for the team. One's dominant and wins most first balls, the other hardly ever misses a second a ball and sweeps up superbly. In Agger we suposedly have a long term replacement for Sami, he's a big lad, he's quicker than Sami though and better on the ball, from what i've seen, which again admittedly isn't much, we've got a potentially very good centre half, again though, i'll reserve judgement untill i've seen the lad play live once or twice.

The right side of midfield as we all know is a problem area. Steven Gerrard has took to it like a duck to water, he's been outstanding out there. However he's our only real option in that position. Luis Garcia out there is a good player but he lacks the discipline to stay wide and provide balance. We always look a more balanced side when Gerrard plays out there, we must sign a natural wide man in the summer without fail i think. Out of the players i've seen Joaquin obviously is the first choice, i do however like Malbranque and Pennant. Pennant being the more natural winger and more affordable choice, someone with pace, ability to cross, dribble, great technique and tracks back aswell and not someone who'd need to learn the language.

In terms of the rest of the midfield, Alonso we all know is superb. His passing, ability to shield the defence and general alround play and desire is superb. He's another leader on the pitch and i think the lads class. Sissoko is learning, against Chelsea the other day he was better with the ball. He's still not the finished play, he won't be for a while, but he's a good squad player. I think Hamann has come to the time where he needs to move on now, he's been great for us, Alonso's learnt from him but i feel he's at the stage now where he's hardly going to get used, maybe its time to look for another young alternative in this position.

For me on the left, we're sorted. Something i wouldn't have said at the start of the season. Kewell has turned it right round now in my book. He's playing with skill, pace, determination, hard work and quality. He' a changed player and maybe, just maybe, the champions league final was the kick up the ase he needed to get himself into gear. Also in Zenden when he comes back i feel we have decent cover, i don't think Zenden's a great player, but he's premiership class and has the quality to score the odd goal and make a goal or two.

Upfront we've clearly struggled. Crouch has been over used. Morientes hasn't performed like he should, Sissy's a waste of space and time and Pongolle's not been given a chance. Crouch has looked out of his depth against the better sides i reckon. He's a good player, he's contributed well but he is limited. I'd like to see what Robbie and Fernando can offer us as a partnership with Crouch as an option from the bench. We create chances and Roobie can finish, we need to create the chances for him and he'll score goals, we probably do need two more strikers though with Cisse being shown the door and Morientes continuosly failing to do what he's capable of.

The other thing with Robbie is he fits the system. He has the ability to link up with runners, he has the game intelligence to recognise a player in a good position, he gets in the box and gets on the end of crosses. He's got all the attributes to make this work...

In sumary, we have an excellent manager, a world class system which gets the best out of our keeper, defence and midfield and a good squad. We lack a winger, we lack two strikers.

The main area of concern is there for all to see when you look at the league table. Goals scored. Fowler will help this matter, a winger would help it further and a replacing Morientes and Sissy wth better players will help it again...

We aren't far away, Chelsea know we're getting there and quickly.

I can honestly say we're one first teamer away from being able to consistently compete with Chelsea, with the right additions i feel we can overtake them with three players.

The system we have is excellent, it needs tweaking with one or two more quality players, once those players arrive and we've found out there true strengths and weaknesses, the system will improve further and we'll be back were we belong... The best team in Europe.


Postby BOODIDDY » Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:05 pm

An interesting read.

Further to your comments i'd like to say that in rafa's system it isn't neccessary to have an out and out goalscorer. But in the same breath we do need two different forward players to replace nando and cisse.

For whatever reason certain players dont adapt to certain leagues. Its not just our two but i remember tomasson at newcastle, milosevic at villa, Guivarch at newcastle. Not great examples but players who when playing in a different country have shown potency in front of goal when over here they couldn't hit a barn door.

Nando, two seasons ago ripped chelsea to pieces and for so many years was considered a great striker. But the nando we have is a pale shadow of that player. Cisse, in france played for auxerre and if truth be told was bone idle. He waited for the ball over the top and his link up play there was poor. Doesn't surprise though cos at the end of the day he was an houllier signing!

Getting back to what you believe we need: A wide man yes. Joaquin for me i feel not only has he pace and skill but in the prem physical ability is just as high a trait needed. He wont have problems there hes a big lad.

The two frontmen we need imo are owen (or similar)ie: Villa, Keane, defoe or Johnsen. The other type of striker we need is a physical one, ie: Kuuyt, Beattie even Mido. Physical presence is a must in certain prem games. I know i'll get slated for mentioning players like Beattie and Mido but when i've watched them when they have been fit they are a handful.

These type of signings will  obviously only happen if we offload certain wage earners. I just hope cisse and nando have good world cups so there stock rises and we get better fees than we would at the moment.

Good post Stu the Blue, that was more like this forum before istanbul.

Who would of thought that our greatest success would be of detriment to this forum? Funny old game init? :p
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Postby supersub » Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:20 pm

I think it's an excellent post Stu and I would agree with most things that you said
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Postby Robbie Fowler is Back » Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:23 pm

It's a silly post really. You could have said all of that in five sentances in summing up!  :sleep

Malbranque and pennant. well thats gonna win us the league, isnt it? again these are "cheap alternative " players. Who we gonna get next, kevin phillips?

Everyone knows where we are at as a squad. The Strength's/ weeknesses are obvious if you watch any game.

And the only problem is penetration in the last 3rd of the field, and creating chances for your strikers to score. and when you do, put them away.

All of the team, and the manager have weaknesses as well as strengths. Rafa's weakness is playing 4-5-1 when he's got a lone striker in Crouch who can't score a goal. it's a no brainer really. If he continues to not score, you just don't play him.

We don't always concede from set pieces, and I dont think we are any worse than any other team in that department.

GOALS GOALS GOALS, is what we need.

Who ya gonna call,, Michael Owens agent!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:01 am

Robbie Fowler is Back wrote:It's a silly post really. You could have said all of that in five sentances in summing up!  :sleep

Malbranque and pennant. well thats gonna win us the league, isnt it? again these are "cheap alternative " players. Who we gonna get next, kevin phillips?

Everyone knows where we are at as a squad. The Strength's/ weeknesses are obvious if you watch any game.

And the only problem is penetration in the last 3rd of the field, and creating chances for your strikers to score. and when you do, put them away.

All of the team, and the manager have weaknesses as well as strengths. Rafa's weakness is playing 4-5-1 when he's got a lone striker in Crouch who can't score a goal. it's a no brainer really. If he continues to not score, you just don't play him.

We don't always concede from set pieces, and I dont think we are any worse than any other team in that department.

GOALS GOALS GOALS, is what we need.

Who ya gonna call,, Michael Owens agent!

Dozy b*stard.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby tel » Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:49 am

Stu, you've nominated Joaquin to fill our lack of a right sided midfielder.

But who do you nominate to replace Cisse and Morientes? We all know about our lack of strikers, but who do you want us to go out and replace them with???

I'm glad to see you've come round on the issue of Crouch. Contributed well but limited against the better sides.

Good call on playing Morientes with Fowler. This is our best bet for the rest of the season because they both have football brains and know how to work with each other. One of the best striking partnerships in our lifetime was Morientes with raul. And I'd bet Robbie still is twice the player Raul is....
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Postby anfieldadorer » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:08 am

inspiring post, stu, but i was expecting you would also include why :censored: happens to our strikeforce ability
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Postby darwisigila » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:52 am


Robbie Fowler is Back
LFC newBie


Yes.....malbranque, he's a good player who can dribble and create chances for others
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Postby DAV » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:52 am

good post Stu
only comment I have is for BOODIDDY

"Further to your comments i'd like to say that in rafa's system it isn't neccessary to have an out and out goalscorer. But in the same breath we do need two different forward players to replace nando and cisse"

U must be having a laugh, not neccessary for an out and out goalscorer.
I take it you do go to or watch Liverpool games? ???
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Postby azriahmad » Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:26 am

BOODIDDY, for Rafa, he needs a striker/forward who can do and will do the lot - score (this is the main criteria, otherwise the striker would be a waste of space), assist (somewhat), defend from the front/harass opposition in possession and track back.

We don't really need a super prolific striker who just waits for the ball and can score loads but does not contribute much else like Ronaldo. This kind of striker would be nice to have but as we don't have one in our midst, he would cost the earth to buy.
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Postby BOODIDDY » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:42 pm

dav go all the time when home. What i meant was that the system lends itself to the midfielders getting there fair share of goals. At the mo only stevie is doing this, but rafa's valencia team never had a prolific scorer but was awesome.

If you have forward players who help to bring the midfielders into play this negates the need for just a striker ie cisse. Fowler scores goals thats great but fowler is clever enough to bring other players into play. Whereas cisse doesn't.
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