Get off his back! - Even fergie agrees!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby kenco » Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:11 pm

Do you live in a deprived part of London [Dr Liverpool].Is that why you use bad language, and make ignorant comments.Why don't you support Millwall or Arsenal like all the other cockney glory hunter's. You 100% diamond tipped platinum plated t#s#er. :D
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Postby DrLiverpool » Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:13 pm

I make ignorant comments ?

I dont live in London if I was that close Id come to the games.

*you'll also notice that I didnt use bad language in this post.
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Postby kenco » Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:21 pm

Nice one!
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Postby SantaGiveHoullierTheSack » Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:51 pm

Support the team I will. As a diehard, I don't know how not to. Even when I laugh and got p*ss-off with Biscan, I still support the guys.

It is Houllier that is getting into my nerve. If there is anyone underperforming this season, it has to be this @ss. Looked at Ranieri, he has been full of dignity in light of all the uncertainties around him. And when his game plan goes south, he is the first who come out and admit he got it all wrong. With Houllier, it is all hot air and BS. Blaming everyone (incl. the fans) and everything (incl. the weather) but the source...HIMSELF. He is turning the club into a laughing stock

The fans had have enough. The verdict is clear. We are all tired and dissapointed and too many angry words had been exchange on this forum already. LEAVE and get the F-U-C-K OFF!!!!!
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Postby 82-1074641017 » Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:03 pm

Yeah but Fergie isnt a Liverpool fan is he?
We should continue the barracade until the end of the season, the thought of him staying on as manager for next season just makes me angry thinking about it and it hasnt even happened yet


Postby REDTILLDEAD » Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:25 pm

Lets just get behind the lads tomorrow eh? "come on you red men"!! ???
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Postby adayinthelife » Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:54 pm

I for 1 always get behind the lads on the pitch but for people to slag off fans who want rid of houllier are really brainwashed like the board.
We only want what is best for the club and if we sit back and put up with him for any longer we will be doing the club so much damage in the short and long term.
By sitting back and accepting he will be here next season is IMO doing untold damage to the club when it is so clear he will never be good enough for Liverpool.
If enough of the fans want a change the board will in the end be forced to get rid of him and we can all look forward to a much brighter future.
Smith to Shankly:My thigh is a bit sore,but I think I could play.
Shankly to Fagan:Tell him,Joe.He has got no chance of playing.
Smith to Fagan:Tell him to sod off.It is not his leg,it's mine.
Shankly to Smith:Oh no son.You are wrong,son.It is not your leg.
It is Liverpool Football Club's leg.
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Postby mistyred » Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:25 pm

Bloody hell,What the  hells got into some people,you cannot always use that alcholic A R S E face fergeson as a milestone for success.
We have the right to belive what we want and will not change opinions for anybody..
Dr liverpool you are a trully patient man,That little idiot Kenco needs foot to a#se treatment,rude little skinny skwirt.Yeh i said that what you gonna do chump?.
So cockneys all support Arsenal and Millwall? you really are a waste of space boy.
Global support is what makes teams great so what is the difference about the otherside of England? and why is it when people from Ireland support an English football team nobody say's anything?.
If only people from liverpool supported lfc do you think Lfc would have so much money?, or have been reveared by millions who call them selfes extended family in times of struggle, i suppose nobody from Liverpool have family in london.
You really are an enigma just like the other one who calls him self ice man or something likewise simular, T o s s e r s are we? you are the one who cannot describe your annoyance in depth without lowering the tone..
Smart people you are,yep got a special place in the corner of any classroom oh yeh don't forget the long pointed hat for the top of your equally large craniams..

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Postby Woollyback » Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:07 pm

kenco wrote:Carry on laying the floor this weekend,Don't bother listening to the match on the radio, or the highlights on the television.Leave the comments and the chanting to the real scousers who will be at the game (dr liverpool) :D

what a knob
b*ll*c*ks and s*i*e
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Postby peterpan » Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:16 pm

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: Well said Mistyred!!
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Postby Dalglish » Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:55 pm

Message for Ice Man from his original Starting comments and quoting Sir Andrex of all people..... Some of us DO measure the team  realistical;y and GH has been maeaured and found wanting !!!!! I was saying much the same thing as yorself up until ALL the players who were injured came back into the team and we actually got worse !!!!!! I'm NOT a fair weather fan who slags off GH and the players at the earliest opportunity. I've watched LFC all season and like most fans in here understood how bad our injuries were but it was at Wolves Away when LFC started the secong half with arguably our strongest 11 defending a 1-0 lead and drew 1-1 :O  After that came the Fa Cup Debacle against Portsmouth, defeats at Southampton and Arsenal, home defeat by charlton and draws against Bolton, Leicster and Fulham ALL this with the pick of the squad and NO players out long term except kirkland ....So your point is exactly ? Yes, Liverpool would maybe have finished higher and with more points but do you seriously think we would be anywhere near the top 3 even with the squad all fit ? You confuse the issue when you try and make out fans who disagree with YOu are not true supporters and its disrespectful to many reds who care passionatly about this team .......Walk On
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Postby kenco » Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:33 am

Well said [mistyred] are you speeking from your lazy little hometown of pleasantsville. Where were you when we where in the second divsion where you in the kop against inter milan celtic in 66 st etiene have you been to four european cup final's and seen them win,what makes me sick is w#nk##s like you and [dr liverpool ] who are giving your opinion on matters of lfc from a distance you know very little about, Only what you read in  the papers. but don't worry one weekend when [dr liverpool] is'nt doing is floor i'am sure you'll be able to meet him in a nice hotel somewhere down south, Put your pvc gear on and give him a good shagging.     :O
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Postby SantaGiveHoullierTheSack » Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:03 am

Well said Dalglish. As for points won, look at the way we deteriorated over the past 2 seasons. From 82 points total 2 seasons ago, we have dropped to 70 then to 50+ points in the past 2 seasons. We have also not lost more than 2 home games in each of the past 2 seasons and already 5 this year. These are statistics that matter and not corner kicks won per game. The results are pretty obvious as to how bad we have deteriorated under Houllier. We are currently 22 points above the last place team (Wolves) and last year West Ham were 23 above Sunderland and look where they are playing now? If these statistics do not get Houller the sack, then the board is blind, gutless and seriously lacking in any ambition.
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Postby DrLiverpool » Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:03 pm

Kenco you are such a pr##k.

A t#s#er , a w#nk#r , a gayboy , a homo and evrything else that comes to mind.

Report this to LFC or supersub you little w#nk#r I dont give a s##t because you are really p#ssing me off.

I thought everybody here had right to have their opinion.

p.s your talking cr#p about being at 4 euro cup finals. Would a man of 60 have nothing better to do than criticise others.
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Postby Scottbot » Sat Apr 24, 2004 2:27 pm

Kenco - There are hundreds of Liverpudlians who dont go the game every week. Does their opinion not count either? I don't think you can question whether people are fans on this forum. Think about, everybody on here is enuff of a FAN to spend several hours a week posting/talking about THEIR football team.
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