Rangers bigger than liverpool?

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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:58 am

KOP-1892 wrote:
JBG wrote:
KOP-1892 wrote:
JBG wrote:
KOP-1892 wrote:If there was any sensible mod's on this board this topic would have been long deleted before it got to this stage, good job guy's...

Excuse me, you are the only one getting hot and bothered.

You shouldn't assume thing's, most time you turn out wrong, like now! Why do you think I'm hot and bothered? Because I used a few swear word's?

I didn't get offended, but I am defending a football club as it's being made out to be it's fault. What about the Celtic shirt wearing Catholic's who stand at Ardoyne and brick our car's, houses and School transport on the way bye? Is that Celtic's fault? No, and you don't hear us complaining about.

The problem here is every Protestant / Rangers supporter is being labelled because of the a*shole supporter's.

Would you defend Liverpool and it's supporter's through accusation's like this? Of course you would.

If you could get off your high horse for two minutes you can go back to my original post and see that I said "many" Rangers fans, not all.

Again, you miss the point. Just because Celtic are no better doesn't excuse Rangers, and had it been made by a Celtic fan, I would have said the exact same thing.

Do people actually bother in reading posts?  :no

No need for the high horse comment, for it's not the way I look at this.

Anyway, I'm willing to just zip it to put an end to this saga, I still think it should be deleted though as I'm sure you'll agree, it has no place here.

P.S. My opinion hasn't changed on anyone here, just thought that should be known!  :)

i`m not anti rangers mate i`m just anti bigot.
it actually makes me quite proud as a scouser to have large sections of people from a great city like belfast supporting my home town club. i couldnt give a flying you know what what religion the people are. they just come from belfast, a city with a lot of heart, and you get the feeling with people from belfast that no matter what club they support they support it for life and with a passion.

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Postby Gareth G » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:50 am

I wouldn't be bothered if you were anti - Rangers, I don't have any passion for them anyway lol!

But that's exactly my view too, I couldn't give a flying f*ck what your religion or race is, I'm the type of person who take's other's for what they are, you know - I'll take you as I find you and that's how it should be.
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Postby Mikz » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:54 am

This whole things a wind up! :D
And I think i know who the joker is  :;):
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Postby tttb » Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:04 am

Who! Who! Come on who is it? What bits the wind up? ???
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Postby Sabre » Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:19 am



Those Merkins are an interesting young country (1).


(1) For some reason, co.un.try is censored, perhaps the because u.n.t.  But then many words use u.n.t. like co.u.nt. or m.o.u.nt.
Last edited by Sabre on Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby XSD » Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:53 am

the person who said rangers are biggest club after utd and madrid..lol
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Postby Igor Zidane » Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:17 am

i'm old enough to remember when there was a religeous divide in this city (still is for some) it was never as intense as in glasgow but it had its moments, it has no place in footy whatsoever ,back to the original post ,rangers are not bigger than lfc for the simple reason is that they have two big clubs in scotland and either one win most things in scotland, so they get most of there support from the whole of there co :censored:ry,we have to compete with atleast five other big clubs in england aloan ,we also have to compete with the big clubs from spain italy germany france and so on,we also have to compete on a world wide level for are share of the merchendising market,we are doing all these things pretty well at the moment,but we have had to do these things for atleast 40 years.IMHO opinion religion is the cause of the worlds problems and has no place in sport infact it has no place in life.
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Postby Paul C » Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:28 am

Sabre wrote:Rangers?


Those Merkins are an interesting young country (1).


(1) For some reason, co.un.try is censored, perhaps the because u.n.t.  But then many words use u.n.t. like co.u.nt. or m.o.u.nt.


Personally I think this thread should be locked cos otherwise it will go on allllllll day as no one is right in this arguement  :no
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Postby azriahmad » Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:50 am

Rangers? Celtic? Any SPL team? Big fan base? Many supporters all over the world?

In my travels, I have never met a Rangers or Celtic fan outside the British Isles. None here in my parts of the world and none in the Asian co :censored:ries I have been to. WTF were they talking about?

Even Notts Forest have fans here in my parts of the world...
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:26 pm

KOP-1892 wrote:If there was any sensible mod's on this board this topic would have been long deleted before it got to this stage, good job guy's...

Nothing at all against you mate, but fuck you bollocks, don't even dare.  You've had enough of your say in this thread, don't start crying now when you don't like it and tell me how to do my job.

I would have locked this shite after the first post had I seen it but now I'm not having anything to do with it.  You've all made your beds, now lie in them. 

How many times do I need to say that if you don't want to get involved in these threads, don't fucking start them in the first place, or better still, don't reply.  Don't come crying to the moderators when someone gets offended.

Stick to the football.  JBG, St Mick and Supersub, this one's all yours.

Postby jonnymac1979 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:27 pm

And as for the fella who started this thread, if you're here on a wind-up and you get everyone fighting like this again with any more threads like this, it will be the last post you make on here.

Postby drummerphil » Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:28 pm

i cant believe this thread has had so many posts..........its a total non event.......needs locking
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:52 pm

i think yes what about you :p
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Postby greg_rfc » Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:05 pm

The thread about Rangers being bigger than Liverpool is the opinion of one of our fans, It doesn't mean we all think the same as him - infact, most of the replies were disagreeing with him.

To The_Rock - "Rangers a big club ? ..... Smoking pot eh....."
Listen up Rocky, If you don't think Rangers are a big club, you are truly deluded! I'm not saying we're a massive club, I'm not saying we are bigger than Liverpool, but we're a big club...That's not really up for debate.

To REDTILLDEAD - "they are the scum of Glasgow! they follow a p1ss poor team"
I think you should go and find yourself an education, by the looks of things, your greatest achievement is making up such a catchy moniker "REDTILLDEAD", that's truly great - and it rhymes too...

To RAFABENITEZ- "Rangers don't have the sam size fan base as we do in Britain or the world."
What makes you think Liverpool have a bigger fanbase in Britain than we do? For a start Rangers are the most supported team in Glasgow and Scotland, and even a half sensible Celtic fan would admit that...(not to take away Celtics support in foreign co :censored:ries such as Ireland, where they obviously have a bigger following than us.) At the end of the day, in Britain, Liverpool have the following of around 50% of one cities football fans, we have about 70% of Scotland's football fans...

To AlanHansen, you are just talking like a typical Pro-IRA Celtic fan with your idiotic statement
“When I see them doing nazi salutes I know exactly what to think mate, don't put celtic in the same league.”, when exactly are we suppose to have made Nazi salutes, that’s a new one all together. Rangers are a club with a very diverse squad and fan base, there is no way any Rangers fan would get away with doing a Nazi salute at Ibrox, by the club or fellow fans, and why would they want to in the first place, what on earth would that symbolise? If you’ve seen thousands of Rangers fans put their hands in the air, in a way that makes you link it to a Nazi salute, then you’ve got to question your own bitter mind and stop scrutinising everything our fans do and branding it something racist or bigoted.
Your statement broadcasting your love and respect for a dirty terrorist organisation like the IRA and asking your fellow fans not to put them “....on the same level as nazism, it makes me as mad as f**k.” is quite ridiculous. The IRA are on the same level as Nazism, they both terrorised and killed innocent people, and if the truth makes you mad as “f*ck” - then F*CK YOU - You’re an Irish clown with typical tunnel vision!

In conclusion, take a look back, Rangers fans are happily posting opinions on their own boards, a Celtic fan then decides to cause trouble - as usual - and post it one your board....Liverpool take the bait.

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Postby dawson99 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:08 pm

now even i dont wanna stick up for rangers :D

look, heres it put simply, then everyone shuddup!!!!

rangers have some idiots in there club
celtic have some idiots in there club

now shhh
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