Simao will come - Says skysports too

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Postby gordy_123 » Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:41 pm

stuff simao buy juaquin, or even robben from chelski, hese having problems over there with mourinho
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Postby azriahmad » Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:54 pm

How much will he cost? 12 million pounds? A bit too much...
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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:14 pm

I've only watched him play once and he looked really good...  If he costs 12 million, I say pay it...  The only way you can see if a player is worth the dosh is too pay it and play him....  If Raffa wants him, the board should stump up the cash!
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Postby anfieldadorer » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:26 pm

seen him on tv several times, he's bloody fantastic, a true fighter and destroyer,
12 M would be a bit too much, but if that's the price, we should buy him anyway
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Postby primodua » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:44 pm

joaqin's agent gave rafa a buzz couple of days ago and according to the press, lfc is the first club on his mind. IMHO, rafa will definitely strap up his cash belt in order to get joaqin. I dunno bout simao but getting joaqin to anfield will be the no.1 priority. Furthermore, when joaqin is in the picture, rafa would definitely let go some of those underachievers. El Moro maybe? What's your take?

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Postby tubby » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:54 pm

Morientes is going nowhere, at least for this season anyway. Im sure Rafa would love to sign Joaquin but if we did it would have to be on his terms. I think the most important thing is that we dont want to spend an exorborrent amount of money on him, the deal would have to be on Rafas terms. Im sure  Joaquin has spoken to our Spanish players many times over the past 18 months and if he wants to come and play foir us good but were not about to be robbed blind for one player.As for Simao i think he would be worth the money, we may not have to up the cash offer for him as far as negotiating is concerned. Apparently benfica are now looking for a keeper and I think Rafa will be prepared to part with Dudek come January. People on here should not get too excited about whos coming otherwise you lot all just got crazy and start up ridiculous threads. Lest we forget that Srna is alss suposed to be coming in January. 

I dont care who we sign in January wether it be Simao, Joaquin, Ballack, Srna or Pennant for that matter. I have faith in Rafas ability and if anyone should question that ability now, all he needs to do is point to the trophey cabinet!!!!!!!
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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:54 pm

I think Morientes is definately in Rafas plans.  I think he is his No1 striker. Also if you are going to buy someone who can cross the ball, why sell possibly the best header of a ball in the club???
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Postby tubby » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:57 pm

I wouldnt rule out a striker either. We have also been linked with Getafe's Riki but im not sure if Liverpool have comented on that yet. I do doubt another striker is on the cards anyway, especially as Luis is perfectly capable of playing as a striker and so is Harry Kewell for that matter.
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Postby matrix » Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:16 pm

simoa is a proven winger he is pure class  and 12 million isnt that far of the mark  the whole world knows that we need a right winger so know club will do us a favour...joaquin looks breathtaking at times but he would cost a lot more maybe 15 million...if it was my choice i would go for joaquin if we can afford him as his strenth and offence play is blinding...where on the other hand simoa is probebly a better defensive player.  only rafa can decide  :cool:

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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:27 pm

Joaquin was linked to us in the Sunday Express, but as far as I know there were no direct quotes from Liverpool or Betis though. Mind you , I think Joaquin reportedly said he would like a move to the prem
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Postby Dimshen » Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:27 pm

id much rather shell out 15m for joaquin than 12m for simao, joaquin has got an extra yard of pace and is proving to be trully world class, but that right wing needs to be filled in january by someone or they'll be trouble...
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Postby tubby » Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:35 pm

Without a doubt Joaquin is a really talented individual like Alonso in his own right. Plus he showed against Chelsea he can copete against the big boys. If he did cost around £15 then :censored: year Rafa go get him but im afraid he will cost a lot more than that. And yes Joaquin was quoted before the Liverpool game that should he move to England he would love to play for Liverpool. Its nice that he put us ahead of Chelsea but not only that but the likes of Barca and Madrid who are always recruiting.

Does anyone know how long is remaining on his contract becasue that could work to our advantage. Rafa could orchestrate a similar transfer to aht how we got Morientes. Stick to a single amount let it be £15M and tell the player to tell the club he will only play for Liverpool. Betis are then faced with a task of either taking 15Million or losing a real start for the following year. Morientes done the same thing even though Newcastle wanted to pay £15M for him. Same like Baros going to Villa or Lyon.

We CAN get Joquin. He IS within our reach. We just have to wait and see if Parry and Rafa agree to make him the priority.
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Postby matrix » Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:50 pm

bavlondon  you might be right  the price might be more  but im kind of hoping we could throw in a player or 2 to keep the price down...not sure what contract joaquin has at betis.  ???

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Postby tubby » Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:52 pm

Well if hes into his last 2 years then it could well work to our advantage. But it also depends on the player himself. He has to be adamant to the club that i only want to play for Liverpool forcing them to acept our bid, if he gets chickin :censored: like Michael Owen did then we wont get our man. I would love to see him at the club and i really do think even with Simao we would have the deadlisest midfield in the Premiership.

As regards to throwing players in ive heard that Benfica want a keeper so Dudek could come in handy. Apart form him though the only players we want rid of really are Diao, Cheyrou and Le Tallec. And i think the only players Betis will be interested in would be Cisse or Morientes. I have a feeling that Rafa may bring out the cash on this one but you have to remember Parry has publicly said that they are monitering Simao and Benitez has also been quoted as saying there not interested in Joaquin so that i itself sums it up on the outside anyway. however i may be wrong and this all could be a ploy to wand away they attention from Liverpool and Joaquin which do nothing but to inflate the price should we follow up the speculation  with a bid.
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Postby anfieldadorer » Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:39 am

matrix wrote:simoa is a proven winger he is pure class  and 12 million isnt that far of the mark  the whole world knows that we need a right winger so know club will do us a favour...simoa is probebly a better defensive player.  only rafa can decide  :cool:

sounds like you know pretty much about this "simoa"
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