Simao will come - Says skysports too

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Postby 66-1120597113 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:48 pm

Would be great to see Simao coming in Jan! And i think the board will go to £12m if need be,thats the sort of money needed to sign quality this day in age whether we like it or not!
I would'nt get to excited though as im sure we'll be linked with about another 20 players before the window in Jan!
And btw Pennant is not better than Simao! :no

Postby RUSHIE#9 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:49 pm

drummerphil wrote:and we are confident of this are we in the same way Figo was definately coming.

I was never confident that figo was coming eventhough he said it would be a dream come true for him to play for liverpool; going on his past record i.e.transfer to madrid, the guy has a record of being a money grabber and his word ain't worth a penny and going on his age i think in the long run we'll be better off with simao.
Last edited by RUSHIE#9 on Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RUSHIE#9 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:58 pm

Kash_Mountain wrote:Metalhead, your right that he would be worth around the 20mil mark. I was getting way ahead of myself as I was thinking about the possible investment into the club and the additional money would have to spend on players i(e 10-12 + the extra on top).

I've seen Joaquin play a few times and have felt that his work rate is good. Having said that, I guess those watching Joaquin on a regular basis will have better idea.

Kash, there is no doubting his quality but having seen a fair bit of him over the past few years on sky his workrate is questionable. If things aren't going for him he can totally disappear out of games and you'll forget he's even on the pitch. I couldn't say whether this is in his make up or whether it's something he'll grow out of as he gets older.
I believe the jury may still be out a little on joaquin as the cream of europe were after him a couple of years back (BArcelona,Chelski,Real MAdrid) but everything has suddenly gone quiet so it has me wondering whether clubs are starting to cool on paying the vast fee that betis want for him and questioning whether he's worth it.
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Postby tubby » Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:56 pm

We would be better of trying to get Ballack. And i mean he has said this week hes looking for sucess, what better team than the current champs. Plus hed be free in the Summer. he can also play on the right or Gerrard can even stay on the right.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:57 pm

Pennant has more ability.

Simao has the reputation though, thats something most people can't see past.

If you think Simao will solve our problems alot of you are deluded. The boy will come over, lok good on occassions and turn out to be another Smicer. Good on his day, every one in five games.

Postby A.B. » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:07 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Pennant has more ability.

Simao has the reputation though, thats something most people can't see past.

If you think Simao will solve our problems alot of you are deluded. The boy will come over, lok good on occassions and turn out to be another Smicer. Good on his day, every one in five games.

Pennant with all that ability is now at Birmingham......., released from Arsenal. Obviously there something to that, and him causing problems off the pitch is one of them. A player with the wrong mentality. i.e. Diouf
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:11 pm

A.B. wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:Pennant has more ability.

Simao has the reputation though, thats something most people can't see past.

If you think Simao will solve our problems alot of you are deluded. The boy will come over, lok good on occassions and turn out to be another Smicer. Good on his day, every one in five games.

Pennant with all that ability is now at Birmingham......., released from Arsenal. Obviously there something to that, and him causing problems off the pitch is one of them. A player with the wrong mentality. i.e. Diouf

Mentallity can change, levels of ability don't.

You either have it, or you don't. Simao doesn't. He's not good enough, he lacks the aggression, pace, bottle, work rate, strength size and agility to make it in this league. He's simply not suited to English football and will turn out to be another Smicer. Simple as that.

Postby stoney » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:18 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
A.B. wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:Pennant has more ability.

Simao has the reputation though, thats something most people can't see past.

If you think Simao will solve our problems alot of you are deluded. The boy will come over, lok good on occassions and turn out to be another Smicer. Good on his day, every one in five games.

Pennant with all that ability is now at Birmingham......., released from Arsenal. Obviously there something to that, and him causing problems off the pitch is one of them. A player with the wrong mentality. i.e. Diouf

Mentallity can change, levels of ability don't.

You either have it, or you don't. Simao doesn't. He's not good enough, he lacks the aggression, pace, bottle, work rate, strength size and agility to make it in this league. He's simply not suited to English football and will turn out to be another Smicer. Simple as that.

str, there is no way you can say that Simao wont make it in this league. Look at C.ron, Simao is bigger than him yet he has still made it in the epl by becoming a world class player. I think your obsession with english players is majorly clouding your judgment of Simao. Also Simao has got much more ability than Pennant. Pennant however is a great crosser though.
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Postby H_K_LFC » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:31 pm

simao or joaquin...simao wud be cheaper tho joaquin is the better player...but aslong as we sign one of them a dnt mind which one

And whoever said pennant is better than simao really needs to pay more attention to their football....if pennant was as good as you saying why did arsenal let him go so cheaply.....he's just so obviously not as good as simao
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Postby H_K_LFC » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:50 pm

A.B. wrote:

One of the best midfields

I'd agree with Alonso,Gerrard and Simao but Riise?

He always puts in a shift and gives his all.....for me he does a good job on the left and is versatile which is a big help
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Postby A.B. » Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:17 am

Mentallity can change, levels of ability don't.

Breaking laws however wont. He's already been in jail and was found in trouble yet again.

Same with Diouf, even after all the spitting incidents he goes to draw bad publicity towards himself[driving under the influence]
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Postby Sabre » Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:35 am

I believe the jury may still be out a little on joaquin as the cream of europe were after him a couple of years back (BArcelona,Chelski,Real MAdrid) but everything has suddenly gone quiet so it has me wondering whether clubs are starting to cool on paying the vast fee that betis want for him and questioning whether he's worth it.

Good point Rushie#9. In Spain there's not the amounts of money that there used to be, and the same applies to Italy.

What happened in Spain and Italy 5 years ago was that the digital TV platforms paid the money for the image rights of the clubs. Every club sold it's rights depending on their level of audience and history. Madrid and Barcelona got lots, then my team and other classics where at the next step, and then the candidates to demotion.

But that money was for many years, and clubs wasted it the first two, even my club who right now plays with 8 guys made at home and  3 foreigners (youth system based club mine) started to waste lots of money in doubtful foreigners.

Only Real Madrid and at some extent Barcelona have the money to pay astronomical amounts now. And Madrid's case must be known in Europe. They had an astronomical debt, and in an unprecedented case of political corruption, the government of Madrid requalified some grounds Madrid had (even against the law!) and then they sold this grounds and debt dissapeared. Madrid's debt was paid so, by every Spaniards money :angry:

Everybody is aware of that here. And everybody is aware that right now the league it's spending/wasting (don't know where's the frontier between this two verbs) more is the EPL. Liverpool are good payers too (1) and this is not common currency in Europe. Liverpool should then, be aware of this and try to sign Joaquin. He might not come for 10M, but I do think 20M would be more than enough -- In Spain not Barcelona nor Madrid seem to be willing to do that and in Italy there's not much money neither.


(1) A couple of months ago you've paid to Real Sociedad more money for Alonso because the payment depended of how many games he played and how far Liverpool reached in the CL, and you reached the final, so Alonso eventually has costed around 13M pounds not 10-11. According to what my team said to the press in it's time it's a pleasure making deals with Liverpool, since they're used to delays in payments and other tricks with other clubs. Liverpool seems to be a gentleman in that sense too.
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Postby A.B. » Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:51 am

Liverpool should then, be aware of this and try to sign Joaquin. He might not come for 10M, but I do think 20M would be more than enough -- In Spain not Barcelona nor Madrid seem to be willing to do that and in Italy there's not much money neit

Barcelona or Madrid may not be willing to pay that much but too Chelsea, 20 million is peanuts. They may not need him but they can place a bid on him just to screw us up. And I don't think Benitez rates him because Joaquin isn't good defencively. Benitez seems to want a winger like Vicente whose a good winger but can also defend when needed in a game.
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Postby Effes » Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:10 am

IMO I think Rafa is very unwilling to pay big bucks for players.*
I'm not clued up on his time at Valencia, but I'd be interested to know what was the most he spent on a player.

* OK Alonso was big buck - but besides that
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Postby Sabre » Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:40 am

A.B. I see your point there, you're realistic and probably right, tbh.

To answer your question, and to grant you you're quite right about that guess Effes, I'll translate a bit of "El Mundo Deportivo" dossiere about Rafa Benitez arrival at Valencia. Translation won't be accurate 100% but you'll  get the idea.

"Tenerife, in urgent need to achieve promotion in the 2000-01 season, summoned Benitez after studying and trying some other options. The shot went straight as a candle (Spanish expr.), and weeks before the season end, Benitez already had the word of Valencia for next season, better said than Valencia's words, he had Subirats' (Valencia executive) word, who put in risk his charge with this bet for Rafa. Nobody knows  certainly,  but if Tenerife wouldn't have got a 0-1 victory against Atlético madrid in the last day, it's more than likely that Rafa would have never made it to the current (not now) champion.

Rafa asked expressly that Valencia should recover the loaned Curro Torres (loaned to Tenerife) and that Valencia should not get rid of Mista (who btw, hasn't developed as expected, personnal comment).

"This team has enough men and enough names to face anybody" and "Valencia's best leader is the block of the team" have been the most repeated ideas since his Valencia signing. "If you have much money, you can buy an expensive dress, but that doesn't mean it will fit you well" he insisted once and again, when he was prompted to comparisons with Zidane's Madrid and Saviola's Barcelona.

So it seems that he certainly doesn't like to spend much money . But what I don't know is wether he'll think now in Liverpool if he has enough men, since he seems to be looking for wingers.

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