We need our own abramovich! - We need cash to compete now!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 66-1112520797 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:41 am

You always like 2 play the martar but if somed rich c# unt slapped 200 M on the team  iM sure  you would say no ..


Postby 66-1120597113 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:43 am

bavlondon wrote:Maybe. But will you still aghree that we need some sort of funding to give the squad depth.

Of course we do mate but the traditional way has worked in the past and will work in the future!Lets see how much is available in Jan and what happens then.
Players that want to play for the shirt and eachother and give 100% every game are what we want not a bunch of money grabbing superstars wanting to be part of a latest trend or fad like Chelsea!!
People worry too much about them,i reckon we'll see exactly how good they are when a few more draws and defeats come their way!!

Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:02 pm

A very pragmatic view from bavlondon and I can understand where you're coming from mate. Yes we do need investment, but not another Abromovich. That means we would be selling our soul. Liverpool FC is more than just a football club, it's something more special than that, and I would rather us do it the hard way.
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Postby hawkmoon269 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:08 pm

drummerphil wrote:Also Mick there is always the case of being careful for what you wish for,example being Hearts.The Hearts fans were over the moon when their "Russian money bags" took over and the money he said and has invested,but look at the situation up there now......the manager,chairman and chief exec all gone within 9 days because the "russian money man" thinks he knows more about football than they do.

Totally agree Phil - we would have to be careful.  I think long term we will come good.  We just need to buy sensibly, and invest in young up and coming talent.  I think Rafa and the scouting system he put in place are doing this.

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Postby stmichael » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:42 pm

There's been one or two whispers that something may be announced at the AGM.

Does anyone know when that is by the way? ???
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:44 pm

stmichael wrote:There's been one or two whispers that something may be announced at the AGM.

Does anyone know when that is by the way? ???

When is the AGM anyway?
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Postby bigmick » Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:08 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Im sorry big Mac but you  And I know thats not the case  u would welcome any  investment into the LIVerpool team   :no

Is this post the forerunner to the PM you sent me Bamaga? Hmmmm.

To answer your point in this particular thread (because I don't understand the PM, sorry), whether or not you believe me is entirely a matter for yourself. Of course you may be right and if Liverpool went on to win the Premiership title for eight consecutive seasons with a front three of Henri, Van Nistelroy and Rooney with Ronaldhino on the bench and John Terry wearing the captains armband, I might change my tune. I might forget that I currently feel that this scenario would somewhat dilute our tradition and heritage. I might laugh in the face of Arsenal supporters because we knicked their best player by offering him 200k per week.
Come to think of it though, I might not change my mind aswell. Maybe I'd stick to my point of view as I regard it as something of a point of priciple. I like to have these little principles in my life y'know, Keeps me on the straight and narrow. Y'know the kind of thing, don't cheat at golf, always stand your round, treat other people how you want to be treated yourself etc etc. Sheesh I forgot one, don't have internet spats either. Particularly not with knobheads anyway.
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Postby stmichael » Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:21 pm

bavlondon wrote:It is evident that Rafa can bring out the best in us but we do need a lot more funding.

Rafa inherited a team that had finished comfortably 4th. I think Evans inherited worse. Houllier inherited better. However the club in real terms financially supported Evans to a much higher level than they have with Rafa. Hell, Evans broke the British transfer record when he brought Collymore for £8.5m.

I'm concerned that if Benitez isn't given the finance to buy all the players he wants in January, whether it's an exciting teenager costing in excess of £3m or winger costing £12m, the levels of criticism the club has received in the past seven days will seem more like a pat on the back.
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Postby AlanHansen » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:09 pm

I'd say no, Chelsea is built on a pack of cards, if Abromovich went the whole thing would collapse - I don't want that to happen to lfc. Stick to building it bit by bit.
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Postby JBG » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:12 pm

I think this thread is facile - no offence bav - because its not just us that needs an Abramovich, its every other club.

By that logic Doncaster Rovers and Stockport fans will say they need an Abramovich to compete.

We are probably more likely to attract an Abramovich type character than most clubs given our history and potential but our owners won't just flog the club to any old sinner unless there was huge money involved. Even then, I think Moores is a big enough fan to want assurances of how the club would be run in the future.
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Postby maximus » Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:03 pm

JBG wrote:but our owners won't just flog the club to any old sinner unless there was huge money involved. Even then, I think Moores is a big enough fan to want assurances of how the club would be run in the future.

Absolutely JBG

We are also not just a few days from going to administration either, lets not forget this was the scenario at Chelski before the Russians muscled in.
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:43 am

I think Robert Craft will be on board sooner rather than later.  No doubt we shall hear something soon.
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Postby JohnBull » Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:21 am

Is everyone really convinced that the Chelsea revolution is going to be a perminent feature in The Prem ? Does anyone see a fan base like ours at The Bridge in 10 years time ?
To buy a couple of titles is possible but the long term future of any team will not be built on expensive gypsies.
Moores has never put in as much as people make out, he is richer than Steve Morgan but the big different is that Morgan is one of us and has earned his own dosh which he was prepared to put where his mouth is.
The idea of some half assed Russian gangster or Yank Hillbilly or Asian Druglord coming into the Hallowed Halls of Anfield would really have The Only Special One spinning in his grave.

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Postby andy_g » Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:41 am

you need too ask yourself why you watch football and why you support a club. is it because you want to be able to say to people that your club is better than theirs and bask in the reflected glory at any cost? or is it because you take pride in what your club stands for and achieves? and that you will follow that club whatever happens?

the whole chelsea/abramovich thing is one of the worst, possibly THE worst, thing that has happened to the business side of the game ever (to distinguish it from tragedies like heysel and hillsborough). everything is distorted and people are thinking that the only way forward is to get as much investment as possible as soon as possible, and who gives a flying fuck where it comes from.

it also strikes me as weird that in an era when many people are up in arms about the outlandish wages these players earn are only too keen to see more and more billions flood the game. where is a huge percentage of this money going to go except into the pockets of these players as signing on fees, wages, win bonuses etc etc? and then how much is going to go into the pockets of the lovely agents?

no. the sooner that other clubs start believing that the ONLY way forward is to attract some fly by night fat cat with money to burn and motives to match, the sooner football is irrevocably kknackered.

investment by all means. but not with an eye on what chelsea are doing, not with a view to an immediate 'fix' and with sense and a feeling for the values of liverpool football club.

and lastly, mods, can we PLEASE have one of those censored logos for whenever people typw chelsea from now on? i'm feckin sick of seeing that word platered all over this liverpool forum.

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Postby tubby » Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:46 am

No one knows how long Chelsea will dominate for becasue no club in this country has ever seen such a level of spending. The only other team to has that sort of cash is Real Madrid and somehow they havent won anything for 2 years. My point is this though. Footbal is no longer just a sport is a business and with teams like Chelsea and dare i say Villa all coming under intense investment we are simply gonna get pushed further and further back like what happened to Blackburn or Forest. Do we want to become Nottingham Forest or Blackburn Rovers. No we want to stay at the top of the country and unfortunatley that means spending big. Im shocked that no one has come in for us already with an offer especially after winning the CL last season.
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